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        CoO 소결체의 전기장에 의한 미세구조 변화

        이기춘,유한일 한국세라믹학회 1992 한국세라믹학회지 Vol.29 No.11

        Microstructure evolution including morphological change in the vicinity of the electrodes, porosity change and grain boundary migration was observed in polycrystalline CoO subject to electric fields at 1100 and 121$0^{\circ}C$ in air. At the cathode, the transported cations react with oxygen in the surrounding to form new lattices, while, at the anode, the reverse reaction occurs leading to lattice annihilation. Lattice formation also takes place at the surface of pores near the cathode inducing pore-filling effect. Grain boundary migration was found bo be enhanced or retarded depending on the field direction. It is therefore implied that the driving force of grain boundary migration is the vectorial sum of the curvature-induced chemical potential gradient and the electric field applied.

      • KCI등재

        행정상 즉시강제에 관한 연구 ― 즉시강제이론의 재구성 再論 ―

        이기춘 한국공법학회 2011 공법연구 Vol.39 No.4

        Der Sofortzwang wird unter der Institution von Verwaltungszwang versteht, die ohne Erlaß der Verwaltungsakten als Umweg Gewalt direkt anwenden, wenn wegen der dringlichen Gefahr oder Störung der Befehl nicht ergehen werden kann, oder wenn mit Befehl der Natur nach der Verwaltungszweck nicht erreichen kann. Otto Mayer, der Wegbereiter von Theorie des Verwaltungszwangs oder Polizeizwangs war, verwendetete unmittelbarer Zwang als die Terminologie des Sofortzwangs, und hatte Theorie der allgemeinen Gehorsamspflicht oder Wohlverhaltenspflicht zu Grundlage der Duldung der Gewaltanwendung gemacht. Das gegenwärtige deutschen Zwangsrecht hat das Sofortzwangssystem wie Sofortsvollzug und unmittelbare Ausführung konstruiert. Seit sekundärer Welt-Krieg hatte Japan es in das allgemeine Verwaltungsrecht eingeleitet. Diese deutsche und japanische Theorie hatte in das koreanische Verwaltungsrecht eingeleiten werden. Die Theorie von sofortigen Zwang ohne Pflicht oder Erlaß des Verwaltungakts wirt an die Kritik frontiert. Die Kritiker hat nach der Verantwortlichkeit ohne Pflicht oder Beseitigung von Argument der Polizeipflicht gefragt. Außerdem trotz der Möglichkeit des Zusammensetzens von unmittelbarer Zwang und Sofortzwang wird sich Beiden unterscheidet. Ferner muß sich das vereinfachtete Verwaltungsvollstreckungsgesetz konstruiert werden, das Ersatzvornahme, unmittelbarer Zwang, Zwangsgeld und zwangsweise Beitreibung von öffentlicht-rechtlichen Geldforderungen als das gestreckte Zwangsverfahren und Sofortzwang als das spezifische gekürztes Zwangsverfahren umfaßt. 행정상 즉시강제는 전통적으로 목전의 급박한 공공의 안녕․질서에 대한 장해가 발생하여 의무를 명하고 그 이행을 기다릴 여유가 없는 경우 또는 성질상 의무부과를 통해서는 행정목적을 달성할 수 없는 경우에 행정행위라는 우회로를 거치지 않고 직접 시민의 신체나 재산에 실력을 행사하는 행정강제라고 이해되고 있다. 이러한 즉시강제이론의 출발지는 오토 마이어로서 그는 이 ‘직접적 실력사용’ 부분을 사용함을 강조하여 현대적 즉시강제사례에 대하여 ‘직접강제’라는 용어를 사용하였고 그에 대한 시민의 일반적 복종의무를 이론화하였다. 현대 독일행정강제법은 법치국가원리의 발전에 따라 즉시집행, 직접시행과 같은 즉시강제제도를 구현하였다. 일본은 2차 대전 이전에 즉시강제제도를 행정법총론에서는 알지 못하였고 경찰법에서만 인정되는 제도로 적용하고 있었으며 현재와 같은 행정상 즉시강제제도를 행정법총론에 도입한 것은 타나카 지로라고 하며, 현대적으로도 개념에서 의무의 결여가 강조되고 있다. 중국도 우리나 일본과 별 차이가 없는 즉시강제개념을 사용하고 있으며, 우리나라의 문헌과 판례는 일본 특히 타나카 지로에 의해 설계된 행정강제라는 상위개념 하에서 행정상 강제집행과 즉시강제 체계를 가감 없이 도입하여 적용하고 있다. 이러한 전통적 이론에서 유의할 점으로는, 첫째 즉시강제조치의 상대방이 지게 되는 의무의 실질 즉 책임논의를 배제시키는 우를 범하였다는 점이다. 둘째, 다른 강제수단 특히 직접강제와 결합될 수 있다는 점을 무시하고 양자를 철저히 구분하고 있다. 셋째, 근거와 관련하여 행정집행법이란 일원적 법적 근거를 마련하여 행정강제제도를 통제하고 항시 감시할 수 있는 제도를 구축하여야 할 것이다.

      • 水稻의 蒸發産量과 收穫量과의 關係에 관한 硏究

        李基春,崔珍奎,李賢雨 전북대학교 농업과학기술연구소 1985 農大論文集 Vol.16 No.-

        The objective of this study is to investigate the effect of submerged depth treatments on the evapotranspiration and yield of paddy rice, and to analyze the relation between evapotranspiration and the yield of paddy rice. Information obtained from this experiment will also provide basic information for future studies planned to estimate consumptive use of paddy rice. The rice varieties used in this experiment were Taeback (early mature variety), Iri 345 (middle mature variety), and Akibare (late mature variety). Five treatments for each variety and three replications for each treatment were carried out in this study. The results are summarized as follows; 1. The average evapotranspiration by submerged depth treatments during the whole growing period was 6.5mm/day for the plot changing submerged depth (O-4-6cm plot), 4.3mm/day for 2cm plot, 5.2mm/day for 4cm plot, 6.2mm/day for 6cm plot, and 6.2mm/day for 8cm plot, respectively. The maximum evapotranspiration was 6.5mm/day in 0-4-6cm plot and the minimum evapotranspiration was 4.3mm/day in 2cm plot. 2. The yield of paddy rice by submerged depth treatments was maximum in 0-4-6cm plot and minimum in 2cm plot, likewise the average evapotranspiration. The yield in 0-4-6cm plot was 39.4% larger than that in 2cm plot and higher as much as 9.5-19.4% compared with those in 4, 6, and 8cm plot. 3. The number of kernels per panicle, weight of 1000 kernels, and weight of rough rice showed a tendency to increase on the whole as the average evapotranspiration increased. 4. The results obtained from this experiment indicate that the irrigation method changing submerged depth by the growing season could be effective for increasing the yield of paddy rice.

      • KCI등재
      • 人工輕量 콘크리트에 관한 硏究 : I.人工輕量 콘크리트의 一般的인 性質 I.General Properties of the Artificial Lightweight Concrete

        李基春,高弘錫,徐元明 전북대학교 농업과학기술연구소 1982 農大論文集 Vol.13 No.-

        Experiments were conducted to find effective design and construction methods of structures converting reclaimed lands to farm lands. Studies were focussed on the comparison of artificial lightweight concrete and normal concreate in general properties. The results obtained were as follolws : Physical property values of the artificial lightweight aggregate lower than those of the Korean Industrial Standard 2534(KSF 2534) except tile absorption value (6.84%) that was relatively high. The test of harmful material content showed favorable results for the artificial lightweight aggregate. The loss against intensive heating (7.2%,) indicated that the artificial iightweight aggregate was inappropriate to the fire-resisting structures. However, it is generally believed that the fire-resisting property is not an important factor for the irrigation and drainage structures. The compressive strength of lightweight concrete using the artificial lightweight aggregate was lower by 20~40% for the air curing than the wet curing.The reduction in comperessive strength became greater as the age of concrete progressed. The compressive strength of the lightweight concrete was 60~80% of the normal concrete strength. To make the same compressive strength with lightweight concrete as the normal concrete, an average of 21% more cement was needed. The corelation between the compressive strength of the lightweight concrete and the water-cement ratio was σ=A+Bc/w. The age, the condition of curing, and the type of concrete had no effect on this relationship. The corelation of the compressive strength of the lightweight concrete among at 3-days age, at 7-days age and at 28-days age was σb=A+Bσa. As the water-cement ratio was increased, the shrinkage of the lightweight concrete ranged from 0.02 to 0.06%. That were much lower than KSF 2534 value. The unit weight of the lightweight concrete showed an average of 1,789t/m2, which was only 77.3% of the normal concrete.

      • 相談의 類型

        이기춘 연세대학교 신과대학·연합신학대학원 1990 연세대학교 연신원 목회자 하기 신학세미나 강의집 Vol.- No.10

        목회상담의 유형은 심리학의 시대적 흐름과 깊은 관계가 있다. 심리학 자체는 한 시대의 인간적 욕구를 반영하는 것이어서 새로운 사회구조가 새로운 욕구를 제시할 때마다 이를 충족시키기 위해서 부단히 변한다. 목회상담의 유형은 이러한 심리학적 유형의 변화와 역동적인 관계를 맺으면서 교회의 구조와 기능, 목회의 다양성과 신학적 추이라는 주체성에 입각하여 자기변신을 위한 유형모색에 공개적인 입장을 취하지 않으면 안 된다. 그러므로 우리는 서양에서 연구된 모든 이론들을 우리나라에 도입할 때 우리의 상황을 잘 분석하고 우리의 상황에 잘 맞게 활용하는 해석학적 과정을 거쳐야 하는 과제를 가지게 된다.

      • KCI등재

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