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        그림좌절 검사와 다면적 인성검사에서 나타난 살인 정신분열증 환자와 정상대조군의 공격반응의 차이

        조지희,이근후 大韓神經精神醫學會 1992 신경정신의학 Vol.31 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the difference between normal control group and schizophrenic patients who committed homicidal behavior in response to frustration using P.F.T.(Picture-Frustrations-test) and MMPI. The study subjects were 77 homicidal schizophrenics who were admitted to the Forensic Psychiatric Institution from October, 1989 to February, 1990 and 83 normal control group who had no crime history and psychiatric problem. The following results were obtained : 1) As to the direction in P.F.T., homicidal schizophrenics responded rather in intropunitive or impunitive direction than in extrapunitive direction compared with normal control group. 2) As to the reaction type in P.F.T., homicidal schizophrenics showed more need-persistence(N-P) type and less obstacle-dominance(O-D) type than normal control group. 3) Regarding the superego factors in P.F.T., homicidal schizophrenics showed significantly less socore in E, I, E+E, E-E and M+I response than normal control group. 4) Homicidal schizophrenics exhibited significantly less G.C.R. score than normal control group, which is correlated with sociality and appropriateness for age in response to frustration. 5) In the validity scale of L, F, K and in the clinical scale of D, Pd, Pa, Pt, Sc on MMPI, homicidal schizophrenics remarked significantly high T score than normal control group. Especially in L scale and Pa scale, the difference of two groups was most prominent.

      • 알콜중독집단의 회복기 인지적 손상양상

        이근후,박영숙 梨花女子大學校 醫科大學 醫科學硏究所 1987 EMJ (Ewha medical journal) Vol.10 No.3

        This study was purported to examine the cognitive deficit pattern of the long-term alcoholics at the recovery phase. The alcoholic group performed significantly poorer than the control group on information, comprehension, arithmatic, similarities, digit span subscales and digit symbol, picture completion, block design, picture arrangement, object assembly subscales of Korean Wechsler Intelligence Scales. The alcoholic group revealed the short-term memory deficits by Wechsler Memory Scale on personal and current information, orientation, mental control, logical memory, digit span, visual representation, associative learning subscales.

      • KCI우수등재

        강우기록년한이 확률수문량 추정에 미치는 영향에 관한연구

        이근후,한욱동 한국농공학회 1981 한국농공학회논문집 Vol.23 No.2

        Long term precipitation gaging station record (58 years) was analyzed by progressive mean method to compare the estimated effective period of records for computing mean and probable values. Obtained results are as follows: 1. Fifty-eight years precipitation records at Jinju, Gyeong Sang Nam Do was analyzed by double mass analysis method. Result was appeared that the record was consistent with time. 2. The effective period of records for estimating mean values with the departure of 5% or less from the true mean are up to 33 years for annual precipitation, 20 years for annual maximum daily precipitation and 45 years for maximum successive dry days in summer season. 3. To estimate the probable values by Gumbel-Chow method within the departure of 5% level from true value, periods of 51 years, 38 years and 45 years were required for annual precipitation, annual maximum daily precipitation and maximum successive dry days in summer season, respectively.

      • KCI우수등재

        暴雨의 時間的 分布에 關한 硏究

        이근후,Lee, Keun-Hoo 한국농공학회 1984 한국농공학회논문집 Vol.26 No.2

        This study was carried out to investigate the time distribution of single storms and to establish the model of storm patterns in korea. Rainfall recording charts collected from 42 metheorological stations covering the Korean peninsula were analyzed. A single storm was defined as a rain period seperated from preceding and succeeding rainfall by 6 hours and more. Among the defined single storms, 1199 storms exceeding total rainfall of 80 mm were qualified for the study. Storm patterns were cklassified by quartile classification method and the relationship between cummulative percent of rainfalls and cummulative storm time was established for each quartile storm group. Time distribution models for each stations were prepared through the various analytical and inferential procedures. Obtained results are summarized as follows: 1. The percentile frequency of quartile storms for the first to the fourth quartile were 22.0%, 26.5%, 28.9% and 22.6%, respectively. The large variation of percentile frequency was show between the same quartile storms. The advanced type storm pattern was predominant in the west coastal type storm patterns predominantly when compared to the single storms with small total rainfalls. 3. The single storms with long storm durations tended to show delayed type storm patterns predominantly when compared to the single storms with short storm durations. 4. The percentile time distribution of quartile storms for 42 rin gaging stations was estimated. Large variations were observed between the percentiles of time distributions of different stations. 5. No significant differences were generally found between the time distribution of rainfalls with greater total rainfall and with less total rainfall. This fact suggests that the size of the total rainfall of single storms was not the main factor affecting the time distribution of heavy storms. 6. Also, no significant difference were found between the time distribution of rainfalls with long duration and with short duration. The fact indicates that the storm duration was no the main factor affecting the time distribution of heavy storms. 7. In Korea, among all single storms, 39.0% show 80 to 100mm of total rainfall which stands for the mode of the frequency distribution of total rainfalls. The median value of rainfalls for all single storms from the 42 stations was 108mm. The shape of the frequency distribution of total rainfalls showed right skewed features. No significant differences were shown in the shape of distribution histograms for total rainfall of quartile storms. The mode of rainfalls for the advanced type quartile storms was 80~100mm and their frequencies were 39~43% for respective quartiles. For the delayed type quartile storms, the mode was 80~100mm and their frequencies were 36!38%. 8. In Korea, 29% of all single storms show 720 to 1080 minutes of storm durations which was the highest frequency in the frequency distribution of storm durations. The median of the storm duration for all single storms form 42 stations was 1026 minutes. The shape of the frequency distribution was right skewed feature. For the advanced type storms, the higher frequency of occurrence was shown by the single storms with short durations, whereas for the delayed type quartile storms, the higher frequency was shown gy the long duration single storms. 9. The total rainfall of single storms was positively correlated to storm durations in all the stations throughout the nation. This fact was also true for most of the quartile storms. 10. The third order polynomial regression models were established for estimating the time distribution of quartile storms at different stations. The model test by relative error method resulted good agreements between estimated and observed values with the relative error of less than 0.10 in average.

      • KCI등재

        주요정동장애 및 분열정동장애 환자의 갑강선기능

        박경화,우행원,이근후 大韓神經精神醫學會 1988 신경정신의학 Vol.27 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to observe the relation between affective states and thyroid function by measuring the serum levels of T₃,T₄,TSH. The method of measuring was radioimmunoassay method. Subjects were 25 patients who were diagnosed as schizoaffective disorder, or major depression, or bipolar disorder, or manic episode at the Dept. of Neuropsychiatry of EWHA womans University Hospital from Jan. 1987. The normal controls of 24 persons who had neither psychiatric history nor family history of psychiatric illness were selected among patients who came to the same hospital for routine physical check-up during the same period of time. The results were as follows ; 1) The mean serum levels of T₃and T₄in patient group were not significantly different from the control group. But TSH level was significantly lower in the patient group(p<9.1). 2) In schizoaffective patient group, the mean serum level of T₄ was higher than in the control group(o=0.078). 3) In bipolar affective disorder and schizoaffective patients groups, TSH level was lower than in the control group(p=0.1,p=0.053). 4) In the patient group with prominent deperssive symptoms, the mean level of TSH was significantly lower than in the control group(p=0.035).

      • KCI등재

        思春期 性意識과 自慰行爲가 結婚滿足度에 미치는 影響

        이미경,이근후 大韓神經精神醫學會 1986 신경정신의학 Vol.25 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to compare to the effects that the experience of the masterbation and the sexual awareness in adolescence influence to the martital satisfaction. The subjects of this research were 555 couples, normal couples of the middle class people living in seoul, from June 1984 to August 1984, and 162 couples, the patient couples of the same class. The results acquired by means of the questionnaire method are as follows. 1) As to the sexual awarness: Both the normal group and the patient group have generally positive attitude(70%), but the female in the patient group have more negative attitude than others. 2) As to the relation of the sexual awareness with sexual satisfaction: Both the normal and the patient group have high degree when they have positive sexual awareness. But the patient group (the female & the male) is lower than normal group in sexual satisfaction regardless of the positive sexual awareness. 3) As to the relation of the sexual awareness with the marital satisfaction: When the groups have the positive sexual awareness, the marital satisfaction is high. But in patient group, the marital satisfaction is a little lower than the normal,even though they have the positive sexual awareness. 4) As to the masterbation: 80-90% of the male in the groups experienced the masterbation, and 30-40% of the female did. 5) As to the relation of the experience of the masterbation with the sexual satisfaction: The female(in the normal & patient group) who had the experience of the masterbation, have little sexual satisfaction. 6) As to the relation of the experience of the masterbation with the marital satisfaction: Especially the female(in the normal & patient group) who had the experience of the masterbation have the low marital satisfaction. 7) As to the frequency of the masterbation: The patient group is higher than the normal. But there is little compulsive masterbation in the patient group & the normal. 8) As to the relation of the frequency of the masterbation with the sexual satisfaction: In the normal & the patiet group, the frequency of the masterbation does not influence to the sexual satisfaction. But especially in the female the frequency of the masterbation has related positively with the sexual dissatisfaction. 9) As to the relation of the frequency of the masterbation with the marital satisfaction: There is no difference between the normal & the patient group. But there is some difference between the male and the female. In the female the increase of the frequency of the masterbation causes the marital dissatisfaction. 10) As to the sexual satisfaction: The normal group(83.9%) is higher than the patient group(66.2%). But in general the sexual satisfaction(in the normal & the patient) is over 65%. So it shows that sexual satisfaction is related closely with the marital satisfaction.

      • KCI우수등재

        한국 일강우의 추계학적 구조

        이근후 한국농공학회 1989 한국농공학회논문집 Vol.31 No.4

        Various analyses were made to investigate the stochastic structure of the daily rainfall in Korea. Records of daily rainfall amounts from 1951 to 1984 at Chinju Metesrological Station were used for this study. Obtained results are as follows : 1. Time series of the daily rainfall at Chinju were positively, serially correlated for the lag as large as one day. 2. Rainfall events, defined as a sequence of consecutive wet days separated by one or more dry days, showed a seasonal variation in the occurrence frequency. 3. The marginal distribution of event characteristics of each month showed significant dif- ferences each other. Events occurred in summer had longer duration and higher magnitude with higher intensity than those of events occurred in winter. 4. There were significant positive correlations among four event characteristics ; dura- tion, magnitude, average intensity, and maximum intensity. 5. Correlations among the daily rainfall amounts within an event were not significant in general. 6. There were no consistant significancy in identity or difference between the distribu- tions of daily rainfall amounts for different days within events. 7. Above mentioned characteristics of daily rainfall time series must be considered in building a stochastic model of daily rainfall.

      • KCI우수등재

        월강우량의 모의발생에 관한 연구

        이근후,류한열 한국농공학회 1976 한국농공학회논문집 Vol.18 No.4

        This study was carried out to clarify the stochastic characteristics of monthly rainfalls and to select a proper model for generating the sequential monthly rainfall amounts. The results abtained are as follows: 1. Log-Normal distribution function is the best fit theoretical distribution function to the empirical distribution of monthly rainfall amounts. 2. Seasonal and random components are found to exist in the time series of monthly rainfall amounts and non-stationarity is shown from the correlograms. 3. The Monte Carlo model shows a tendency to underestimate the mean values and standard deviations of monthly rainfall amounts. 4. The 1st order Markov model reproduces means, standard deviations, and coefficient of skewness with an error of ten percent or less. 5. A correlogram derived from the data generated by 1st order Markov model shows the charaterstics of historical data exactly. 6. It is concluded that the 1st order Markov model is superior to the Monte Carlo model in their reproducing ability of stochastic properties of monthly rainfall amounts.

      • 종합병원의 정보화 현황과 의사의 적응양식에 관한 조사연구

        이근후,김정선,조성남,박영숙 梨花女子大學校 醫科大學 醫科學硏究所 1998 EMJ (Ewha medical journal) Vol.21 No.2

        This article is investigating the general status of hospital computerization and doctors' reactions to these changes in four general hospitals. Both quantitative and qualitative data were collected from two university-affiliated hospitals and two private general hospitals in Seoul. The questionnaire survey was conducted in 1996, and the data contain 81 doctors from four hospitals. We also collected in-depth-interview data from 8 doctors in these hospitals. We revewed the general status of information system and utilization level in general hospitals and analyzed doctors' response to these changes focusing on four areas of medical care ; 1) jobs and functions of the doctors in patient care; 2) doctors' autonomy and their status ; 3) doctors' relations with other personnel; and 4) the quality of medical care. The results are : 1) The general status of information system in general hospitals are limited to the comput-erization of the administrative part, and thus very few hospitals employ information system directly to the patient care. 2) In terms of doctors' job and functions, the computerization of the administrative part of hospital works increased the efficiency of doctors' patient care in charting, keeping and sear-ching data, but put more burden on them for doing double jobs of hand-writing and comput-erization. 3) The autonomy of doctors and their status have not been noticeably changed in the process so far, but there appears a possibility that doctors could defend themselves to the manager's control over them through information system. 4) The computerization of the hospital works tends to reduce an unnecessary face-to-face interaction, which is expected to facilitate communications in the hospital. There are also some changes in the relationship between doctors and semi-professional personnels such ans, nurse and medical technicians.

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