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      • KCI등재

        유동성이 IPO 발행가격에 미치는 영향: 연구개발 역량의 매개효과를 중심으로

        이지재,김창완 한국창업학회 2023 한국창업학회지 Vol.18 No.5

        The security of an enterprise is fundamental for its healthy development. Thecash reserves of the enterprise can be analyzed to assess its cash security ability. Similarly, the current ratio can be analyzed to evaluate the enterprise's ability andrisk of sustainable operation. By examining these two indices, we could uncoverthe principle governing IPO issue prices, which are influenced by various factors. This study investigated the relationship between the current liquidity ratio, cashper share and IPO issue price for 135 companies listed on the STAR Marketconfirmed by the China Science and Technology Innovation Commission andconfirmed the mediating role of the company's R&D capabilities. The study resultsconfirmed a positive correlation between the current ratio, cash per share andIPO issue price. The higher the liquidity level, the higher the IPO issue price andthe increase in R&D and manpower investment showed a positive correlation withthe stock price rise. In addition, it was confirmed that a company's R&Dcapability mediates between liquidity and issue price.

      • 産科領域에서의 敗血性 쇽크와 그의 處置

        李智宰 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1975 충남의대잡지 Vol.2 No.1

        Septic shock in obstetric patient is very serious and high mortality, which has to be controversial in it's pathogenesis. The author had met six cases of septic shock from June 1972 to March 1975 in Chungnam University Medical College Hospital. The patients showed their age distribution was 19∼42 years of age. Two were unmarried and the others were house wives. The causes of septic infection were three cases of dilatation and evacuation, one case of cesarean section, bougienation and incomplete abortion, respectively. Lung edema and acute renal failure were the main complication for the patients and three were death during medical management. And other three patients had acute renal failure, pyoperitoneum and pericarditis as their complication, however they had recovered completely after medical management for one or two months admission day. The author have reviewed pathogenesis, pathophysiology, clinical findings, and managements of septic shock with the literatures.

      • Testosterone多量長期投與가 家兎子宮 및 副腎組織의 水分 및 電解質에 미치는 影響

        李智宰 고려대학교 의과대학 1972 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.9 No.1

        The author has attempted to clarify the effects of sex hormones on electrolytes in the tissue of uterus and adrenal gland of mature non-pregnant rabbits weighing about 2㎏. in body weight. Determination of the water content and electrolyte levels of uterus, the target organ of sex hormone, and of adrenal gland of the normal, castrated and administered testosterone 100㎎ daily for two weeks after castration. Particulary, the levels of Cl, Na, K, Ca, Mg and water content in the organ tissues mentioned in the foregoing were determined and changes in electrolyte levels and comparison of the electrolytes and water content in these organ tissues were undertaken after castration and administration of testosterone in large doses to castrated rabbits. Water content was determined by drying method in 100℃ oven until the weight remained constant. Flame-photometry was untilized for the determination of Na and K levels, Schales and Schales method for Cl contents and Kovacs and Tarrnoky's method for Ca and Mg contents. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. Serum electrolyte levels of rabbits following castration produced no appreciable changes. A long term administration of testosterone in large doses to castrated rabbits produced an increase in Ca level and a marked decrease in Mg level but did not induce restoration of electrolyte levels prior to castration. 2. Castration of female rabbits produced a marked increase in Ca level and a markeddecrease in Mg level of the uterine tissue. A long term administration of testosterone in large doses to castrated rabbits produced a marked increase in Cl, K, Ca and Mg levels of the uterine tissue. 3. Castration of female rabbits produced a marked increase in water content, a marked decrease in K level and in Mg level of the adrenal gland tissue. A long term administration of testosterone in large doses to castrated rabbits produced a marked decrease in water content, a marked increase in K level and Ca level of the adrenal gland tissue. 4. Water content in the uterine tissue produced no remarkable changes in castration and administration of testosterone, whereas water content in the adrenal gland tissue produced a marked increase in castration and a marked decrease in testosterone administered female rabbits and then induced restorations of water content prior to castration. Water content of the adrenal gland showed a marked decrease in comparison with that of the uterine tissue of normal, castrated and testosterone administered female rabbits. 5. Cl content in the uterine tissue produced no remarkable changes in castration and a marked increase in administration of testosterone, whereas Cl content in the adrenal gland tissue produced no remarkable changes in castration and testosterone administered female rabbits. Cl content of the adrenal gland tissue showed no remarkable difference in normal but a marked lower level in comparison with that of the uterine tissue of castrated and testosterone administered female rabbits. 6. Na content of the uterine tissue and the adrenal gland tissue produced no remarkable changes in castration and administration of testosterone. Na content of the adrenal gland tissue showed a lower level, particulary a marked lower level in comparison with that of the uterine tissue of castrated and testosterone administered female rabbits. 7. K content in the uterine tissue produced no remarkable changes in castration and a marked increase in testosterone administered female rabbits, whereas K content in the adrenal gland tissue produced a marked decrease in castration and a marked increase in administraion of testosterone. K content of the adrenal gland showed a higher level in normal, no remarkable difference in castrated and testosterone administered female rabbits in comparison with that of the uterine tissue. 8. Ca content in the uterine tissue produced a marked increase in castration and administration of testosterone, whereas Ca content in the adrenal gland tissue produced no remarkable changes in castration and an increase in administration of testosterone. Ca content of the adrenal gland tissue showed a marked higher level in comparison with that of the uterine tissue. 9. Mg content in the uterine tissue produced a marked decrease in castration and a markedincrease in administration of testosterone, whereas Mg content in the adrenal gland produced a decrease in castration and no remarkable changes in administration of testosterone. Mg content of adrenal gland tissue showed a marked higher level in normal, castrated and a decrease in testosterone administered female rabbits in comparison with that of the uterine tissue.

      • 高年姙産婦에 關한 臨床統計的 觀察

        李智宰 우석대학교 의과대학 1967 우석의대잡지 Vol.4 No.1

        Numerous reports have appeared in the literature citing the dangers of pregnancy in the elderly women such as an increase in toxemia of pregnancy, operative deliveries, malpresentations, fibroids, placenta previa, abruptio placentae, prolonged labor, and blood loss. The fetus is subject to the dangers of these complications and hence there is and increase in stillbirth, premature infant, neonatal death, and abnormality. Better prenatal care, improved hospital facilility, anesthetic techniques, antibiotic and blood transfusion have improved the conditions so that the elderly woman now can be delivered of a much higher percentage of live babies. The author studied the women over the age 35 in Korea between January 1, 1961 and June 30, 1965 at Soo-Do Medical Hospital in Seoul. 1) During the period under study there sere 2,420 deliveries. Of this number 247 were diliveries to mother aged 35 years and over, an incidence of 10.2%. There were 240 live births and 19 stillbirths. Among them there were 12 sets of twin. 2) Pregnancy was terminated between 33 weeks and 42 weeks of gostational period in most of elderly gravida(81.7%). 3) Of the babies, 73%were born in cephalic presentaion whereas 4.2% were breech presentation. Nice women (3.5%) had newborn children in the transverse lie. 4) Spontaneous deliveries were two thirds of all cases. The incidence of operative deliveries was increase이 21 cases (8.5%) were cesarean section. The principal indications for cesarean section were dystocia (51.8%), hemorrhage (23.8%), and toxemia of pregnancy(9.5%). 5) The perinatal death rate was 96.5 per 1,000. The cardinal causes of perinatal death showed hypoxia, prematurity and malpresentation. 6) The most common complication of elderly gravida was toxemia of pregnance (45.2%). Next in frequency were hemorrhagic complications (22%) and early rupture of membrane. Despite increased hazards 55.6% of primiparas and 71.7% multiparas delivered successfully at term without any serious complication. 7) Although a large number of perinatal deaths and maternal complication in elderly gravida occurred, under ideal care, these would often be controlled.

      • KCI등재

        화학물질주입이 가토난관불임효과에 미치는 실험적 연구 ( 제1보 )

        이지재(GJ Lee),이종현(JH Lee),이희동(IS Lee) 대한산부인과학회 1976 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.19 No.3

        저자들은 영구불임목적으로 가토난관에 1%, 3% 및 10% sodium hydroxided와 5%와 10% salicylic acid를 용액상태로 각각 1회씩 주입하고 1내지 5주후 관찰한바 전례에서 정도의 차 이는 잇으나 난관조직의 섬유화와 폐쇄 및 심한 협착을 초래하였으며 이와 같은 가토난관 조직 및 형태변화는 불임을 가져올수도 있다는 결론을 얻었다. 동시에 화학물질에 의한 불 임술의 가능성과 임상적 응용을 실시할 수 있는 계기를 가져왓다고 사료되는 바이다. The authors have evaluated experimentally tabal sterilization in the rabbit fallopian tube, applicating 1%, 3% and 10% sodium hydroxide and 5% and 10% salicylic acid in solution. After laparotomy under thiopenthal intravenously. or ether open dropping anesthesia, the using chemical was administered in the uterine cornus with a fine-gauge needle and the syring was maintained in position for approximately the seconds. Laparotomy after application of chemical into tube was made 1 to 5 weeks interval, then rabbits were not killed while hysterctomy was taken. In histological examination of the tubes, there were extensive tissue adhesive, fibrosis, destruction or regeneration of epithelial cells of the tubal mucosa and narrowing or complete obliteration of the tubal lumen. For one rabbit, one side of the tubes was treated with 1% sodium hydroxide and the other was not treated. Two weeks after the procedure, the rabbit was mated and we found five embryos in the not treated uterine horn and no embryos in the treated side. It appears that chemical tubal sterilization was simple, low cost and not required faciliated setting so it seems to be promised satisfactory effectiveness in the rabbit or evev in human.

      • 胎兒血色素値 : 新生兒 在胎週數 및 體重과 比較하여 According to Gestational period and Body Weight of the New born intant

        丘秉參,李智宰 최신의학사 1972 最新醫學 Vol.15 No.6

        There were several referencial reports on the fetal hemoglobin changes according to gestational i week and birth weight of the new-born infants. 309 cases of fetal hemoglobins of the new-born babies, who were delivered normally, were measured 1 and studied by the authors with the references and have obtained the following results: j 1. The fetal hemoglobin of the new-born before 38th week of gestation, ranged from 65 per-cent to 95 per-cent with the average of 78.4 per-cent. 2. The values of the new-born infants born between 39th and 41st week of gestation were from 58 per-cent to 90 per-cent with 75.8 per-cent, average. 3. Those of new-born infants, born after 42nd week of gestation were 51 per-cent of 79 per-cent . with the 66. 8 per-cent of average value. 4. The values ranged from 70 to 95 per-cent, 85.4 per-cent, average, in new-born infants with the birth weight 2.8kg or less. 5. Those n.ew-born babies with 2.5kg or more of the birth weight had the fetal hemoglobin values from 51 to 95 per-cent with 75.3 percent of average.

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