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        Anti-corruption drive and Guanxi in China - the case of GlaxoSmithKline -

        이승택 한국무역학회 2014 貿易學會誌 Vol.39 No.3

        Gift giving for establishment of guanxi is a universal social usage in China in all areas of people’s life not only in private relationships such as family and friends but also in external relationships such as political authorities, social institutions and business people. In June 2013, GlaxoSmithKline of a British drugs giant were implicated in a big scandal due to accusations of offering almost $500m in bribes to doctors and officials for sales of the firm’s treatments. How can this anti-corruption accident be understood on the perspective of the impact of the prevalence of corruption in China?The local people’s guanxi is a crux resource for foreign firms in China, thus guanxi is still necessary. Therefore through focus on strengthening strong relationships (gwanxi) with central or local government’s high ranking officers who can influence firm’s business activities. appropriate works of corporate social responsibility (CSR) toward Chinese society and continuous supply of the world best products to China, international firms should make efforts to win Chinese customers’ favour and heart

      • KCI등재

        수도의 염해와 대책

        이승택 한국작물학회 1989 Korean journal of crop science Vol.34 No.2

        Salt injury in rice is caused mainly by the salinity in soil and in the irrigated water, and occasionaly by salinity delivered through typhoon from the sea. The salt concentration of rice plants increased with higher salinity in the soil of the rice growing. The climatic conditions, high temperature and solar radiation and dry conditions promote the salt absorption of rice plant in saline soil. The higher salt accumulation in the rice plant generally reduces the root activity and inhibits the absorption of minerals of rice plant, resulting the reduction of photosynthesis. The salt damages of rice plant, however, are different from different growth stage of rice plants as follows: 1. Germination of rice seed was slightly delayed up to 1.0% of salt concentration and remarkably at 1. 5%, but none of rice seeds were germinated at 2.5%. This may be due to the delayed water uptake of rice seeds and the inhibition of enzyme activity, 2. It was enable to establish rice seedlings at seed bed by 0.2% of salt concentration with some reduction of leaf elongation. The increasing of 0.3% salt concentration caused to the seedling death with varietal differences, but most of seedlings were death at 0.4% with no varietal differences. 3. Seedlings grown at the nursery over 0.1% salt, gradually reduced in rooting activity after transplanting according to increasing the salt concentration from 0.1% up to 0.3% of paddy field. However, the seedlings grown in normal seed bed showed no difference in rooting between varieties up to 0.1% but significantly different at 0.3% between varieties, but greatly reduced at 0.5% and died at last in paddy after transplanting. 4. At panicle initiation stage, rice plant delayed in heading by salt damage, at meiotic stage reduced in grains and its filling rate due to inhibition of glume and pollen developing, and salt damage at heading stage and till 3 weeks after heading caused to reduction of fertilization and ripening rate. In viewpoint of agricultural policy the overcoming strategy for salt injury is to secure sufficient water source. Irrigation and drainage systems as well as underground drainage is necessary to desalinize more effectively. This must be the most effective and positive way except cost. By cultural practice, growing the salt tolerant variety with high population could increase yield. The intermittent irrigation and fresh water flooding especially at transplanting and from panicle initiation to heading stage, the most sensitive to salt injury, is important to reduce the salt content in saline soil. During the off-cropping season, plough and rotavation with flooding followed by drainage, or submersion and drainage with groove could improve the desalinization. Increase of nitrogen fertilizer with more split application, and soil improvement by lime, organic matter and forign soil addition, could increase the rice yield. Shift of trans-planting is one of the way to escape from the salt injury.

      • WTO 출범과 한우의 경쟁력제고

        이승택 안동대학교 농업개발원 2000 最高農業經營者課程 論文集 Vol.4 No.-

        이상 기술한 내용은 수입육에 비해 한우 쇠고기는 양이나 가격면으로는 경쟁에서 이길 수 없다는 사실을 알 수 있으며, 오직 품질로써만이 경쟁력이 있다는 것을 알 수 있으므로 한우에 관한 모든 기술을 조합하여 먼저 한우의 고급육 생산에 집중하여 우선 소비자의 기호에 맞도록 하고 또한 필요한 양을 생산하여 공급하는 체계가 정착이 된다면 비육우 사업은 일정한 소득을 보장받는 안정된 사업으로 자리를 굳히게 되며, 비육우 사업농가는 필연적으로 송아지를 정기적으로 구입할 수 밖에 없으므로 송아지 가격도 동반 상승하게 되어 부업농으로써 번식우를 하는 농가도 소득을 보장 받게 되기 때문에 송아지 생산농가도 늘어나게 되어 자연적으로 수급조절이 이루어지는 자연스러운 시장경제 체제에 의한 한우사육에 대한 수급 및 공급안정이 이루어지는 사업이 될 수 있으리라고 확신한다.

      • Cortisone이 흰쥐 肝細胞分劃에 있어서의 Glutamin-pyruvic Transaminase活性에 미치는 影響

        李承澤,朴明子 中央醫學社 1964 中央醫學 Vol.6 No.1

        The authors have studied the subcellar distrubution of glutamic- pyruvic transaminase (GPT) activities in the normal and cortisone treated rat liver.The GPT activities in each fraction increased in the cortisone treated group. According to the autors' result the relative increment of the GPT activitity in the mitochomdrial fraction compare to that of in other fractions was not remarkable. The possible interpretation of this resrult was such that the effect of cortisone on mitochondrial fraction was less than on the other fractions, the reactien. alanine+α-glutamic acid-pyruvic acid+ glutamic acid was less active in this fraction.

      • 스마트워크 서비스 확산을 위한 정책 추진방향

        이승택,오성탁 한국통신학회 2012 정보와 통신 Vol.29 No.12

        스마트워크란 시간과 장소에 얽매이지 않고 언제 어디서나 편리하고 똑똑하게 근무하는 미래지향적인 업무환경을 의미한다. 스마트워크의 성공적인 도입은 업무효율성 향상을 통해 기업의 경쟁력을 강화하고 창의성과 생산성을 제고할 수 있는 혁신의 틀을 제공한다. 특히, 업무에 대한 시간·공간·신체적 조건을 완화시킴으로써 육아여성, 고령층, 장애인 등 근로소외계층의 경제활동 참여를 제고시켜 저출산·고령화 등의 사회문제를 해소하는 등 국가·사회적 측면에서도 스마트워크의 도입은 그 중요성이 날로 증대되고 있다. 향후, 스마트워크 서비스의 조기활성화를 위해서는 정부·민간 공동의 선도 시범사업 추진, 제도적 기반 마련, 스마트워크 문화 확산 및 여건 조성 등의 정책과제를 발굴하여 추진하여야 한다.

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