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        ‘황희 정승 납거미 유언’ 설화 고찰

        황인덕 ( In-deok Hwang ) 충남대학교 인문과학연구소 2018 인문학연구 Vol.57 No.1

        알려져 있듯 황희는 정승을 지낸 조선 초기 명인의 한 사람이다. 다수일반인들에게 그는 주로 ‘황희 황정승’으로 이름과 직위가 병칭되어 불리어오곤 했는데, 이는 그의 이름이 오래 전에 이미 애칭화되어 후대까지 널리 불려왔다는 뜻이다. 우리나라 역대 정승을 거친 수많은 훌륭한 인물가운데, 그 직위에 요구되는 역할을 가장 충실하게 실현함으로써 그 존재가 거의 ‘정승’의 대명사처럼 기억되어온 결과라 하겠다. 황정승이 조선조전 시대를 대표하는 명 정승으로 알려져온 것에 부합하여, 그에 대하여 구전되어온 설화 또한 그 폭과 깊이가 넓고 깊게 실현되고 있다. 한 인물이 남긴 설화가 대략 주인공이 지닌 인품, 생애, 시대, 업적 등의 조건에 비례한다면, 황정승이 남긴 설화의 다양성도 대략 그러한 조건들이 예사인물과는 다른 결과라고 할 수 있다. 이 글은 위 인물에 대하여 <공작이도 납거미를 먹고 살랴>라는 하나의 유형을 집중적으로 고찰하였다. 주요 내용은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 위 설화의 유형은 크게는 하나, 작게는 세개의 유형으로 나뉘고 있다. 둘째, 위 설화가 형성된 화소의 원천은 ‘고려장 설화’와 ‘공작이도 납거미를 먹고 살랴’라는 전래 속담이며, 이 두 가지 요소가 하필 황정승을 대상 인물로 하여 새로운 설화를 이룬 것은 나말여초 중국과 조선의 국제관계와 그 속에서 황정승이 수행한 역할과 위상이 반영된 결과이다. 셋째, 설화를 통한 인물 형상의 특징은 청렴상을 통한 민담성의 강화에 있으며, 특히 비범한 능력을 발휘하여 청렴을 실천하는 인물상의 구현은 황정승의 투철한 애민정신을 반영한 결과라 할 수 있다. 넷째, 황정승 설화는 여말 선초를 지나 조선 초기 국운 상승기의 인물담을 대표적으로 보여주며, 그로 인하여 설화 속의 인물상이 한결같이 긍정적인 모습으로만 나타난다. As we all know, Hwang Hee was a renowned minister in the early period of Joseon dynasty. The fact that he has been mainly called both by name and position as ‘the minister Hwang’ means he was already given a nickname a long time ago. He has been remembered as a representative of ministers existed in the history as he carried out his duties the most faithfully among the numbers of past outstanding ministers in the country. In accordance with his reputation as a devoted minister throughout the whole dynasty of Joseon, his fictional image was embodied with great wide and depth. If the tales Hwang Hee left behind depended on the conditions such as his personality, his life, the period and his achievement, a variety of his tales would seem to approximately result from those different conditions from those of others. This paper concentrates on his tale < Apeacocklivesonflatspiders > only. The contents are as below. First, the above-mentioned tale might be broadly divided into a type, or into three types in detail. Second, a subject matter of this tale is derived from folk tales about ‘Goryeojang’ and ‘A peacock lives on flat spiders’. A new tale about Hwang Hee which has been invented reflects on the international relationship of Joseon with China, and the role and position he played in the late period of Goryeo dynasty and the early period of Joseon dynasty. Third, a characteristic of the hero in the tale depends on the strengthening his integrity, which displays Hwang Hee’s strong love for the people by showing his exceptional ability to perform for them. Fourth, the tale of Hwang Hee represents a tale of the great man in the history when the country was in the ascendant in the early period of Joseon from the late Goryeo and the early Joseon. Therefore, he was displayed as a positive character in the tales.

      • KCI등재

        義慈王말기 亡國豫兆기사류의 豫兆談적 성격 一考

        황인덕 한국구비문학회 2001 口碑文學硏究 Vol.12 No.-

        현재의 승자가 과거의 승자도 된다는 말이 있다. 이는 역사는 강자의 힘에 의해 이끌린다는 뜻도 되고 힘있는 자에 의해 기록 역사가 좌우된다는 뜻도 된다. 나아가, 역사의 완전한 객관성을 확보하기가 어렵다는 의미도 될 것이다. 더욱, 일정한 역사관이 일관된 모습으로 정리되는 기록역사일수록 이 말이 주는 반향은 크다고 할 수 있다. 사서, 그 가운데에서도 소위 官纂史書는 늘 힘이 우세한 쪽에 의해 씌어지게 되므로 자신들 쪽에 유리하게 역사를 기록하는 습성을 지니게 된다. 때문에 이러한 사서는 어느 정도의 편향성을 띨 수밖에 없고 심하면 역사사실을 왜곡할 위험성도 크다.

      • KCI등재
      • 구전담을 통한 이철영 선생의 생애 이해

        황인덕 충남대학교 충청문화연구소 2009 충청문화연구 Vol.2 No.1

        This study is intended to provide a better understanding of a person from modern Korean times through orally transmitted stories. The subject is Lee Cheol-Young, who lived from 1884 to 1945. His life period was coincident with that of the Japanese colonial rule of Korea. He is chiefly known as a supporter of the anti-Japanese movement. Unlike other anti-Japanese activists, his life is little known and even today he remains a mysterious figure. This is why I had to approach his story through orally transmitted materials rather than written ones. The core of his patriotic deed was that he tore the 'Korea-Japan Annexation' notice to pieces, was subsequently arrested by Japanese policemen, bue escaped after killing them. His story is, unfortunately, orally transmitred and there is no evident record of him. Therefore, orally transmitted materials are very useful to gain a better understanding of him. The approach through orally transmitted materials aims not only at discovering more historical facts about his life but also at understanding how his life has been narrated. In the course of acquiring orally transmitted materials from his descendents, some new facts were discovered about him. Although fragmental and scanty, they were compared with existing materials and some contributed to a more specific understanding of his life. As a result of analyzing the stories and episodes found in the materials, they revealed both 'typeness' and 'narrativeness' by exaggeration. This is a result of the fact that a historical figure is often recognized by his family as an extraordinary one and his deeds are exaggerated in the course of oral transmission. This also shows a process where a mere 'episode' is converted into a 'legend' in the course of oral transmission. However, the level of narrative conversion into a legend is not critical.

      • 이야기꾼 유형(類型)의 사례 고찰-산촌형 이야기꾼 閔玉順

        황인덕 충남대학교 충청문화연구소 2008 충청문화연구 Vol.0 No.1

        Storytelling ability consists of two factors: the innate and the acquired. Innate factors include having an excellent memory, something which most storytellers possess. Acquired factors, however, may differ depending on each storyteller; these factors lead to differences between individual storytellers. As such, an acquired factor for Min Oksoon, as a storyteller, is her experience living in an agricultural mountain village community. This background has characterized her life, experiences, and storytelling. She inherited her storytelling destiny from her father. The mountain village where she was born and raised was almost totally disconnected from the outside world. Due to its remoteness, there were few sources of entertainment or leisure activities. In this situation, her father was the storyteller of his village; the only place to find entertainment was in his living room. People gathered to listen to him tell stories, and his living room played an important role in community entertainment and culture. It can be said that Min Oksoon is a representative storyteller of an agricultural mountain village community. When we talk about Min Oksoon as a storyteller, it is necessary to consider her life before and after her marriage. Her life had not changed much before she married, and even after she moved to a small town; she lived in isolated mountain village communities. However, her life began to change as a storyteller after she had become wholly familiar with agricultural communities and storytelling itself. She became known as a 'storyteller' after her marriage. Most of the stories that she told before marriage were based on her mountain village background and on stories she had heard from her father during her childhood. However, the stories after that time were about 'small town communities'. As such, they had less connection with the narrow scope of authentic mountain village storytelling. The tr aditional factors of her stories were of minimal importance for her. When it comes to the traditional connections of Min Oksoon, it is necessary to consider her personal life background, Korean society, and farm villages in the 20th century. Her status as a mountain village storyteller was limited by the generation she belonged to: she had less traditional connections than the older generations. She did not receive any influences from her grandparents during her childhood, and her father had only moved to a mountain village in the middle of his life. What makes Min Oksoon a distinctive storyteller is that she manifests the reading culture of the 1940's and 1950's. The commercial publication of old novels was very active and the novels were distributed in medium sized cities through the village markets held every five days in the 1920's and 1930's. Min Oksoon's father’s generation was influenced by this reading culture, and she was raised under this influence both directly and indirectly. Thus, a number of her storytelling lists include not only old materials orally inherited from the generation before her father, but also what her father and she herself had read.

      • KCI등재후보

        부여 호암산 범바위 이름의 역사성과 후대적 변화

        황인덕 우리말글학회 2003 우리말 글 Vol.27 No.-

        Ho Am Mt. is lacated at the northern part of Buyeo. 2km. North of Buyeo. Bumbawui. Ho Am temple and Cheon Jeong Dae are all lacated on the mountain district. Also, the town of Bumbawui is there. These titles are deeply related to the history of the Baekje kingdom. Thus, based on these geographical names, this study attempts to clarify the significance of history and culture of the Baeckje kingdom.<br/> At first, the reason that the rock called Bumbawui became well-known and Ho Am Temple was established there is related to the functions of Cheon Jeong Dae. Cheon Jeong Dae holds a significant place in the history of the Baeckje kingdom. Historical record says that the Prime Minister was chosen according to Heaven's determination after being asked through the medium of this rock. This place was probably regarded as a sacred site, and Ho Am temple's function must be somehow connected with Cheon Jeong Dae. Thus, Beombawui began to be developed. It also appears that it was known to peaple. The name of the town called beombawui mawul will be developed by the influence of beombawui Temple.<br/> However, as beombawui began to wither, the name of beombawui also began to be forgettable. Present towns people did not even know its name. This phenomenon may be the result of the power of the Ims Family and be severe under the influence of the theorists of division based on topography. <br/> Therefore, an examination of the name of Ho Am Temple is an example of studying historical change and understanding history and culture.

      • KCI등재
      • <내복에 먹고 산다>형 민담과 <삼공 본 풀이> 무가의 상관성

        황인덕 충남대학교 문리과대학 어문연구회 1988 語文硏究 Vol.18 No.-

        이 글은 한국 광포설화의 하나인 소위 <내복에 먹고 산다> 형 민담의 설화적 성격과 의미를 폭넓게 고찰하기 위한 관심의 일부로 작성된 것이다. 본 민담의 다각적인 이해를 위해 요구되는 다양한 접근방향 가운데 특히 무가 <삼공본풀이> 와의 관련성 문제를 주목하되 주로 작품내적 측면에서 이해를 추구해 보고자 한다. 위 두 서사담은 민담과 무가라는 표현양식의 현격한 차이가 있음에도 실제로는 상호밀접한 관련을 맺고 있는 것으로 보아지는 바 이러한 비교적 시각에서의 고찰은 양자의 개별성과 함께 보편성을 보다 분명히 이해하는데에 적지않은 기여를 해줄 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.

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