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      • KCI등재

        Amisulpride와 Haloperidol에 의한 흰쥐 뇌에서 c-Fos 발현

        박철현,황광표,조동,정영철 대한정신약물학회 2011 대한정신약물학회지 Vol.22 No.2

        amisulpride는 선조체보다 변연계에 분포한 도파민 D2/D3 수용체를 선택적으로 차단하는 특성을 가진 비전형 항정신병약물로서 저용량에서는 전두피질 부위의 시냅스전 도파민 수용체를 차단하여 도파민 신경전달을 증가시키는 작용을 일으키며 고용량에서는 변연계 부위의 시냅스후 도파민 수용체를 차단하는 것으로 보고되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 halo-peridol과 amisulpride를 흰쥐의 복강 내 급성 투여한 후 뇌의 여러 부위에 발현되는 c-Fos를 면역조직화학법을 사용하여 측정하였다. amisulpride와 haloperidol은 모두 변연계 부위에 광범위한 영향을 미치며, 특히 Tc에 강한 효과를 보였다. 이 결과는 Tc도 항정신병약물의 작용을 나타내는 중요한 부위임을 시사한다. 또한, mPFC 부위에서 haloper-idol은 c-Fos 발현에 영향을 미치지 못한 반면, amisulpride는 저용량에서 보다 현저한 증가를 일으켰다. 이 결과는 저용량의 amisulpride가 전두엽 부위에서 유의한 작용 효과가 있음을 시사하며 amisulpride가 음성 증상에 효과적이라는 임상 연구결과들을 설명할 수 있는 하나의 기초 자료로 간주되어질 수 있다 Objective Amisulpride, a D2/D3 dopamine receptor blocker, shows efficacy against both negative symptoms in a low dose range and positive symptoms in a high dose range. The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of amisulpride and haloperidol on the c-Fos expression in rat brain. Methods Amisulpride (0.5, 5 and 50 mg/kg, ip) and haloperidol (0.1 and 1 mg/kg, ip) were administered to adult male Sprague-Dawley rats. Two hours after drugs or vehicle administration, rats were killed and their brains were perfused with fixative. The brains were cut at 40 μm on a freezing microtome. Brain regions of interest were medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), nucleus accumbens core and shell, hippocampus (CA1, CA3 and dentate gyrus), central amygdala nucleus, basolateral amygdala nucleus and temporal cortex. To label cell bodies containing c-Fos, immunohistochemistry was performed. Results The administration of amisulpride in all doses (0.5, 5 and 50 mg/kg) demonstrated greater c-Fos expressions in all of the investigated brain areas, compared to the vehicle. Interestingly, low doses (0.5 mg/kg) of amisulpride showed greater c-Fos expression in the mPFC than high dose of amisulpride (50 mg/kg). The administration of haloperidol (0.1 and 1 mg/kg) also demonstrated greater c-Fos expressions in all of the investigated brain areas except mPFC, compared to the vehicle. Conclusion Both amisulpride and haloperidol increased c-Fos expressions in limbic areas which are considered as the sites of antipsychotic effects. The findings that lower doses of amisulpride increased greater c-Fos expressions in the mPFC, may explain the beneficial effects of low dose of amisulpride on the negative or depressive symptoms in patients with schizophrenia.

      • KCI등재

        리튬 독성으로 인한 완전 방실 전도장애

        정현,이춘용,황광표,양종철,박태원,정상근,황익근,정영철 대한정신약물학회 2008 대한정신약물학회지 Vol.19 No.3

        Lithium treatment has been associated with a wide range of cardiac complications. We observed a 53-year-old female patient who presented with complete heart block due to lithium toxicity. The patient had been diagnosed as schizoaffective disorder and had been taking a stable dose of lithium, 1,500 mg/day since January 2007. Recently, She begun a strict diet and experienced muscle weakness and lethargy a few days later. While receiving fluid therapy, she lost her consciousness and was transferred to an emergency medical center. An electrocardiogram revealed that she had complete heart block, so a temporary pacemaker was inserted immediately. After 4 days of intensive care, her heartbeat recovered spontaneously and the temporary pacemaker was removed. On the 11th day, she had sufficiently recovered and could ambulate by herself. Lithium levels were measured at 5.22 mEq/L and 0.66 mEq/L on the 1st and 4th day of treatment, respectively. This case illustrates the importance of educating patients and their relatives about the possible lithium toxicity caused by a strict diet. 리튬 독성으로 인해 완전 방실 전도장애가 발생한 증례를 보고한다. 환자는 53세 여성이며 정동분열장애 진단하에 일일 리튬 150 mg을 복용하였는데 체중조절을 위해 식이 제한을 한 이후 전신 허약감과 근육 무력증을 나타내다가 갑작스런 의식저하를 나타내어 응급실을 방문하였다. 당시 리튬의 혈중 농도는 5.2 mEq/L였으며 실시한 심전도 검사에서 완전 방실 전도장애가 관찰되어 일시형 인공 심박동기를 삽입하였고 리튬의 혈중 농도가 감소하면서 자발적인 심박동이 돌아왔다. 리튬의 심장 독성을 예방하기 위해 철저한 병력조사와 규칙적인 심전도 촬영 등이 필요하다. 리튬 치료 시 급격한 식이 조절이나 탈수 상태는 심각한 결과를 가져올 수 있으며 리튬의 독성 증상과 가능성에 대한 환자와 보호자의 교육이 중요하다.

      • KCI등재후보

        조현정동장애와 정신증적 양상을 동반한 기분장애를 어떻게 구별할 수 있나?

        박철현,박태원,양종철,오근영,김형태,은홍배,황광표,정영철 대한조현병학회 2012 대한조현병학회지 Vol.15 No.1

        Difficulties surrounding the classification of mixed psychotic and mood symptoms continue to plague psychiatric nosology. Since schizoaffective disorder was first defined in the literature, it has raised a considerable controversy regarding its clinical distinction from schizophrenia and mood disorder, especially mood disorder with psychotic feature. Recently, it seems that more people are diagnosed as mood disorder with psychotic feature rather than schizoaffective disorder when they are showing concurrent psychotic and mood symptoms. This may be due to unwillingness to make severe diagnosis at first and aggressive trend to expand the diagnostic criteria for bipolar disorder. Over-diagnosis of mood disorder with psychotic feature would expose the patients to unnecessary mood stabilizer. Therefore, it is critical to make exact diagnosis based on current diagnostic criteria and other relevant study findings. We conducted in-depth review into diagnostic criteria of DSM and ICD-10 for schizoaffective disorder and mood disorder with psychotic feature and other related studies comparing clinical features between the two disorders. As a result, important points helpful in differentiating the two disorders are highlighted and future suggestions are described.

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