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      • KCI등재

        중세국어 의존명사의 분포

        황경수(Hwang Gyeong-Su) 한국중원언어학회 2004 언어학연구 Vol.- No.8

        The whole contents I have mentioned above may be summed as follows : Bound nouns have no self-supporting properties that they cannot perform a specific function without held of precedent constituents. Unlike ordinary nouns bound nouns have no concrete meanings. The syntactical category of bound nouns. Bound nouns follow adnominal phrases, can be placed in front of direction words or nouns, may as well have a variety of adnominal suffix, with a case marker behind become constituents of a sentence, had better have less limitations in predicatives of head. kajang, kan, keoch, keo, kod, kyeoch, kot, keuyeo, keui, nyok, tas, tabi, ta, staram, tae teot, tong, ti, man, pa, pun, spun, sa, sonteo, seuch, ach, yang, I, jahi, chok, jeoncha, chul, heo.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        한글 맞춤법으로 본 조명희의 『봄잔듸밧위에』 연구

        황경수 ( Hwang Gyeong-su ) 영주어문학회 2018 영주어문 Vol.40 No.-

        이 연구는 조명희의 『봄잔듸밧위에』를 어문 규정 중 한글 맞춤법을 중심으로 분석하는 것이 목적이다. 한글 맞춤법은 제1항부터 제57항으로 되어 있다. 그중 ‘소리에 관한 것, 형태에 관한 것, 띄어쓰기, 그 밖의 것’으로 나누어 분석하였다. 우리는 작품을 분석하려고 할 때 현대어로 되어 있는 것만을 보고 시를 읽고 감상하는 것에 그치고 있다. 그러므로 잘못 분석되어 있는 것을 보지 못할 뿐만 아니라 원문 자체를 보려고 하지도 않는 것 같다. 이 연구에서 우리는 근대 국어에서 현대 국어의 변천 과정과 함께 올바른 한글 맞춤법을 통하여 우리 국어의 창의성과 과학성을 확인하는 자리가 될 수 있을 것이다. 원문 시(詩)를 바탕으로 현대어로 바꾸어 놓은 실례들을 볼 수는 있으나 무엇에 근거하여 이렇게 쓰였는지는 설명하지 않고 있다. 그렇기에 모든 문헌이 연구의 대상이므로 다수의 근대 자료 중 포석 조명희의 『봄잔듸밧위에』 시집으로 선정한 것이다. The purpose of this study is to analyze Cho, Myung Hee’s 『Spring a Lawn on Top』 based on Hangul orthography in the rules of grammar. It was divided into ‘1. sound’, ‘2. shape’, ‘3. word spacing’, ‘4. the rest of it’ and analyzed 42 sections such as ‘blessing in maturity’, ‘wonder’, untitled’ and so on. While analyzing 『Spring a Lawn on Top』, We were able to confirm the creativity and scientificity of the Korean language through correct grammar with the transition from Modern Korean to Present Korean. It is important that we concentrate on analyzing the grammar and etymology of the Korean language based on ancient, medieval, modern literature in order to globalize our language. But I think it's up to the scholars to give them an opportunity to read and appreciate modern literature correctly, comparing it with the original. Only then will Korean raise its status in the world in comparison with other languages. From now on it is necessary to reinterpret works from the 1920s to the early 40s and to create a level where the public can see correctly and empathize them.

      • KCI등재후보

        대학생들의 표준어 사용 인식 실태에 대하여 -표준어 규정을 중심으로-

        황경수 ( Gyeong Su Hwang ) 영주어문학회 2015 영주어문 Vol.31 No.-

        최근 대학에서의 ‘국어 교육’은 과목명에서 알 수 있듯이 ‘교양 국어’, ‘대학국어’ 등과 같은 이론 위주의 교육에서 ‘실용적 글쓰기’, ‘글쓰기의 실제’ 등과 같은 작문 위주의 교육으로 변화를 주고 있다. ‘국어 교육’이 보다 실용적인 글쓰기 능력을 바탕으로 대학생들의 의사소통 능력을 향상시키고자 하는 방향으로 전환하는 것이다. 대학생들에게 필요한 언어 기능 중심의 효과적인 어문 규정 교육을 구상하기 위해서는 대학생들의 어문 규정 사용 실태를 조사하고, 분석해 볼 필요가 있다. 이에 이 연구에서는 어문 규정을 공부하고 있는 대학생들을 대상으로 각 지역별 표준어 사용 실태를 조사하고, 그 결과를 분석하고자 하였다. 대학생들의 표준어 사용에 대한 일반적인 인식 실태와 표준어 규정 각 조항에 따른 인지 현황 및 문제점을 파악하여 대학 교과 과정에서 어문 규정을 올바르게 가르치기 위한것이 목적이다. It has been 23 years since the standard language regulation was introduced. But, according to survey of the standard language usage of recognition and current condition of university student, we know that desirable language life was not reached yet in accordance with the standard language regulation. Through these research, we can know the standard language usage of recognition and current condition of university student and realize that most people ranging from students to ordinary person have little interest in the standard language usage within the language standard. From now on we have an endless discussion that many problems of the standard language regulation have to be completely revised. However, the sad truth is that the standard language regulation doesn``t reflect a variety of drawbacks of the real language life properly. It is essential for changes in people``s perceptions to the right standard language usage. This study looks into standard language usage of recognition and current condition based on the standard language regulation with K university student who learn the language standard. As a result, it found that conditions of the current standard language regulation are in discord with the language standard. This result implies that we need to revise the standard language regulation through study about the forms of language in actual use, because there is a great deal of difference real language life and the standard language as a rule. Due to the fact that language usage condition is not verified with distinctive features, it is sorry to not to grasp clearly regional awareness condition of standard language usage. Thus, future study that will be up and running is necessary to find out present condition of the standard language usage from student to ordinary person with more regional and hierarchical object of investigation.

      • KCI등재

        중세국어 의존명사의 의미기능 연구

        황경수 ( Gyeong Su Hwang ) 한말연구학회 2001 한말연구 Vol.- No.9

        In this study, the bound noun are investigated syntactically and semantically. The result of this study can be concluded as follows : The bound noun in middle korean can be classified by semantic function. The classified bound noun are as follows : First, `kot, pa, chul` as event-object bound noun. Second, `kot, nom, pun, I, cha` as human being bound noun. Third, `nyok, kat, ti, psgeu, chok, je, jeuseum` as time bound noun. Fourth, `nyok, tae, man, pa, chak` as place bound noun. And, fifth, `kajang, tot, tae, man, staram, spun, yang, tye` are included into abstract bound noun. In this study, I investigate which lexical items belong to a free noun, clitic and the ending of a word through the syntactic and semantic study of the bound noun in middle korean. In general, the bound noun require the definite word such as verbal adjective, reference verbal, or nominal as a syntactic and semantic precedent. And it is difficult to define the characteristics of the bound noun since ad-nominal form of the bound noun has various clitic or verbal constraints. So, it is desir to make a study on the bound noun in korean and thus make a full escription on the diachronic development of the bound noun in the korean language.

      • 진천군 누리집의 공공언어 사용 오류 실태

        황경수 청주대학교 인문과학연구소 2014 人文科學論集 Vol.48 No.-

        This study is intended for research use of language Jincheon website. And were divided by the type of the error. Its contents can be summarized as follows. Spacing error was the most common literary rules. This is caused because you do not know a good relying noun is an error. Nouns and nouns, and nouns determiner, the sentence that connects list of sentence that remarkably. Hangul punctuation and spelling errors do not think it is more important than the literary rules because there was an error. In a lot of errors in postposition and ending because most difficult of grammatical errors. Research on the use of the ending or the inability to precisely express the meaning was not. Response relationship between the sentence elements, and the elements of the grammatical confusion because there were not made. Semantic error means that the longer the sentence is redundant did not deliver the exact meaning. Due to the difficult Jinan Sino other people's meaning was difficult to pinpoint.

      • 훈민정음 용자례의 분석

        황경수 청주대학교 학술연구소 2015 淸大學術論集 Vol.2015 No.S-9

        This study is to analyze the yongjarye of Hunminjeongeumhaerye First, the original is analyzed yongjarye. Second, the example of 23 characters each consonant is byeon gseo and ‘ㆆ’ was to illustrate. Yongjarye two pairs of 34 characters each character of ‘ㅸ’ was added. 11 characters of Yeui medial consonant is addressed. And consonant clusters (2characters) and consonant clusters (3 characters) of the four who did not disclose of the 14 who were exemplary. The neutral consonant yongjarye consists of 44 characters, 4 characters each pair. Yeui final consonant in the first spellings as the granulomatous was explained. And two pairs of 16 characters yongjarye dealt with granulomatous, was limited to eight characters. Third, Yeui first consonant a velar sound 2, a lingual sound 2, a labial soun d 1, a dental sound 2, a guttural sound 1, half dental sound 1 was illustrated. However velar sound (快, 虬) 2, a lingual sound 斗, 那) 2, a labial sound(漂, 弥, 步) 3, a dental sound(慈) 1, a guttural sound(揖, 虚) 2, half dental sound (闾) 1, 11characters are not illustrated. Third, yongjarye consonant, neutral, granulomatous hyperonym of the ‘creature’ 43, ‘plants’ 19, ‘range’ 16, ‘equipment’ 12, ‘target’ 11, ‘shape’ 4, ‘phenomenon’ 3, ‘space’, 3, ‘s tatus’, such as 2 respectively. In addition, the entire word list yongjarye 54 monosyllabic, two -syllable, and 40 of them have to configure the list.

      • 국어 의존명사의 선행·후행요소

        황경수 청주대학교 인문과학연구소 2007 人文科學論集 Vol.35 No.-

        The result of this study can be conclude as follows: A bound noun, unlike the free, cannot be used alone, and should be preceded be an ad-nominal form-ad-nominal form of a predicate, substantive, or demonstrative ad-nominal form, etc. For the distinctions, the bound noun selected can be listed as follows: 'kot, kyeoreul, noreut, tareo, tai, deung, deungdeung, teut, stayed, stratum, manchi, pa, param, pun, syeom, su, yang, i, Cheok, chul, ahung, chae, aheak, tat, teo, pyeon'

      • 공무에서 사용하는 법령문 띄어쓰기를 위한 소고

        황경수 청주대학교 인문과학연구소 2007 人文科學論集 Vol.36 No.-

        The purpose of this thesis arranges a way of writing rightly in the line of duty on the basis of things that analyzed the parts making a popular fallacy systematically, the provisions of spacing words in Han-geul orthography, the consideration and the right plan of spacing words in decree, etc. in the way of spacing words. When we write a composition, It is spacing words that one of the hardest things and also everybody will have a experience that they can't make up mind whether to space out words or not while writing a composition. That's because it's not only depending on their myopic outlook but also not understanding the basic principle of spacing words. Today, spacing words in different systems are interfered with having broaden native speaker‘s horizons in newspaper, magazine and the mass media, etc. and it have a bad influence upon them. Spacing words is also our unique writing way and it is mostly of no use to use a korean dictionary for searching it, so we feel tight. If we do not polish up the personal sentence expression, there'll be difficulty to transmit the meaning. An official document will be same. If the sentence of the document is not made up well, the effective value of the document decreases. So those who draw up the document need to make the sentence written by themselves as an exemplary sentence. The public official is both a servant of the people and a leader, so they have to show a fine example of linguistic function. Once the paper in an administrative organ is shown a good example of proper and correct sentence, it'll have an influence on the general public's drawing up the sentence. Then the effective value of the document will increase much more. Key Words: Eeomungyubeom(어문규범), Ttui-eosseugi(띄어쓰기), Bound Noun(의존명사), Postposition(조사), Adverb(부사)

      • 현대국어 의존명사의 선․후행환경자질과의 통합관계

        황경수 청주대학교 인문과학연구소 2008 人文科學論集 Vol.37 No.-

        This thesis is the purpose of dicussing that it is the meaning characteristic about the bound noun antecedent and escorting environment feature in the korean language. The result of this study can be conclued as follows. A bound noun, unlike the free, cannot be used alone, and should be preceded by an ad-nominal form-ad-nominal form of a predicate, substantive, or demonstrative ad-nominal form, etc. In this study, I investigate which lexical items belong to a free noun, clitic and the ending of a word through the syntactic and semantic study of the bound noun in modern korean. So, it is desir to make a study on the bound noun in korean and thus make a full escription on the diachrinic development of the bound noun in the korean language. For the distictions, the bound noun selected can be listed as follows. ‘kot, kyeoreul, noreut, taero, tai, deung, deungdeung, teut, stayeo, starum, manchi, pa, param, pun, syeom, su, yang, i, cheok, chul, ahung, chae, aheok, tat, teo, pyeon’

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