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        중・고등학교 교과서 實學 史料 활용의 특징과 개선 방안

        홍선이 한국역사교육학회 2019 역사교육연구 Vol.- No.35

        Nowadays, many history educators and researchers regard ‘historical thinking’ as a purpose of teaching and learning history, considering the sourcesbased learning methods as being more important than instructorled methods. National History Curriculum also puts emphasis on the use of primary sources in order to develop historical thinking. This is why a variety of original sources are contained in the current history textbooks in Korea. This study aims to analyze the property of primary sources contained in textbooks and to explore better ways in which students will be able to participate in inquiring the constructive nature of historical knowledge as well as understanding specific historical contents. The result of analysis is as followed. First, there are no ‘doubting a common knowledge’ and ‘sourcing’ process in the way of using sources in textbooks. Second, the inquiry activities are too much easy, or there are lot of cliche questions and answers. Lastly, the kinds of historical sources and the ways of using them have been excessively ‘standardized’. Based on these results, this study suggests that ‘doubting a given knowledge’ and ‘contextualize’ process must be included in the inquiry activities. 최근 역사학에 내재된 고유한 방식으로 역사를 가르치고 배워야 한다는 주장이 설득력을 얻고 있다. 이는 역사 지식의 구성적・해석적 성격에 기초하여 지식 자체보다는 지식이 만들어지는 과정에 주목하게 되었음을 의미한다. 그 과정에서 사료학습이 역사교육의 본질적인 교수・학습 방법으로 부상하였다. 신화화된 역사 내러티브를 해체할 수 있는 잠재력과, ‘역사적 사고(historical thinking)’의 원동력이 사료에 있다고 보았기 때문이다. 본 연구는 조선 후기 실학사상을 대상으로 교과서 수록 사료가 어떻게 활용되는지 분석하였다. 분석 대상을 실학으로 선정한 데에는 단일 주제 중 가장 많은 사료가 교과서에 수록되어 있다는 점과 실학의 정의, 분파, 계통, 성격, 한계, 의의 등 어느 하나 논쟁적이지 않은 부분이 없다는 점이 고려되었다. 실학은 특정한 관점과 틀에서 만들어진 내러티브가 ‘신화화’된 주제이기에, 주어진 역사 지식의 맹목적 수용이 아닌, 비판적이고 성찰적인 학습이 필수적으로 요구된다. 이런 이유로 실학은 사료학습에 매우 적합한 주제라고 판단하였다. 분석 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 현행 중・고등학교 교과서가 실학 사료를 활용하는 방식에는 ‘주어진 지식 의심하기’와 ‘분석적 읽기’ 과정이 전무하였다. 둘째, 실학 사료를 활용한 탐구 활동은 지나치게 쉽거나, 답이 정해진 ‘닫힌 탐구’였다. 다시 말해 ‘탐구 없는 탐구 활동’이었다. 마지막으로, 선정한 사료의 종류와 활용 방식 역시 지나치게 ‘정형화’되어 있었다. 결국, 다양한 사료를 활용하였고 탐구라고 명명되었지만, 전반적으로 사료학습이라고 보기도, 탐구학습이라고 보기도 어려웠다. 이러한 분석 결과를 바탕으로 본고는 ‘주어진 지식 의심하기’와 ‘맥락화’ 절차가 탐구 절차에 포함되어야 한다는 점을 제안하였다. 나아가 현행 교과서들이 중복적으로 활용하고 있는 익숙한 사료들과 지금까지 교과서에 한 번도 활용된 적 없었던 사료들로 새로운 유형의 탐구 활동을 구성하여 소개하였다.

      • KCI등재

        Community Capacity Building Exercise Maintenance Program for Frail Elderly Women

        홍선이,전수영 한국간호과학회 2017 Asian Nursing Research Vol.11 No.3

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of community capacity building exercise maintenance program for frail elderly women. Methods: A quasiexperimental pretest-posttest design was used with nonequivalent control group. The experimental group (n = 22) received community capacity building exercise maintenance program, whereas the control group (n = 23) received health physical exercise program for 16 sessions over 8 weeks. The data of physical fitness, body compositions, self-efficacy, and health-related quality of life were collected three times for both group: before the intervention, immediately after the intervention, and 8 weeks after the intervention. Analyses were conducted using c2 test, t test, Fisher's exact test, and repeated measures analysis of variance. Results: Compared to the control group, muscular strength (p = .002), static balance (p = .013), muscular endurance (p = .003), self-efficacy (p < .001), and health-related quality of life (p = .030) were significantly improved in the experimental group. In addition, body fat percentage (p = .005) in this group was significantly decreased after the community capacity building exercise maintenance program. Conclusion: Theses results indicated that a community capacity building exercise maintenance program is feasible, and associated with exercise maintenance among frail elderly women.

      • KCI등재

        현재주의(Presentism)와 역사의 이념화: 1970~80년대 역사의식 대두와 국사교육관의 전환

        홍선이 한국사학회 2023 史學硏究 Vol.- No.152

        This article aims to investigate the background of the prevalence of historical consciousness discourse in Korean society during the 1970s and 1980s. It also explores the significance of this discourse being established as the ultimate goal of the ‘7080 Government-designated Textbook System’ from both intellectual and historical perspectives. In the 1970s, as a sense of crisis and anxiety overwhelmed Korean society due to military and security crises, as well as rapid modernization and westernization, Koreans began to feel the onset of a transitional era. Under these circumstances, the concept of historical consciousness became highly popular within intellectual circles. As the discourse of historical consciousness gained traction, arguments emerged both within and outside academia that posited historical consciousness as the ultimate goal of national history education. As a result, historical consciousness emerged as the final and ultimate goal of national history education in the 1970s and 1980s. However, while government-led historical consciousness in the 1970s emphasized national patriotism based on pride in traditional culture, the 1980s witnessed the emergence of a resistant historical consciousness that prioritized unification and democratization as primary objectives. On the one hand, in terms of the purpose and usefulness of history, presentism can be defined as ‘the belief that the significance of history lies in solving current problems and contributing to future progress.’ Both government-mandated historical consciousness and resistance historical consciousness shared the characteristic of ideologizing history education under the guise of historical consciousness. Therefore, the historical consciousness that served as the ultimate purpose of national history education under the ‘7080 Government-designated Textbook System’ was rooted in presentism. It viewed history not for its own inherent value or to respect the past, but as something to be learned with a clear sense of purpose — to utilize it for present and future development and progress.

      • KCI등재

        손진태 신민족주의론의 ‘좌우합작적’・‘민주주의적’ 성격에 대한 재검토

        홍선이 한국역사교육학회 2018 역사교육연구 Vol.- No.32

        The conventional wisdom of ‘neo-nationalism’ proposed by Son Jin-tae is that it was an ideology of democracy and slogan of movement for establishing the unified nation-state. This article tried to get a new point of view different from these common opinions as follows. Just before the general election held on May 10, 1948, Son Jin-tae wrote a book that encouraged the participation of workers and peasants in the election. This means that he supported to establish South Korea's government without North. He also played an important role in the formulation and implementation of educational policy as Deputy Minister of Education and Director of Text book compilation Bureau during the period of the Rhee Seung-man regime. In short, Son Jin-tae and his neo-nationalism were closer to the right rather than the right and left wing coalition movement. Son Jin-tae accepted democracy in the U.S Military Government in Korea. However, he reversed himself about democracy after establishing the South Korean government. He advocated ‘new-democracy’ that rejects both Soviet democracy and English-American democracy. He argued that English-American democracy has a harmful influence on small nation like Korea, because it puts individual's personality and happiness before national unity and prosperity. He defined individualism as ‘an enemy of the nation’ and believed individuals should be considered more subordinate to a nation. Finally, he declared that he would retitle his ‘neo-nationalism’ into ‘Ilmin-ism’[一民主義], which is considered a kind of totalitarianism. 이 글은 손진태와 그가 제창한 신민족주의의 정치적 성격을 재검토하고자 하는 목적에서 작성되었다. 선행 연구들은 손진태의 신민족주의를 “민주주의를 이상으로 하는 이념” 혹은 “좌우 갈등을 보합하여 민족통일국가를 수립하고자 한 좌우합작 성격의 이데올로기”로서, 안재홍이 제창한 동명의 신민족주의와 기본적으로 같다고 보았다. 필자는 손진태가 발표한 글들을 단독 선거를 기준으로 구분한 후, 각 시기에 그가 취했던 정치적 행보에 주목하여 새로운 규정을 시도하였다. 먼저 단독정부 수립 이전 손진태의 신민족주의는 해방 정국의 좌우갈등의 혼란 속에서 중도적 입장을 취하기보다는 계급주의와 공산주의를 비판하는 데 방점이 있었다. 또한 그는 5・10 총선거를 앞두고 선거 참여를 독려하는 책을 저술하였으며, 이승만 정권 수립 후에는 문교부 차관 겸 편수국장으로 임명되어 교육 정책의 입안과 실행에 중요한 역할을 하였다. 이러한 사실들은 손진태와 그가 제창한 신민족주의론이 중도적・좌우합작적 성격보다는 이승만으로 대표되는 반공・단정노선에 가까웠음을 보여준다. 다음으로 미군정기 손진태는 민주주의를 신민족주의의 기본이념으로 받아들였으나, 단정 수립 이후에는 자신의 기존 입장을 번복한다. 그는 소련식의 민주주의, 즉 공산주의와 마찬가지로 영・미식 민주주의도 강자의 논리라고 주장한다. 영・미식 민주주의가 개인의 개성과 행복을 민족의 一致團結과 번영보다 우선한다는 것이 그 근거였다. 손진태는 개인을 집단보다 종속적인 것으로 보았고, 개인주의를 ‘민족의 적’으로 규정하였다. 결국 그는 1950년 지금까지 자신이 ‘신민족주의’라는 이름으로 주창해왔던 이념을 ‘一民主義’로 수정하겠다고 선언한다. 이승만 정부 시기 문교부에서는 ‘일민주의’의 이름으로 좌익 교원의 퇴출과 학도호국단 창설과 같은 반민주주의 교육 정책이 단행되었다. 이러한 반민주적인 교육 정책의 중심에 손진태가 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        무역 전시회 참가 성과 측정지표 개발에 관한 연구

        홍선의(Seon-Eui Hong) 한국무역연구원 2015 무역연구 Vol.11 No.6

        In this study, the model for measuring exhibition performance of Korean companies consists of activities pertaining to the following: sales, information gathering, relationshipbuilding, image improvement and motivation. Using this configuration, we developed a basic measurement model relative to pre-marketing, on-trade show and post-show. It is in this context that this study presented the development of indicators for the measurement of sales and non-sales goals. The purpose of this study is to eliminate the difficulty of trade show performance measurement of small and medium-sized enterprises. Therefore, the developed model, as compared to the existing method is quite, and so simple and can measure intuitively trade show performance. Nevertheless, the study has its limitations including the fact that it did not present the criteria that can determine the scores allocated points and levels in order to quantify the performance indicators. Secondly, the simplicity of the developed model is too simple for indicator items to measure the performance of non-sales goals. Because of such limitations continuous research is necessary in the future.

      • KCI등재

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