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        Pruritic Urticarial Papules and Plaques of Pregnancy

        홍광의(Kwang Lee Hong),조태훈(Tae Hoon Cho),이일수(Eil Soo Lee) 대한피부과학회 1989 대한피부과학회지 Vol.27 No.4

        We report. herein a case of pruritic urticatial papules and plaques of pregnancy in a Z8-year-old primigravida. She had the urticarial papules and plaques on the abdomen and thighs, which developed at 30th week of pregnancy. She was treated with topical fluorinated steroid and chlorpheniramine, 6mg/ day. The itching sensation was relieved within 24 hours after the therapy and the skin lesions resolved after delivery.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        CREST 증후군

        홍광의(Kwang Iee Hong),조태훈(Tae Hoon Cho),이일수(Eil Soo Lee) 대한피부과학회 1989 대한피부과학회지 Vol.27 No.4

        Irritant or allergic contact dermatitis presents usually eczematous process or occasionally noneczematous lesions like in this case. We report a case of erythema rnultiforme-like eruptions in a 40-year-old female who presented multiple iris or annular shaped maculopapular eruptions on both hands and forearms after contact of lacquer tree. Being performed with standard patch test screening series, lacquer tree extracts and urushiol, she showed significant reactions to the lacquer tree and urushiol. Histopathologic findings showed both features of erythema multiforme and suh acute contact dermatitis.

      • 속죄론에 대한 기적수업 예수의 교정

        홍광일(Kwang Il Hong) 한국정신과학학회 2019 한국정신과학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2019 No.10

        속죄론은 지난 이천년 기독교 신앙에 있어서 가장 핵심적인 교리였다. 예수가 죄인들을 대신하여 십자가에 죽음으로써 세상의 죄를 속죄하였다는 내용이다. 이로써 예수는 죄용서를 받아 구원에 이르고자 하는 모든 인간들에게 구원의 주가 된다는 것이 모든 기독교 신학의 중심 가르침이자 복음의 메시지이다. 그러나 이 가르침은 그 중요성에도 불구하고 신학적으로 끊임없는 논쟁거리가 되어 왔는데, 죄인이 받아야 할 형벌을 의인이 대신 받음은 이성적으로 도저히 받아들일 수 없다는 사실이었다. 속죄론의 역사는 이러한 합리적 기소와 신앙적 변호의 연속이기도 하였다. 1965년은 신학의 역사에 있어서 가장 극적인 분수령이라고 할 수 있는데, 지난 이천년 동안 침묵해온 것만 같았던 예수의 음성이 컬럼비아대학 심리학 교수였던 헬렌 슈크만 박사를 통해 마침내 온전히 들려지기 시작하였기 때문이다. 그 내면의 음성은 인생과 우주, 몸과 마음, 죽음과 구원 등 인류의 궁극적 물음들에 대해 확실한 솔루션을 제공하였으니, 십자가 속죄에 대한 올바른 가르침을 복구한 것은 물론이었다. 기적수업 속죄론의 기본은 죄란 존재하지 않는 지각적 허구라는 사실이다. 죄가 없다면 형벌, 용서, 구원 등의 개념도 완전히 달라질 수밖에 없다. 본 논문은 이렇게 세상이 기독교와 더불어 공유하는 삶의 기초개념들과 사고방식에 대해 코페르니쿠스적인 전환을 이야기한다. Atonement theory has been the central doctrine of the last two thousand years in Christian faith. It has been said that Jesus atoned for the sins of the world by crucifixion on behalf of sinners. This is the central teaching of all Christian theologies and the message of evangelism that Jesus is the Lord of salvation for all human beings who would receive forgiveness and seek salvation. But this teaching, despite its importance, has also been a constant theological debate, in which the righteous man"s punishment for sinners is unreasonable from a rational standpoint. The history of the Atonement was also a continuation of this rational prosecution and religious defense for it. The year 1965 may be called the most dramatic turning point in the history of christian theology, since Jesus" voice, which seemed to have been silent for the last two thousand years, was finally fully heard by Dr. Helen Schucman, professor of psychology at Columbia University. Its inner voice provided a definite solution to the ultimate questions of mankind: life and the universe, body and mind, death and salvation, as well as restoring the correct teaching on the Atonement of the Cross. The foundation of ACIM(A Course In Miracles) atonement is that sin is a perceptual fiction that does not exist. Without sin, the concepts of punishment, forgiveness, and salvation, etc. must be completely different. This paper talks about the Copernican revolution of the basic concepts and ways of life that the world shares with Christianity.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        연부조직 종양에 관한 통계학적 고찰

        홍광의(Kwang Iee Hong),김종민(Jong Min Kim),이종주(Chong Ju Lee),서연림(Yeon Lim Suh) 대한피부과학회 1990 대한피부과학회지 Vol.28 No.1

        By Enzinger and Weiss classification, 664 cases of soft tissue tumors, which were confirmed histologically at the department of pathology of Hangang Sacred Heart Hospital from Janusry 1979 to December 1988, were analyzed statistically. The results were as follows : 1. Of the 664 cases, 261 cases (39.3%) were consulted at the Department of General Surgery, 124 cases (18.7%) were consulted at the Department of Orthopedic Surgery, 115 cases (17.3%)were consulted at the Department of Dermatology. 2, Of the 664 cases, 631 cases (95%) were benign and 33 cases (5%) were malignant. 3. The most common benign tumor was lipoma, which was followed by hemangioma and lymphangioma. Among malignant tumors liposarcoma was the most common one, followed by malignant fibrous histiocytoma. 4. The distribution of age of benign tumor was relatively even from childhood to old age but that of malignant tumor showed highest prevalence in 7th decade. 5. The distribution of sex of benign tumor showed male to female ratio of 1: 1.1 but that of malignant tumor showed male to female ratio of 1.5: l. 6. The predilection sites of benign tumors were head, neck and trunk, but those of malignant tumors were lower extremities and trunk. 7. Kinds of soft tissue tumors consulted at the Department of Dermatology were hemangioma, neurofibroma, lipoma, dermatofibroma, ymphangioma, leiomyoma, juvenile xanthogranuloma, xanthoma, keloid and neurilemmoma. (Kor J Dermatol 28(1): 44 53, 1090)

      • KCI등재

        성인척추변형의 진단 및 치료

        홍광,현승재,이재구,김기정 대한의사협회 2023 대한의사협회지 Vol.66 No.8

        Background: The diagnosis rate of adult spinal deformity (ASD) is increasing with increased life expectancy and the prevalence of degenerative spinal diseases. The prevalence of ASD in adults aged >60 years has been reported to be up to 68%. ASD has significant impact on the pain, disability, and mental health. Therefore, it is necessary to establish an effective surgical plan by accumulating modern knowledge on ASD, developing surgical techniques, and improving pre- and post-operative care so as to achieve optimal surgical outcomes. Current Concepts: ASD results from coronal and sagittal malalignments caused by degenerative diseases or iatrogenic factors. Recently, the significance of sagittal alignment correction has been emphasized, and the SRSSchwab classification of ASD is generally accepted. Individualized correction goals can be set through sufficient preoperative evaluations and imaging studies, and appropriate coronal and sagittal alignment correction can be achieved through intraoperative positioning of patient, anterior and posterior approach spine surgery, screw fixation, and osteotomies. Discussion and Conclusion: It is necessary to establish an optimal correction target and select the appropriate surgical approach for each patient with ASD, so as to improve patients’ quality of life. Surgical interventions for ASD can be safely completed by adequately comprehending and anticipating perioperative complications.

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