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      • Resort Hotel 경영전략 평가에 관한 소고

        한승엽,Han, Seung-Youb 한국산학경영학회 1990 산학경영연구 Vol.3 No.-

        The objective of this study is on evaluation process of resort hotel management strategy. Therefore, in this study, we find try to a successful implemantation of resort hotel feasibility study and management strategy by systematizing and materialinzing the theory of resort hotel. And we have also investigated and analyzed the real status of resort hotel and then worked out the problem, and estabilished a plan for feasibility determination of resort hotel, he results of this study are as follow: 1) We need to characterize, matenance, develop the benefits of resort hotel. 2) We need to know how to establish model and facilities of resort hotel. 3) We have to inclease quality and quantity of employee's service. 4) We need to effort to satisfy customer's needs and wants through improvising and enlarging facilities of resort hotel. 5) We need to specialize the quality of F & B division. 6) We need to improve the hotel image, promote sales through promotion tools like avertisement, publicity, personel selling, sales promotion.

      • KCI등재

        관광동기와 관광지 매력속성과의 관계에 관한 연구

        한승엽,박수완(Seung Youb Han and Soo Wan Par) 한국호텔외식관광경영학회 1998 호텔경영학연구 Vol.7 No.2

        The purpose of this is to examine the relation between tourist motivation and attribute of attractions closely. The tourist motivationmade a practical application of the functional theory, which is one of the theories explaining an attitude and a change in attitude, and was catagorized. The three distinctive repondence cluster was composed of this tourist motivation, ans each cluster is considered to have the characteristics of many coessential tourist motivation. So we tried to make an analysis to importance of attitude of attraction which each cluster seeks after. The potential tourists, who have the utiliarian motivation, are in pursuit full of the natural attributes, but in the fewest of the cultural attributes. The potential tourists, whe have knowledge motivation, are in full of pursuit of the cultural attributes, but in the fewest pursuit of the attributes of attractions such as low price and convenient transportation.

      • KCI등재

        금융자산의 인식과 제거에 대한 비대칭적 회계처리 : 총수익스왑을 활용한 지분증권 거래에 관한 사례 연구

        한승엽 ( Seung-youb Han ),김영준 ( Young Jun Kim ),백복현 ( Bok Baik ) 한국회계학회 2018 회계저널 Vol.27 No.4

        총수익스왑(Total Return Swap, 이하 ‘TRS’)은 소유권과 의결권을 분리시키는 고유의 디커플링 기능과 함께 목적에 따라 다양한 변형이 가능해 경영권 방어, 기업인수 등 활용범위를 넓혀가며 새로운 금융기법으로 주목받고 있다. 그러나 TRS에 대한 기존 연구는 주로 법률적 관점에서 이루어져 왔다. 이에 본 연구는 경제적 실질은 유사하나 회계처리가 상이한 아시아나항공㈜과 ㈜호텔롯데의 두 TRS 사례를 분석함으로써 TRS와 관련한 두 가지 회계 이슈를 논의한다. 먼저 금융자산 제거 기준과 인식 기준의 비대칭성으로 인해 TRS의 기초자산 제거와 인식에 대한 회계처리가 일관되지 않을 수 있음을 보인다. 현행 금융자산 제거 기준은 ‘위험과 보상의 이전’이라는 경제적 실질에 기초한 반면, 금융자산 인식 기준은 ‘계약당사자(양수자)’라는 법적 외형을 우선시한다. 그 결과 TRS가 기존 주식의 매각을 목적으로 하는 경우 경제적 실질(주식 담보 차입)에 따라 기초자산의 제거가 금지되나, 신규 주식 취득을 목적으로 하는 경우에는 기업이 계약당사자로 등장하지 않는 법적 외형에 따라 기초자산의 인식이 불허(부외부채 효과 발생)되는 비대칭적 회계처리가 나타난다. TRS가 본래 외형과 실질을 분리할 목적으로 고안된 금융상품인 만큼 실질보다 형식을 우선시하는 현행 금융자산 인식 기준을 보완하거나 관련 공시를 강화할 필요가 있다. 다음으로 TRS 기초자산 매각에 대한 법과 회계의 판단이 불일치할 수 있음을 보인다. 법원과 공정거래위원회는 소유권과 의결권을 함께 이전하는 ‘숨은 의결권’ 유형 TRS의 기초자산 매각 거래에 대해 주요 법적 권한이 이전되었다는 이유로 진성 매각으로 판단한 반면, 금융감독원은 차액 정산 조건으로 인해 시장위험이 이전되지 않았다는 점을 근거로 이를 부인하였다. 기업이 법과 회계의 간극을 활용해 규제차익을 추구할 유인이 있는 만큼 TRS에 대한 감독당국과 투자자의 깊은 이해와 주의가 요구된다. Total return swap (hereinafter ‘TRS’) is a generic term for all types of financial transactions in which a TRS payer who possesses legal ownership of a reference asset transfers specified rewards and/or risks arising from the asset to a TRS receiver in return for receiving promised fees. This financial innovation provides firms with two unique advantages: i) decoupling effects that separate legal ownership and voting right of a stock and ii) flexibility that allows diverse structural designs satisfying various objectives. Prior literature, however, has studied TRS from a legal perspective, focusing on the potential risk of decoupling effects that violate the one-share-one-vote principle, one of the most important bases of the modern Company Act. In this paper, we discuss two accounting issues surrounding TRS by analyzing two cases - TRS of Asiana Airlines Inc. (hereinafter ‘Asiana case’) and TRS of Hotel Lotte Co., Ltd. (hereinafter ‘Lotte case’) - of which accounting treatments are different despite their similar economic substances. We first examine asymmetric accounting treatments in relation to recognition and derecognition of financial assets when TRS is involved in the transaction. The current derecognition standards of financial assets do not regard a TRS-based equity disposal as a true sale because cash settlement conditions in ordinary TRS structures retransfer market risk to a seller. As shown in the Asiana case in which reference assets are currently-possessed equity securities, firms who are in a seller position are not allowed to derecognize the financial assets as long as cash settlement condition exists regardless of legal ownership transfer. On the other hand, the recognition standards of financial assets require firms to directly represent as contractual parties of financial transactions to recognize underlying assets, consequently placing legal form before economic substance. As in the Lotte case whose objective is to purchase new equity securities, firms who are neither direct buyers nor sellers are prohibited from recognizing newly acquired financial assets, although firms de facto own the assets from an economic perspective. As a consequence, different accounting treatments are applied to economically identical transactions, depending on the characteristics of TRS reference assets, that is, whether the assets are currently-possessed versus newly-acquired. Since firms have stronger control over reference assets in a purchasing-purpose TRS than in a selling-purpose TRS, the current recognition standards of financial assets that prioritize legal form need to be revisited for the consistency with the derecognition standards which prioritize economic substance. At minimum, more transparent disclosure is necessary to help investors better understand the nature of transactions. Secondly, we discuss the discrepancy between law and accounting in regards to TRS equity disposal. The law which puts more weight on contractual appearance of duty and right relations considers TRS equity disposal as a true sale only if major legal rights, such as ownership and voting rights, are transferred. Consistently, the court and the Fair Trade Commission consider Asiana’s TRS-based equity securities disposal as a true sale. In contrast, the accounting which stands on the substance-over-form principle does not affirm it as a true sale unless most financial rewards and risks are actually transferred regardless of legal ownership. The Financial Supervisory Service’s opinion about Asiana’s TRS accounting treatment resonates the accounting viewpoint. This inconsistency between the law and accounting cannot easily be reconciled due to the contrasting objectives and approaches between the two. Since firms may have incentives to pursue regulatory arbitrage and in turn exploit the inconsistency, caution needs to be exercised for investors to have a deeper understanding of firms’ TRS transactions.

      • KCI등재

        IFRS 17(보험계약) 수익성 정보의 이해와 해석 : 수익 인식 체계의 비일관성을 중심으로

        한승엽 ( Seung-youb Han ) 한국회계학회 2021 회계저널 Vol.30 No.5

        국내 보험산업은 IFRS 17이라는 전례없는 회계환경의 변화를 맞이하고 있다. 보험 부채 평가가 원가평가에서 시가평가 방식으로 변경되며, 손익 인식도 현금주의에서 발생주의 방식으로 전면 개편된다. 특히, IFRS 17은 최선추정부채 환입, 위험조정 상각, 보험계약마진 상각으로 구성된 원천별 수익 정보를 제공토록 하고 있어 현행 IFRS 4 대비 수익성 정보의 유용성이 크게 개선될 것으로 예상된다. 그러나 수익 원천별로 상이한 인식 기준(보험계약마진에 대한 보험수익자 ‘기대효익’ 관점 vs. 최선추정부채에 대한 보험사 ‘기대비용’ 관점)이 적용됨에 따라 이러한 원천별 정보를 합산한 보험사 전체 수익성은 여전히 예측이 쉽지 않을 것으로 예상된다. 국내 대표 보험상품에 대한 시뮬레이션 분석에서도 IFRS 17의 이익 규모는 보험수익자 기대효익이 반영된 보험계약마진 상각분을 중심으로 안정적으로 나타나나, 상대적 개념인 수익성은 보험사 기대비용에 기반한 최선추정부채 환입분 변동에 따라 지속적으로 변화하며 불안정한 추이를 보인다. 이러한 문제점을 개선하고자 본 연구는 보험계약마진 상각과 미래 현금흐름에 대한 예측정보를 체계적으로 제공하는 주석공시 강화와 더불어 모든 이익 원천에 일관된 수익 인식 기준을 적용하는 방안을 제안한다. 본 연구는 IFRS 17에 대한 학습, 투자, 회계정책, 연구설계 등 다양한 목적의 참고자료로 유용할 것으로 기대된다. Korean insurance industry is facing unprecedented accounting environment changes due to the adoption of IFRS 17 scheduled to be effective in 2023. Under the new accounting standards, insurance liabilities are measured through the fair value approach, and revenues are recognized on the accrual basis. In particular, IFRS 17 is expected to significantly enhance the usefulness of financial performance information by providing detailed information on diverse profit sources such as amortization of contractual service margin, amortization of risk adjustment, and reversal of best estimate liabilities. However, aggregated profitability at the insurer level still may remain unpredictable because IFRS 17 applies inconsistent revenue recognition standards to different profit sources; that is, contractual service margin is being amortized on a basis of policyholder’s expected benefits, while best estimate liabilities are being reversed on a basis of insurer’s expected costs. The results of simulation analyses on representative insurance products in Korea support such inference. The absolute magnitude of profits displays a stable trend which is primarily determined by the amortization of contractual service margin, whereas the relative profitability shows unstable movements along with continued changes in the reversal of best estimate liabilities. To improve prediction value of profitability information, this study suggests some remedial methods such as standardized footnote disclosure on pro-forma information systematically presenting both amortization of contractual service margin and fulfillment cash flows for a remaining contractual period in addition to consistent application of revenue recognition standards. This study would be useful for various purposes such as learning, investment, standard-setting, and academic research regarding IFRS 17.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        공익법인회계기준 시행과 공익법인 회계품질 및 기부자 기부의사결정 변화

        한승엽(Han, Seung-Youb),박선영(Park, Sunyoung),조재희(Jo, Jaehee) 한국회계정보학회 2021 회계정보연구 Vol.39 No.4

        [연구목적] 공익법인의 불투명한 재정운영과 낮은 회계품질은 그간 우리나라의 건전한 기부문화를 저해하는 주된 요인으로 지적받아 왔다. 이에 2018년부터 복식부기와 발생주의를 근간으로 하는 공익법인회계기준이 시행됨에 따라 본 연구는 이러한 제도적 변화로 인한 회계환경상의 영향을 분석하고, 관련 정책적 시사점을 제공하고자 한다. [연구방법] 본 연구는 2015∼2020년 기간 중 기부금 의존도가 높은 사회복지 유형의 공익법인을 대상으로 공익법인회계기준 시행 전후의 공익법인 회계품질 변화와 공익법인 재무정보를 활용한 기부자의 기부의사결정 변화를 분석한다. [연구결과] 분석결과 공익법인회계기준 시행 후 공익법인의 회계품질이 유의하게 개선되었다는 징후는 발견되지 않았다. 그러나 기부자는 차기 기부의사결정 시 공익법인 재무정보에 대한 의존도와 회계품질 반영도를 높이는 등 공익법인회계기준 시행에 대해 대체적으로 긍정적 인식과 기대를 지니고 있는 것으로 나타났다. [연구의 시사점] 본 연구의 분석결과는 공익법인회계기준 시행 후의 공익법인 회계환경 변화에 대한 실증증거를 제시한다. 또한 공익법인회계기준 실효성 제고를 위한 정책적 시사점을 제공하고, 공익법인의 회계품질 제고 노력 필요성을 시사한다. [Purpose] Accounting standards for not-for-profit organizations (NPO) were newly introduced in 2018 to enhance transparency and accountability for NPOs’ stakeholders in Korea. This study documents the impact of such a major institutional change in NPO’s accounting environments and provides related policy implications. [Methodology] Using data from social welfare-type NPOs in Korea from 2015 to 2020, this study analyzes changes in NPOs’ financial reporting quality and donors’ donation decisions surrounding the adoption of NPO accounting standards. In addition, we investigate the usefulness of functional (i.e., service vs. non-service) expense information, which began to be newly provided by the new standards. [Findings] Although no significant evidence was found on the improvement of NPOs’ financial reporting quality, we find that donors tend to increase their reliance on both contents and reporting quality of NPOs’ financial information in their future donation decisions. This is consistent with the view that donors have overall positive perception on the changes introduced by the enactment of NPO accounting standards despite insignificant change in reporting quality. [Implications] This study provides initial evidence on the changes in NPOs’ accounting environments incurred by the new NPO accounting standards and adds to prior works that support the usefulness of NPOs’ financial information. In addition, this study suggests policy implications for regulators and the necessity of NPOs to improve their reporting quality.

      • KCI등재

        신용카드 포인트 리워드 거래에 대한 이해: 회계적 고려사항과 재무정보 비교가능성을 중심으로

        한승엽 ( Seung-youb Han ),윤재원 ( Jae Won Yoon ) 한국회계학회 2022 회계저널 Vol.31 No.2

        원칙중심의 국제회계기준은 개별 기업의 상황을 적절히 반영하는 목적적합한 정보를 제공함으로써 재무정보의 유용성을 제고하고자 한다. 그러나 현실에서는 명확한 기준의 부재와 높은 수준의 재량으로 회계처리와 관련한 혼선과 함께 재무정보의 비교가능성이 저해될 수 있다는 우려가 지속적으로 제기되고 있다. 신용카드 포인트 리워드(이하 ‘포인트’)도 과거에는 일관된 회계처리 관행이 자리잡고 있었으나, 수익인식 기준서와 금융상품 기준서가 전면 개편되며 여러 회계처리 대안이 거론되고 있는 대표적 분야다. 이에 본 연구는 기준서 내용에 대한 이론적 논의를 토대로 포인트 거래와 관련한 기준서 간 적용 우선순위와 각 기준서별 고려사항을 정리하고, 회계처리 차이로 인한 재무적 영향을 분석한다. 또한 국내 카드사 공시자료를 분석하여 카드사별 회계정책과 공시가 일관되지 않으며, 이로 인해 포인트 재무정보의 비교가능성이 저해될 수 있음을 보인다. 끝으로 금융감독당국의 감독지침(또는 예시적 회계처리) 제공, 회계정책에 대한 주석공시강화와 체계적 공식양식 마련 등 포인트 재무정보 비교가능성 제고를 위한 다양한 개선방안을 제안한다. 본 연구는 기존의 수익인식 사례연구를 보완하며 포인트 거래와 회계처리에 대한 학습, 회계정책 등 다양한 목적의 참고자료로 유용할 것으로 기대된다. Principle-based International Financial Reporting Standards aim at providing value-relevant information tailored to the characteristics of each financial reporting entity. In reality, however, the IFRS system has been criticized for the lack of clear guidance on accounting treatments and excessive discretion, raising concerns on confusion among market participants and declined comparability of financial information. Credit card point reward (hereafter ‘point’) is one representative example where the market falls into disorder as the new accounting standards are being introduced. Hence, this study first prioritizes the standards related to point transactions and, then, discusses considerations in applying each standard and financial impacts from the resultant accounting treatments. Regarding the application order among the standards (i.e., IFRS 15, IFRS 9, and IAS 37) for point transactions, no clear priority exists between IFRS 15 and IFRS 9 because both standards are mutually exclusive in their scope of application. On the other hand, IAS 37 follows a basic rule to give priority to other accounting standards, including IFRS 15 and 9, if those standards are applicable in advance. Therefore, either IFRS 15 or 9 should be first adopted which is expected to better represent the economic substance of point transactions, and IAS 37 is subsequently applied only when both IFRS 15 and 9 are not applicable. Regarding accounting considerations of point transactions, the following issues need to be carefully reviewed when IFRS 15 is applied. In the first step of ‘identifying the contract’, it is important to decide whether a credit card member is a customer as defined by IFRS 15 since the standard only applies to a contract with a customer. Otherwise, the application of other standards such as IFRS 9 and IAS 37 should be considered. In the second step of ‘identifying performance obligations’, the major concern is the principal versus agent consideration which is determined by the role of a credit card company in point transactions. If a company plays a role as a principal (an agent), the responsibility of providing (arranging) point-related services to credit card members is identified (unidentified) as a separate performance obligation. In the third step of ‘determining the transaction price’ and the fourth step of ‘allocating the transaction price to performance obligations’, the probability of credit card members’ using points matters because it directly affects the amount of revenues to be recognized as points are being used in the future (i.e., point-related performance obligations are completed). In the final fifth step, credit card companies, if they play a principal role, recognize both revenues and expenses when points are used (i.e., a ‘gross-amount’ approach in which revenues and matched expenses are recognized). If companies are an agent, however, no revenues and expenses are recognized because the arranging role is not identified as a performance obligation in the second step so the remaining procedures from the third to fifth steps are unnecessary (i.e., a ‘net-amount’ approach in which the book value of liabilities due to the agent role is deducted from the total franchise fee revenues). In applying IFRS 9, the key consideration is whether a point satisfies the definition of a financial instrument. If IFRS 9 is applied, both the gross- and net-amount accounting treatments are possible based on the characteristics of point transactions. To apply IAS 37 which is inferior in application to other standards, two conditions are required to be met; i) credit card members are not customers by IFRS 15 (i.e., IFRS 15 is not applicable), and ii) points are not financial instruments by IFRS 9 (i.e., IFRS 9 is not applicable). IAS 37 being applied, a ‘gross-amount’ accounting treatment is desirable given the basic purpose of recognizing contingent liabilities to better match revenues with related expenses. As such, depending on the standards applied and the decisions made on the issues described so far, different accounting treatments are possible for point transactions under the current financial reporting system. This uncertainty potentially generates significant inconsistency and low comparability in point-related accounting policies and disclosure across credit card companies in Korea. To mitigate such a problem, we suggest some remedial actions for enhanced cross-sectional comparability on financial performance information (e.g., preparation of guidance on accounting treatments and standardization of footnote disclosure formats). Our study is useful for learners and staff in the credit card industry, adds to prior case studies regarding IFRS 15 practices, and provides policy implications for financial regulatory authority.

      • KCI등재

        Invar 36 합금 선재의 미세조직에 미치는 냉간 인발 및 열처리 공정의 영향

        한승엽 ( seung Youb Han ),장선아 ( Seon Ah Jang ),은희철 ( Hee-Chul Eun ),최정훈 ( Jung-Hoon Choi ),이기락 ( Ki Rak Lee ),박환서 ( Hwan Seo Park ),안도희 ( Do-Hee Ahn ),김수영 ( Soo Young Kim ),김재열 ( Jea Youl Kim ),신상용 ( San 대한금속재료학회(구 대한금속학회) 2016 대한금속·재료학회지 Vol.54 No.10

        In this study, the effect of cold drawing and heat treatment on the microstructure of Invar36 alloy wire was investigated. Invar36 alloy wire is used as a transmission line core material, and is required to have high strength. The diameter of the Invar36 alloy wire specimens were reduced from 16 mm to 4.3 mm after three cold drawing and two heat treatment processed, thereby increasing tensile strength. Specimens were taken after each of the cold drawing and heat treatment processes, and their microstructure and tensile properties were analyzed. The Invar36 alloy γ-(Fe, Ni) phase matrix before the cold drawing and heat treatment processes. After the cold drawing processes, {220} and {200} textures were mainly achieved. After the heat treatment processes, a {220} recrystallization γ-(Fe, Ni)phase was formed with fine carbides. The recrystallization γ-(Fe, Ni) phase grains had low dislocation density, so they probably accommodated a large amount of deformation during the cold drawing processes.

      • KCI우수등재

        공익법인의 회계정보가 기부자의 기부의사결정에 미치는 영향 : 예산집행 정보와 회계품질을 중심으로

        한승엽 ( Seung-youb Han ),최세라 ( Sera Choi ),양승희 ( Seunghee Yang ),윤소은 ( So-eun Yoon ) 한국회계학회 2019 회계학연구 Vol.44 No.3

        본 연구는 공익법인의 예산집행 정보와 회계품질을 중심으로 공익법인의 회계정보가 기부자의 기부의사결정에 미치는 영향을 분석한다. 2014년부터 2017년까지 사회복지사업을 영위하는 공익법인을 대상으로 분석한 결과, 전체 비용에서 고유목적사업에 지출된 비용의 비중(즉, 고유목적사업비율)이 높을수록 기부자가 예산집행 적정성을 보다 긍정적으로 평가해 차기 기부금이 유의하게 늘어나는 것으로 확인된다. 다만 회계품질이 낮은 경우 이러한 고유목적사업비율과 차기 기부금 간의 양(+)의 관계가 약화되는 것으로 관측되는 바, 동일한 회계정보라 하더라도 해당 정보의 신뢰성 수준에 따라 기부자의 정보의존도에 편차가 발생하는 것으로 나타난다. 본 연구의 결과는 국내 공익법인의 회계투명성 수준에 대한 그간의 우려에도 불구하고 공익법인의 회계정보가 기부자의 기부의사결정에 유용하게 활용됨으로써 효율적 자원배분을 촉진하는 정보체계로서 효과적으로 기능하고 있음을 시사한다. This study investigates whether accounting information of Korean nonprofit organizations (hereinafter NPO) influences donors’ subsequent-period donation decisions. Analyzing NPOs running social-welfare businesses which account for the largest portion of total donation revenues in Korea for the period 2014-2017, we find that donors perceive NPOs reporting higher program ratios (i.e., the ratio of program expenses to total expenses) as more efficient in budget usage and thus, increase the amount of subsequent-period donation. However, the positive association between program ratio and subsequent-period donation is attenuated for NPOs with low accounting quality, suggesting that donors’ reliance on NPOs’ accounting information varies with the credibility of the information contents. Collectively, our findings indicate that despite the increasing concerns on accounting transparency of Korean NPOs, donors incorporate the two attributes of accounting information - contents and quality - in their decision-making and that the accounting information system functions effectively, contributing to the efficient resource allocation in the nonprofit sector.

      • KCI등재

        논문 : 단상영역에서 압연된 API X80 라인파이프강의 인장 및 샤르피 충격 특성에 미치는 Mo, Cr, V의 영향

        한승엽 ( Seung Youb Han ),신상용 ( Sang Yong Shin ),서창효 ( Chang Hyo Seo ),이학철 ( Hak Cheol Lee ),배진호 ( Jin Ho Bae ),김기수 ( Ki Soo Kim ),이성학 ( Sung Hak Lee ),김낙준 ( Nack J. Kim ) 대한금속재료학회 ( 구 대한금속학회 ) 2008 대한금속·재료학회지 Vol.46 No.12

        This study is concerned with the effects of Mo, Cr, and V addition on tensile and Charpy impact properties of API X80 linepipe steels. Four kinds of steels were processed by varying Mo, Cr, and V additions, and their microstructures and tensile and Charpy impact properties were investigated. Since the addition of Mo and V promoted to form fine acicular ferrite and granular bainite, while prohibiting the coarsening of granular bainite, it increased the strength and upper shelf energy, and decreased the energy transition temperature. The Cr addition promoted the formation of coarse granular bainite and secondary phases such as martensite-austenite constituents, thereby leading to the increased effective grain size, energy transition temperature, and strength and to the decreased upper shelf energy. The steel containing 0.3wt.% Mo and 0.06wt.% V without Cr had the highest upper shelf energy and the lowest energy transition temperature because its microstructure was composed of fine acicular ferrite and granular bainite, together with a small amount of hard secondary phases, while its tensile properties maintained excellent.

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