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      • L.E.D를 이용한 조명등 디자인에 관한 연구

        한기웅 강원대학교 조형예술연구소 2000 조형예술논문집 Vol.2 No.-

        In the period of global competition of 21st century, the genenral trend of development of new goods is a development of a new material which can be grafted togehter with a new technology and moreover it is a advisable conceptof designs which meet consumers various desires. Especially, for the lighting design which is affected sensitively by the life trends of the times, the development of new material means a lot and the idea of reusing those materials abandoned in the areas around is particularly a desirable decision. thereore by recycling those abandoned coal materials scattered at coal-mine districts around Kang - won Jungsun,태백등지 ,new electricity of launching-goods evolved from the mood lamp design of fresh sense which meet their needs is prepared.

      • 석탄폐석재를 이용한 문화관광상품디자인 개발

        한기웅 강원대학교 석재복합신소재제품연구센터 1998 석재연 논문집 Vol.3 No.-

        21세기는 문화와 산업과의 접목이 매우 중요한 요소로 작용할 것이며, 문화의 접목을 통한 고부가가치 상품개발의 연구는 이와같은 측면에서 매우 의미있는 방향설정이라 생각된다. 특히 강원도 전역에 산재되어 있는 폐석재를 재활용하여 강원문화관광상품을 개발하는 것은 지역경제의 활성화는 물론 지구촌 경쟁시대에 우리의 문화관광상품을 세계 시장에 수출하는 좋은 계기가 될 것으로 예측된다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 우리의 문화가 체화(體化)된 문화관광상품을 폐석재와 접목하여 대량으로 생산할 수 있는 새로운 방향을 제시함으로서 향후 국내 문화관광상품개발에 활력소가 될 것이다. It will soon function to combine a culture of its own and contemporary industrial system as the principal factor in 21st century, therefore based on physical quality, researches for developing high-added value products would be a suggestive and meaningful orientation. especially, with recycling Polymer Concrete which is found all around Kangwon province. It could strength to the regional economic development to create wares contained the character of the Kanwon. furthermore it would be a favourable opportunity to show off our own cultural and commercial products into the world-market. In conclusion, It is anticipated that this researches could provide us with a new direction to massproduce commodities which are featured with our regional culture, and then promote the will to exploit regional commodities all over the country.

      • KCI등재

        「비잔티움으로의 항행」과 『어쉰의 방황』에서의 새의 이미지

        한기웅 한국중앙영어영문학회 2012 영어영문학연구 Vol.54 No.3

        After Yeats had finished his first work, The Wanderings of Oisin, in 1889, he commented “I was dissatisfied with its yellow and its dull green, with all that overcharged colour inherited from the romantic movement, I deliberately reshaped my style.” And he also said that “when in my twenty-second year I had finished The Wanderings of Oisin, my style seemed too elaborate, too ornamental.” So, he decided that he would simplify his style by filling his imagination with country stories. All of the tries are crucial proofs that he tried to find the styles for his own ones. And, at last, he creates his universal images, a phoenix-like, immortal, the “coloured Asian birds” of The Wanderings of Oisin, which become a predecessor, the “Golden Bird” of 「Sailing to Byzantium」. Therefore, although his early works have many flaws, we cannot degrade their values and significances that paved the way for the Last Poems. In conclusion, the two works, The Wanderings of Oisin and 「Sailing to Byzantium」are closely connected each other in spite of their 40-year-distance.

      • 예이츠 시에 나타난 성(性)의 대립

        한기웅 한국현대영미어문학회 2001 The Journal of KACELLS Vol.6 No.2

        When we are going to try to illustrate Yeats's poems fully, it is one of good methods to examine contrastive elements based on his three kinds of poems such as love, history, and philosophy. And his theory on poetry which is revealed by himself, that is, "A poet writes always of his personal life" gives us good information for research. He loved somebody and was disappointed by someone totally. As a result, his life apparently had had so much remorse and isolation. According to his comment, He loved too long. It made troubles. And it also made antipathy against his lover. Those elements were evidently loss for his life, but at the same time, good fruit for his poems also. If he could write highly matured poems, it would be thanks to pain by his lover. Richard Ellmann is saying how Yeats loved his lover by this comments; For a moment, 'the ears being deafened, the sight of the eyes blind with lightning,' Yeats did not know what to do. Then he went through with his lecture, and afterwards members of the audience congratulated him on its excellence, but he could never remember a word of what he had said. And this emotion became a system of his philosophy, strictly speaking, his entire poems. His last poems are good examples to expose opposition system of his poems, which became his system of idea. He understood all his philosophy in opposition or confrontation. The Great Wheel just was that. History has been turning without ceasing in the system of opposition. All history is repeating through opposition and antagonism. The poems which represents those system are "Leda and Swan," "Two Songs from a Play," "The Second Coming" and so on. Yeats made an explanation about the system by the phases of the moon. It starts from 1 phases to 28 phases. 1 is the beginning of some culture and 28 the last. Before one culture is extinguished, another culture will be born. And two other cultures make troubles each other in confrontation. He illustrated these facts by primary gyre(or cone) and antithetical gyre (or cone). A full years that the moon turns around a whole circle are 2000. Therefore, has 2000 passed, culture will be disappeared by another culture.

      • 폴리머 콘크리트를 이용한 조명등 디자인에 관한 연구

        한기웅 강원대학교 부설 석재복합신소재 제품연구센터 2000 석재연 논문집 Vol.5 No.-

        지금까지 옥외용 환결제품(Street Furniture)에 주재료로 사용되어진 소재는 콘크리트, 스테인레스, F.R.P 및 석ㆍ목재 등이었으나, 자연소재인 석ㆍ목재는 높은 원자재 값과 가공성의 어려움으로 사용에 따른 경제적 부담 크기 때문에 일반재로로 사용이 어려웠으며, 가장 보편적으로 이용되고 있는 콘크리트 제품은 표면 질감이 떨어지고, 수분흡수에 따른 동절기의 동파현상으로 부식 현상이 발생되기 ; 때문에 견고성의 큰 결함을 갖고 있는 실정이다. 따라서 21C의 사용자의 다양한 니즈(Needs)에 부합하고 지역의 문화적 특성에 적합한 새로운 소재의 개발이 시급한 상태이다. 이와같은 관점엣 고려해볼 때 강원지역의 석탄폐석재를 적용하여 새롭게 개발된 폴리머콘크리트를 이용한 환경제품 개발이 갖는 의미는 매우 크다고 할 수 있으며, 향후 새로운 시장개척에 좋은 반응이 기대된다. Currently main materials for street furnitures are concrete, stainless steel, F.R.P, stone, wood, etc. But natural materials such as stone and wood are too expensive and hard to be manufactured to be generally used. So, although concrete have been generally used, it have some shortages which are rough texture and corrosive action be caused by water leaking from a broken pipe in winter. Sooner or later new building materials will be invented to satisfy users' needs. And we have to find them on local situations. On the for-conditions, polymer concrete made of coal cinder, around Knag-Won province is very important meaning to us, and after this, it is hoped for favorable reaction in new market.

      • KCI등재

        예이츠와 키이츠의 시간의 극복 : 「비잔티움으로의 항해」와 「가을에게」를 중심으로

        한기웅 한국예이츠학회 2007 한국예이츠 저널 Vol.27 No.-

        Yeats and Keats differently introduced their notions of time circulation and eternal life. One expressed limitations of human which could be overcome by art. And the other introduced time flowing in harmony and peace. And in one poem, we can see something lively such as young people, birds, trees, salmon-falls, and in the other poem we can find laziness and leisure. However, there is some similarity in that they introduce the subjects of circulation of life and eternal life. Yeats shows the passage of time by the Great Wheel or gyre which develops in the course of formation, fullness, decline. And Keats also presents the passage of time by using the phrases such as “swell the gourd,” “plum the hazel shell,” “warm day will never cease.” These symbolize swelling and continuance of time. So we can find the way how time is flowing in their poems. In Yeats's “Sailing to Byzantium,” time travels from a youth to an old age, and in “To Autumn,” time travels from summer to autumn. In this circulation Yeats's immortality can be reached by the media of art. And Keats gets it by the circulation of seasons. So one continues to voyage with eagerness for Byzantium in which he could find his everlasting life through the mosaic of 15th century, and the other comfortably waits for next seasons. Two poets respectively develop their poems in different ways, but they finally achieve the same subjects of ever-lasting life in the passage of time. In conclusion, Yeats pursued immortality by separating spirit from the body, because the flesh would be decayed. On the other hand, Keats thought that the immortality could be acquired by being one with time. Unlike Yeats's “Sailing to Byzantium”, Keats's “To Autumn” has a tendency to keep harmony and reconciliation, instead of confrontation. Therefore, autumn enjoys “sitting,” and “asleep” without haste.

      • "두 그루의 나무"와 "재림"을 통해 본 신화의 이용

        한기웅 한국현대영미어문학회 2002 The Journal of KACELLS Vol.7 No.1

        In the beginnign, there was the world created by God. And there were also many worlds by gods. And there were many stories connected with them. We called those stories mythology. And we've ourselves made many other stories which we call llegend. These willl continue to bear other stories as until now. There have been a lot of authors who have made stories in the world. Yeats was one of them in the middle of mythology and legend even occultism. He ceated another myth in the basis of originals instead of ignorance. Therefore, Mythology has a significant meaning to himself because he created a new structure about it by giving plot. In this article, I have checked the new structure in the two poems,"The Two Trees." "The Second Coming," though there are manyother famous poems such as "Leda and Swan," "Two Songs from a Play," "Sailing to Byzantium," "The Tower," etc. The two poems have the expressions which present the gyre. Gyre is, according to Curtis Bradford explanation. The word 'gyre' does not occur very frquently in Yeats's poetry. When it does, as in his late poem "The Gyres,' it is usually emblematic of the cyclical process of history. In the cancelled lines where Yeats first introduced 'gyre,' into the drafts of "Sailing to Byzantium," it was applied to the protagonist' he was "immovable, or moving in a gyre." This is Yeats's way of saying that he was involved in the historic process. Now Yeats has his protagonist beseech the sages to leave momentarily the holy fire which symbolizes their enernal ecstasy and enter the gyre again in order that they may "be the singing masters of my soul," may help him put off the 'dying animal' and enter the 'artifice of eternity,' helps him, that is, to become a golden bird singing on a golden bough(112). The end of an age, which always receives the revelation of the character of the next age, is represented by the coming of one gyre to its place of greatest expansion and of the other to that of its greatest contraction. At the present moment the life gyre is sweeping outward, unlike that before the birth of Christ which was narrowing, and has alomost reached its greatest expansion. The revelation which approaches will however take its character from the ontrary moverment of the interior gyre. All lour scientific, democratic, fact-accumulating, heterogeneous civilization belongs to the outward gyre and prepares not the continuance of itself but the revelation as in a lightning flash, though in a flash that will not stricke only in one place, and will for a time be constantly repeated, of the civilization that must slowly take its place... when the revelation comes it willl not come to the poor but to the great and learned and establish again for two thousand years prine and vizier.

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