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      • KCI등재

        대형 의류벤더의 테크니컬 디자이너 실무 분석

        하희정,Ha, Hee Jung 대한가정학회 2017 Human Ecology Research(HER) Vol.55 No.5

        This study analyzes the practical tasks and required competency for technical designers to provide basic data on the training of domestic technical designers. The survey was applied to 21 technical designers of big vendors as well as investigated tasks, task flow, important tasks, time-consuming tasks, and required competencies. The results of the study are as follows. First, the technical designers were in charge of several brands of buyers and distributors of fashion companies, or several lines of the same brand. The main production items were cut and sewn knits. Second, the flow of task and tasks were in the order of buyer comments analysis, sloper decision to matching style, sewing specification, productive sewing method research, size specification suggestion, pattern correction comments, construction decision to matching style & fabric, sample evaluations, fit approval, business e-mail writing, specification & grading confirmation, and communication with buyer. Third, five tasks (analysis of buyer comments analysis, communication with buyer, pattern correction comments, productive sewing methods research, sample evaluation) were important and time-consuming tasks. Fourth, reeducation was required in order of sewing, pattern, English, fabric, and fitting. Fifth, competencies to be a technical designers were fitting, pattern correction, size specification & grading, construction & sewing specification, sewing terms & techniques, and communication skills. In conclusion, technical designer training should focus on technology-based instruction, such as sample evaluation, fitting, pattern correction, and productive sewing methods research of cut and sewn knits.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        국내에서 연구된 항염 효능이 있는 한약재의 본초학적 분석

        하희정 ( Hee Jung Ha ),김윤정 ( Yun Jung Kim ),권기태 ( Kee Tae Kweon ),김진주 ( Jin Ju Kim ) 대한본초학회 2011 大韓本草學會誌 Vol.26 No.4

        Objective: This paper analyzed the research trend of the experiment papers where inflammation was treated based on the oriental herbs among the issued papers of many areas such as oriental medicine and pharmacy, etc. Method: All experiment papers on the oriental herbs have been searched with the keyword of ``inflammation`` in the internet sites like KISTI, OASIS, etc., and then they are analyzed on the basis of the effective classification of Korean herbal medicine, the frequency of research on Korean herbal medicine, and so forth. Result & Conclusion: It is presumed that anti-inflammation, the concept of Western Medicine, is related to clearing away heat, the concept of Korean herbal medicine, because it is ascertained that the highest cases is kinds of Korean herbal medicine effectively classified as clearing away heat medicine in the research of anti-inflammation. Also, it is checked that a ginseng is the most researched among the 138 Korean herbal medicine.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        대형 의류벤더의 테크니컬 디자이너 실무 분석

        하희정 ( Hee Jung Ha ) 대한가정학회 2017 Human Ecology Research(HER) Vol. No.

        This study analyzes the practical tasks and required competency for technical designers to provide basic data on the training of domestic technical designers. The survey was applied to 21 technical designers of big vendors as well as investigated tasks, task flow, important tasks, time-consuming tasks, and required competencies. The results of the study are as follows. First, the technical designers were in charge of several brands of buyers and distributors of fashion companies, or several lines of the same brand. The main production items were cut and sewn knits. Second, the flow of task and tasks were in the order of buyer comments analysis, sloper decision to matching style, sewing specification, productive sewing method research, size specification suggestion, pattern correction comments, construction decision to matching style & fabric, sample evaluations, fit approval, business e-mail writing, specification & grading confirmation, and communication with buyer. Third, five tasks (analysis of buyer comments analysis, communication with buyer, pattern correction comments, productive sewing methods research, sample evaluation) were important and time-consuming tasks. Fourth, reeducation was required in order of sewing, pattern, English, fabric, and fitting. Fifth, competencies to be a technical designers were fitting, pattern correction, size specification & grading, construction & sewing specification, sewing terms & techniques, and communication skills. In conclusion, technical designer training should focus on technology-based instruction, such as sample evaluation, fitting, pattern correction, and productive sewing methods research of cut and sewn knits.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        3 · 1운동 이후 기독교의 사회적 실천과 여성 농촌운동

        하희정(Ha Hee-Jung) 한국기독교역사연구소 2018 한국기독교와 역사 Vol.- No.48

        이 논문은 일제강점기 농촌운동에 앞장섰던 김노득의 생애와 활동을 추적한다. 그는 1928년 감리교여자신학교에 입학했고, 1931년 『상록수』의 실제 주인공 최용신과 함께 브나로드운동에 참여했다. 농촌지도과 교수 황애덕이 이들을 지도했다. 하지만 김노득은 대중문학을 통해 ‘인간 상록수’로 재탄생한 최용신의 후광에 가려 역사의 평가를 제대로 받지 못한 채 잊혀진 인물이 되었다. 농촌운동은 3 · 1운동 후 기독교 지식인들이 가장 적극적으로 참여한 사회운동 중 하나였다. 국내 항일운동 네트워크는 붕괴되고, 10년간 지속된 일제의 경제수탈정책으로 민족생존의 터전마저 위태해진 상황에서 젊은 지식인들이 할 수 있는 선택은 그리 많지 않았다. 1차 세계대전 후 급변하는 세계질서에 편승하고자 꺼내든 일본 식민정부의 ‘문화통치’도 새로운 환경을 만들어냈다. 일본의 개방정책에 힘입어 국제사회의 다양한 흐름들이 빠르게 유입되었다. 그러나 국내로 유입된 사상들은 선택지가 줄어든 현실에 뿌리내리지 못하고 홍수에 떠다니는 부유물처럼 관념적 잉여재로 소비되었다. 현실과 이상의 괴리가 깊어질수록 식민지 지성들의 고뇌도 현실이 아닌 관념으로 빠져들었다. 김노득은 대중매체의 주목을 받으며 농촌운동의 기수로 이름을 올렸던 대부분의 농촌운동가들과 달리, 수많은 제약이 따랐던 시대적 상황에서도 조용히 대중밀착형 농촌운동을 ‘말’이 아닌 ‘몸’으로 실천한 현장운동가였다. 과감하게 현장을 찾았고 최용신 · 황애덕과 손잡고 당대 지식인들을 가둔 창백한 관념성에 균열을 냈다. 일제에 의한 강제몰수가 진행될 때까지 현장에서 농민들과 함께 호흡하며 실천하는 지성의 가치를 보여주었다. 김노득의 중요성은 여기서 끝나지 않는다. 그의 성장과정과 농촌운동의 성과는 당대 지식인들의 고뇌와 모순뿐 아니라 기독교 여성들이 실천하는 지성적 연대를 어떻게 구축했는지 보여준다. 특히 김노득이 일궈낸 성과는 YWCA나 교회여성들의 기독교 네트워크와 러시아 혁명에 뿌리를 둔 브나로드운동을 적절히 연결시켜 농민들 스스로 설 수 있도록 자립경제 구축과 의식개혁의 확장을 꾀했다는 점에서 역사적 의미가 적지 않다. This paper aims to explore the life and work of Kim Roh-Deuk who was a pioneering activist in rural movements in colonial Korea. While studying at the Union Methodist Women`s Seminary, she joined in the march of the Vnarod Movement in 1931. She paved the way to mass movements for empowering rural communities, taking her first steps with her friend, Choi Young-Shin, under the leadership of Professor Hwang Esther. About 80% of the Korean population was in agriculture. Most of them were fallen into the landless poor under the Japanese colonial rule of Japan. Since the First World War and the 3 · 1 Independence Movement, Korean intellectuals and students had paid attention to the economic exploitation of Japan that threatened rural communities and their future. Young Christian intellectuals organized YMCA and YWCA as nationwide networks and played a leading role in rural campaigns for saving the peasantry from poverty and the lack of education. But their campaigns ended with shouting and slogans in a distance from rural communities. Kim Roh-Deuk and Choi Young-Shin jumped into rural communities in the northern part of Korea. In the guidance of Professor Hwang, Kim and Choi opened schools for children and illiterates. Furthermore, they fulfilled a new project of joint-cultivation in which the landless poor would be given small estates for self-supporting economy in rural areas. They built up solidarity and cooperation not only with the Vnarod Movement rooted in the Russian Revolution but also with international Christian groups, specifically American YWCA for financial support.

      • KCI등재

        메트로섹슈얼 성향을 지닌 20대 남성의 외모관리 행동과 신체적 특성 사례 분석

        하희정 ( Ha Hee-jung ),홍혜원 ( Hong Hye-won ) 한국디자인트렌드학회 2015 한국디자인포럼 Vol.47 No.-

        외적으로 드러나는 모습에 대한 관심은 일반적으로 여성들에게서 많이 나타났지만 이제는 남성에게도 외모관리가 중요하게 여겨지고 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 메트로섹슈얼 성향을 지닌 20대 남성들을 대상으로 설문지법, 심층면접, 인체 측정을 실시하여 이들의 의복행동을 포함한 외모관리 행동과 인식 및 신체적 특성에 대한 사례를 살펴봄으로써 남성용 패션 및 뷰티 상품 개발에 실질적인 자료를 제공하고자 하는데 그 목적이 있다. 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 점무늬나 꽃무늬, 밝은 색상의 의복에 거부감 없이 입을 수 있다(4.45)고 응답하였으며, 액세서리에 거부감이 없고(4.37) 팔찌를 착용한다(4.09)고 하였다. 또한 헤어스타일에 신경을 쓰고(4.37), 외모 꾸미는 일에 흥미를 느껴(4.66) 거울에 나의 모습을 비추어보고(4.26) 간지가 나는 스타일에 눈길이 가며(4.29) 마음에 드는 옷은 비싸도 사고 싶다(4.23)는 항목 등에 높은 점수가 나타났으므로, 피부, 액세서리, 헤어, 패션 등의 요인들과 메트로섹슈얼 현상이 밀접하게 관련이 있는 것으로 생각된다. 본 연구에 참여한 피험자들의 신체 특성을 20대 한국 남성의 평균 신체 치수와 비교한 결과, 신장, 허리높이, 위앞엉덩이뼈가시높이, 엉덩이높이, 무릎높이, 어깨길이 항목 등이 더 크게 나타났고, 허리둘레, 배꼽수준둘레 항목은 더 작게 나타났으며, 넙다리둘레, 무릎둘레, 장딴지둘레 항목은 차이가 미미하여, 키가 크고 다리가 길며, 어깨는 넓으나 가슴과 허리는 날씬한 신체적 특성을 가지고 있다고 파악되었다. Interests in appearances are generally shown among women but now men also consider appearance management as importantly as women, and this study investigated appearance management, awareness and physical characteristics of 20s men with metrosexual tendency. As a result, men answered that they can wear spotted, floral patterned or bright color clothes without hesitation(4.45), they don`t mind to wear accessories(4.37) and they wear bracelets(4.09). In addition, they gave high grade in items such as they pay attention to their hair style(4.37), they are interested in grooming their appearances(4.66), they look themselves in the glass(4.26), they are inclined to fabulous style(4.29) and they want to buy clothes though they are expensive(4.23). Therefore it can be inferred that skin, accessories, hair, fashion and etc factors are closely related to metrosexual phenomena. As a result of comparing body characteristics of participants of this study and average 20s men in Korea, their height, waist-high, anterior-superior iliac spine height, hip height, knee height, shoulder length and etc were bigger and waist measurement and navel level measurement were smaller. And they were taller and had longer legs but shoulders are wider but chest and waist was thinner.

      • KCI등재

        20~30대 하체 비만형 여성을 위한 정장 바지 패턴 연구

        하희정 ( Hee Jung Ha ) 복식문화학회 2011 服飾文化硏究 Vol.19 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to provide a basic pattern to assist in the development of formal pants that reflect the physical characteristics of women with lower-body obesity. The subjects selected for this study were women in their 20s and 30s with a Rohrer index of 1.6 or higher, a waist circumference 78.5cm to 83.5cm, and a lower drop of at least 18cm. The experimental pants patterns were developed by varying the waist line position, the waist ease, the ease in the hip area, the crotch length, the front and rear crotch width, the leg width, and the total length. Data analysis was performed using the SPSS statistics program(version 18.0). To verify the difference, this study used a variance analysis and Duncan`s test. The conclusions drawn by the study are as follows. To reflect the form element of an abdomen with fatty deposits, the waist circumference should have an ease of 2cm. The front waist result was W/4+0.5cm+0.75cm and the rear waist result was W/4-0.5cm+0.25cm. The hip circumference showed a total ease of 4.5cm. The front hip result was H/4+0.75cm and the rear hip result was H/4+1.5cm. The crotch width set to H/16-1cm and the applied rear crotch width was H/16+2cm. The rear hip area was given more ease to reflect the protrusion of the hip. Along the line extending from the knee area to the crotch line, the outer seam line was designed with a gradual S-shaped curve to accommodate the protrusion from the maximum thigh width.

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