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        전후의 시작과 진보진영의 전쟁책임 문제 — ‘정치와 문학’ 논쟁을 중심으로 —

        최종길 한국일본사상사학회 2020 일본사상 Vol.0 No.39

        문학은 혁명운동에 복무해야만 한다는 일본공산당의 정치우선주의적 문예정책에 반대한 좌익진영의 작가들은 작가동맹의 해체와 그로인한 전향의 내적 원인으로 일본공산당운동의 오류를 지적하고 있다. 따라서 ‘정치와 문학’ 논쟁은 전향의 문제 즉 공산당의 잘못된 문예정책 때문에 작가동맹이 해체되었고 그 결과 문학자들이 전쟁에 협력하게 되었다는 인식을 포함하게 되었다. 전후의 출발점에 선 『근대문학』 동인들은 전전의 운동체험에 기초하여 계급에 대한 충성과 당파성에 의거한 활동을 지양(aufheben)하고 실존적 주체로 전후 민주주의 혁명에 복무하는 문학자의 길을 열고자 하였다. 그리고 그들은 어두운 자기체험을 극복할 수 있는 길을 실존적 자기인식에 선 문학에서 찾았다. 그들은 이러한 문학이야말로 전후의 민주주의적 과제를 달성할 수 있는 길이며 이렇게 했을 때 또 다시 전향하지 않고, 패배하지 않고, 자신의 길을 마지막까지 갈 수 있다고 판단하였다. The writers of the left wing, who opposed the Japanese Communist Party’s political-first literary policy that says literature should serve in the revolutionary movement, point to the fallacy of the Japanese Communist movement as an internal cause of the dissolution of the NAPL and the consequent movement. Thus, the “political and literary” debate has come to include the perception that the writers’ alliance was dissolved because of the problems of the front, namely the wrong literary policy of the Communist Party, resulting in the writers’ cooperation in the war. Standing at the starting point of the postwar era, the “modern literature” drivers tried to avoid activities based on “loyalty and partisanship to the classes” and open the way for writers to serve in the post-war democratic revolution as existential subjects. And they found a way to overcome the dark self-experience in literature, which stood in existential self-awareness. They judged that literature was the only way to achieve post-war democratic challenges, and that it would lead their way to the end without turning again, without being defeated, without losing.

      • KCI등재

        전후 일본의 사회변동과 전향론

        최종길 한국일본사상사학회 2015 일본사상 Vol.0 No.28

        Throughout the height growth appeared to the people buried in the country and domestic peace and national unity of the democratic front and rear elements are made strongly rooted in Japanese society. Past performance and various resistance movements are born became absorbed into the Iranian Civil Society (≒ country) 'peace and prosperity'. As a result, Japan's forward-looking within the structural into the system took place in a civil society is wrong. Then turning back to movements theory go forward as a theory of individual thought and way of life to discuss the consistency of action emerged. You need to in order to get around the attraction of 'peace and prosperity' is civil society that has overcome the abstractness and elitist ideology as the movement of ideas and movements and build a foundation based on the life and living of the people. This arises from the scope of the subject of an individual's life that matches the inner surface of the phenomenal place. Conversion theory developed in his reflexive stance on their war cooperation had a logical relationship that could lead to a discussion about the different actions related to liability issues caused in the course of waging war Japan. But the principal to discuss the prospective move to the post-war generation and their eyes were fading colonial rule is accountability and responsibility for the war cooperation in the forward-looking Ron Coupled with the internal problems of the Japanese society. 고도 성장기를 거치면서 국가에 매몰된 국민이 등장하고 국내적 평화와 국민통합이라는 전후 민주주의적 요소가 일본 사회에 강하게 뿌리내렸다. 그리고 과거의 저항운동이 낳은 다양한 성과는 ‘평화와 번영’이란 시민사회(≒국가) 속에 흡수되어버렸다. 그 결과 일본 내에서는 체제내로의 구조적 전향이 시민사회란 틀 속에서 일어났다. 그러자 운동론으로써의 전향론은 물러가고 개인의 사상과 행동의 일치성을 논하는 삶의 방식으로써의 전향론이 대두한다. ‘평화와 번영’이란 시민사회의 흡인력을 이겨내기 위해서는 이데올로기로써의 운동이 가진 추상성과 엘리트주의를 극복하고 민중들의 삶과 생활에 토대를 둔 사상과 운동을 구축할 필요가 있다. 이것은 사상의 주체인 개인의 내면과 현상적 삶이 일치하는 곳에서 발생한다. 자신들의 전쟁협력에 대한 자기 성찰적 입장에서 전개된 전향론은 일본이 전쟁을 수행하는 과정에서 일으킨 여러 행위에 대한 책임문제와 관련된 논의로 이어질 수 있는 논리적 연관성을 가지고 있었다. 그러나 전향을 논하는 주체가 전후세대로 이동하고 그들의 시선이 일본사회의 내부적인 문제와 연결되면서 전향론에서 전쟁협력에 대한 책임추궁과 식민지 지배책임은 탈색되었다.

      • 계몽적 소설의 문체 : 이광수 『무정』의 경우

        최종길 우리어문학회 2003 우리어문연구 Vol.20 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to establish a type of style in enlightening novels by analyzing the attributes of "Moo Jung"(1917) by kwangsoo Lee(1892-1950), which is regarded as a model for enlightening novels in Korean modern literature. The first issue in the study of style is to establish the conception of style and the method of study. Even though traditional studies of style have usually understood the former in terms of authors individualities or of characteristics in the period, I think that there are a few of difficulties. Therefore, I'd like to restrict the conception of style and the subject of study within each work. Also I would try to define the style as the unique attitude of author toward the world, considering that linguistic devices are always related to the attitudes of author in the works. My method could start from finding out a style marker that produces the aesthetic effects in a work and analyze its function and effect within a work. If I summarize the result of analyzing the attributes of "Moo Jung", as an example of enlightening style, it is that the main character, Hyungsik Lee, puts emphasis on appearances or behaviors of people whom he watches, not on the inside. In other words, he accepts his perception without doubt. He prefers improving his romantic imagination to understanding the object impartially. Also there are many examples of judging others by partial standards. Moreover "Moo Jung" concentrates on dramatic narrative that leads the insufficient present to the sufficient future. It shows the structure of narrative emphasizing not its process but its result, as we can see that Hyungsik or Sunhyoung regard the present lives as temporary and often fancy the future. The metaphor is a means to persuading and refreshing emotions instead of a way to finding the reality. Such attributes of style in "Moo Jung" could be understood to be a type of enlightening style, if we divided the style to the reflecting one by the will of negative subject and the enlightening one by the positive subject. The work of figuring out the attibutes of style in "Moo Jung" and of establishing a type of enlightening style means studying not only changes in the works of Kwangsoo Lee after Sam-il movement but also advances in Korean novels of other authors who have yielded the varieties in style.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        1927년을 전후한 조선과 일본의 정치적 연관성 - 조선에서 치안유지법이 확대 적용된 배경을 중심으로 -

        최종길 일본사학회 2010 일본역사연구 Vol.31 No.-

        This article attempts to reorganize the causes and background of the Public Peace of Maintenance Law which magnified and applied since 1927 in Chosun and Japan, making the law the most severe and cruel. This idea was reconstructed under the political circumstances and political contexts of Korea, Japan and China on the basis of a critical mind to reorganize East-Asia. The part of the national leaders of independence movement developed socialism broken away nationalism, which was embodied in the formation of Chosun Communist Party. In the meantime the Socialist Movement founded on Bolshevism became active in Japan since Russian Revolution was broken out. Therefore, Greater Japan Federation of Labour and Friendly Association made clear of the characteristic of class consciousness and changed the name to the Greater Japan Federation of Labour, which formed a political party, the Japanese Communist party, as an illegal advanced revolutional party. The several independence movements by the socialists at home and abroad in Chosun after 3․1 Resistance Movement implanted the crisis awareness to Japanese rulers. Saito Makoto, the governor general of Chosun, ordered not to forgive and give a strict punishment to the people who are disturbing the reconciliation of Japan and Chosun through blaming and reproaching the government's rule. The Problem of Park Youl intensified the crisis awareness in Japan because this accident was regarded the assassination of Crown Prince by an Chosun. Furthermore some of Japanese believed that this plot might provoke the overthrow Japanese colonial government system in Chosun. This trouble, in addition, worsened the domestic economic depression and overlapped with the problem of Enforce Discipline. In consequence, the Wakatsuki and Kenseikai Cabinet retired from the government and Tanaka Cabinet was formed instead. It was necessary for Tanaca Cabinet, organized in April of 1927, to intensify the ruling system to confine the socialists' movement at home. The domestic socialists were inclined to associate with international solidarity with Russian and Chinese Socialists. The Tanaca Cabinet camouflaged the plot of 3․15 and carried out the alteration of Maintenance Law by an Emergency Imperial Command. I suggest that these political circumstances enforced directly the Administration of Justice to magnify and apply the Public Peace Maintenance Law since 1927 in Chosun.

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