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      • 미국 다문화주의의 역사적 배경

        최재인(Jaein Choi) 이주사학회 2009 Homo Migrans Vol.1 No.-

        For a long time, America was regarded as a white men’s country. Even though native Americans and African Americans have resided as long as whites in the Unted States, they were not esteemed as fellow citizens by whites until the World War II. Through the World War II, the Cold War and the Civil Rights Movement, racism , racial practices, and the national identity of the Unite States suffered great change. It was the beginning of multiculturalism in the United States. This article points three features of American multiculturalism. First, the most important driving force of American multiculturalism came from the civil rights movement. Therefore, the opposition of the American multiculturalism is racism and Eurocentrism not assimilation. Integration and assimilation has been pursued by colored people as a way to be equal citizen with whites and a procedure to make a social and economic advancement. Historically, the assimilation has paved way for the multiculturalism in the United States. Second, American multiculturalism should be considered in the context of international society. The World War II and the Cold War stimulated white Americans to reflect their own racism. And a hostile foreign policy or a war against a specific country could be a barrier to the development of multi¬culturalism which seek to friendly relationship among various groups with different racial/national or cultural backgrounds. Third, the social, economic, and cultural hegemony of white middle class has kept going on with the rising of multiculturalism discourses. The centrifugal power of multiculturalism developed with the strong centripetal force of white middle class. Multiculturalism has changed the norms and ideals relating with race in the United States. Multiculturalism has encouraged racial/national minorities and women to have more confidence and self-pride. But these historical social background of multiculturalism is rarely mentioned and almost forgotten. As for the multiculturalism, it has different meanings according to the debaters. Some conservatives consider the multiculturalism as a kind of ethnocentrism that could be a harm to the unity of the country. Some radicals think that multiculturalsim hides the unequal situation and avoids to face the social and economic problems. These days, the most steady and ardent advocates are the corporations. With them, multiculturalism increasingly represents various life styles or tastes according to racial/national or gender difference, not social or economic inequality. The meaning of multiculturalism is changing, which is dependent on the racial relations, foreign policies, business marketing strategies, and international circumstances.

      • KCI등재

        19세기 미국 여성운동의 시작과 노예제폐지운동

        최재인 ( Jaein Choi ) 한국서양사연구회(구 서울대학교 서양사연구회) 2018 서양사연구 Vol.0 No.59

        Some beginnings of U. S. women’s movement were closely related with anti-slavery movement. First of all, most of the feminist pioneers were abolitionists. Looking into the situation of slaves, female abolitionists could recognize the unequal social positions and the lack of rights of women. And encountering the opposition of male fellows against female lecturers, these women stood for the rights of women to speak and act in the public sphere. Second beginning was about Seneca Falls convention in 1848. This convention was the result of female activist experiences and knowledges which had been gained in anti-slavery movement. This convention led to many women’s rights conventions in various forms and levels in 1850s. Those who led these conventions were white middle class intellectual women. However, at that time African Americans such as Frederick Douglass or Sojourner Truth could join forces with them. Third beginning was about the departure of some activists like Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan Anthony from the radical reformers who had been abolitionists. This departure was due to black male suffrage and a race priority policy which reformers and Republicans took at that time. Stanton and Anthony aligned themselves with racist Democratic politicians. This fluctuating process of women’s movement reminds us the difficulty and significancy of collaboration which is always necessary for women’s movement both internally and externally. (Seoul National University/thursday@snu.ac.kr)

      • KCI등재후보

        지난 10년 미국여성사 연구 동향 - 하나의 시각

        최재인 ( Jaein Choi ) 한국여성사학회 2014 여성과 역사 Vol.- No.21

        이 논문은 지난 10년간 한국과 미국에서 나온 미국여성사 관련 연구물 중, 필자가 보기에 중요하다고 생각하는 책과 논문을 크게 세 방향으로 나누어 소개한다. 첫째는 트랜스내셔널하고 세계사적인 시각의 연구들이다. 둘째는 인종과 계급관련 연구이다. 지난 10년 사이 인종연구는 더욱 정교하고 다양해졌다. 인종 내에서도, 가사노동자, 성매매여성, 10대여성, 수감여성 등 다양한 처지에 있는 이들의 경험까지 포괄하면서 여성이 놓인 자리를 좀 더 구석구석 선명하게 드러내려는 연구가 많아지고 있다. 셋째는 젠더와 섹슈얼리티에 관련된 연구이다. 1970년대 여성사가 미국대학들에 개설되기 시작했을 때 여성사연구자들은 여성의 존재, 여성의 능력을 입증하는데 많은 힘을 쏟아야 했다. 이제 한 세대이상 지나며 연구능력이 축적되고 연구역량이 양적 질적으로 성장하면서 연구자들은 역사와 세계에 대한 여성의 책임을 생각하고, `여성이란 무엇인가`라는 좀 더 본질적인 질문에 접근하고 있다. 지난 10년 동안 한국에서는 미국여성사를 전공하는 연구자들이 등장하여 꾸준히 논문을 내기 시작했고, 다른 미국사학자들도 여성과 젠더에 높은 관심을 보이면서 연구 주제로 다루기 시작했다. This paper introduces the research trends of American women`s history in the United States and Korea. The first notable trend is transnational and global perspective. Beyond the border of the United States, following the movements of the people and the flow of the ideas and campaigns, researchers trace the origins of the matter and observe the interactions between different civilizations. The second is about the race and class. There has been a great deal of researches in this field for several decades. However, during the last 10 years, racial research has become more definite and detailed. Extending to the experiences of houseworkers, prostitutes, teenagers, prisoners and the like, this field is looking every nook and corner of women`s lives. The third is about gender and sexuality. In Korea, several scholars who major in American women`s and gender history have emerged. This field seems increasing with keen interests and attentions of many other historians.

      • KCI등재

        “여공은 무엇으로 사는가”: 로웰 여공일세대의 정체성 모색

        최재인 ( Jaein Choi ) 한국미국사학회 2019 미국사연구 Vol.49 No.-

        The first generation of the Lowell female factory labor was the first female group in U.S. history to collectively and officially assert itself. This group expressed its experiences and ideas in refined language through several publications including the Lowell Offering and openly showed the economic independence that had resulted from their hard work. In the 1830s, they began a strike against reduced wages and the high intensity of the labor. In the 1840s, they petitioned the Massachusetts state legislature repeatedly for a ten hour per day labor system. Through these activities and writings, these women tried to define a new concept of womanhood in their own way. The first generation of the Lowell mill girls endeavored to devise a new lifestyle for women, but these attempts were short-lived. Although a few of them became writers, teachers, artists, and social reform activists, most of them lived as housewives. Nevertheless, their accomplishments remain legendary in U. S. history. These limits and accomplishments of female labor have repeated in modern history. It is related to the gender ideology that confines women to the private and domestic sphere.

      • KCI등재

        미국 역사교육의 쟁점과 전망

        최재인(Jaein Choi) 역사비평사 2015 역사비평 Vol.- No.110

        Carter G. Woodson began the "Negro History Week" in 1926 to correct the distortions of African American history. Pressured by this effort and civil rights movements, President Ford announced February as a "Black History Month" and this has continued to celebrate the historical achievements of African Americans since 1976. Since then, African American histories and historical figures have made more appearances in history textbooks. However, according to researchers, these references are usually centered on black heroes in relation to the dominant white perspectives. This article suggests three alternatives to overcome these problems. The first is the teaching of minority group perspectives and positions, not just making fleeting reference to them. Students would better learn and understand others with different backgrounds from their own. The second is to stress that racial prejudice and social justice persists beyond the superficial multicultural education using minority heroes and holidays. The third is about the purpose and content of history education. History is not a simple chronicle, but a narrative with a viewpoint. Ideologies, values, and perspectives within the history narrative should be analyzed in history classes.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS
      • 스마트 디바이스 제어를 위한 비전 기반 손 인터페이스 방법

        나민영(Minyoung Na),최재인(Jaein Choi),김태영(Taeyoung Kim) 한국HCI학회 2013 한국HCI학회 학술대회 Vol.2013 No.1

        본 논문에서는 스마트 디바이스 제어를 위한 비전 기반 손 인터페이스 방법을 제안한다. 먼저 깊이 카메라 입력영상에서 왼손과 오른손의 영역을 분할 및 잡음 보정 후 각 손 영역에 대하여 손 회전각과 손 중심점을 계산한다. 그리고 손 중심점에서 일정간격으로 원을 확장해 나가면서 손 경계 교차점의 중간 지점을 구해 손가락 관절점과 끝점을 검출한다. 마지막으로 앞서 구한 손 정보와 이전 프레임의 손 모델간의 매칭을 수행하여 손 포즈를 인식한 후 다음 프레임을 위하여 손 모델을 갱신한다. 또한 제스처 인식을 위하여 은닉 마르코프 모델 기반의 유형화 기법을 통하여 모범 동작의 유형 모델을 구성하고 이를 이용하여 사용자의 동작을 인식한다. 스마트 TV를 제어하기 위하여 본 방법을 실험한 결과 고속으로 정확하게 각 손가락 끝점의 구분이 가능하여 다양한 손동작 인식 및 제어가 가능함을 보여주었다. 본 방법은 연속된 프레임간의 시간 일관성을 이용하여 이전 프레임의 손 모델 정보를 통하여 은닉된 손가락의 예측이 가능하다. 양손을 사용하여 은닉된 손가락을 가진 다양한 손 포즈에 대해 실험한 결과 제안 방법은 평균 95% 이상의 정확도로 30 fps 이상의 성능을 보였다. 제안 방법은 프리젠테이션, 광고, 교육, 게임 등의 응용분야에서 비접촉식 입력 인터페이스로 사용될 수 있다. In this paper, we propose a vision-based real-time hand interface method for smart device control. For this, the areas of right and left hands are segmented from the depth camera image, and noise removal is performed. Then, the rotation angle and the centroid point of each hand area are calculated. Subsequently, a circle is expanded at regular intervals from a centroid point of the hand to detect joint points and end points of the finger by obtaining the midway points of the hand boundary crossing. Lastly, the matching between the hand information calculated previously and the hand model of previous frame is performed, and the hand model is recognized to update the hand model for the next frame. In order to recognize a gesture, we construct sample gesture templates based on the Hidden Markov Models. Experimental results for a smart TV control showed that our method enabled fingertip distinction and recognized various hand gestures fast and accurately. This method enables users to predict the hidden fingers through the hand model information of the previous frame using temporal coherence in consecutive frames. As a result of the experiment on various hand poses with the hidden fingers using both hands, the accuracy showed over 95% and the performance indicated over 30 fps. The proposed method can be used as a contactless input interface in presentation, advertisement, education, and game applications.

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