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      • KCI등재

        LC/MS/MS를 이용한 식용란 중 fluoroquinolone계 항균물질의 분석법에 관한 연구

        최유정 ( You Jeong Choi ),윤이란 ( I Ran Yun ),남상윤 ( Sang Yun Nam ),박영호 ( Young Ho Park ),김병훈 ( Byeong Hun Kim ),손성기 ( Seong Gi Son ) 한국동물위생학회 2007 한국동물위생학회지 (KOJVS) Vol.30 No.1

        An atmospheric pressure chemical ionization(APcI) LC/MS/MS method was developed for the simultaneous analysis of fluoroquinolones(norfloxacin, ciprofloxacin, enrofloxacin, danofloxacin) residues in eggs. The spiked and blank samples were extracted from whole eggs using 50mM phosphate buffer(pH7.4). The extract was cleaned up by passage though Oasis(R) MAX extraction cartridge for solid-phase extraction followed by elution with 4% formic acid in methanol. The extract of sample was separated on a Waters AtlantisTM dC18 reversed-phase column(4.6×150㎜, 5㎛) and analyzed by APcI positive mode mass spectrometry. The mobile phase consists of aqueous 0.2% nonafluoropentanoic acid(NFPA) and methanol. Multiple reaction monitoring(MRM) using the precursor to product ion combinations of m/z 320 → 302, 332 → 314, 360 → 342 and m/z 358 → 340 were used to quantify norfloxacin(NOR), ciprofloxacin(CIP), enrofloxacin(ENR) and danofloxacin(DAN), respectively. The limits of quantification(LOQ) were 7.8ppb for NOR, 8.5ppb for CIP, 8.9ppb for ENR, and 4.8ppb for DAN. Average recoveries of fortified sample at levels of 0.025 to 0.1ppm were estimated 71.29% for NOR, 75.27% for CIP, 85.51% for ENR and 81.22% for DAN. These results could be applied for the confirmation and quantification in eggs.

      • KCI등재

        경남지역에서 발생한 가금티푸스의 역학적 특성 및 진단방법에 대한 비교 시험

        최유정 ( You Jeong Choi ),김도경 ( Do Kyung Kim ),김용환 ( Young Hwan Kim ) 한국동물위생학회 2000 한국동물위생학회지 (KOJVS) Vol.23 No.4

        An epidemiological survey was conducted to investigate fowl typhoid outbreaks in Kyungnam province of Korea. The causative agent, salmonella gallinarum was isolated from 68 chicken samples of tentatively diagnosed fowl typhoid cases occurred during the period from January 1996 to September 1999. Comparative studies were also carried out to evaluate the diagnostic methods for detection of S gallinarum The results obtained were as follows; 1. Of the 68 cases of tentatively diagnosed fowl typhoid, 56 (82%) cases were determined as fowl typhoid by biochemical test and pathological findings. The other 12 (18%) cases were determined as paratyphoid. 2. Fowl typhoid outbreaks occur continuously all seasons in the year, however the incidence was remarkably increased from May to September. 3. The frequency of incidence of fowl typhoid in terms of regional distribution was relatively high in egg-laying hens facilities, and the mode of transmission is likely to be either egg-to-egg or lateral transfer by wild birds or rats. 4. All of 18 isolates from 56 cases were identified as S gallinarum by biochemical and serological test. 5. Antimicrobial drug susceptibility test against 18 isolates showed that the isolates were highly susceptible to AM, CZ, CF and GM (above 90%), whereas those strains were 100% resistant to EM, NA and PC. 6. S gallinarwn ribS gene was targeted to be amplified by PCR for comparative detection of S gallinarum in the experimentally infected chickens. The amplified 720bp DNA fragment, which is specific in D serogroup strains of S enterica subspecies was confirmed by agarose gel electrophoresis. 7. A comparison made between fecal culture and PCR-method revealed that later-method was relatively higher in detection rate than that of former method for S gallincin,trn 8. Comparison of currently applied methods, rapid serum agglutination test (RST) and microplate agglutination test (MAT), with experimentally infected chickens were made to evaluate sensitivity of detection by neutralizing antibody titration. Both methods detected neutralizing antibodies from the challenged chickens of 5 day post infection. However, positive reactions were determined after 7 and 9 days post infection by MAT and RST, respectively.

      • 유리드믹스와 음악교육 프로그램이 유아의 일상적 스트레스와 유치원 적응에 미치는 영향

        최유정 ( You Jeong Choi ) 한국달크로즈유리드믹스학회 2008 종합예술과 음악학회지 Vol.2 No.1

        고도로 산업화된 현대사회에서는 생활상의 편의와 풍요로운 물리적 환경 등의 혜택을 받을 수는 있었지만 다른 한편으로는 사회적 기준과 인간관계의 급격한 변화로 인해 성인 뿐 아니라 유아들까지도 여러 가지 스트레스원에 노출되게 되었다. 스트레스는 유아의 정서적, 신체적, 사회적 성장에 부정적 영향을 주는데 소아과 의사들에 따르면 병원을 찾는 유아 환자 4명 중 한 명은 스트레스에 따르는 문제를 가진다고 한다. 그 예로 우리 주변에서도 어린이 비만 환자가 급격하게 늘어나고 있으며 학습 장애나 정서불안이 아닌데도 여러 가지 문제 행동을 보여 유치원에 적응하지 못하고 특수교육기관에 보내지고 있는 어린이가 늘고 있는 실정이다 (김지연, 2004). 만약 유아에게 스트레스에 대처할 수 있는 좋은 교육내용과 환경을 제공해 준다면 그 유아는 스트레스에 보다 효과적으로 대처 할 수 있게 되리라는 것을 짐작할 수 있다. 이와 같이 스트레스에 대처하는 교육내용의 한 가지 방법으로 음악을 들 수 있다. 음악은 자신의 다양한 감정을 느끼는 매개체가 되며 욕구나 감정의 상태를 몸짓, 표정, 언어로 표현하는 행위를 효과적으로 할 수 있기 때문에 유아의 정서 상태를 긍정적으로 변화시킬 수 있는 독특한 수단이 될 수 있다. 이러한 음악이 유아의 일상적 스트레스의 부정적인 영향을 중화시키는 완충의 역할을 해 줄 수 있다면 유아는 스트레스로 야기된 문제행동으로 인한 추가적인 스트레스를 예방해 줄 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 유치원 적응에도 도움이 될 수 있으리라 본다. 음악이 정서에 영향을 미친다는 연구는 이미 많이 보고되었고 그 효과들을 입증하는 여러 연구들이 나왔지만 음악과 유아의 스트레스, 그리고 유치원 적응을 직접 다룬 연구는 아직 미흡하다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 포괄적인 음악교육방법으로서의 유리드믹스 음악교육방법이 유아의 일상적 스트레스와 유치원 적응에 어떤 영향을 미치는지 알아보고 유아의 일상적 스트레스와 유치원 적응과의 관계도 살펴보려 한다. Considering the fact that preschooler show stress behaviors and preschool maladjustment behaviors due to large exposure to daily stress in this highly industrialized modern society, this study was carried out in order to find out if the eurythmics music education that focuses on rhythm and motion has positive effect on daily stress and preschool adaptation. According to the purpose of the study, the following questions were created. 1. What effect does the eurythmics music program have on preschoolers` daily stress? 2. What effect does the eurythmics music program have on the levels of school adaptation? 3. What correlation is there between daily stress and levels of school adaptation? The study was executed with 42 five-year-old children in preschools located in Seoul. In order to analyze the daily stress of the children, the study used the KPDSS(Korean Preschool Daily Stress Scale) developed by Hyeon-Gyeong Yeom(1998) and in order to examine the children`s preschool adaptation, the study used the PAQ(Preschool Adjustment Questionnaire) that was developed by Jewsuwan, Luster and Kostelink(1993) and translated by Hye-Su Kim(1995). The eurythmics music education was carried out 12 times with rhythm and motion, which are thought to be effective for stress relief. As for the data analysis, the study produced an average and a standard deviation of each group using the SPSS 12.0 in order to verify the difference in the children`s stress and preschool adjustment level, and the difference was verified with the t-test. Also, the Pearson`s correlation analysis was executed in order to find out the correlation between daily stress and preschool adaptation. The followings are the summarized results of the analyses. First, the eurythmics music education is more effective for daily stress relief of young children than the ordinary music education in preschools. Second, the ordinary music education of preschools also has positive effect on preschool adaptation of young children but the eurythmics music education have more positive effect on preschool adaptation. Third, the study showed that there was a negative correlation between daily stress and preschool adaptation. In conclusion, the eurythmics music education that focuses on motion and rhythm has positive effect on daily stress and preschool adaptation and also, there is a negative correlation between daily stress and preschool adaptation.

      • 커뮤니티 활성화를 위한 대학도서관 오픈스페이스 공간계획에 관한 연구

        최유정(Choi, You-Jeong),윤동식(Yoon, Dong-Sik) 한국실내디자인학회 2018 한국실내디자인학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.20 No.1

        The university library is an institution that supports the education and research activities of its members through its intrinsic functions of growth, development and collection, processing and provision of information materials. Recently, the function of university libraries has expanded beyond the capabilities of libraries to include services and complex cultural facilities. However, since the 2000s, the use of libraries has been reduced due to the digital use of the library data and the digitalization of the library data due to the increase of smart media replacing books along with the development of IT. Accordingly, there should be a need for community space in the university library where students can share their materials and information and acquire new knowledge. Therefore, this study is designed to show the importance of community space through analysis of domestic and external space and faithfully perform the role and function of university library after examining the functions and current changes of the university library.

      • KCI등재

        커뮤니티 활성화를 위한 공공도서관의 복합화 계획에 관한 연구

        최유정(Choi, You-Jeong),윤동식(Yoon, Dong-Sik) 한국실내디자인학회 2020 한국실내디자인학회논문집 Vol.29 No.1

        (background and purpose) The current library has been established as a complex cultural space accessible from the living space and communicates with residents through various composite programs, including learning and education. In addition, libraries become one of the most required spaces for users as public spaces for cities and are written as value creation, a new space for community centers that connect regions and people, not books. All people should be activated through the combination of facilities to enable the use of public libraries freely. For this purpose, identify the definition and function of the composite public library and analyze the type and spatial composition for the effective synthesis of public libraries. (Method) This study aims to identify the characteristics of the combined library by analyzing the characteristics of the spatial arrangement and the changes in the spatial composition of the complex facilities for the library, and drawing out and analyzing the types and types of spatial composition. (Conclusion) The combination of public libraries showed that the portion of data facilities and user facilities decreased and the proportion of public facilities and management facilities increased relatively. The horizontal analysis of complex types showed many examples of integral and monolithic, and the vertical analysis showed many of the lower layers being laid out and formed horizontal expansion with the outside. Finally, the spatial composition revealed much of the central diffusion patterns spreading in the lobby. Therefore, it is hoped that the analysis results of this study will be used as basic data in future plans.

      • KCI등재후보

        전사 인쇄에 의한 3D와 다층의 Pt 전극의 CO가스 흡착

        정윤서 ( Yoon-seo Jeong ),최유정 ( You-jeong Choi ),신정희 ( Jeong-hee Shin ),정영훈 ( Young-hun Jeong ),박종후 ( Jong-hoo Paik ),윤대호 ( Dae-ho Yoon ),조정호 ( Jeong-ho Cho ) 한국센서학회 2020 센서학회지 Vol.29 No.4

        Three-dimensional (3D) multilayered Pt electrodes were fabricated to develop a porous electrode using a pattern-transfer printing process. The Pt thin films were deposited using a transferred sputtering pattern having a 250 nm line width on the substrate, and the uniform line patterns were efficiently transferred using our proposed method. Temperature-programmed desorption (TPD) analyses were used to evaluate the porosity of the electrodes. It was possible to distinguish between two resolved maxima at 168 and 227 ℃, which could be described in terms of desorption reactions on the Pt (111) planes. The results of the TPD analysis of the 3D and multilayered Pt electrodes prepared through transfer printing were compared to those of an electrode fabricated through screen printing using a commercial Pt-carbon paste commonly used as porous electrodes. It was confirmed that the 3D multilayered electrodes exhibited a desorption concentration approximately 100 times higher than that of the Pt-carbon composite electrode, and the desorption concentration increased by approximately 0.02 mg/mol per layer. The 3D multilayered electrode effectively functions as a porous electrode and a catalyst.

      • KCI등재

        돼지 분변 및 도체에서 분리한 대장균, 장구균의 항생제 내성율 조사

        정귀옥 ( Kwi Ok Jeong ),허정호 ( Jung Ho Heo ),이종민 ( Jong Min Lee ),윤이란 ( I Ran Yun ),최유정 ( You Jeong Choi ),김종수 ( Jong Shu Kim ) 한국동물위생학회 2010 한국동물위생학회지 (KOJVS) Vol.33 No.3

        The present study was conducted to investigate isolation and antimicrobial resistance ratio of E. coli, E. faecium and E. faecalis from feces(150 samples) and carcasses (150 samples) on slaughtered pigs from 6 slaughterhouse of 13 cities in the Gyeongnam during the period from January 2009 to December 2009. Isolation ratio of E. coli from feces and carcasses were 98 (65.3%) and 110 (73.3%), respectively, and simultaneously, E. faecalis and E. faecium from feces and carcasses were isolated 21 (14%), 52(34.7%) and 18 (12%), 14 (9.3%), respectively. All E. coli isolated from feces and carcasses except cefepime (0%) and ceftiofur (0%) were exhibited 2.4~83.6% of resistance to teteracycline (83.6%), ampicillin (68.2%), streptomycin (60%), chloram-phenicol (53.8%) and cephalothin (2.4%). All E. faecalis isolated from feces and carcasses except penicillin(0%) and vancomycin (0%) were exhibited 2.7~80.8% of resistance to teteracycline (80.8%), quinupristin/dalfopristin (78%), erythromycin (56.1%), streptomycin (43.8%) and bacitracin (2.7%). All E. faecium isolated from feces and carcasses except gentamicin (0%), vancomycin (0%), florfenicol (0%), linezloid (0%) and bacitracin (0%) were exhibited 3.1~53.1% of resistance to rifampin (53.1%), erythromycin and tetracycline (25%), penicillin (15.6%), ciprofloxacin (9.3%), and streptomycin, chloramphenicol, and quinupristin/dalfopristin (3.1%). According to the heard size, resistance ratio of E. coli strains isolated from feces and carcasses in slaughtered pigs-breeding farms over 1,500 heard to tetracycline, ampicillin, streptomycin and chloramphenicol showed higher resistance ratio (1.0 ~16.8%) than those of farms-breeding under 1,500 heard. From the our results, we suggest that a few of antimicrobials were used in the Gyeongnam than the other cities.

      • 입원환자 영양지원에 대한 일개대학병원 의료진의 태도 및 관련 요인

        정휘수 ( Hwee Soo Jeong ),등건훈 ( Chen Hsuen Teong ),최유정 ( You Jung Choi ),김우정 ( Woo Jeng Kim ),이아란 ( Ah Ran Lee ) 한국정맥경장영양학회 2014 한국정맥경장영양학회지 Vol.6 No.1

        Purpose: Knowledge of nutritional support and attitudes of medical staff both affect patient care. We identified attitudes regarding nutritional support among medical staff as well as changes in attitudes when a nutritional support team is present. Methods: Data were collected from 172 medical staff members who served at a university hospital located in Gyeongju by self-administered questionnaire from June 12∼August 30, 2013. The questionnaire inquired about importance of nutritional support, self-confidence about nutritional support, consideration of nutritional support for patient care, consideration of nutritional support when a nutritional support team is present, and nutritional knowledge training during the past year. Results: A total of 169 subjects (98.3%) thought that nutritional support is important for patient care. Only 19 subjects (11.0%) were highly self-confident about nutritional support. In total, 147 subjects (85.5%) considered nutritional support for some or all patients, whereas 169 (98.3%) considered nutritional support for patient care when a nutritional support team is present. Thirty-eight subjects (22.1%) received nutritional knowledge training during the past year. High self-confidence for nutritional support was related to nutritional knowledge training and service part. Positive changes regarding nutritional support when a nutritional support team is present were associated with nutritional knowledge training and high self-confidence for nutritional support. Conclusion: No differences in nutritional support attitudes for patient care were observed among the medical staff. Nutritional knowledge training and service part affected self-confidence of nutritional support and induced positive changes in attitudes for nutritional support.

      • KCI등재

        갈근 및 녹차추출물의 아질산염 소거작용 및 간독성 보호효과

        윤이란 ( I Ran Yun ),최유정 ( You Jeong Choi ),허정호 ( Jung Ho Heo ),최철웅 ( Chul Yung Choi ),성태종 ( Tae Jong Seoung ),김윤근 ( Yun Geun Kim ),김종수 ( Jong Shu Kim ) 한국동물위생학회 2010 한국동물위생학회지 (KOJVS) Vol.33 No.3

        This study was designed to evaluated the nitrite scavenging activity and protective effect of the Puerariae Radix and green tea extract on lead acetate and cadmium-induced liver damage in mice. The quantitative analytical method for major antioxidants, isoflavones, puerarin, catechine and caffeine in galgun (Puerariae Radix) and green tera extract were established by HPLC. Contents of isoflavones, such as daidzin, genistin, daidzein and genistein were 4.23g/100g, 0.13g/100g, 0.07g/100g, and 0.03g/100g, and puerarin contents was 8.99g/100g, respectively. The total catechins and caffeine contents of green tea extract were 49.24g/ 100g and 6.53g/100g. The nitrite scavenging ability of galgun extract (pH 1.2, 100mg/ml) was 98.07% and it was higher than those of other extracts. It was the highest at the pH 1.2 and more than 64% in 25~ 100mg green tea extract, and was dependents on pH and concentration of the samples. The hepatoprotective effects of an aqueous extract from the root of galgun and standard puerarin were evaluated against lead acetate and cadmium-induced liver damage in mice. Galgun extract and standard at a dose of 100mg/kg and 10mg/kg, 50mg/kg were administered orally once daily for successive 5 days and then a lead acetate and cadmium were orally at 3 hrs after the every day administration of galgun. The substantially elevated serum enzymatic activities of alanine and aspartate aminotransferase were due to lead acetate and cadmium treatment was dose dependently restored to the near normal level. In addition, galgun extract also significantly prevented the elevation of hepatic malon-dialdehyde formation in the liver of lead acetate and cadmium intoxicated mice in a dose-dependent manner. The results of this study clearly indicated that green tea and galgun extracts had nitrite scavenging ability and galgun extract had potent hepato-protective effects against lead acetate and cadmium-induced hepatic damage in mice and standard puerarin was also showed similar to the results of the galgun extracts.

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