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      • KCI등재

        속성을 서술하는 동사문과 명사문

        최서영 ( Choi Seo-young ) 韓國外國語大學校 外國學綜合硏究센터 日本硏究所 2017 日本硏究 Vol.0 No.72

        지금까지의 연구에서는 동사문은 사태서술문으로서, 명사문은 속성서술문으로서 독립적으로 연구되어온 경향이 강하다. 본고는 속성서술이라는 하나의 통일적인 관점에서 양자를 바라보고, 속성을 서술하는 동사문과 명사문의 구조적·구문적, 의미적 특징을 실례조사를 토대로 분석, 고찰하였다. 먼저 구조적·구문적 특징에 대해서 살펴본다. 속성서술 명사문의 구조적 특징에 대하여 살펴보면, 속성서술 명사문의 기본구조는 「주제명사+(연체수식요소)+술어명사」로 구성된다. 속성의 의미는 「연체수식요소」 를 중심으로 표현되는 유형, 「연체수식요소+술어명사」를 중심으로 표현되는 유형, 「술어명사」를 중심으로 표현되는 유형으로 나뉜다. 다음으로 속성서술 동사문의 구조적·구문적 특징에 대하여 살펴보면, 속성서술 동사문의 기본구조는 「주제명사+(보어)+술어동사」로 구성된다. 이러한 구조를 통해서 속성의 의미는 「술어동사」를 중심으로 표현되거나 「보어+술어동사」를 중심으로 표현 되거나 「보어 명사」를 중심으로 표현된다. 구문적으로는 자동사 구문, 존재·소유 구문, 재귀 구문 등과 같이 전체적으로는 타동성이 약한 구문을 중심으로 나타난다. 다음으로 의미적 특징에 대하여 살펴보면 속성서술 동사문과 속성서술 명사문에서 공통적으로 관찰되는 속성의 의미 타입으로는 성격, 용모, 능력 등의 타입이 있으며 주로 속성서술 명사문을 통해서 표현되는 의미 타입으로는 직업, 신앙, 성별, 국적, 출신, 개인적 사회적 관계와 같은 타입이 관찰된다. Generally event predication is represented by verb sentence and property predication is represented by noun sentence. There are not many numbers but verb sentence can also represent property predication and noun sentence can also represent event predication. This paper analyzed noun sentence and verb sentence representing property predication and compared structural and semantic differences and similarities. As regards noun sentence focused on the relation of the noun modifier and predicate noun. And as regards verb sentence focused on the lower sentence construction. With respect to the semantic feature common features that can be expressed by noun sentence and verb sentence are as like personality, abilities, appearance. Unique features can be expressed by noun sentence are as like job, gender, age, nationality, origin.

      • KCI등재

        서술의 유형의 관점에서 조명한 현대일본어의 사역문과 수동문

        최서영 ( Seo Young Choi ) 한국일어일문학회 2015 日語日文學硏究 Vol.94 No.1

        사역문과 수동문은 형태적(동사의 형태가 유표적), 통어적(격의 변화), 의미적(능동문과의 의미적 차이) 카테고리를 가지고 동사문 고유의 문법현상인 보이스의 대표적인 체계를 이루고 있다. 사역문과 수동문에 대해서는 많은 연구가 있지만, 대부분이 사태를 서술하는 문을 다루고 있고, 속성을 서술하는 문에 관해서는 실증적인 고찰이 거의 없다. 사태를 서술하는 문과 속성을 서술하는 문은 의미 차이 뿐만이 아니라 문 요소, 문 구조와 같은 형식적인 차이와도 상관(相關)하는 서로 다른 문 타입으로 양자(兩者)를 구별하고 각각의 성질을 이해하려는 관점이 필요하다. 본 연구는 사역문에 대해서 고찰한 기존연구(2010, 2014)를 발전시키는 한편, 고찰대상을 수동문으로도 확장시켜 서술의 유형의 관점에서 속성서술 사역문과 속성서술 수동문의 문 요소적, 의미적, 구조적 특징에 대하여 고찰하였다. Causative sentence and passive sentence has morphological, syntactic, elemental categories and forms the system of Japanese voice phenomenon. In general, the event predication is expressed by verb sentences and property predication is expressed by nominal and adjective sentences. causative sentenceand passive sentence belongs to verb sentence represents event predicationmore often, butcan also represent property predication. While there has been a great deal of research of the causative and passive sentence of the event predication type, the property predication type remains under-researched. In previous studies, the example of property predication type was pointed out but was not analyzed specifically. In this background, Choi(2010,2014) anaylized how the event predication and property predication is represented by types of causative sentences. And this paper, follow- up study of Choi(2010,2014), analyzed on the structural and semantic features of causative sentence and passive sentence based on corpus investigation systematically.

      • KCI등재

        현대 일본어의 사역문과 서술의 유형

        최서영 ( Seo Young Choi ) 서강대학교 언어정보연구소 2014 언어와 정보 사회 Vol.21 No.-

        In general, the event predication is expressed by verb sentences and property predication is expressed by nominal and adjective sentences. Causative sentences belong to verb sentence, represent event predication(such as “Kantoku-ga senshu-wo hasiraseta(Coach made players run)”) more often, but can also represent property predication(such as “Kurayami-wa ningen-wo obiesaseru(Darkness make human feel the fear)”). While there has been a great deal of research of the causative sentences of the event predication type, the property predication type remain under-researched. In previous studies of causative sentences, the example of property predication type was pointed out but was not analyzed specifically. In this background, Choi(2010), based on corpus investigation, analyzed how the event predication and property predication is represented by types of causative sentences. And this paper, follow- up study of Choi(2010), focused on the structural and semantic features of property predication type. The conclusion which can be drawn from this study is following: 1) The structures of property predication types are represented as “X-wa …V(s)aseru”, “X-wa …V(s)asesru Xⅴdearu”, “X-(ni)wa …V(s)aseru x-ga aru”, “X-wa …V(s)aseru gokoga- dekiru”, “X-wa …V(s)aseruhodo Adj.”, “…V(s)aseru X”, “Some negative forms of Causative sentences”. 2) Kinds of properties are as follows: In inanimate subject sentence, there are the types describe nature, effect, shape and color of thing. And in animate subject sentence, there are the types describe personality, ability, and appearance of person.

      • 사무소 건물의 Zero Emission Building 디자인을 위한 기초적 연구

        최서영(Choi, Seo-Young),강혜진(Kang, Hae-Jin),이언구(Rhee, Eon-Ku) 한국건축친환경설비학회 2012 한국건축친환경설비학회 학술발표대회 논문집 Vol.2012 No.10

        The study intends to develop Zero Emission Building design method which can be easily used in early design stage for office buildings. In this paper, as the fundamental study intensive literature search is conducted to establish for a reference baseline buildings. Also, energy strategies and performance levels which affect heating, cooling and light energy consumption are selected. As the result of the intensive research presented in this study, Zero Emission Building Design strategies were found. ZEB design strategies include W/D(Width/ Depth) Ratio, orientation, type of core space, ceiling height, WWR(Window/ Wall Ratio), insulation of wall, performance of window, SHGC(Solar Heat Gain Coefficient), horizontal louver and natural ventilation(infiltnation).

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        영어 무생물 주어 타동 구문과 자동 구문의 한국어, 일본어에서의 번역 양상

        최서영 ( Choi Seo-young ) 한국외국어대학교 일본연구소 2022 日本硏究 Vol.- No.92

        本研究では、英語の無生物主語の他動構文と自動構文が、韓国語と日本語翻訳書でどのように訳されているのかを、実例分析に基づいて考察した。研究の結果を簡単にまとめると、次のようになる。 第一、予想とは違って、他動構文の翻訳においても自動構文の翻訳においても、原文の構造が翻訳文でもそのまま維持れる類型がもっとも高い頻度で現れた。具体的には、自動構文の構造が翻訳書で維持される例は、韓国語翻訳文では約54.9%、日本語翻訳文では約44%現れており、他動構文の構造が維持される例は、韓国語翻訳文で約37.9%、日本語翻訳文で約26.4%現れた。構文別には自動構文で、言語別には韓国語翻訳文で、原文の構造が維持される傾向が強いということになる。 第二、韓国語翻訳文と日本語翻訳文では主語が直接は現れていない文も少なからず観察された。すなわち、英語の無生物主語の構文を翻訳する際、必ずしも主語をたてる必要はないということである。主語の翻訳様相をみると、無生物主語の維持>主語の非明示>人主語への転換の順に現れ、先行研究での指摘のように無生物主語が人主語に転換される類型は代表的な類型であるとは言いにくいことがわかった。 第三、無生物主語の他動構文と自動構文は必ずしも動詞文で翻訳されるのではなく、名詞·形容詞文で翻訳されることもしばしばある。名詞·形容詞文で翻訳される例をみると、名詞や形容詞を補語として取る英語のbe動詞や感覚を表す動詞などが関係しており、その他に、原文が否定語を伴う場合も、翻訳文では形容詞文で現れることがある。 最後に、英語の「時間名詞+移動動詞」構文は、韓国語と日本語翻訳文では移動動詞は翻訳されず時間名詞だけ翻訳される傾向があった。このことから、英語に比べ韓国語と日本語は時間名詞が移動動詞の主語になることに制約があることがわかった。 In this study, we examined how transitive and intransitive sentences of inanimate subjects in English are translated in Korean and Japanese translations based on an example analysis. The results of the study are summarized as follows: First, in both translation of transitive sentences and intransitive sentences, the type of original structure maintained as it is in translation appears most frequently 54.9% of Korean translations and 44% of Japanese translations at the structure of intransitive sentences, and 37.9% of Korean translations and 26.4% of Japanese translations at the structure of transitive sentences. Second, there are many sentences in which the subject did not appear directly in Korean and Japanese translations. In other words, when translating the sentences of the inanimate subject in English, it is not necessary to set the subject. Third, transitive and intransitive sentences of inanimate subjects are not necessarily translated into verb sentences, but are sometimes translated into noun and adjective sentences. Especially, be verbs and sense verbs, and when the original text is accompanied by negative words, they may appear as noun and adjective sentences in translation. Finally, the English sentence for ‘time noun + mobile verb’ tended to translate only time nouns instead of mobile verbs in Korean and Japanese translations. From this, it was found that Korean and Japanese have restrictions on the subject of moving verbs in time nouns compared to English.

      • KCI등재

        사역표현과 수동표현의 접근에 대하여

        최서영 ( Choi Seo-young ) 韓國外國語大學校 外國學綜合硏究센터 日本硏究所 2016 日本硏究 Vol.0 No.70

        일본어의 사역표현과 수동표현은 주어의 보어에 대한 작용·영향의 이동이 역방향관계라는 면에서, 기존의 선행연구와 문법서에서는 양자의 대칭성, 상이성이 주로 지적되어 왔다. 그러나 실제 예문을 조사해보면 사역표현과 수동표현 중에는 큰 의미적 차이없이 양자의 치환이 가능한 경우도 적지 않다. 본고에서는 어떠한 경우에 사역표현과 수동표현이 접근하는가(양자의 치환이 가능한가), 치환이 가능한 타입에 있어서의 구문적, 의미적 특징은 어떠한가, 종래 언급되고 있는 사역과 수동의 용법과는 어떠한 관계에 있는가에 대하여 고찰하였고, 다음과 같은 고찰 결과를 얻을 수 있었다. ① 사역과 수동의 접근 현상은 종래 지적된 것처럼 「책임·불본의의 사역- 간접수동」과 같은 타입에 한정되지 않는다. 사역과 수동의 접근이 관찰되는 타입으로는 「원인의 사역-자발 타입」「책임·불본의의 사역─피해의 의미를 동반하는 직접·간접수동」「원인의 사역- 피해의 의미에 한정되지 않는 직접· 간접수동」과 같은 세가지 타입이 존재한다. ② 사역동사가 종속절 술어로서 사용되는 경우에는 일정한 구문적, 의미적 경향이 보이는데, 사태의 예방을 목적으로 하는 목적절과 사태의 실현을 가정하고 사태가 실현한 경우에 초래되는 부정적 결과를 언급하는 조건절 등이 관찰된다. ③ 사역동사가 명사수식의 형식에서 사용되는 구조에서는 주어를 설정할 필요가 없고, 텐스·아스펙트성, 보이스성이 중화(中和)되어 사역과 수동의 접근이 관찰되는 경우가 있다. Though the differences have been pointed out in the precedent study about causative and passive sentences mainly, but the phenomenon causative and passive sentences approach exists unexpectedly a lot. Under such a background, this report analyzed what type of causative sentences can be replaced with passive sentences. As a result of analyzation, the following facts became clear. ① The type that causative and passive sentences approach is not limited to 「Responsibility causative - Indirect passive」type (「I let a son die in war」and 「I lost a son by death in war」), It became clear there are 3 types causative and passive sentence approach such as 「Causation causative - Spontaneous passive」「Responsibility causative - Passive with the meaning of the nuisance」 「Causation causative - Neutral passive (from the meaning of the nuisance)」 ② The syntactic and semantic tendency is seen about the type that causative verb is used for as a predicate of the subordinate clause (1)Purpose clause expresses the prevention of the situation(「~(Sa)senaitameni~(wo)suru/~ga naito/~ga hitsuyouda」「~(Sa)senaiyouni~(wo)suru」)、(2)Condition clause express negative result when a situation was realized(「~(Sa)setesimattaraㆍ (Sa)seruyouninattara + Negative result」). In addition, the modality form of the meaning not to accept the realization of the situation(I cannot let you do it) is seen(「~(Sa)sete tamaru(mono)ka」「~(Sa)seruwakeniwaikanai」). ③ Because it is not necessary to set a subject with the structure that a causative is used for the attributive modification, Causative sentences and the passive sentence come close without adding a change to other sentence elements that much.

      • KCI등재

        主語の有情 · 非情性と他動詞文の表現事態

        崔瑞暎(Choi, Seo-Young) 한국일본문화학회 2020 日本文化學報 Vol.0 No.85

        In this paper, we collected examples of 300 animate subject transitive sentences and 300 inanimate subject transitive sentences from Japanese literary and social books, and compared their characteristics. Based on the presence or absence of result entailment of the object, the sentences were divided into type A (result entailment) and type B (result non-entailment). Type A was further classified as cause of human action (A-1), change in human physiology or psychology (A-2), and change in an inanimate object (A-3). There is a significant difference in the appearance frequency of type A due to the causal relation expression form using the relation between the subject and the predicate. In this structure, the cause was placed at the beginning of the sentence so that it could be focused on and so that the causal relationship could be expressed in a short sentence structure. We considered type A patterns such as subject types that cause changes in human physiology and the continuity of “phenomena” and “concrete” subjects, and subject types that cause human psychological changes, connections between the subject of “a fact or case,” and “one’s own feelings and thoughts.” For type B, we pointed out that the degree of typicality of transitive sentences is not proportional to the frequency of transitive sentences. Next, we considered “Yobu” and “Tsutsumu” as a representative verb that causes a change in the meaning.

      • 동아시아 POPs 환경대기 대표지점에서의 주기적인 OCPs 모니터링 결과

        최서영 ( Seo-young Choi ),박상원 ( Sang-won Park ),최종우 ( Jong-woo Choi ) 한국환경농학회 2021 한국환경농학회 학술대회집 Vol.2021 No.-

        East Asian POPs Monitoring as a UNEP Program in an ambient air at background sites has been performed. In addition, supersites, including Jeju, were selected for more intensive monitoring of POPs. At Jeju, monthly sampling and analyses were carried out in order to determine the concentration levels and trends of POPs. (especially 9 OCPs since 2009) We used two high volume PUF air samplers to monitor OCPs. Sampling was conducted every 24 hours for 3 days per month. Air flow was 700 LPM. Total flow capacity was 1,000 cubic meter per day. We did recovery tests by spiking 3C-labeled surrogate standards onto QFF. The collected PUF, QFF and ACF were all extracted by dichloromethane for 24 hours. Florisil cartridge and activated carbon cartridge were used to remove some interferences of the samples. Samples were analyzed with HRGC/HRMS. According to Korean Environmental Standards of POPs official test method, the recovery rate of atmospheric samples should be controlled in the range of 40 to 120 %. All samples except for Aldrin satisfied this standards. DDTs and chlordane were in the range of 13 to 131 pg/㎥. Drins and heptachlor were in the range of 3 to 21 pg/㎥. In case of Mirex, Korea has never used or imported this material before. The monitoring result showed that Mirex had very low values in the range of 0.5 to 5.2 pg/㎥. Seasonal variables showed that residue levels were getting higher in July and getting lower in October. Residues of each pesticide in OCPs, 4,4-DDE and 4,4-DDT were higher than other DDTs. Among chlordanes, cis and trans chlordane were higher than nonachlor. Dieldrin was dominant in Drins. This monitoring will be useful to estimate the contamination level of POPs in East Asian region and contribute to understanding of global distribution and transport of POPs.

      • KCI등재후보

        ‘옷 의(衣)’ 를 부수로 가진 한자(漢字)들의 의미 분류

        최서영(Seo Young Choi),김정연(Jeong Yeon Kim),김재영(Jae Young Kim) 경희대학교 산학협력단 예술디자인연구원 2017 예술· 디자인학연구 Vol.20 No.2

        이 연구에서는, ‘옷 의(衣)’를 부수로 하는 한자들의의미를 분류하였다. 한국어는 한자권(漢字圈)에 속하여 있기 때문에 의복 관련 용어 중에도 한자를 기반으로 한 것이 적지 않다. 분석을 위한 표본 수집 도구로(주)네이버의 한자사전(hanja.naver.com) 웹서비스를활용하였다. 이 자료원으로부터 ‘옷 의(衣)’를 부수로가진 한자들인 총 383개의 한자를 분석대상으로 하였다. 같은 모양을 가진 한자 내에서 동음이의(同音異 義) 한자, 이음동의(異音同義) 한자, 이음이의(異音異 義) 한자, 간체자(簡體字), 속자(俗字), 이형동의자(異 形同義字)의 경우는 개별적으로 개수(count)하여 분류하였다. 의미가 불확실한 경우에는 각 한자의 하단에 제공되는 ‘디지털 한자사전 e-한자’ 에 의한 세부의미를 통하여 의미를 재확인하였다. 두음법칙(頭音法 則)의 경우 네이버한자에서 대표로 제공되어있는 음(音)에 괄호처리로 표시되어 있어 따로 중복제거 필요하지 않았다. 분류결과, 완성된 의복류를 의미하는 한자(150개, 33.0%), 의복의 부분을 표현하는 한자(79개, 17.4%), 의복의 모양새를 표현하는 한자(55개, 12.1%), 의복 외의 섬유용품(옷감 포함)을 표현하는한자(44개, 9.7%), 의복 관련 행동을 표현하는 한자(43, 9.5%), 신체부위를 표현하는 한자(1개, 0.2%), 파생 표현을 담은 한자(71개, 15.6%)가 있었다. 그리고 현재는 뜻이 알려지지 않은 단어(12개, 2.6%)가있었다. 추후, 동일 한자의 의미 확대, ‘衣’ 외의 부수를 기준으로 한 의복관련 한자들에 대한 탐색 등을 계획한다. In this study, we classify the meanings of Chinese characters with raical ‘衣’. Since Korean belongs to the kanji area, there are a few words related to clothes based on kanji. We used Naver web service (hanja.naver.com) as a sample collection tool for analysis. A total of 383 characters, which have the radical ‘衣’ were obtained from this data source and analyzed. The Chinese characters with the same shape and different meaning, allophone-synonym, homonym, simplified characters, stereotypes, heterogeneous synonyms were counted separately. If the meaning is uncertain, the meaning is reaffirmed through the detailed meaning of 'digital Kanji dictionary' provided at the bottom of each Kanji. In the case of the heading rule, it is already provided in the database, so no deduplication was needed. As a result of the classification, the number of the expression of 'finished clothes'(150, 33.0%), 'part of clothing'(79, 17.4%), 'Appearance of clothes'(55, 12.1%), 'non-apparel textile goods(including fabric)'(44, 9.7%), 'clothing related behavior'(43, 9.5%), 'body parts'(1, 0.2%), derivatives(71, 16.5%) and unknown words(12, 2.6%). For the next study, we plan to research the more meanings of the same Chinese characters, the characters with other radicals related to clothing.

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