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      • 연속 봉합 단속 결찰법을 이용한 미세 혈관 문합법

        최문수,박상훈,Choi, Moon-Su,Park, Sang-Hoon 대한미세수술학회 1999 Archives of reconstructive microsurgery Vol.8 No.1

        While the conventional end-to-end anastomotic technique is accepted as 'the golden standard' for microvascular anastomosis, it is time-consuming and tedious. In an effort to offer faster and safer ways of performing microvascular anastomoses, numerous anastomotic techniques have been proposed, but further refinements in microvascular techniques are still necessary. A 'continuous suture with interrupted knot' technique was devised for faster and safer anastomosis. It has been successfully used in microanastomoses of both artery and vein for free tissue transfer. It is a combination of the interrupted suturing technique and the continuous suturing technique. First, a continuous suture is made with the size of loop decreasing in order, and then the sutures are tied individually from the first loop to the last one as in the conventional interrupted suturing technique. It was applied clinically to fourteen patients over the past ten months and found to be a highly efficient technique that satisfied our needs. This 'continuous suture with interrupted knot' technique has several advantages over other techniques : The operative time is reduced comparing conventional interrupted suture technique. By delaying the tie and with the vessel walls kept separated, the risk of through-stitch can be reduced. Tying all the sutures at one time not only speed up the procedures, but also reduced the surgeon's fatigue. In addition, it has no problem of anastomotic stenosis which is a disadvantage of continuous suture technique. This technique proved to be faster and safer, and has patency equal to that of the conventional end-to-end anastomosis. It is of great help to the surgeon in reducing operative time, especially in clinical situations when many anastomoses are required, or lengthy grafting procedures are undertaken.

      • KCI등재

        은행경영위험과 예금보험요율 설정에 관한 연구

        최문수,Choi, Mun-Su 한국재무관리학회 1997 財務管理硏究 Vol.14 No.3

        본 연구에서는 국내은행의 위험도가 반영된 보험요율을 Merton에 의해 처음으로 제시된 예금보험요율 결정모형을 이용하여 추정하였다. 실증분석 결과에 의하면 표본은행간의 예금보험요율의 추정치에는 횡단면적 차이가 있는 것으로 나타나 표본기간 중 여러 은행들이 공격적 경영을 취함으로써 은행파산의 위험도를 높이는 도덕적 위해의 문제를 발생시켰음을 보여주고 있다. 본 연구는 상관관계 분석을 통하여 추정된 보험요율이 Moody's사의 국내은행에 대한 장기신용등급과 재무건전도등급, 그리고 은행규모, 수익성, 자본적정성, 자산건전성을 나타내는 지표들과 어떠한 관계에 있는 지를 살펴보았다. 분석결과에 의하면 Moody's사의 국내은행에 대한 장기신용등급, 재무건전도등급과 보험요율 사이에는 통계적으로 유의한 관계가 있는 것으로 나타나 추정된 보험요율이 이들 지표와 마찬가지로 위험도를 적절히 반영하는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 보험요율은 은행규모, ROA, ROE들과는 음의 관계가 있는 것으로 나타났으나, BIS기준 자기자본비율, 부실여신비율과는 양의 관계가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 자기자본비율이나 부실여신비율이 은행의 신용도나 위험도를 적절하게 반영하지 못하는 것으로 나타남으로써 이들 비율에 대한 회계방식의 개선이 요구됨을 본 연구의 결과는 보여주고 있다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI우수등재

        토지적성평가 적성등급판정 개선방안에 관한 연구

        최문수(Choi Mun-Soo),여홍구(Yuh Hong-Koo) 대한국토·도시계획학회 2006 國土計劃 Vol.41 No.5

        Land Suitability Assessment(LSA) is operating to prevent unplanned development of non-urbanized area and lead balance of development and conservation. But various problems of LSA are appeared because there aren't enough experience of operation. Especially, the need of improving assesment methods is brought up. The purpose of this study is to show the new classification methods in LSA. Therefore, in this study we compared and analyzed land suitability grades between applied and unapplied conservative priority grade in a case area. The result of this study showed that it would happen to be the skewed grade in the conservation area in the case of general grading method. We reached the reasonable result that, in the classification, the assesment without conservative priority grade is more balanced than the standing rules. So the new ways excepted conservative priority grading will be useful in the autonomy that has many conservation area like a restrict zone.

      • Language as Symbolic Action

        최문수(Choi Moon soo) 동덕여자대학교 인문과학연구소 2014 人文科學硏究 Vol.22 No.-

        현대의 언어에 대한 이해는 크게 두 가지의 관점에서 이루어지고 있는 데, 하나는 구조주의 및 탈구조주의적 관점에서 언어의 자의성, 지시의 불가성, 의미의 탈고정성을 부각시키는 것이고, 다른 하나는 실용주의에 바탕을 둔 화용론적 관점에서 현실의 구체적 문맥에서의 언어사용을 중요시하며 언어를 행위로 간주하는 것이다. 화용론적 관점에 연루되는 문제는, '언어의 특성 및 기능이 행위라면 전통적으로 언어의 기능이라 여겨져 온 의미 및 의사소통을 어떻게 간주해야 하는가?' 그리고 '언어가 행위로서 기능할 때 언어와 현실 즉 언어외적 세계와의 관계를 어떤 것으로 봐야 하는가?'이다. 케네스 버크는 언어를 상징적 행위로 정의하는데, 이는 상징적(따라서 자의적) 기호로서의 언어는 근본적으로 미래에 대해 예측적이고 따라서 욕망과 행위에 결부될 수밖에 없음을 주장하는 홉스나 퍼스 같은 실용주의 및 화용론의 전통을 승계한 것이다. 또한 '상징적 행위로서의 언어' 개념은 현대의 오스틴과 썰과 같은 언어행위이론가 그리고 푸코, 들뢰즈, 가타리 같은 탈구조주의적 화용론자들과 마찬가지로, 언어의 주된 기능으로서의 행위가 언어의 심층적 의미로서 작동하는 것이 아니라, 의미는 부차적 기능에 머물고, 언어와 현실 또는 언어적 요소와 언어외적 요소의 상호작용을 통해 이루어짐을 주장한다. In contemporary scholarship after 'linguistic turn' reflection on language is turned toward two directions. The structuralist and post-structuralist perspective views language as arbitrary system with fluctuating meaning and problematic referential function. On the other hand, the pragmatist perspective regards language as action rather than the communication of information. A problem with the pragmatist view is 'what is the relationship between linguistic factors and extra-linguistic factors, in which language functions as action performing human desire?' Kenneth Burke, for whom language is a symbolic action, is in line with the pragmatics tradition of Hobbes and Peirce, for which symbolic signs are linked with the future, hence conjectural in themselves, and entail human desire and the realm of action. Burke's concept of 'language as symbolic action' also shares the contemporary idea of pragmatics such as speech act theory, Foucault, Deleuze and Guattari, which views language as primarily performative due to the interaction of the linguistic and the extra-linguistic. The two different kinds of factors produce actions by their interacting rather than by meanings created in their relations.

      • [해외시 읽기] ‘가능성들의 장’으로서의 시

        최문수(Moonsoo Choi) 시와세계 2007 시와세계 Vol.- No.17

        The structurally self-reflexive poetry may hold local meanings but does not allow them to be synthesized into an overarching meaning, conceptual or perceptual; it lacks any necessary integrating rule. The parts are organized so that they have multiple and undeterminable relationships with each other. This state or compositional principle can be described as the multiple and equally valid polarity of the field of possibilities. A number of 20th century’s poetic texts belong to this mode of the field of possibilities, which embraces any non-mimetic poems, whether they retain the discursive system or not, including John Ashbery, Gertrude Stein, Ray Dipalma, Charles Bernstein and Bruce Andrews. This poetic mode however differentiates itself not only from the traditional illusion-making poetry but the poems whose self-reflexiveness is simply achieved by directly and coherently narrating their own compositional principle. When it comes to discursive poetry, the field of possibilities requires the narrative incoherency, which relies on the disruption of the discursive level. Unlike the common misconception, however, the device of juxtaposition does not guarantee an inconsistent narrative because the disjunctive operation of juxtaposition is confined to the surface of the text. A poetic text may have a deep, say, connotative level, at which seemingly disconnected denotative meanings can be connected with each other. And these hidden connections can make possible a full narrative consistency. For non-discursive poetry, the field of possibilities is produced when perceptual meanings claim their own semantic value without being subject to a certain conceptual topic, hence without being mimetic as in pattern poetry or shaped poetry.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재


        최문수(Choi, Moonsoo) 새한영어영문학회 2012 새한영어영문학 Vol.54 No.2

        The question of whether Pound"s poetry is a whole hinges upon what sort of logic it involves. Some critics regard it as a heap of fragments without any integrating principle. Perloff, particularly, puts it into the category of "collage poetry" and characterizes it as having no "deep" level of meaning but metonymic play of literal meanings on a flat surface. Perloff is right in that like a collage it gathers different "things" from different contexts and juxtaposes them without any coherent order of narrative. But she overlooks the possibility of unity through an intrinsic, organic logic stemming from the poetic elements themselves. In fact, Pound’s poetry realizes such an organic, immanent logic, which corresponds to the order of nature, what he calls "natural processes." His main critical concepts, "Image," "Vortex," and "Ideogram" all concern his idea of poetic form and hence logic. Among them "Ideogram," which is developed from the others, satisfies his final idea that poetry should be like Chinese ideogram that he believes actualizes "natural processes," whereby things are constantly reunited in new wholes according to their functions. As an "Ideogram," therefore, Pound"s poetry can be seen as a temporary whole, a dynamic and open-ended structure that is neither a complete unity nor a heap of fragments.

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