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        과정지향심리학 기반 청소년 학교적응 향상 집단상담 프로그램 개발과 검증

        천세영,양명숙 한국상담학회 2022 상담학연구 Vol.23 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to develop a group counseling program to improve adolescents' school adjustment based on process-oriented psychology and to verify the effectiveness. Program II was developed as a follow-up program to Program I developed for adolescents in the study of Cheon & Yang (2018), and Program I and II were presented as one linked and integrated program and their effectiveness was verified. The subjects of this study were 66 students who participated voluntarily from 4 high schools located in D city, and consisted of 4 experimental groups and 4 control groups. This quasi experimental study employed a pretest-post test nonequivalent control group design. According to the development model of Kim, et al. (2011), the research procedure went through a total of 4 stages including planning, composing, implementing, and evaluating, and 9 stages in detail to develop the program and verify its effectiveness. As a result of the verification, adolescents' school adjustment, resilience, and conflict resolution basic skills were improved through the intervention of this program. The research implications are as follows. Through Program I, adolescents could respond flexibly by understanding the problems and developmental changes they experience in process-oriented approach and embracing them as positive experiences for growth. Through Program Ⅱ, students learned how to mediate and resolve the problems or the conflicts they experience at the levels of inner, relationships, groups, and systems, and to respect diversity, and showed the possibility of applying it to life. Accordingly, programs I and II, developed as a group counseling program based on process-oriented psychology for adolescents, were verified not only to improve school adjustment but also to help adolescents ultimately grow as a being as a whole. 본 연구의 목적은 과정지향심리학을 기반으로 청소년의 학교적응 향상을 위한 집단상담 프로그램을 개발하고 효과성을 검증하는 것이었다. 천세영, 양명숙(2018)의 연구에서 청소년들을 대상으로 개발된 프로그램Ⅰ의 후속 프로그램으로서 프로그램Ⅱ를 개발하였고, 프로그램Ⅰ과Ⅱ를 하나의 연계 통합 프로그램으로서 제시하고 그 효과를 검증하였다. 연구대상은 D시 소재 고등학교에서 모집된 자발적 참여 학생 66명이었고, 실험집단 4개, 통제집단 4개로 구성하여 이질집단 전후검사설계(nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design)를 하였다. 연구절차는 김창대 외(2011)의 개발모형에 따라 기획, 구성, 실시, 평가 총 4단계, 세부적으로 총 9단계를 거쳐 프로그램을 개발하고 그 효과를 검증하였다. 검증 결과, 본 프로그램의 개입을 통해 청소년의 학교적응, 회복탄력성, 갈등해결기초능력이 향상되었다. 연구의의는 청소년들이 프로그램Ⅰ을 통해 자신이 경험하는 문제들과 발달학적 변화를 과정지향적으로 이해하고 성장을 위한 긍정적인 경험으로 수용하여 유연하게 대처할 수 있고, 프로그램Ⅱ를 통해 자신들이 경험하는 문제들과 갈등을 자기 내면부터 관계, 그룹, 체계 차원에서 조정 및 해결하는 방법을 배우고, 다양성을 존중하며, 이를 삶으로 확장하여 적용할 수 있는 가능성들을 보여주었다. 이에 과정지향심리학을 기반으로 개발된 프로그램Ⅰ,Ⅱ는 청소년들의 학교적응 향상뿐만 아니라, 궁극적으로 그들이 한 존재로서 전인적인 성장을 할 수 있도록 조력하는 집단상담 프로그램으로서의 효과가 검증되었다.

      • 감마線(Co^(60)) 照射 결핵군(H_(37)Rv)의 免疫學的 硏究

        千世榮,劉駿 中央醫學社 1964 中央醫學 Vol.7 No.2

        The use of reduced toxin or of killed bacteria as antigens for the prevention of many infectious diseases is widely accepted today. It is also well known that antigenicity of bacteria may be reduced or destroyed by heating, chemical changes, or b3 the process of manufacture of the antigen so that the immunologic response to the prepared antigen is much less than the response to the use of living attenuated organisms or to an active infection. The most desirable or effective antibody is one which will produce an immunity which is equal to that produced by living bacteria, but which will not produce any pathologic changes. In an attempt to find a more ideal antigen against tuberculosis, the author used Gamma-irradiated(Co^(60)) Vaccine of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (H_(37)Rv) (GIV-TB). This form of the Mycobacterium has lost its ability to multiply and also . uses only a minimum of oxygen. The immunologic response to the irradiated vaccine was compared with that following the use of BCG in human hosts. The Gamma-irradiated Vaccine of Mycobacterium tuberculosis used in this experiment was supplied by Dr. C. M. Carpenter the initiator of the vaccine, at the Department of Infectious Diseases, University of California, Los Angels, California. The vaccine was used to human hosts after the thorough laboratory tests in vitro and in vivo. Under aseptic conditions two antigens were prepared, the first in physiologic saline and the second in two per cent aluminum hydroxide aqueous solution. Both contained lyophilized GIV-TB which had been aseptically ground in a Agate motar and pestle. Suspensions, one mg per ml, of the two vaccines were kept under refrigeration and used within two days after preparation. The control antigens were liquid suspensions of BCG produced by the National Institute of Health in Korea, and a lyophilized BCG from Japanese BCG research institute. Liquid suspensions of the two control vaccines were also kept under refrigeration and used within five days after preparation. Tuberculin (1:2,000) which was used in this experiment was produced by the National Institute of Health in Korea, and the lepromin used in this .study was produced by this Department following the international standardization. 163 leprosy born children (non infected) and 128 patients with the lepromatous type of Hansen's disease were selected, and divided into two groups. These groups had negative reaction in tuberculin and lepromin tests. The first group received the GIVTB and second group received the BCG. After six weeks, these groups were also tested for their tuberculin and lepromin reactions. 128 patients with Hansen's disease and 50 leprosy born children were divided according to age and sex into three nearly equal groups. The first group received the sus-pension of GIV-TB in physiological saline, the second the suspension in 2% aluminum hydroxide, and the third, the control group, received the saline suspension of BCG from the National Institute of Health in Korea. As to the method of inoculation the GIV-TB was given on the surface of the left shoulder through 50 needle multiple skin punctures and the BCG was injected intradermally in a 0.1 ml dose. Six weeks after the above GIV-TB and BCG inoculations, the tuberculin skin reactions were tested. Another 113 leprosy born children were divided according to age and sex into two approximately equal groups. The first group received a saline suspension of GIV-TB and the second group received a saline suspension of lyophilized BCG obtained from Japan. Inoculation was given intradermally, after six weeks this group was also tests for their tuberculin and lepromin reactions. After the inoculation of GIV-TB or BCG the following changes in the tuberculin and lepromin skin reactions (to positive conversion) were noted. Out of 128 leprosy patients and 50 leprosy born children in So 1Zok island, positive conversion rates of tuberculin reactions were found in 70% of the group who received GIV-TB in physiological saline, in 60% of the group who received aluminum hydroxide suspension, and in 48% of control group who received liquid suspension of BCG. Females showed a lower number of positive changes than males. No reason has been known for this sex difference. No one under four years of age showed a positive con-version. The rate of positive change was increased progressively with age. Thus, in summary, the group which received the GIV-TB showed higher positive conversion rate than the group received liquid suspension of BCG. Positive conversion rate of lepromin reaction was lower than 40% in each groups. It also showed that the leprosy patient group was slightly lower in the positive conversion rate than leprosy born children group. In another 116 leprosy born children, positive conversion rate of tuberculin was about 61% in GIV-TB received group, and about 56% in Japanese lyophilized BCG received group. The positive conversion rate of lepromin reaction was about 85% in each group. In 1939 Fernandez first used BCG for a preventive inoculation against Hansen's disease. This was on the basis of his finding that previously negative reaction to tuberculin and lepromin tests, became skin positive to both following BCG inoculation. Many workers have proved that BCG might be used to increase the resistance to Hansen's disease. However, marked difference wasp noted in the findings of many investigators who' have studied that positive. conversion rate in lepromin test after BCG inoculation in patients with Hansen's disease, in leprosy born children and in normal children. These differences in positive conversion by various investigators might have been due to the difference in host parasite relationship. Marked difference was also noted in the findings of positive conversion rate in tuberculin reaction after the BCG inoculation. This indicates that the variations of BCG strain used, the preparation methods of the vaccine, and methods of the vaccine storage are greately influenced by the workers. In 1950, Sarber and his coworker found that the effect of BCG vaccine was very unstable, but it became reliably constant when the vaccine made of human strain of Mycobacterium tuberculosis which was irradiated with ultra-violet rays and could secure positive conversion rate of the lepromin test. Though much progress has been made in the method of preparation of BCG vaccine, it is generally accepted that the liquid suspension of BCG is unstable and its efficacy decreases as the duration of storage prolongs. The lyophilized BCG is considerably more stable than the liquid suspension of BCG. however, this is also rather far from out satisfaction. In view of the above facts, it is highly desirable to have the vaccine which is simple to prepare, high degree of stability in storage and high potency in immunity. The GIV-TB used in this experiment had been preserved more than one and half year after manufacture prior to the injection. The result of the vaccine was fully comparable to the results of many previous workers who employed lyophilized BCG. This proves that the GIV-TB had high degree of. stability and potency of immunity. Even if the positive conversion rate of tuberculin test after GIV-TB inoculation is of the same degree as the positive conversion rate after BCG inoculation, the former should be interpreted as more significant as to its subsequent hypersensitivity and resistance to human tuberculosis, because GIV-TB antigen is prepared from pathogenic human strain itself, and BCG from alternated bovine strain. It is stressed that more studies will be made in the future on the prospect of GIVTB vaccine which is simple to prepare, and has higher stability and render more effective resistance and hypersensitivity against human tuberculosis than the presentday BCG vaccine.

      • KCI등재

        참여정부 교육재정 정책의 방향과 과제

        천세영 韓國敎育財政經濟學會 2003 敎育財政 經濟硏究 Vol.12 No.1

        이 논문에서는 2003년 새로 출범한 참여정부의 교육재정 정책의 기본 방향과 과제를 GDP 6%의 공교육재정 확보 문제를 중심으로, 첫째 확보가능하며, 어떻게 가능한가, 둘째 확보 후 재정을 어디에 어떻게 쓸 것인가에 관해 검토하였다. 연구문제에 대한 해답을 구하기 위해 먼저 교육재정의 현상에 대한 진단을 명료히 한 후 과제를 발굴하였으며, 그것을 기초로 교육재정 확보와 배분, 운영의 과제별로 논의를 전개하였다. 연구의 결론은 첫째, 참여정부는 GDP 6%의 교육재정확보에 대한 확신을 갖고 대안을 수립하되, 현재로서 최선의 대안은 지방세 부담율 6% 및 지방정부의 교육비 진입을 10%를 달성하는 대안이 최선으로 판단되었다. 둘째, 배분에 있어서 정책 우선 순위를 분명히 하되, 유아 및 교육복지 정책, 고등교육투자확대를 통한 국가경쟁력 제고와 공교육내실화의 지속적 추진을 위해 최선의 노력을 가해야 할 것으로 판단되었다.

      • KCI등재

        전자식 차체 자세제어 장치 실시간 시뮬레이션을 위한 유압 모델 개발

        천세영,최성웅,양순용 사단법인 유공압건설기계학회 2019 드라이브·컨트롤 Vol.16 No.2

        The ESP (Electronic Stability Program) is an active control system that controls the posture of the vehicle by sensing the unstable state of the vehicle during braking, driving, or turning. The system works if the vehicle becomes unstable and it is very dangerous to develop it in the actual vehicle. For this reason, many studies have been carried out on the method of developing with simulation such as SIL / EIL. Some advanced companies have already applied it to the product development process. In this study, ESP hydraulic system and braking device model were constructed using SimulationX to build ESP SIL / EIL model. The hydraulic system model was constructed using the actual design parameters and the performance of the hydraulic model was verified by comparing with the actual vehicle test.

      • KCI등재

        사립학교 교육환경 개선지원 재정의 법적 근거 탐색

        천세영,김택균 충남대학교 교육발전연구소 2002 교육연구논총 Vol.23 No.2

        국가경제의 괄목할만한 성장에 따라 가정과 사회의 문화수준은 향상되었음에도 교육기관의 교육환경은 매우 열악하다. 정부는 "환특사업"을 위해 특별회계인 교육세를 징수하고 개선사업을 활발히 추진하고 있으나, 사학은 설립주체가 사인 또는 법인이라는 이유로 차별화 된 지원정책을 적용함으로써 매우 열악한 처지에 있다. 본 연구의 목적은 이와 같은 정부의 사학정책이 현행 교육관련법에 명시한 내용과 상충되는 점을 찾아서 정부의 사학지원정책에 당위성을 부여함과 동시에 조속한 시행을 조장하는데 있다. 연구결과는 가. 국·공·사립은 각각 설립주체가 다르며, 사학은 자율성과 특수성 등을 부여받고 있는 점 외에는 차이점이 없다. 나. 사학의 교육환경 악화원인은 정부의 교육정책에 기인하였으며, 평준화제도는 교육관련법에 보장된 사학의 자율성과 특수성을 상실시켜 자율경영을 못하게 하는 위헌요소로 부각되고 있다. 다. 사학에 대한 교육환경개선 사업비 지원은 법적으로 합당하다. 그럼에도 차등지원과 같은 차별이 적용되고 있는 것은 관료들의 관행적인 사고와 편견에 의한 것으로 명문화된 규정이 없었으며, 특히 헌법에 명시한 교육기회균등의 원칙에 위배되고 있다. 라. 사학 재정지원은 조속한 시행을 요하며, 사학육성책은 정부의 교육재정 절약과 국민의 다양한 교육욕구 충족을 위해 확장되어야 한다. 특히 수월성교육을 위해 사학은 존중되어야 한다. 마. 사학의 건전한 유지·경영을 위해 교육시설에 대한 감가상각을 인정하고, 이를 보전할 수 있는 가칭 "감가상각 계상제도"를 두도록 하며, 비영리법인으로서 국익을 위한 국민 교육을 담당하고 있기에 "세금 및 공과금 감면제도"를 허용하도록 해야 한다.

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