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AZO Anode 전극을 적용한 OLED 소자의 제작과 전기적.광학적 특성 분석
진은미,신은철,김태완,박춘배,Jin, Eun-Mi,Shin, Eun-Chul,Kim, Tae-Wan,Park, Choon-Bae 한국전기전자재료학회 2007 전기전자재료학회논문지 Vol.20 No.4
AZO(Aluminum-doped Zinc Oxide) films are attractive materials as transparent conductive electrode because they are inexpensive, nontoxic and abundant element compared with ITO(Indium Tin Oxide). AZO films have been deposited on glass (corning 1737) substrates by RF magnetron sputtering. The AZO film was post-annealed at $600^{\circ}C$ for 2 hr with $N_2$ atmosphere. The AZO films were used as an anode contact to fabricate OLEDs(Organic Light Emitting Diodes). OLEDs with $AZO/TPD/Alq_3/Al$ configuration were fabricated by thermal evaporation. We investigated that the electric, structural and optical properties of AZO thin films, which measured using the methods of XRD, SEM, Hall measurement and Spectrophotometer. The current density-voltage and luminescence-voltage properties of devices were studied and compared with ITO devices fabricated under the same conditions.
진은미 ( Eun Mi Jin ),이진숙 ( Jin Sook Lee ),김창순 ( Chang Soon Kim ) 한국감성과학회 1998 추계학술대회 Vol.1998 No.-
For making high-functional illumination environment and pleasantness to human beings, it is needed to analyze optical characteristics from lightsource as well as to analyze and examine emotional characteristics which respond to optical characteristics systematically. Also, it is Possible to classify lightsource according to function and use based on optical and emotional characteristics systematically and these results can be applied to practical data for professional illumination design field. The aim of this study is to develop technique for evaluating sensibility as well as to accumulate sensibility database through measuring and evaluating emotional reaction to optical characteristics from lightsource. Final aim of this study is to develop simulation and evaluation technique for interior illumination environment, the outline of this paper : 1) operating simulator for various illumination environment 2) developing evaluation methodology for evaluating illumination environment 3) preparing sensibility index through evaluation and analysis The process of this study is as follows. 1) Developing optical evaluation item of lightsource 2) Developing emotional evaluation item of lightsource 3). Analyzing, correlation between optical evaluation item and emotional eveluation item 4) Classifying and selecting object for evaluation 5) Optical measuring and evaluating for lightsource 6) Operating Simulator for illumination environment 7) Emontional measuring and evaluating lightsource and color 8) Developing estimative formula and sensibility index of emotional reaction The results of this study are as follows. 1. Simulator is operated for various illumination environment, and it is proved to be applicable to actual environment. 2. Evaluation and Analysis Techniques is developed for emotional measurement about illumination environment. 3. Estimative formula and sensibility index are prepared, which can estimate the characteristic of lightsource and emotional reaction to interior color
공간의 이미지에 미치는 조명디자인의 영향분석 - 주택 식당공간의 식탁조명을 중심으로 -
진은미 ( Jin Eun-mi ),김장석 ( Kim Jang-seok ) 한국디자인트렌드학회 2013 한국디자인포럼 Vol.39 No.-
The pendent light is fitted up in the most of dining room. The light fixture design is very difficult because of the complex system - the physical properties of light, the physiological characteristics of human, the response of applied space and the sensitivity response of resident. In this study, a material for pendent light design in the dining kitchen was made. This study followed a four-step process. First, design parameters were extracted for an evaluation. The shape, w/d ratio, color were selected by parameters. In the second step, an experiment to evaluate response to a variety of parameters and categories was carried out using computer graphics. In the third step, the characteristics of the sensitivity evaluation were analyzed by means of factor analysis. The cognitive structure formulated through the factor analysis of the sensitivity evaluation. Fourth, the evaluation characteristics of the categories of the respective parameters were analyzed through a multi-regression method (HAYASHI I). Finally, we can expected objectively consumer`s response of pendent light design.
진은미(Jin Eun-Mi),허경은(Hur Kyung-Eun),김준태(Kim Jun-Tae) 대한건축학회 2010 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.26 No.10
The PV application into buildings is regarded as an important element for sustainable zero energy buildings that require energy generation through renewable energy systems such as photovoltaics. However the appearance of building-integrated PV(BIPV) is not always pleasing, as some people see them as a machinelike high-tech image. This aspect may deter architects and designers to take this relatively new technology into account when designing their projects. The aim of this study is to establish a practical guide for color design in house exterior that is applied with PV module. The parameters of this experiment were the color of PV module and the hue and the tone of exterior wall. Factor analysis and multiple-regression analysis(HAYASI I) were carried out basically for the reliability of visual effects. As a results of factor analysis, three factors were extracted. Factor Ⅰ related to 'evaluation' Factor and composed of 'Desirable', 'Comfortable', etc. Factor Ⅱ related to 'Activity' Factor and composed of 'Fresh', 'Bright', etc. Factor Ⅲ related to 'Warm' Factor and composed of 'Warm', 'Soft', etc. As a result of HAYASI I analysis, the hue of exterior was mainly effected on evaluation.
이진숙(Lee Jin-Sook),박연선(Park Yeon-Sun),최종문(Choi Jong-Moon),진은미(Jin Eun-Mi),손혜연(Son Hye-Yon),홍룡일(Hong Long-Yi) 대한건축학회 2009 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.25 No.6
This study is aimed at analyzing the requirement of resident about specialized design in lower parts of apartment. So, we surveyed the design elements(materials, color and brand) of specialized design in apartment. And, the survey was performed to satisfaction of present condition of specialized design in lower parts of apartment. This study was performed by the following procedures. 1) It was surveyed the materials, color and brand of specialized design in apartment. 2) It was analyzed present image of specialized design in lower parts of apartment by color, materials and brand. Factor analysis and description statistics were used by analysis method. 3) The degree of satisfaction of the resident was surveyed. So, we analyzed the present condition of specialized design in lower parts of apartment. And, persuit image of the resident was analyzed. As the result of evaluation of residents, we came out the fact of necessity of presenting identity of brand in the lower parts of apartment.
재난・재해를 대비한 신체적약자의 체험공간 현황에 관한 연구
이진숙(Lee, Jin Sook),진은미(Jin, Eun Mi),허경은(Hur, Kyung Eun) 한국일러스아트학회 2024 조형미디어학 Vol.27 No.4
Recently, disasters have become more diverse and larger, and in response to this, the demand for a safer society is growing. Comprehensive safety experience centers have recently been established in metropolitan local governments and safety education according to the life cycle has been implemented, but safety experience spaces for the physically weak are insufficient.<BR/>In this study, it is aimed to understand the status of evacuation plans for physically weak people in architectural spaces and the status of creation of safety experience education spaces in the event of disasters.<BR/>It is consisted of five steps as follows. 1) Setting the range of the study, 2) Analysis of space creation standards for the physically vulnerable, 3) Status of safety experience education, 4) Status of safety experience centers and experience spaces for the physically vulnerable were investigated and analyzed.<BR/>As a result of the research, the standards for creating architectural spaces that take the physically weak into consideration can be largely divided into installation of convenience facilities, BF certification, and universal design. However, most of these standards are focused on accessibility and usability in daily life, and are found to be insufficient as a plan for evacuation in the event of disaster.<BR/>Therefore, in order to safely evacuate the physically weak, it is necessary to prepare more detailed design plans and set standards for evacuation space formation standards, access plans to evacuation spaces, and vertical evacuation plans. In addition, based on these standards, a safety experience space should be prepared for the physically vulnerable and a safety experience space where the physically vulnerable can experience evacuating on their own or with helpers or firefighters.