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      • KCI등재

        국민대표회 개최과정과 참가대표

        조철행 한국민족운동사학회 2009 한국민족운동사연구 Vol.0 No.61

        Atter 3ㆍ1 Independence Movement, our independence movement front established problem of the highest organization. The Korean Provisional Goverment and The Korean National Association develop a unity governmental establishment motion, however, The Korean National Association did not attend with ‘approval’ ‘reorganization’ disputes. Because The Korean Provisional Goverment does not include a whole independence movement influence. Moreover The Korean Socialist Party and Young Korean Academy(Heungsadan) seceded The Korean Provisional Goverment. The Korean Provisional Goverment did not do the function and a duty and not to make can became. The Korean Socialist Party armament fight being one committee proposal in goal the reorganization should really have been dispersed, the affection being seceded led The National Assembly call initially. After, from Beijing Military Unification Conference and west Machuria etc, the call demand was diffused and the Ahn Chang-ho seceded and organized Shanhai The National Preparatory Assembly in goal the affection being with unbiased view and public opinion. To 1921 August each area The National Preparatory Assembly was formed The National Preparatory Assembly. But, The National Preparatory Assembly did not hold about Washington meeting the expectation and The Korean Provisional Goverment opposition, problem of EraㆍThe Korean Provisional Goverment year use and holding funds etc. The funds of Han Hyung-kwon who arrives at Shanghai 1921 November 21st expended The National Preparatory Assembly and The National Preparatory Assembly of 12 people propelled a holding preparation in earnest. Han Hyung-kwon oneself extended in two times from Soviet Russia the funds which receives as being provided in The Korean Provisional Goverment. The secondary funds to mean that the first funds is provided but in the Korean social party decision realistic sprout with The National Assembly holding funds was provided in Han Hyung-kwon. From The National Assembly the representative of 125 people was recognized a qualification with proper form. According to attitude The Korean Provisional Goverment, These people came to divide about the affection being Reconstructive faction 69 people, neutral faction 7 people, Creative faction 48 people and Among them, the Socialists was Shanghai group 37, Irkutsk group 17 people. These people related with an organized problem divided Reconstructive organization, Creative organization, National revolution organization. 3ㆍ1운동 전후하여 우리 독립운동전선에는 지도기관 수립문제가 당면과제로 등장하였다. 실체를 가지고 있던 상해 임정과 대한국민의회는 통일정부 수립운동을 전개했지만 ‘승인’ ‘개조’분쟁으로 대한국민의회 등이 불참함으로써 임정은 전체 운동세력을 포괄하지 못했다. 더욱이 임정에 참여한 한인사회당, 흥사단 등도 임정을 탈퇴함으로써 임정은 그 기능과 역할을 하지 못하게 되었다. 한인사회당(이동휘)은 무장투쟁을 목적으로 한 위원제의 임정 개편이 무산되자 임정을 탈퇴하여 처음으로 국민대표회 소집을 주도했다. 이후 북경군사통일회, 서간도 등지에서 소집 요구가 확산되면서 안창호는 임정을 탈퇴하여 임정을 공론과 공결로써 보장받으려는 목적으로 상해 국민대표회기성회를 조직했다. 1921년 8월에는 각지 기성회를 연합한 국민대표회주비회가 결성되었다. 그러나 주비회는 워싱턴회의에 대한 기대와 임정의 반대 그리고 기원ㆍ임시정부 연호 사용, 개최자금 등의 문제로 국민대표회의를 개최하지 못했다. 1921년 11월 21일 상해에 도착한 한형권의 자금이 주비회에 지출되면서 12명의 주비회 위원은 개최준비를 본격적으로 추진했다. 한형권은 자신이 두 차례에 걸쳐 소비에트러시아로부터 수령한 자금은 임정에게 지급된 것이라고 회고했다. 그러나 1차 자금은 한인사회당의 박진순에게 지급된 것이었고 2차 자금은 국민대표회 개최자금으로 한형권에게 지급되었다. 국민대표회의에서는 125명의 대표가 정식으로 자격을 인정받았다. 이들은 임정에 대한 태도에 따라 개조파 69명, 중립파 7명, 창조파 48명으로 나누어지고 그 중 사회주의자는 상해파 37명, 이르쿠츠크파 17명이었다. 이들은 조직문제와 관련하여 임정개조안, 신정부조직안, 민족혁명당 조직안으로 나뉘었다.

      • KCI등재

        尹海의 독립운동

        조철행 (사)한국인물사연구회 2013 한국인물사연구 Vol.20 No.-

        Youn Hai had been at the center of Korean Independence Movement at the here and abroad from 1906 to the mid 1920s. He was active on the The Great Han Assocation(大韓協會), The Northwest Academy(西北學會), Hamnam Informal social gathering(咸南親睦會), New People Society(新民會). These background affects his future working. He worked in people's enlightenment, education and journalism at here and aborad. Yoon-Hai's background in domestic was indeed the foundation to working as Ganmin educational association(墾民敎育會) vice-chairman During exile life at the North Jiandao(北間島). He also emphasized Korean independence activist and association's unification by the Kwonuphei(勸業會) and Kwonupshinmun(勸業新聞). Furthermore he emphasized military education for the Korean independence. He recognized the Russia's Revolution of February as symbolical government form. But he was in attendance in Peace Conference at Paris. The most important reason for attending this conference was to liberate for korean from Japanese colonial rule. But he had no achievement at Peace Conference at Paris. He has never questioned power conference. He was also learned limitations of the diplomacy independence route. Since this conference, he tried to form revolutional party which this party was prepared concreted doctrine and model of nation building by the National Representative Conference(國民代表會議). He emphasized to organize the National Committee by revolution core executives. His plan reorganized to form the Korean Independence Party(韓國獨立黨) in Vladivostok. However, this plan was disappointed by the Comintern. The Comintern issued an edict that Korean Independence activist live their zone. He brush round at the The Chosun Labor Party(朝鮮勞動黨). This party had been center of propertyless farmer and laborer. Not long after, he went to studying in Moscow. The reason was that he wanted to learn theory and practice about new organization making. His independence movement route was expanded to form revolutional party based propertyless farmer and laborer for Korean Independence Movement.

      • KCI등재

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