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      • KCI등재

        Toward the Theater of Language: The Interrelationship between Text and Performance in Sarah Kane’s 4.48 Psychosis

        조소진 한국현대영미드라마학회 2019 현대영미드라마 Vol.32 No.3

        Sarah Kane’s last play, 4.48 Psychosis, incorporates diverse experiments of theatrical writing that depart from the pre-existing playtext form. The play is often summoned as a quintessential example of Hans-Thies Lehmann’s postdramatic theater, however, the analyses of its postdramatic features have primarily focused on the performance that is promised by the play’s idiosyncratic form. This paper focuses on the written product of 4.48 Psychosis that requires the reader/audience to ‘see’ the text instead of reading it. In so doing, this paper investigates the extent of which the text can be represented in performance and if the text is already functioning as a performance itself. In a paradoxical position between text-as-script and text-as-performance, 4.48 Psychosis inquires into the very opposition between text and performance as it has been conceived by theories in drama and theater. Kane’s writing practice reveals that the text and its performance are integrated around the notion of language and its performative potential. While Kane’s particular focus on ‘text for performance’ seems to favor performance over text, the language of 4.48 Psychosis needs to be at the center of this examination, which means that the focus will be on the printed text while cross-referencing particular stage productions. It is thus precisely by ‘seeing’ the text that it becomes possible to follow how the play’s language promotes a dynamic relationship between text and performance as well as how it challenges traditional concepts of drama.

      • 유아의 스트레스에 영향을 미치는 변인에 관한 연구

        조소진,문혁준 카톨릭대학교생활과학연구소 2003 생활과학연구논집 Vol.23 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships of child stress with child's temperament, mother's marital satisfaction, and family economic strain. The subjects were 314 mothers of children in three to five years of age. Who were enrolled in the day care centars or Kindergartens an Inchon. The results were as follows: First, child's temperament was significantly related to child stress. Second, mother's marital satisfaction was significantly related to child stress. Third, family economic strain was significantly related to child stress. Finally, mother's marital satisfaction and child's temperament were significant variables to affect child stress. Mother's marital satisfaction was the most influential among three predicting variables.

      • KCI등재

        민족차별 문제로 보는 일본의 ‘68혁명’ - ‘김희로 사건’에서 ‘화청투 고발’까지 -

        조소진 동국대학교 일본학연구소 2024 일본학 Vol.62 No.-

        This paper aims to understand Japan's colonial responsibility post–war and present a new picture of '1968'. It examines incidents of ethnic discrimination excluded from the university–centered narrative, focusing on three late 1960s cases – the Kim Hee–ro incident, Li Zicheng's suicide, and Kaseitō's accusations – to address ethnic discrimination against Zainichi Koreans and Chinese. First, in February 1968, the Kim Hee–ro case unfolded at Sumatakyō Onsen inn, a hostage situation denouncing police racism. Suzuki Michihiko, a Japanese intellectual, leveraged his connection with Kim Hee–ro to discuss Japanese imperialism's war responsibility and racism. Yazaki Kaoru, a Nichidai Zenkyōtō viewed Kim's action as a struggle practice rather than intrinsic ethnic discrimination. Next, Li Zicheng's suicide, a Taiwanese student, was triggered by the Immigration Control Act issue. Neglected by the New Left movement, fear of deportation intensified, leading to Li's death and a rift with Kaseitō. Student activist Tsumura Takashi adopted a self–reflective approach, seeking to amend the struggle's strategy and direction. The New Left's self–critique and Zenkyō'tō's shift altered student movement goals, emphasizing the importance of ethnic discrimination issues. This redirection moves away from the '1968' narrative steeped in 'Showa Nostalgia', guiding towards recognizing Zainichi's structural discrimination and the colonial issue.

      • KCI등재

        삶의 환경과 여성의 자유의지에 대한 질문 -『머시널』과 『채식주의자』에서 드러나는 여성으로서, 그리고 인간으로서의 삶의 의미-

        조소진(Jo, So-Jin) 강원대학교 인문과학연구소 2019 인문과학연구 Vol.0 No.61

        『머시널』과 『채식주의자』에서는 여성 문학으로서 당대의 여성들에게 편견과 차별을 가하는 사회와 그 구성원들의 압박 속에서 자신만의 주체적인 삶을 살기 위해 발버둥치는 여성 주인공들이 등장한다. 젊은 여성과 영혜는 자신들에게 ‘여성으로서’의 역할을 바라는 주위 사람들의 기대를 철저히 등지고 자신들이 도리어 피해를 입는 한이 있더라도 꿋꿋이 고집하기로 결심한다. 두 여성 주인공들은 편견의 프레임에 갇혔지만 그 사실을 모른 채 자신들에게 자유의지를 사회에 바치라고 강요하는 동료들과 남편, 그리고 가족들의 말에 침묵으로 저항한다. 또한 자유의지에 대한 두 인물들의 마음 속 깊은 갈망은 그로테스크하면서 강렬한 이미지로 변하여 무의식 속에서 이들이 적극적으로 주체적인 삶을 살아갈 방법을 모색하는 시발점이 된다. 자유를 꿈꾸는 자신들 앞을 사회에 세뇌된 인물들이 방해를 한다면 그 사람을 살해하거나 자해를 하는 등의 극단적인 수단을 가하면서까지 이들에게서 벗어나려 한다. 젊은 여성과 영혜의 정체성 실현 방식들은 일반인들이 생각하기에 이상하다고, 심지어 비정상적이라고 생각될 만하다. 그러나 두 명의 주인공에게 있어서는 이 방식들이야말로 자신들을 파멸로 이끄는 환경 속에서 자유와 실존에 대한 고민과 의지를 독자들에게 뚜렷하게 드러낼 방법이라고 할 수 있다. 이들은 ‘이상한’선택을 통하여 본인들의 삶이 사회에 속박되어 있다는 것을 의식하지 못한 채 타인에게마저 획일화된 삶을 강조하는 자신들의 주변인물 내지 독자들에게 ‘여성으로서,’ 그리고 ‘하나의 인간으로서’ 살아간다는 것에 대한 질문을 던진다. This essay examines the similarities between the female protagonists in Sophie Treadwell"s Machinal and Han Kang"s The Vegetarian. In their attempts to obtain independence from society, both the Young Woman from Machinal and Yeong-hye from The Vegetarian refuse to conform to societal expectations about what women should be like and how they should behave. Young Woman and Young-hye come to a realization of their desire for independence: both of them understand what they really want through the images or sounds coming from their unconscious. Attracted by grotesque images from their unconsciousness, the Young woman and Young-hye similarly act on their desire for autonomy by resorting to an extreme means of asserting their individuality. Although their extreme ways of seeking independence are viewed as abnormal and weird by society and people around them, their intense struggle to retrieve the value of their existence taken away by their society makes it difficult to see them merely as weirdos who have failed to adapt to their surroundings. Instead, the readers are invited to sympathize and even identify with them as they risk their own lives to reclaim their value as human beings. By Young Woman and Young-hye"s acts for volition, the readers get a chance to recognize the dark side of their society and resist against it for their subjectivity.

      • KCI등재

        역량강화 중심의 마을 만들기 참여에 따른 주민인식변화 분석

        조소진(Cho, So-Jin),정환영(Jeong, Hwan-Yeong) 한국지역지리학회 2017 한국지역지리학회지 Vol.23 No.1

        본 연구는 충청남도 공주시 살기 좋은 희망마을 만들기를 사례로 역량강화 중심의 마을 만들기 참여에 따른 농촌주민의 인식 변화를 살펴보았다. 연구결과, 희망마을 만들기 참여가 주민인식변화에 유의미한 영향을 미쳤으며, 참여빈도가 높은 주민일수록 인식변화 정도가 크고 참여빈도에 따라 변화된 인식요소가 다르다는 결과가 나타났다. 희망마을 만들기 단회 참여주민의 경우 거시적인 농촌 현실에 대한 인식변화가 나타났으며, 3회 이상 참여 주민에게는 현재 자신들의 삶터에 대한 인식변화가 나타났다. 마지막으로 5회 이상 참여 주민에게는 성공적인 마을 만들기를 위해서 주민의 참여와 협조가 중요하다는 인식이 자리 잡은 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구 결과 역량강화 중심의 마을 만들기는 주민 인식 전환과 주민단합의 매개체로 농촌커뮤니티 복원에 영향을 미치고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 지속적인 역량강화 중심의 마을 만들기는 농촌에 새로운 변화와 농촌 커뮤니티의 회복, 농촌경쟁력 향상에 영향을 미칠 것이다. This research was conducted to analyse how a community building around empowerment changes the resident’s cognition depending on level of their participation. ‘Livable hope community building project’ in Gonju-Shi, Chungcheongnam-Do was chosen as an example case. As a result of analyzing influence of residents’ participation on their cognition changes, the residents with higher level of participation had bigger changes in cognition in terms of individual and relational aspects. In detail, the residents with one time of participation in livable hope community building activity showed a change in cognition in a way that they realized the reality of the rural area and felt the necessity of community building to overcome this. The residents with more than 3times of participation had cognitional change on current status of village where they are living in. Lastly, the greatest cognitional changes in all perspectives occurred among the residents with more than 5 times of participation. They had a firm cognition that the participation and cooperation of the residents are important to make community building successful. Conclusively, community building around empowerment influences recovery of rural community as it changes cognition of residents and acts as a mediator for resident unity. Therefore, it is expected will bring new changes to rural area, help recover rural community, and affect improvement of rural competitiveness.

      • KCI등재

        Toward the Theater of Language: The Interrelationship between Text and Performance in Sarah Kane’s 4.48 Psychosis

        Cho, So-jin(조소진) 한국현대영미드라마학회 2019 현대영미드라마 Vol.32 No.3

        Sarah Kane’s last play, 4.48 Psychosis, incorporates diverse experiments of theatrical writing that depart from the pre-existing playtext form. The play is often summoned as a quintessential example of Hans-Thies Lehmann’s postdramatic theater, however, the analyses of its postdramatic features have primarily focused on the performance that is promised by the play’s idiosyncratic form. This paper focuses on the written product of 4.48 Psychosis that requires the reader/audience to ‘see’ the text instead of reading it. In so doing, this paper investigates the extent of which the text can be represented in performance and if the text is already functioning as a performance itself. In a paradoxical position between text-as-script and text-as-performance, 4.48 Psychosis inquires into the very opposition between text and performance as it has been conceived by theories in drama and theater. Kane’s writing practice reveals that the text and its performance are integrated around the notion of language and its performative potential. While Kane’s particular focus on ‘text for performance’ seems to favor performance over text, the language of 4.48 Psychosis needs to be at the center of this examination, which means that the focus will be on the printed text while cross-referencing particular stage productions. It is thus precisely by ‘seeing’ the text that it becomes possible to follow how the play’s language promotes a dynamic relationship between text and performance as well as how it challenges traditional concepts of drama.

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