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        공무원직장협의회 제도의 발전 방안에 대한 모색

        조성일 동국대학교 비교법문화연구소 2019 比較法硏究 Vol.19 No.3

        Recently, as the amendment promulgated to ACT ON THE ESTABLISHMENT AND OPERATION OF PUBLIC OFFICIALS' COUNCILS, which allows police and fire officials to join the public official’s councils, the public officials’ council system is receiving new attention. In the meantime, the public official’s trade unions, which claimed the full guarantee of the three labor rights of public officials, recognized the public official’s councils only the stage of preparation of the public official’s trade union or an obstacle to unionization. In terms of history, it is difficult to deny that the public official’s council system has been recognized as a predecessor of public official’s trade union system and that the two systems are closely related to each other. However, it should not be overlooked that the public official’s council system is a labor-management council system that has unique advantages over the public official’s trade union system. Unlike the public official’s trade unions, which aim to guarantee the basic labor rights of public officials, the public official’s councils aim “to improve the working environment, improve work efficiency and deal with grievances”. Unlike the public official’s trade unions that have the minimum organizational unit of government bargaining representatives who can make laws and rules, ordinances and rules, the public official’s councils is established in small administrative units with the 4th or higher level public official as the head of the organization. For this reason, it may be possible for the head and the public official’s council of the organization to exchange opinions freely on matters that cannot be bargained by public official’s trade union for the reason of accountability and rule of law. Even with these advantages, the public official’s councils were undervalued because only the collective aspects of the public official’s council were highlighted. It is now necessary to pay attention to the labor-management consultation aspect of the public official’s council and to reevaluate the system. It would also be advisable to improve the public official’s council system. 최근 경찰과 소방공무원의 공무원직협 가입을 허용하는 내용의 공무원직협법 개정안이 공포되면서 공무원직협 제도가 새롭게 주목을 받고 있다. 그 동안 공무원 노동3권의 완전한 보장을 주장하던 공무원노동계는 공무원직협을 공무원노조의 전 단계 조직 내지 공무원노조화를 가로막는 장애물 정도로만 인식하였다연혁적인 측면에서 공무원직협제도는 공무원노조제도의 전 단계로 인정되었고, 두 제도는 서로 긴밀하게 연관되어 있음을 부인하기는 어렵다. 그러나 공무원직협제도는 공무원노조제도와는 다른 고유한 장점을 가진 노사협의제도라는 점이 간과되어서는 안된다. “공무원의 노동기본권의 보장”을 목적으로 하는 공무원노조와 달리 공무원직협은 “공무원의 근무환경 개선, 업무능률 향상 및 고충처리”를 목적으로 하고 있다. 법령과 규칙, 조례·규칙을 만들 수 있는 정부교섭대표의 기관단위를 최소 설립단위로 하는 공무원노조와 달리 공무원직협은 4급 이상이 기관장인 소규모 행정기관 단위로 설립되어 기관의 사소한 사항에서부터, 행정책임과 법치주의를 이유로 공무원노조의 교섭대상으로 상정될 수도 없는 사항에 대해서까지 자유로운 의견교환이 가능할 수도 있다. 이러한 장점을 가지고 있음에도 공무원직협은 저평가 되었는데, 그 이유는 공무원직협의 단체적 측면만이 부각되었기 때문이다. 이제는 공무원직협의 노사협의적 측면을 주목하고 제도를 재평가할 필요가 있다. 아울러 여기에 맞추어 공무원직협제도를 개선해보는 것도 바람직할 것이다.

      • 일의 미래, 체질 개선을 통한 대응이 필요하다

        조성일 포스코경영연구원 2022 POSRI 이슈리포트 Vol.2022 No.2

        ○ 4차 산업혁명을 통한 다양한 기술발전으로 기업에서 하는 일의 성격도 많은 변화 중 - 생각하는 기계(인공지능)를 활용하여 통합된 업무 영역에서 함께 작업함을 의미하는 휴머신(Humachine = Human + Machine)이 부상 ○ 일의 변화는 단순히 일 자체만의 변화를 의미한다기보다 일하는 방식의 변화를 의미 - 일하는 방식의 프레임은 일(work), 일꾼(workforce) 및 일터(workplace)로 구성 ○ 일의 변화는 단순히 일 자체만의 변화를 의미한다기보다 일하는 방식의 변화를 의미 - 일하는 방식의 프레임은 일(work), 일꾼(workforce) 및 일터(workplace)로 구성 ■ 일(Work) : 경영환경 변화에 맞는 새로운 역할, 디지털 관련 새로운 업무 등 탄생 ■ 일꾼(workforce) : 일을 수행하기 위한 스킬(skill) 개발에 초점 ■ 일터(workplace) : 사무실 및 재택 근무의 혼합형인 하이브리드(Hybrid) 방식 활성화 ○ 조직의 체질 개선으로 일의 미래를 대비해야 함 - 미래는 변화와 혁신을 통합한 변혁(Transformatioin)을 통해 기업의 체질 개선이 필수적이며, 일의 본질, 일하는 방식의 변화에 맞는 체질을 민첩하게 갖출 필요

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재
      • Formation of uniform and compact hole-blocking layer for applications to perovskite solar cells

        조성일,신동원,남혜정,성혜경,심준형,양기정,한윤수 한국공업화학회 2016 한국공업화학회 연구논문 초록집 Vol.2016 No.0

        Lead halide perovskites have been proven to be excellent materials for photovoltaic applications with certified power conversion efficiency (PCE) exceeding 20%. Efficient lead halide perovskite solar cells have used hole-blocking layers to get a higher collection efficiency of photogenerated electrons and to achieve high open-circuit voltages. Thus, uniform and compact hole blocking layers are necessary for high efficient perovskite-based thin film solar cells. In this study, we will report on formation of uniform ZnO and TiO2 layer as the hole-blocking layer prepared from various processing conditions.

      • 敎育行政의 政治的 樣相에 관한 一硏究

        趙誠一 建國大學校 敎育硏究所 1993 論文集 Vol.17 No.-

        This study was performed to provide material available in setting a correct direction of educational administration by making an analysis of the political activity of educational policy. And this study clarified the relationship of education and politics and the political nature of educational administration, made an inquiry into the developmental trends of educational politics, and presented discussion over the political aspect in the transforming process of college tuition policy. Educational adminstration must be made to link political decisions with its understanding of the public rationally, have all employed in education participate in educational administration and enable them to exhibit their creativity to a maximum. The persons in charge of educational policy should consider the rationality of educational policy through the examination of the specialists into the alternative to policy and the convergence of related groups opinions. In particular, in order to perform educational policy smoothly, the opinions of students and their parents neglected for the time should be innovatively respected.

      • 常虛 劉錫昶의 學校經營指導性에 관한 硏究

        趙誠一,朱華正 建國大學校 敎育硏究所 1992 論文集 Vol.16 No.-

        Leadership of school management is kind of work done to meet the needs of a school situation. Education must be conceived as a continuing reconstruction of experience, that the process and the goal of education are one and the same thing. The purpose of this study is to devise a theoretical model for management system and leadership in school which would enable to handle the conflicting problems occurred in phenomena of university and college in Korea. The contents of this study are general concepts of school management system and structual aspects of school management system. First, determination on the educational and managerial objectives of university and college management system. Second, development of models of the basic structures, functions, and process of school management systems. Third, design of general process of models for school management system. This study in focused on the school managemental leadership of Sanghuh You, Suck Chang at Kon-kuk University and his educational ideology as follows: Sincerity is an opposite concept of falshood and consists of truthfulness. Faithfulness is the sourse of social life and foundation of balance and harmony. Justice is righteousness and courge, and the records of historical events which will remain forever. Result of this study as follows : First, to realize the sprit to love Korea and to love Korean. Second, to bring up the leaders harmonized by both intelligence and personality in university management. Third, to educate the whole man based upon sincerity. The faithfulness and the justice.

      • 韓·日 兩國의 中等敎員 人事制度에 關한 比較硏究

        趙誠一,李煜範 建國大學校 敎育硏究所 1991 論文集 Vol.15 No.-

        Education serves as the most important factor of national development. A teacher, taking charge of educational work directly, is the key factor determing the success or failure of education. No one can deny how important education and teacher's role is. And in the field of social sciences, comparative analyses are often made. Despite political, economic, social, and cultural differences between regions or countries, all fields of social science share the same ultimate objective of promoting better social systeem and methods. The differences can actually plan a significant role in social studies because they suggest direction for development and provide useful information. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to try a thorough comparative analysis of the present education systems of Korean and Japan, find out problems and offer suggestions for the improvement of the education personnel administration system of secondary school teachers. The thesis was divided into five chapters. The first chapter was an introduction and the second, third, and fourth chapters formed the main body of the work and the last chapter was conclusion. A preliminary comparison of the personnel administration system in the two countries reveals significant differences in methods, institutions, licensing, and recruiting. Such differences can be attributed to the fact the Korean system is a relatively closed one whereas that of Japan is open. By theoretically analyzing the pros and cons of the differences, this study seeks to establish a future direction for Korea's system of personnel administration. The Conclusion of the study is as follows. (1) The current relative closed system of secondary school teacher training must be improved. The teacher's training system should not be restrained in any special educational bodies so that some candidate for a teacher can have a chance to be a teacher, If he has a talented ability in performing the education. (2) The system of teacher's licensing urgently needs to be reviewed with a future-oriented perspective. (3) To improve the quality of the teachers, before someone is admitted to the teacher's training body or someone is employed as a teacher, all kind of the factors such as intellectual factor, physical factor, technical factor, emotronal factor of the teacher should be considered. (4) The principal's right of the teacher's personnel work should be strengthened. (5) The teacher's recruitement by a complete competitive examination is important, it is just as essential to ensure equal employment opportunities to prospective teachers.

      • 초등학교 열린 학급경영을 위한 담임교사의 지도성 제고

        조성일 건국대학교 교육연구소 1999 論文集 Vol.23 No.-

        SUMMARY This study intends to investigate the classroom teacher leadership for effective open classroom management which is a kind of reforming management in formal education, especially in elementary school education. Contensts of this study are as follows:First, the classroom teacher is trying of to take a good leadership. The classroom teacher is a leader of one classroom who is trying to effective classroom management as a planner, organizer and controller. His or her roles are teaching, guidance and counseling, classroom management, treatment of his or her affairs, study on deucation and participation on school management. Sceond, the classroom teacher as a leader is trying to take right concept of open education. The characteristics of open education are (a) open arganization which considers the leaner's attitude, interest and ability, (b) open human relationship where the relation between teacher and learner is not authoritarian but democratic and (c) open curriculum where teacher regards the curriculum not as solid but flexible. The basic principles of open education are the freedom rule which means to permit the leaner with the educative environment for the significant learning, the individual instruction rule to orient meaningful leaning considering the treatment of learner and the respectable rule to regard the leaner as a person. Third, for the effective classroom management, the classroom teacher is trying to take a perspectivee open classroom management and open relationship with his or her student.Open classroom is optimistic in its assessment of human nature, believing the children's curiosity will lead them naturally toward things of value, sothat if each child's interests are allowed to determine his activities in school. They will lead to the best education for that child. Particularly, in elementary education, the educationa value of open classroom management containing to open education is included desirable model of whole man, democratization of educational method, formation of the positive self-concept, to emphasis of diversity and creativity of children in education, curriculum investigate, to stress of affective essence of education. Because effective open classroom management is very important thing. The conclusion of this study is as follows: 1) Classroom teacher must make change his or her teaching methodf rom teacher-centered to leaner-centered education. 2) Classroom teacher have to change educational environment. 3) Classroom teacher must make change the method of extra-curricula activity for students. 4) Classroom teacher must operate from IQ to EQ education in teaching-learning process. 5) Classroom teacher have to change the method of observation, records, and evaluation of students.

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