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      • KCI등재

        근권토양의 환경이 고추역병 억제 미생물 Serratia plymuthica A21-4의 고추뿌리와 근권 토양 정착에 미치는 영향

        조박,신순선,문재예,송상,박창석 한국식물병리학회 2009 식물병연구 Vol.15 No.2

        The biocontrol agent Serratia plymuthica A21-4 was selected and proved as an excellent inhibitor of Phytophthora blight of pepper through in vitro and in vivo experiments in previous studies. To enhance the colonizing density of S. plymuthica A21-4 on plant root and rhizosphere soil, some soil conditions might effect on the colonization of the bacteria were examined. The results obtained from the study indicated that the soils containing more sand were favorable to root colonization of S. plymuthica A21-4. Organic amendment such as 3% maize straw(w/w) was helpful to colonize the bacteria in root and soil. The soil temperature about 20oC, water content around 40%, and soil pH near to neutral or slightly acidic, were optimum condition for the colonization of S. plymuthica A21-4 in the rhizosphere soil and roots of pepper. In addition, existence of indigenous biotic entities was beneficial to the colonization of S. plymuthica A21-4. The biocontrol agent Serratia plymuthica A21-4 was selected and proved as an excellent inhibitor of Phytophthora blight of pepper through in vitro and in vivo experiments in previous studies. To enhance the colonizing density of S. plymuthica A21-4 on plant root and rhizosphere soil, some soil conditions might effect on the colonization of the bacteria were examined. The results obtained from the study indicated that the soils containing more sand were favorable to root colonization of S. plymuthica A21-4. Organic amendment such as 3% maize straw(w/w) was helpful to colonize the bacteria in root and soil. The soil temperature about 20oC, water content around 40%, and soil pH near to neutral or slightly acidic, were optimum condition for the colonization of S. plymuthica A21-4 in the rhizosphere soil and roots of pepper. In addition, existence of indigenous biotic entities was beneficial to the colonization of S. plymuthica A21-4.

      • KCI등재

        중국 근대언론의 한국임시정부와 독립운동에 대한 보도내용 분석 : 신보(申報)를 중심으로

        조박,최낙진 계명대학교 사회과학연구소 2019 한국사회과학연구 Vol.38 No.3

        In this study, we analyzed news articles related to the Korean independence movement and the provisional government of the Republic of Korea reported in the Chinese modern newspaper <Shenbao>. For analysis, the period was divided into 1910 ~ 1918 (1st period), 1919 ~ 1944 (2nd period), and 1945 ~ 1949 (3rd period) according to the development process of the Korean independence movement and the provisional government of the Republic of Korea. As a result, most articles were reported as short articles in the first period, and the length of the articles was longer from the second period. Most of the sources of the articles did not have any information sources in the first period, and more articles with information sources were found in the second and third periods. The frame clearly showed the change at each period. In the first period, the frame of the ‘loss of Korean sovereignty’, the second frame of the ‘sovereignty recovery struggle’, and in the third period were the ‘sub-frames of the peninsula.’ Besides, there were relatively many ‘Chinese adaptation frame’, ‘surrounding power situation frame’, and ‘social conflict frame.’ The tone was more neutral or positive than negative. Overall, this study examined how the representative media of modern China dealt with the provisional government of the Republic of Korea and the Korean independence movement. In particular, through the analysis of <Shenbao>, we could understand that the Chinese government supported the Korean independence movement, and the two countries had friendly relations. Also, we could see the division process of the Korean peninsula and the attitudes of neighboring countries to the Korean peninsula. 본 연구에서는 중국 근대 신문인 <신보>에 보도된 한국 독립운동과 대한민국 임시정부 관련 기사를 분석하였다. 분석을 위해 한국 독립운동 및 대한민국 임시정부의 발전과정에 따라 시기를 1시기(1910년~1918년), 2시기(1919년~1944년), 3시기(1945년~1949년)로 구분하였다. 분석결과, 1시기에서는 대부분 짧은 단신기사로 보도되었고, 2시기부터 기사의 길이가 길어진 것으로 나타났다. 기사의 정보원은 1시기에서는 정보원이 거의 없었으며, 2시기와 3시기에서는 정보원이 있는 기사가 많아진 것으로 확인되었다. 프레임은 각 시기별로 그 변화가 명확하게 나타났다. 1시기에서는 ‘한국주권상실 프레임’, 2시기에서는 ‘주권회복투쟁 프레임’, 3시기에서는 ‘반도내부분열 프레임’이 핵심 프레임이었던 것으로 확인되었다. 이외에 ‘한인 중국적응 프레임’, ‘주변강국정세 프레임’, ‘사회갈등 프레임’도 많이 등장했다. 논조는 부정적인 기사보다 중립적이거나 긍정적인 기사가 많은 것으로 나타났다. 종합적으로 본 연구를 통해 중국 근대 대표 언론이 대한민국 임시정부 및 한국 독립운동을 어떻게 다루었는지에 대해 살펴볼 수 있었다. 특히 <신보> 분석을 통해 중국국민정부가 한국 독립운동을 지지하고 많은 도움을 주었고, 한중 양국이 우호적인 관계를 갖고 있었음을 확인할 수 있었다. 또한 한반도 분열과정과 한반도에 대한 주변 국가들의 태도도 파악할 수 있었다.

      • 17K 톤 유조선이나 화학제품운반선의 주름진 격벽 연결 부분에 대한 연구

        조박(Cao Bo),배동명(Dong-Myung Bae),자키(A.F. Zakki) 한국해양환경·에너지학회 2012 한국해양환경공학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2012 No.5

        Nowadays, because of its characteristics such as good stability and being easy for tank cleaning and construction, etc, corrugated bulkhead is usually used in the oil or chemical tanker. As several kinds of corrugated bulkhead joints are used in structure, it is important for the joint to know the features of them. By using Patran & Nastran to calculate the distribution of displacement and stress of different types of joints under the same loading, the main study is about the common joint forms for the corrugated bulkhead of the oil/chemical tanker. The study can be referenced by those who design the joints for the corrugated bulkhead of the oil/chemical tanker.

      • 17K 톤 유조선이나 화학제품운반선의 주름진 격벽 연결 부분에 대한 연구

        조박(Cao Bo),배동명(Dong-Myung Bae),A.F. Zakki 대한조선학회 2012 대한조선학회 학술대회자료집 Vol.2012 No.5

        Nowadays, because of its characteristics such as good stability and being easy for tank cleaning and construction, etc, corrugated bulkhead is usually used in the oil or chemical tanker. As several kinds of corrugated bulkhead joints are used in structure, it is important for the joint to know the features of them. By using Patran & Nastran to calculate the distribution of displacement and stress of different types of joints under the same loading, the main study is about the common joint forms for the corrugated bulkhead of the oil/chemical tanker. The study can be referenced by those who design the joints for the corrugated bulkhead of the oil/chemical tanker.

      • KCI등재후보

        한국의 보수언론과 진보언론의 프레임 비교 분석

        조박(ZHAO BO),최낙진(Choi Nak-jin) 계명대학교 사회과학연구소 2018 한국사회과학연구 Vol.37 No.2

        본 연구에서는 ‘사드’ 관련 보도에 대한 한국의 보수언론인 〈조선일보〉와 진보언론인 〈한겨레〉 간의 프레임을 비교 분석하였다. 분석결과, 사드 관련 보도에서 가장 많이 다뤄진 뉴스 프레임은 ‘신 냉전 프레임’이었다. 한국에 사드를 배치하게 될 경우, 한·중·북·미 간의 냉전 상태에 대한 강조다. 또한 〈조선일보〉의 경우에는 안보 프레임, 사드사양 프레임, 한미동맹 프레임의 비중이 높은 것으로 확인되었고, 〈한겨레〉는 풀뿌리 민주주의 프레임을 더 강조한 것으로 나타났다. 정보원의 국적은 한국이 가장 많았고, 이어 미국과 중국이 많은 것으로 확인되었다. 이외에 일본, 북한, 러시아 정보원도 등장했지만, 그 비율은 높지 않았다. 정보원의 직업유형은 〈조선일보〉에서는 전문가와 익명 정보원이 더 많이 등장했고, 〈한겨레〉의 경우에는 시민단체와 일반인이 더 많이 등장했다. 보도태도는 두 신문사 간 차이가 명확하게 나타났다. 〈조선일보〉는 찬성하는 입장을 보여주었고, 정부의 입장에 대해서도 긍정적으로 보도하였다. 반면, 〈한겨레〉는 주로 사드에 대한 한국정부의 정책과 입장을 비판하는 입장을 취했다. 결과적으로 언론사의 성향에 따라 ‘사드’에 대한 뉴스 프레임, 정보원의 활용, 보도태도 등에서 차이가 확인되었다. This study comparatively analyzed the frame of Korea’s key conservative press 〈ChosunIlbo〉 and progressive press 〈Hangyore〉 on reports related to ‘THAAD.’ The result of analysis with respect to the sources, Korean was the most common nationality of sources, followed by the USA and China. There were also Japanese, North Korean, Russian, and other sources, but these appeared less frequently. The most common occupation of the sources included professionals and anonymous sources in the ChosunIlbo, and private organizations and the public in Hankyore. The most common frame in THAAD-related reports was the ‘new cold war frame’. This signifies that once THAAD is placed in Korea, the position of Korea in Asia may suffer. In the 〈ChosunIlbo〉 in particular, it was identified that the security frame, THAAD specifications frame, and Korea-USA alliance frame featured highly whereas the 〈Hankyore〉 further emphasized the grass root democracy frame. With respect to the reporting attitude, a clear difference was displayed between the two press companies. 〈ChosunIlbo〉 displayed a notably serious attitude towards THAAD, and reported positively on the government’s position. In the process of reporting on THAAD, 〈ChosunIlbo〉centered its reporting on the North Korean threat frame and Korea-USA alliance frame - this did not display a significant difference from the government’s stated stance. In contrast, 〈Hankyore〉 appeared to be more critical on the Korean government’s policies and position on THAAD. As a result, it was identified that the reporting time and attitude of Korea’s progressive press and conservative press were significantly affected by the tendency of the press concerning ‘THAAD.’

      • 자유낙하식 구명정의 진수시의 고려할 운동 형식에 대한 연구

        Ahmad Fauzan Zakki,배동명(Dong Myung Bae),조박(Cao Bo) 대한조선학회 2012 대한조선학회 학술대회자료집 Vol.2012 No.5

        The freefall lifeboats have been designed to be fast and reliable evacuation system. Once the occupants have gone on board, the lifeboat is simply sliding from a skid before the free-fall. Some second after the water impact, the propulsion system can be started and the lifeboat can sail away from parent vessel. During the launching process, trajectories of free-fall lifeboats can be divided into such categories, depending on the headway and advance speed after water entry and surfacing of the lifeboats. The aim of the paper is investigating the influence of the launching parameters such as, sliding distance, angle of skid and the falling height on the motion pattern of the new type free-fall lifeboats.

      • 자유낙하식 구명정의 진수시의 고려할 운동 형식에 대한 연구

        자키(Ahmad Fauzan Zakki),배동명(Dong Myung Bae),조박(Cao Bo) 한국해양환경·에너지학회 2012 한국해양환경·에너지학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2012 No.5

        The freefall lifeboats have been designed to be fast and reliable evacuation system. Once the occupants have gone onboard, the lifeboat is simply sliding from a skid before the free-fall. Some second after the water impact, the propulsion system can be started and the lifeboat can sail away from parent vessel. During the launching process, trajectories of free-fall lifeboats can be divided into such categories, depending on the headway and advance speed after water entry and surfacing of the lifeboats. The aim of the paper is investigating the influence of the launching parameters such as, sliding distance, angle of skid and the falling height on the motion pattern of the new type free-fall lifeboats.

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