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        모래상자치료 사례에 나타난 영웅의 여정 - 등교 거부하는 아동을 중심으로-

        조미영(Mee-Young Cho) 한국모래상자치료학회 2018 모래상자치료연구 Vol.8 No.1

        본 연구는 학교생활의 부적응으로 등교 거부를 하는 아동의 모래상자치료 과정을 Campbell의 영웅 신화의 구조에 따라 분석하였다. Campbell은 세계 여러나라의 영웅 신화를 찾아 공통점을 연구하였고, 다양한 신화들의 비교 분석 속에서 반복적으로 나타나는 구조를 발견하여 ‘원질신화(Monomyth)’라 정 의 내렸다. 원질신화 안에서 영웅들은 공통된 경험을 통해 탄생하며, 이들이 겪는 과정을 크게 분리, 입 문, 귀환으로 나누어 볼 수 있다. 이러한 과정으로 모래상자치료 사례에 나타나는 영웅의 여정이 어떻게 표현되어지는지 알아보고자 하였다. 이를 위하여 전체 34회기의 모래상자치료를 실시하였고 모래상자치 료에서 나타나는 변화를 살펴본 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 등교거부를 하는 아동의 모래상자치료 사례 는 Campbell이 정의 내린 원질신화의 영웅의 여정에 따라 분리, 입문, 귀환이라는 단계로 진행되고 있 는 것을 알 수 있었다. 둘째, 세부 단계에서 Campbell은 17단계를 제시하였으나 아동의 모래상자치료 사례에서는 생략되는 단계들이 있어 사례에서는 보통세상, 모험에의 소명, 소명에 대한 거부, 초자연적 조력, 관문의 통과, 고래의 뱃속, 시련의 길, 여신과의 만남, 신격화, 귀환의 준비, 회귀관문의 통과, 두 세계의 주인(삶의 자유) 12단계가 표현되었다. 본 연구는 영웅 신화에 등장하는 영웅들이 거치는 여정이 모래상자치료 사례에 나타나고 있으며 생략 되는 단계들이 있지만 독특한 자신만의 영웅적인 삶이 표현되고 있음을 확인할 수 있었다. This study analyzes a sandtray therapy process of a student refusing school as maladjustment the school using hero’s journey of Joseph Campbell. He studied common things of hero myths, and found structures that appear repeatedly. It is defined as Monomyth. Heros in Monomyth are born by same experience. Such processes are Departure, Initialization, and Return. A purpose of this study is to know how Hero’s Journey is expressed in sandtray therapy. The sandtray therapy is performed 33 times and changes that appear are recorded. First, sandtray therapy of the student follows 3 acts through hero’s journey. Secondly, this example is expressed 12 stages contrasted that Campbell’s 17 stages. 12 steps were expressed which examples include the world, the calling to adventure, the rejection of vocation, the supernatural help, the passing of gates, the whale s stomach, the road of trials, the meeting with the goddess, the preparation of return, the passage of regressive gates and freedom of life. Consequently, Hero’s Journey is occurred at sandtray therapy and their own heroic life is expressed.

      • 일부지역 위안부들의 성병에 관한 지식 및 태도에 관한 조사연구

        문희자,조미영,Moon Heui Ja,Cho mee young 대한간호협회 1976 대한간호 Vol.15 No.3

        From 13th of sept to 15th of Nov. in 1975 A Survey was Conducted to know the degree of knowledge and the attitudes for the V.D. and the situations of present life o 102 prostitutes registered to the V.D. Clinic Center Paju-gun. Kyung ki province, the conc

      • 종양 전문 간호사의 직무 분석

        오복자(Oh Pok-Ja),이명남(Lee Myung-Nam),강희선(Kang Hee-Sun),김광성(Kim Kwang-Sung),김현옥(Kim Hyun-Ok),설미이(Seol Mi-Ee),소향숙(So Hyang-Sook),신동옥(Shin Dong-Ok),이광미(Lee Kwang-Mi),조미영(Cho Mee-Young),최소영(Choi So-Young),태영 대한종양간호학회 2006 Asian Oncology Nursing Vol.6 No.1

        Purpose: This study was designed to develop job description for Korean oncology APNs and assess importance, frequency, and difficulty for each of task elements listed on the job description. Method: Twenty-four ncology APNs or professors working at cancer centers or universities in Korea were enrolled in this study. They were asked to complete the questionnaires about frequencies, importances, and difficulties on the task elements for the APNs which had developed through a DACUM method. Descriptive statistics were produced by using SPSS WIN 10.0. Result: The job description of oncology APNs was identified 5 duties, 44 tasks, and 110 task elements. As for the all five duties, the average scores of the frequency, importance, and difficulty were 2.57, 2.25 and 2.52. And the role of educator was shown as the most important duty of the oncology ANPs, whereas the role of administer was the least. And the role of consultant was the most frequently performed by the oncology APNs. Conclusion: In this study, we could recognize the reality of oncology APNs' performances having wide spectrum from medical to nursing disciplines. For further verifying and improving performance, we need more precisely designed studies with more representative subjects.

      • 一部農村地域의 母性保健實態에 關한 硏究 : 忠淸北道 永同郡 8個面을 中心으로

        趙美映 慶熙大學校 1979 論文集 Vol.9 No.-

        The total number of house wives surveyed in this study was 450. Households studied were located in the 8 myuns, where the nursing students conducted service activities during the summer of 1978. In each village where these service activities were conducted, each student selected ten households randomly and surveyed them. The main contents of the questionaire form included status relating to general characteristics, pregnancy and delivery, environmental condition in regard to the delivery, menstruation, abortion, and family planning. The results obtained by this study were as follows; 1. A Study of age distribution of the women shows 23.3% of then are between 35 and 39 years old. That was the highest group among thens. 2. The educational level of the registered women, shows that more than one half or 58.4% are at primary school level. 3. The age of first marriage of the women was highest in the age group of 22-23 years old being 29.6%. The average age of first marriage is 21.4 years old. 4. Those who had experienced 4 or 5 pregnancies were the most frequent. The average number of pregnancy was 5.0 times. 5. The women had an average 3.8 live-births. Those who had no experience of live births or pregnancy rated 1.1% and this rate is 0.9% higher compared to none experience of pregnancy 0.2%. 6. The average number of living children was 3.7. 7. The age of first delivery of the women was highest in the age group 23-24 years old being 29.4%. The average age of first delivery is 22.7 years old. 8. Deliveries in institutions are 11.9% while 88.1% delivered at home. 9. Home deliveries were found to be attended often by mother-in-law. Those who delivered alone without having anyone's assistance were as much as 14.6%. 10. Sewing scissors were most frequently used as a tool for cutting the umbilical cord, indicating 88.5% in this area. Sterilized tools were used by 32.9% the women. 11. Most of placenta were burned up (76.0%) in these area, being followed buried in ground (10.2%) and throw in to water(13.8%), respectively. 12. Vinyl sheets were frequently used as a delivery sheet, indicating 40.8%. 13. At the time of interview, 58.0% of the women had normal menstruation, and 35.3% had abnormal ones. Of the 420 women, 72.8% had menstruation every 26-30 days, 13.0 percent every 31-35 days. The average cycle of menstruation was every 27.7 days. 14. 45.0% of the total investigated duration of menstruation was 34 days, 40.5% 5-6 days. The duration of menstruation ranged from 1 day to 8 days with an average of 4.7 days. 15. Out of the total 71.7% had some pains, while 28.3% had no symptoms. Among the symptoms, lumbago occupied 28.7%, abdominal pain 22.8%, neurological conditions 14.1%. 16. The women who had experienced induced abortion were only once in 17.8%, twice in 8.2% three times in 4.0%, total average times were 0.6%. 17. 62.7% of women think induced abortion is absolutely necessary when they have unwanted baby, that is most of women showed to want induced abortion if necessary. 18. Those who had experience spontaneous abortion rated 15.1% and stillbirth rated 3.6%. 19. The rate of current practice in family planning was 44.2% of all women. Most of family planning practicing respondents used l.U.D. and oral pill as a family planning method.

      • 모범학생과 비행학생의 가정환경 비교연구 : 서울시내 일부 주·야간 고등학교를 중심으로

        조결자,조미영,김윤희 慶熙大學校 1986 論文集 Vol.15 No.-

        Today, adolescence and student's delinquencies are increasing gradually in the social instability confusion associated with rapid social change. Therefore this research was attemped to help to constructing the bright and sound welfare society, and to contributing the basic data for performing expanding roles as a nursing practitioner and the more contributing to develop the nursing science through counselling and treating their delinquent and criminal behavior. The duration of study was from Sep. 20 to Oct. 20, 1985. The number of all students participated in this study were 891(model 182, delinquent Student 351). The results that analyze and compare the differenciation between two groups in their family environmental factors were as the following. One tool of the study used for classifying the type and the seventy of delinquent behaviros was the 63 items developed by Clark and Wenningor, and then we reconstructed and used only 43 items(Cronbach's α=0.8521) among them. And we used the other questionnaire constructed of 32 items(Cronbach's α=0.912) after correct and modify several times by 3 researchers for family environmental factors. The gathered datas were took statistics using SPSS m accordance with the purpose of study and we came to results like these; 1. General characteristics of subjects. In the distribution of day and night school, girls and boys, day schools(49.9%) and night schools(50.1%) are similar, the number of girls (63.0%) were much more than boys. In the distribution of model and problem students, problem students (65.8%) was much more than the model. In the age and the order of birth, group of 17 years old(36.8%) was extremely much and the middle born(38.7%) too. 2. The comparison of general characteristics between day and night schools model and problem students. Generally, the night school students' age (17.2∼17.3 yrs.) was more than the day school students' (16.2∼16.5 yrs.) In the comparison of class years, problem students were more as the grade is higher. In the sex, day school have more problem behaviors in boy's school, night school have more in girl's school and in the order of birth, the middle, the last born and the only son(or girl) have more problem behaviors. 3. The content and frequency of delinquent behaviors in problem students Among contents and frequencies of delinquent behaviors extremely much behaviors were "drinking"(20.2%), the next behaviors were "smoking" and "destructiveness"(each other 15.5%) and the next was "resistance to his parent"(15.1%). Thirteen behaviors, excepted "having the weapon" "experienced the premarital sexual relation" have much more than night school students. The percentages of students experienced the delinquent behavior in all subjects were 74.7%, frequencies of delinquent behavior in problem students were for one student from one to eleven times. Their delinquent behavior of each person was commonly 1.9 times. 4. Comparison of the family environment between model and problem students 1) The physical family environment In comparison of the physical family environment, there are certainly significant differentiations between model and problem group. In the type of a residence, the group of no-residence have, in the level of parent's age, the group of the prime manhood have, in his parent's religion, the group of no-religion have, and the group of having not a father or a mother have higher rates of delinquent behaviors more than model students, and the lower are the level of his parent's educational background, the more severve are delinquent behavior of problem students. 2) The psychological family environment ① Comparison of the relation between the attitude of the parent's fostering and the students attitude to his parent. The more positive was the attitude of the parent's fostering for his children, the more positive was the student's attitude to his parents. The more positive was the attitude of the mother's fostering for his children, the more positive are the student's attitude to his father. But in the father's fostering attitude to his children was the better, the student's attitude to has mother was not just better. ② parent's fostering attitude for his children In comparison of the differentiation between the mother's attitude for his children and children's attitudes to his mother and father in model and problem students, model students had more positive feeling for his parent than problem students. 5. Comparison of the relation among specific behaviors(smoking, drinking, using of the dependent drug) 1) physical environment In no-owner house groups and no-religion groups in parents of physical environmental factors. In comparison of the relation between the specific behavior and physical family environmental fact the group that their parent had no-owner house, their mother have no-religion, and living seperately from parent at present was much more smoking, drinking, and using of the dependent drug. 2) In comparison of the relation between specific behaviors and psychological family environmental factors, "the no-smoking" "the trust for his children" group was higher level in parent's attitudes on "the approval for his children" and "the respect of his children's opinion" than the past now experienced smoking group. In drinking, no-drinking group is higher level in father s attitude on "the trust for his children" "the approval for his children" the respect of his children's opinion" and "the consideration for his children" than the past and now experienced drinking group. In using of the dependent drug, there are no different between the no-using group and the using group. As the above result, we can find facts that if their parent's educational background and socio-economical level are lower and students don't live with their parents or their parents died already they have more delinquent behaviors. We can find the fact that if the student lives in home where communicate well with his parent and they have satisfactory family life together with trust, such student have lower frequency of delinquent behaviors. We understand and recongnize that the problem children are maked by problem parent and problem family, so our community have to do their best to plan and to implement the best issue for prevention of delinquent adolescents.

      • 韓國 看護大學 敎育課程에 對한 硏究

        文姬子,金潤喜,趙潔子,趙美映,姜賢淑 慶熙大學校 1982 論文集 Vol.11 No.-

        The changes of social issues and nursing concepts require the expansion of nursing needs and nursing role, therefore it is keenly demanded the necessity of the research for new curriculum development in nursing. So to make a contribution to the development of nursing education in Korea, we made a comparative study of nursing curriculum of each universities which have baccalaureate program and put them into operation at present; they are 10 Korean universities, 5 American universities and 4 Japanese Universities. Thus by researching the differences among them. We acquired the conclusions as followings. The purpose of Nursing education In case of Korean parts, the contents of those aims must be explained more clearly and more in detail than another results of research. There also has to be made the statements upon the scientific researching methodology in scholarly respect, or the self-development in individual respect, or the lasting endeavour for studies in professional respect. We must put an emphasis upon the statement and education of the direct nursing provider, or the primary health care manager at hospital and community, who is one of the important aims of modern nursing education. The substance of nursing curriculum. 1) Total credits for completion and the comparison of curriculums, classified by the field. The scope of total credits of each nation, according to Colleges ranges; Korea: 140-163, U.S.A.: 121-187, Japan: 13-158 Compared with those of U.S.A. and Japan, the average credits of Korea is higher. Classified by the field, the credits alloted to major courses are 73.3% and liberal courses, only 26%, which shows that it does not satisfy the current educational trend that emphasizes the liberal course. 2) The comparison of curriculums, classified by a school year. In case of Korea, the total credits are evenly assigned to all grades, but the freshman taken the concentration of liberal courses (81.2%). Among the major courses are preponderant the Nursing Supportive subjects in the sophomore and the nursing major ones in the junior and senior. 3) Curriculums classified by the subject. (1) As compared with those of Japan and U.S.A. Korean students are less free in chosing subjects their own way all over the curriculums. It is, therefore, required that the range of the optionals be widened for the open and flexible education. (2) We can find all of three nations (Korea, Japan, U.S.A.) neglect the sphere of the behavioral sciences among the fundamental nursing subjects. In the field of social sciences, among Korea, Japan, and U.S.A., top ranks Japan that tends of the interested in social well-being. In Korea only two universities have this subjects. (3) Nursing major subjects. Defficulties in comparing them lie in the gulfs of the title of subjects, and the structural differences of the formation of curriculums among nations. In case of Korea, although there are a few differences of the number of credit of subjects among colleges, she has uniform aspects for U.S.A., which says that there are no characteristics and self-control each colleges has in Korea. We can notice that the subjects each Korean university shares are also doubled with those of the national examination for nursing qualification. Japan differs from Korea in that subjects are more differentiated and students are provided with more chances to make a choice through the system of subjects and the texture of a curriculum are similar to those of Korea. In case of Korea, therefore, the unification of fundamental subjects (especially in the medical field) and clinical practices is required. (4) The course for teaching profession is taken as either the required or optional just in Korea (80%) and Japan (75%). The number of subjects and total credits of teaching courses is different according to the colleges of Korea and Japan. As for the contents of subjects Korea deals with theory and Japan, the practical thing with which students can adjust themselves to the spot of society. As a result of that, in case of Korea, demanded are the entire review and research upon the purpose of establishing a curriculum, its relation to the total credits and the choice of substance of subjects etc. 4) The patterns of organization in curriculum development. Most of the patterns of organization, classified by clinic subject pivot upon disease and subjests are not mutually unified in case of Korea and Japan. Though the patterns of organization of subjects if formally unified, that of curriculums is not substantially or wholy synthesized, while in case of U.S.A. the unification of the patterns of organization entire curriculum as well as the mutual unification of subjects is attained and each college runs a characteristic curriculum, since the application of nursing theory and the model of a curriculum are different according to college. The prevention of disease, the promoting health and the disease system is patterned, centering around the healthy and their families. Therefore, in case of Korea, it is urgent to unify the curriculum of nursing education for the efficiency of the future oriented nursing education, and it is also imminent to develop the new pattern of a nursing curriculum suited for our own social demand and situation. And we need the continuous studies and search for the method of application in order to development the new curriculum. The comparison of a curriculum with the purpose of nursing education. The substances of subjects are not consistently in accord with the aims of nursing education each college states in Korea, Japan and U.S.A. Especially in case of Korea, the most statements upon the purpose of education are in the social dimension, but the most subjects have the academic dimension. In Korea it is stringent to examine and study the choice of the contents of education in terms of learning, profession, individual and society.

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