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      • 연초(NIcotiana Tabacum L.) 육종을 위한 제형질의 통계유전학적 연구 III. 이면교잡에 의한 유전자 분포상태 및 우성정도추정

        조명조,류익상,김진형,Cho, Myung-Cho,Yu, Ik-Sang,Kim, Jin-Hyeong 한국연초학회 1989 한국연초학회지 Vol.11 No.2

        This Study was conducted to estimate the degree of dominance and gene frequency of some sueful characters in tobacco. The eight parents and a set of 28 crosses of F'1s was F'2s were used as materials, and planted on oriental's and burley cultivated system as randomized block designs, respectively. The observed characters were six agronomic characters which were plant height, number of leaves per plant, leaf length, leaf width, days to flowering and yield, and the data obtained from the experiment were analyzed from methods by Hayman's and Jinks. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. In Vr-Wr graphical analysis, number of leaves per plant, leaf length, days to flowering and yield were found to be inherited in partial dominance, and plant height was over dominance to be similar to complete dominance, but leaf width was inherited with partial dominance close to complete dominance. 2. In the gene frequency, two varieties Xanthi-Basma and KA 102, for days to flowering and yield had larger number of dominant genes as those were situated near the point of origen. 3. Additive effects of genes(D) were greater than dominance effects of Genes(H) for six agronomic characters except plant height, and mean degree of dominance over all loci was lower than 1 for days to flowering yield, leaf length and number of leaves per plant.

      • 약배양에 의한 향끽미종 반수체 배가계통의 특성

        조명조,이승철,금완수,이정덕 한국연초학회 1982 한국연초학회지 Vol.4 No.2

        The field evaluation were conducted on dihaploid progenies derived from anther culture of F1 plant of Drama x Sohyang (N. tabacum L.) The mean values of agronomic and chemical traits of dihaploids such as Nicotine, length/width, plant height, Leaf length, leaves per plant and Yield were greater than those of tar parents. The correlation coefficient of dihaploids were similar to those of conventional lines and varieties. In path analysis, in relating yield components to yield, leaves per plant and leaf width had a direct effect on Yield, but the other components such as plant height, leaf length and days to flowering influenced Yield indirect way.

      • 연초(Nicotiana tabacum L.)육종을 위한 제형질의 통계유전학적 연구 IV. 재배법 및 세대에 따른 유전적 Parameter의 변동

        조명조,진정의 한국연초학회 1989 한국연초학회지 Vol.11 No.2

        The study was conducted to obtain the genetic informations for some useful characters in tobacco breeding. The eight parents and a set of 28 crosses of F1's and F2's were used as materials, and planted on two different cultivated systems, i. e., oriental's and burley systems, during 1986-1988 at taegu Experiment Station, Korea Ginseng & Tobacco Research Institute. The observed characters were six agronomic characters which were plant height, number of leaves per plant, leaf length, leaf width, days to flowering, yield and five chemical components, nicotine, total nitrogen, protein nitrogen, total volatile base and pet, ether extract. The results obtaining are summarized as follows: 1. The higher heritabilities were found for days to flowering yield and nicotine in both generations, but values for number of leaves per plant, leaf length, total nitrogen and protein nitrogen were lower than other characters. 2. Genotypic correlation coefficients among all pairs of characters were slightly higher than the corresponding phenotypic correlations in F1's and F2's on two different cultivated systems. The relationship between leaf length and leaf width was the positive correlation, but that between number of leaves per plant and leaf width was negative. 3. From the genotypic correlations between yield and other characters, a conclusion that the yield was highly correlated with plant height, leaf length, leaf width and days to flowering was given. 4. Quality was positively correlated with number of leaves per plant and nicotine, but negatively with the other agronomic characters and chemical components.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        연초 수량 및 수량관련형질들의 경로분석

        趙明助,張權烈 한국작물학회 1990 한국작물학회지 Vol.35 No.1

        본 연구는 담배육종에 있어 유용형질이 담배 수량에 영향을 미치는 직접 및 간접효과들을 잡종초기세대에 분석함으로써 앞으로의 선발육종에 대한 기초정보를 얻기 위하여 수행하였다. 시험방법은 유전적 특성이 다양한 8개 품종을 공시하여 이면교잡을 하고 양성된 F1 , F2 각 세대별 28개 조합을 Orient 및 Burley 종 각 재배법에 따라 1986년부터 1988년까지 본 연구소 대구시험장에서 수행하였다. 조사항목은 초장, 엽수, 엽장, 엽폭, 개화일수 및 수량 등 6개 농업형질과 nicotine, total nitrogen, protein nitrogen, total volatile base, pet. ether extract 등 6개의 내용성분들로서 얻어진 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 각 형질들의 수량에 대한 직접효과는 세대나 재배법에 따라 다소의 차이는 있었지만 대개 엽장, 엽폭, 개화일수 및 엽수의 순으로 높았으나 내용성분은 낮았다. 2. 간접효과는 재배법이나 세대에 관계없이 대개 엽장, 개화일수, 그리고 total nitrogen의 형질들이 타형질에 미치는 영향이 컸었다. The study was intended to clarify the direct and indirect effects of agronomic and chemical characters influencing upon yield in tobacco breeding. The eight parents and a set of 28 crosses of F1 's and F2 's were used as materials, and planted on two different cultivated systems, i.e., oriental's and burley systems, during 1986 to 1988 at Daegu Experiment Station. Four characters which were leaf length, leaf width, days to flowering and number of leaves per plant influenced the highly direct effects upon the leaf yield, but five chemical components were expressed as low effects. In indirect effects, leaf length, days to flowering and total nitrogen had the high indirect effects influencing upon leaf yield via the other characters. Accordingly, the results were discussed with a conclusion that the selection should be based on the data from leaf length, days to flowering, leaf width and number of leaves per plant.

      • KCI등재

        정동이론으로 읽은 울프의 『댈러웨이 부인』 - 동시대인의 고통에 대한 공감 -

        조명조 ( Myungjo Jo ) 세계문학비교학회(구 한국세계문학비교학회) 2021 世界文學比較硏究 Vol.75 No.-

        본 논문은 버지니아 울프의 『댈러웨이 부인』에서 클라리사가 타인과 마주할 때 나타나는 이해할 수 없는 몸의 느낌과 타인을 향한 공감의 관계를 살펴본다. 울프는 이 소설에서 양차 세계대전 사이의 폭력적인 현대문명을 마주한 사람들이 느낀 충격을 묘사하여 몸의 정동적 반응을 강조한다. ‘감정’과 구분하여 ‘정동’에서 사회언어학적 요소를 배제한 브라이언 마수미의 정동 용어의 정의 속에는 사회의 영향이 직접 포함되지 않지만, 소설연구에 정동이론을 적용하여 장면을 분석할 때 등장인물의 몸의 느낌은 사회 속에서 받는 영향과 완전히 분리할 수 없다. 클라리사의 몸의 느낌은 개인의 고유한 느낌이지만 동시대인이 공통적으로 경험하는 ‘느낌의 구조’가 반영된다. 울프는 사회에서 소외된 셉티머스의 몸의 고통을 묘사하여 영국 사회가 약자를 차별하는 문제를 고발한다. 셉티머스에게 한순간 일어나는 신체적 고통은 제1차 세계대전 이후에 남은 트라우마를 암시한다. 클라리사는 일면식도 없는 셉티머스가 투신했다는 소식을 듣는 순간 마치 자신의 몸이 불타는 것처럼 느낀다. 데이비드 흄에 따르면, 현 하나가 다른 현을 울리듯이 모든 느낌이 옮겨가는 것이 공감의 본성이다. 클라리사의 몸에 정동적 힘이 나타나는 장면은 동시대인이 겪는 고통에 공감하는 인물상을 보여준다. 정동이론에 비추어 이 소설을 읽을 때 인물과 동시대인 및 사회의 상호작용을 함께 고려하면 사회의 압박과 인물의 반응을 발견할 수 있다. This article examines the relationship between the incomprehensible bodily feelings of Clarissa and sympathy for the others in Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway. Woolf emphasizes affective responses of the body by describing the shock that people felt from experiencing violence in the process of modern civilization during the Interwar period. Brian Massumi’s definition of the word ‘affect’ excludes the socio-linguistic element of emotion. Although Massumi’s affect theory is adopted to examine the case of Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway, the characters’ bodily feelings cannot be fully understood without the consideration of social influence. Clarissa’s experiences of her bodily feelings are unique to her own per se, as reflected in the ‘structures of feeling’ that are commonly shared by contemporary society. Woolf criticizes marginalization and oppression of the English society by portraying the pain of Septimus. Septimus’s instantaneous physical pain implies deferred trauma after the end of the First World War. Clarissa feels as if her body was burning when she hears the news of Septimus’s suicide. As David Hume describes sympathy for the wound strings, sympathy operates by the transmission of affections from one person to another. The scene whereby affective forces arise in Clarissa’s body presents the character who sympathizes with the pain of contemporaries. Through the lens of affect theory with a particular focus on the interactions of the character, her contemporaries, and the society, readers can grasp characters’ varied reactions toward social oppression manifested in Mrs. Dalloway.

      • KCI등재

        상호연결성과 개체성의 이중성: 생태비평으로 읽은 『무지개』의 ‘영성’

        조명조 ( Myungjo Jo ) 한국로렌스학회 2021 D.H. 로렌스 연구 Vol.29 No.2

        This article examines the organic relationship between Tom Brangwen’s family members in D. H. Lawrence’s The Rainbow from an ecocritical perspective. Lawrence emphasizes that there must be both a wholeness of humanity and separate individuality in his essay “Love.” This duality can be found in Tom’s attitude toward his wife Lydia and daughter Anna. Tom and Lydia undergo repeated cycles of severe conflicts and reconciliations. Tom comes to respect Lydia’s individuality by keeping his distance from her when it is necessary. He also realizes that Anna is an independent human being when she falls in love with Will and gets married to him. Although the interaction between human beings is mainly described in this novel, it is accompanied by Tom’s expanded perception of the vastness of nature and the universe. The “blood consciousness” of Lydia can be developed in her relationship with not only Tom but also nature and the universe. Lawrence suggests a way to overcome anthropocentrism by portraying “spirituality” in nature.

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