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        "경향(傾向)"과 "신경향파(新傾向派)"의 거리

        조남현 ( Nam Hyon Cho ) 서울대학교 인문학연구원 1990 人文論叢 Vol.24 No.-

        ``Tendency`` has lexical meanings such as the inclination, the trend, the current, etc. and also critical meanings as an aesthetic, literary term. The tendency as a technical term was commonly used in the form of ``tendentious`` or ``tendentiousness``. The word ``tendency`` appeared first in Kim Chai-kwan`s article(1922) and the term ``tendency art`` was seen first in Im Chung-jai`s critical essay titled "A piece of writing given to the men of letters" (1923). ``New trend group`` was a word ingeniously combining the meaning as a literary current and the meaning as socialistic tendentiousness. In my opinion, the former meaning was stronger than the latter. Kim Pal-bong and Im Wha were representative theorists who eonfirmed the fact that the term and the contents of ``new trend group`` originated with Pak Young-hi. But, afterwards Kim Pal-bong maintained that he was the originator. Im Wha raised the status of ``the new trend group`` while Pak Young-hi interpreted ``the new trend group`` as the preliminary period literature. Kim Pal-bong was behind Pak in the degree of understanding of tendentiousness. Kim Nam-chon discriminated ``the new trend group literature`` from the tendency literature. Im Wha was in the same position as Kim Nam-chon, but he could not define the area of tendency literature. In case that ``the new trend group literature`` were understood as the preliminary stage, this title would be unnecessary. Instead, the expression like the first period of tendency literature would be more proper. In case that the range of tendency literature were strictly cut down, the tendency literature could be placed either in front of or behind proletariat literature.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        유진오(兪鎭午)와 이효석(李孝石) 소설(小說)의 거리

        조남현 ( Nam Hyon Cho ) 서울대학교 인문학연구원 1995 人文論叢 Vol.34 No.-

        To compare two novelists begins with the common feature as fellow-traveler writer. Nowadays, the opinion that two novelists can be looked on as fellow-traveler writer becomes one of the literary conventions. Of course, there was an opinion that Hyosuk Lee was not fellow-traveler. While Jino Yu mainly presented fighter as protagonist through the works such as "Mr.Song``s brother and I", Hyosuk Lee took sides with all the dramatis personae who oppose mutually. A story book "Russia coast"(1931) presented the ``longing for Russia.`` This longing appeared in the power of poetic imagination. Jino Yu``s works divides into the novel of intelligentia and the novel of laborer The latter show the fighter against the Established. In the understanding degree of socialism, Jino Yu overwhelm Hyosuk Lee. But, Jino Yu did not express the knowledge directly. While in Jino Yu, socialism was the object of the intelligent research, Hyosuk Lee approached with passion and feeling.

      • KCI등재

        한국현대작가들의 도시 인식 방법

        조남현(Nam Hyon Cho) 한국현대소설학회 2007 현대소설연구 Vol.- No.35

        From ancient times to the present, various forms of the city have existed and most cities have changed continuously, so it becomes difficult to define the city or urbanity plainly. The definition of the city novel becomes very complicated. The concepts such as modernization, industrialization, democratization, rationalization, globalization were intimately connected with the urbanization, but the study about city and city novel needs to be accomplished in the Koreanological dimension. During 20 century, Korean writers have accomplished the methods such as landscape, portrait, picture of manners, abstraction. I tried to classify the methods of Korean writer`s recognition of the city into four ways. The first is the works that propose the ideas for the ideal city-construction such as Chae Man-sig`s <Frozen fish>, Lee Taejoon`s <The stars lights every window>. The second is the works that describe the pathological facet of the city such as Lee Hyo-sug`s <The human prose>. The third is ``seoul landscape`` of urbanizing period such as Kim Seung-og`s <Nineteen Sixties style>, Lee Ho-chul`s <Seoul is overpopulated>. The fourth is the works that open the light side and the dark side of the new city such as Lee Mun-yul`s <Borderland>, Choi Il-nam`s <Very slow time>.

      • KCI등재

        문학 생활화의 방법 1 : 특집 2 - 대중문학과 문학교육 : 소설교육의 정향 ( 定向 ) 과 대중소설 문제

        조남현(Nam Hyon Cho) 한국문학교육학회 2001 문학교육학 Vol.7 No.-

        The ideal of novel-education is found in the classics-centered education and the present of novel-education is confirmed in the best-seller list. In high school and university, classics or masterpiece were proposed as absolute standard but afterwards most people had tendency to choose popular fiction, melodrama, trivial novel. The history of survey about popular fiction and trivial novel indicates us that the high brow novel elevates the common sense, middle brow novel preserves the common sense, low brow novel bring down the common sense. Compilation of literary textbook and drawing up of masterpiece list is basic and full-scale work. We have met various masterpiece list, but perfect list cannot be found Applicants for writer and applicants for theorists should read widely from classics to the middle brow novel or melodrama, while general readers should read the chosen novels as classics or masterpieces.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI우수등재

        한국현대문학연구의 발전과 과제

        조남현(Cho, Nam-hyon) 국어국문학회 2018 국어국문학 Vol.0 No.184

        1990년대에 오면 문학연구가 인문학연구, 문화연구, 영화연구, 풍속연구, 미디어연구, 사상연구 등으로 확대되면서 학계와 문단이 분화되고 학술논문과 평론이 구분되는 변화가 일어난다. 1950년대에는 아직은 대학에서 국문학자들을 제대로 배출하지 못했기에 서양문학 전공자 중심의 평론가들에 의한 평론집에 크게 의존할 수 밖에 없었다. 국문학전공자들은 서양의 문학이론을 부지런히 공부하는 한편으로 기본자료들을 수집하고 정리하는데 많은 힘을 기울였다. 젊은 국문학도들이 서양문학전공자들의 평론집을 교과서로 삼는 태도는 1970년대까지 계속되었다. 1980년대 비평계의 특징으로는 국문학 전공자들에게 주도권이 넘어간 점과 학계를 향해 문학연구는 이념구현이어야 한다고 고창한 점을 들 수 있다. 1990년대에는 박사학위 논문들을 중심으로 하여 실증주의와 해석주의가 잘 결합된 연구성과가 줄지어 나왔다. 이제 21세기의 한국현대문학연구는 학회와 학회지 중심의 체제 확립과 복합학에의 확대라는 발전양상을 보이는 한편으로 실증주의와 가치론의 괴리, 작품분석력의 부진, 표현인문학의 과잉현상 등과 같은 문제점을 드러내고 있다. Late in the twentieth century the study of Korean modern literature widened to the human science, culture study, film study, manners study, media study. In 1950, the critic lead the study of Korea modern literature because of the scholar’s numeral insuffiency. The students of national literature endeavored to practice the positivism and to receive the occidental literary theory. In 1960, the department of literary study divided into the ancient and the modern area. In 1970, critical essays written by the scholars of foreign literature had good influence on the Korean scholars. In 1980, on account of political situation many scholars maintained that literary study also should be the ideological embodiment. In 1990, many accomplishment including doctoral dissertations were published. Many scholars such as the critic took a interest the literary movement like laborism, feminism, ecologism, postmodernism. In the 21century, Korean modern literary study show the traits such as the system centered on the learned society and the journal, new positivism, expansion of the area of studies, overvalue of expressive human science.

      • KCI등재

        한국 리얼리즘론의 역사

        曺南鉉 서울大學校 人文學硏究所 1994 人文論叢 Vol.31 No.-

        History of discussion of realism in Korea can be limited the field of the types of realism. Our modern literature had developed under the proposition of colonization and modernization, so our writers and theorists expected the power of the realism. Serious discussion of realism began in the attempt to separate the realism from the naturalism. Pal-Bong Kim presents 'dialectic realism'(1929), Mag An presents 'proletariat realism' (1930). Sul-Ya Han identified 'dialectic realism' with 'proletariat realism'(1931). Hwan Kwon and Mag An appeared as the positive supporter of the socialist realism. Theorists such as Young-Hee Park, Nam-Chon Kim, Ham-Kwang An, Doo-Yong Kim denied the insistence that the socialist realism can be applied all over the world. Young-Hee Park, Chul Paik and Kon-Kang Yun presented the psychological realism as an alternative of socialist realism(1934). And Hyo Han insisted that socialist realism should contain the revolutionary romanticism. Afterwards he repeats the insistence. After the 1945 Liberation, Nam-Chon Kim raised the 'evolutionary realism', Hyo-Min Hong raised 'Korean realism' and 'national realism', Sik han 'noble realism'. In the 1950's the discussion of the realism went back to the objective or naive realism.

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