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        무당개구리 ( Bombina orientalis ) 의 간장과 심장내 젖산탄수화물에 미치는 온도의 영향

        정희원,이경애,이춘구 ( Chung Hee Won,Kyung Ae Lee,Choon Koo Lee ) 한국하천호수학회 1989 생태와 환경 Vol.22 No.1

        Effect of low and high temperatures on the total LDH activities and electrophoretic patterns of LDH isozymes in the liver and heart of frog, Bombina orientalis were investigated. Total LDH activities in the liver and heart of low (0 ℃ ) and high (33 ℃ )temperature groups were increased in comparison to those of control (20 ℃ ), while LDH activity of low temperature group was greater than that of high temperature group. There were 6 LDH isozyme fractions in the liver and heart at low temperature exposure. When frogs were exposed to high temperature, 6 LDH bands were fractionated in the liver and 5 LDH fractions appeared in the heart. The percentages of liver and heart LDH isozymes at low and high temperatures showed decrease of LDH₁, and increase of LDH_5 in comparison to those of control.

      • KCI등재

        Fine Structural Study on Compensation Effect of Red Ginseng against Methylmercury Injury to Brain and Gill of Fightingfish

        정희원,이춘구,Chung, Hee-Won,Lee, Choon-Koo Korean Society of Electron Microscopy 1993 Applied microscopy Vol.23 No.1

        버들붕어 뇌와 아가미의 미세구조에 미치는 메틸수은의 독성적 영향과 이에 대한 홍삼의 보상효능을 전자현미경적 방법에 의하여 연구하였다. 뇌 신경세포의 미세구조 변화에 있어서 대조군에 비하여 메틸수은만을 투여한 군에서는 수상돌기와 축색돌기가 상당히 확장되고 핵질과 세포질이 부분적으로 손실되었으며 ribosome의 수적감소와 mitochondria의 팽대가 관찰되었다. 그리고 파괴된 핵과 공포화된 mitochondria를 함유한 괴사세포의 출현은 특이한 관찰이었다. 반면 메틸수은과 홍삼을 병행 투여한 군에서는 메틸수은만을 투여한 군에서 보다 수상돌기와 축색돌기의 확장이 감소되고 ribosome의 수가 증가되었으며 mitochondria의 팽대정도가 상당히 감소되었다. 아가미 새판의 미세구조에 있어서는 Pillar cell과 arm의 붕괴, 표피세포의 확장 및 기저막의 비후가 메틸수은만을 투여한 군에서 관찰되었고 메틸수은과 홍삼을 병행 투여한 군에서는 메틸수은만을 투여한 군에서 보다 arm의 붕괴정도와 기저막의 비후정도가 감소되어 정상세포와 거의 같은 정도로 호전되었다. The toxic effects of methylmercury on the ultrastructures of the brain and gill tissues of fightingfish and compensative effects of red ginseng were investigated by means of electron microscopy. The brain neuron of methylmercury exposure group showed dilatation of dendrite and axon, numerical decrease of ribosomes, partial loss of nucleoplasm and cytoplasm and considerable swelling of mitochondria as compared with the normal neuron. And necrotic cell with ruptured nucleus and vacuolated mitochondria was noticeable. While, slight swelling of mitochondria, some dilation of dendrite and axon and numerical increase of ribosome occurred in the neuron of methylmercury-red ginseng treatment group as compared with the methylmercury exposure group. In the gill lamella of methylmercury exposure group, collapse of pillar cells and arms, dilated epithelial cell and thickened membrane were observed. While, in the gill lamella of methylmercury-red ginseng treatment group, arms were slightly disintegrated and basement membrane was some thickend as compared with the methylmercury exposure group. From the above results, it is concluded that red ginseng has detoxication effect on methylmercury toxicity and so takes compensative effect on injured tissues caused by methylmercury intoxication.

      • KCI등재

        Electron Microscopic Study on Detoxication Effect of Red Ginseng Extract on Mouse Liver Injury induced by Methyl Mercury

        정희원,Chung, Hee-Won Korean Society of Electron Microscopy 1987 Applied microscopy Vol.17 No.1

        생쥐 간세포(肝細胞)의 미세구조(微細構造)에 미치는 메틸수은(水銀)의 독성적(毒性的) 영향(影響)과 이에 대한 홍삼(紅蔘) 추출물(抽出物)의 해독효과를 전자현미경적(電子顯微鏡的)으로 연구하였다. 대조군(對照群)의 간세포(肝細胞)에 비하여 메틸수은(水銀)만을 투여(投與)한 군(群)에서는 핵(核)의 일부가 붕괴(崩壞)되고, mitochondria의 팽대(膨大), cristae의 수축(收縮) 내지 손실(損失) 및 다수의 대형 강포(腔胞)의 출현(出現)이 일어나고 glycogen의 양(量)이 감소되었다. 메틸수은(水銀)과 홍삼(紅蔘) 추출물(抽出物)을 병행(倂行) 투여(投與)한 군(群)에서는 메틸수은(水銀)만을 투여(投與)한 군(群)에서보다 mitochondria의 팽대(膨大) 정도(程度)가 적고 강포(腔胞)의 크기와 수가 감소되었으며 정상(正常) 세포(細胞)와 비슷한 상태로 나타났다. Detoxication effect of red ginseng extract against toxicity of methly mercury on ultrastructure of mouse liver was studied by electron microscopy. The hepatocyte of methyl mercury treatment group showed partial rupture of nucleus, mitochondrial swelling, decrease of glycogen content, and appearance of a great number of large vacuoles. While, the hepatocyte of methyl mercury-red ginseng extract treatment group showed slight mitochondrial swelling and decrease of vacuoles in size and number than those of methyl mercury treatment group.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        1980년대 뉴욕 이스트 빌리지 젠트리피케이션과 성소수자들의 `성찰적` 공동체 ― 새라 슐만의 『여자들, 꿈, 모든 것』

        정희원 ( Chung Hee-won ) 서울시립대학교 도시인문학연구소 2017 도시인문학연구 Vol.9 No.1

        기존의 1980년대 이스트 빌리지 연구에서 젠트리피케이션을 비롯해 공간을 둘러싼 자본과 거주민들 간 권력투쟁의 역사가 중점적으로 다뤄진 것에 반해, 지역 주민의 상당 비율을 차지했던 성소수자 공동체에 관한 연구는 상대적으로 홀대되어 왔다. 이 논문에서는 1970년대부터 가속화된 이스트 빌리지 젠트리피케이션에 관한 기존 사회학적 연구에서 충분히 다루어지지 않은 레즈비언 예술가 공동체와 그 재현으로서 새라 슐만(Sarah Schulman)의 『여자들, 꿈, 모든 것』(Girls, Visions and Everything)을 매개로 1980년대 이스트 빌리지에 대한 기존 지역연구 담론에 개입해 보고자 한다. 이를 위해 슐만 소설의 아카이브적인 함의와 가치를 전제하는 동시에 그 이면에서 어떤 식으로든 재현일 수밖에 없는 소설 속에서 장소성이 구성되고 젠트리피케이션이 개념화하는 방식을 모두 고려하고자 하였다. 아방가르드 예술가로서의 미학적 실천과 투사를 통해 수행되는 이들의 공동체성은 스콧 래쉬(Scott Lash)가 정의하는 `성찰적` 공동체성에 가까운 것으로 볼 수 있다. 더불어 이 연구에서는 젠트리피케이션이 그 지리적·경제적 정의를 넘어 백인 이성애자 중산층 중심의 균질성을 확대해나가는 `균질화`의 원리로 작동하게 되는 사회문화적 함의에 주목한다. 인종이나 성적 지향, 계급의 균질화 원리에 따라 공간을 재편하고자 하는 전지구적 자본의 촉수로서 젠트리피케이션이 성소수자 공동체 구성원들의 수행적 주체성, 그 집단적 투사와 실천으로 구성되는 공동체성과 필연적인 길항 관계에 놓인다면, 젠트리피케이션이라는 현상에 대해 신자유주의적 경제적 논리를 넘어서는 문화적·사회적·정치적 차원에서의 담론적 대응이 절실하다. Studies on the East Village of New York City and its gentrification in the 1980s have been generally concentrated on the history of power struggle between the residents and the real estate capital that treated the neighborhood as new sources of interests. Using a few recent literature scholarships that tried to start conversation with sociological studies as stepping stones, this paper argues that the history of the East Village in the nineteen-eighties needs to be rewritten in the perspectives of the lesbian community that produced the area as its own space. One of the precious queer archives of the time, Sarah Schulman`s Girls, Visions and Everything, documents a lesbian artist community defined by its geography and performative practices. This article terms the collectivity of these lesbian avant-garde artists as “reflexivity,” following Scott Lash`s explanation of reflexive community. Gentrification, on the other hand, one of the major subjects from the former sociological studies, has been often defined mostly with the economic terms and later also with its cultural meanings, yet this study attempts to expand the demarcation of the word and redefine it as the invasion of the white heterosexual middle class sensibility of homogeneity both to the physical and emotional spaces of the others. As Schulman insists in her explications of “gentrified feeling” and “gentrified happiness” in The Gentrification of the Mind, this broadly redefined “gentrification” designates various tendencies of cleaning out the uncomfortable differences and otherness under the name of efficiency and self-contentment.

      • KCI등재

        『공감의 힘, 혹은 자연의 승리』에 나타난 “자연”과 공화주의

        정희원 ( Hee Won Chung ) 한국영어영문학회 2013 영어 영문학 Vol.59 No.1

        This paper aims to elucidate the meanings of “Nature” in William Hill Brown`s The Power of Sympathy: or, the Triumph of Nature (1789) in the premise that concept of Nature is of great consequence in the discourses of Republicanism in the early America. Nature was charged with the contested meanings in the battle of ideologies between the advocates of English monarchy and the republicans; the opposite parties derived the authority of their arguments from the various demarcations of defining “nature” and “natural” in their own ways. In this novel, meanings of “nature” vary from the humanistic impulse against God`s grace to human mind as in the scene when Mr. Holmes argues that reading books is like the cultivation of nature. Finally, as the catastrophe surge of incest destroys the ill-starred lovers Harrington and Harriot, “nature” that presides over their tragedy gives us even a glimpse of its deterministic character. In Brown`s novel, I argue, the ideal of republicanism that theoretically disavows class differences is undermined when the revelation comes that it was from their mutual affinity as half-blooded siblings that the peril of incest originates, despite of their seemingly republican love that had overcome the consciousness of class distinctions. As the major assumption of republicanism is stranded on the reef of the impediments to republican marriage and the affliction caused by homogeneity, the meaning of nature encompassing hypotheses of Enlightenment and Sentimentalism is simultaneously ruptured and impaired.

      • KCI등재

        어머니의 유산: 마담 롤랑의 『회상록』과 울스튼크래프트의 『머라이어』

        정희원 ( Hee Won Chung ) 한국18세기영문학회 2014 18세기영문학 Vol.11 No.1

        An autobiographical memoir in French and a fictional memoir in English respectively, Mme Roland’s Memoires(1795) and Mary Wollstonecraft’s The Wrongs of Woman: or, Maria(1798) are not likely to have much in common at a first glance. In order to evaluate their common achievement properly, however, this paper offers a comparative reading of the two works under the theme of mother’s legacy to her daughter. I assess the intrinsic value of these two mothers’ legacies in the form of writing against the backdrop of the social arrangements for women in respective societies and show how they represent the authors’ struggle to achieve female citizenship in a society that worked against it. During the Revolution period, French women, divested of rights to citizenship and public engagement, were excluded from the category of citizen. England in the second half of the eighteenth-century witnessed the degeneration and deterioration of Sensibility, which lost its original ideal agenda, and was gendered often under the name of “father’s legacy to his daughters.” At the end of her memoir, Mme Roland, ensuring her property goes to her daughter, also bequeaths “virtue” to her daughter as the source of female citizenship, instead of “rights” that has belonged more or less exclusively to male citizens. Maria, eponymous heroine of Wollstonecraft’s fiction, leaves a memoir addressed to her daughter as the mother’s essential inheritance for her daughter’s proper education in sensibility. At the conclusion of the paper, I give emphasis to the role of sympathetic readers as the true inheritors of these mothers’ legacies.

      • KCI등재

        코로나19, 온라인 요가를 통한 신체자각이 여대생의 긍정·부정정서, 불안에 미치는 영향: 수용행동의 매개효과 검증

        정희원 ( Chung Hee-won ),육영숙 ( Yook Young-sook ) 한국융합과학회 2022 한국융합과학회지 Vol.11 No.8

        연구목적 본 연구의 목적은 코로나19 상황에서 비대면 요가수업에 참여한 여대생의 신체자각이 수용 행동을 매개로 긍정정서, 부정정서, 불안에 미치는 영향을 규명하는데 있다. 연구방법 서울시 S여대생 243명을 대상으로 수집된 자료는 SPSS 25.0 프로그램을 이용하여 탐색적 요인분석 및 신뢰도 분석, SPSS Process Macro 4를 사용한 매개분석을 실시하였다. 결과 첫째, 요가를 통한 신체자각은 여대생의 긍정정서에 직접효과를 보이며, 신체자각의 하위요인인 감각지각, 감각수용, 감각복귀 요인은 수용행동을 매개하는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 여대생의 신체자각은 부정정서에 직접효과를 보이지 않으며, 신체자각의 하위요인인 감각지각과 감각수용, 자기조절, 감각복귀, 신뢰 요인은 수용행동을 매개하는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 여대생의 신체자각은 불안에 직접효과를 보이며, 신체자각의 하위요인인 감각지각, 감각수용, 자기조절, 감각복귀, 신뢰 요인은 수용행동을 매개하는 것으로 나타났다. 결론 요가를 통한 신체자각은 긍정정서를 높이고, 불안을 낮추며, 신체자각은 수용행동 매개를 통해 긍정정서는 높아지고, 부정정서 및 불안이 낮아졌다. 향후 현대인의 신체적, 심리적 긴장과 위축, 정서불안 완화를 위한 요가 및 움직임에 있어 신체자각을 바탕으로 융복합적인 프로그램 개발이 요구된다. Purpose This study aims to elucidate the influence of Interoceptive Awareness of female college students participating in untact yoga classes in the COVID-19 situation on the positive emotion, negative emotion, Anxiety by using Acceptance and Action as a mediation. Methods For the data collected for 243 S university students in Seoul, exploratory factor analysis and reliability analysis were conducted using the SPSS 25.0 program, and mediating analysis using SPSS Process Macro 4. Result First, female college students' Interoceptive Awareness directly affects positive emotions, and Sensory perception, sensory acceptance, and sensory return, which are sub-factors of Interoceptive Awareness, were found to mediate acceptance behavior. Second, female college students' Interoceptive Awareness does not directly affects negative emotions, and Sensory perception, sensory acceptance, self-control, sensory return, and trust, which are sub-factors of Interoceptive Awareness, were found to mediate acceptance behavior. Third, female college students' Interoceptive Awareness directly affects Anxiety, and Sensory perception, sensory acceptance, self-control, sensory return, and trust, which are sub-factors of Interoceptive Awareness, were found to mediate acceptance behavior. Conclusion Interoceptive awareness through yoga raised positive emotions and lowered anxiety, and Interoceptive awareness increased positive emotions and lowered negative emotions and anxiety through acceptance and action. In the future, it is required to develop a convergent program based on physical awareness in yoga and movement to alleviate physical and psychological tension, atrophy, and emotional anxiety of modern people.

      • KCI등재

        빅토리아 중기 영국사회의 고딕적 현실과 고딕 (여성)주체 샬럿 브론테의 『빌레뜨』 읽기

        정희원 ( Hee Won Chung ) 영미문학연구회 2013 안과 밖 Vol.0 No.35

        Starting from the assumption that the Gothic can historicized apart from its conventions as a genre, this essay reads Charlotte Bronte`s Villette as mid-Victorian Gothic. I argue that the traditional Gothic elements in this novel have close connection with the actual social aspects of the mid-Victorian period: denomination of single women as “redundant women”; domestic ideology idealizing women as the “angle in the house” and simultaneously marginalizing them as ghosts; incommensurable division of the public and the private; utilitarian principles that tended to flatten individual beings either into agents or objects of surveillance. Lucy Snowe is a kind of Gothic subject who buries her powerful interior impulse under the mask of a cipher, so others consider her unconsciously as a shadow or a ghost. Through her reticence, however, and manipulation of the narrative, Lucy resists the male gaze that considers her as a non-entity and succeeds in narrating “the unspeakable” in her “heretic narrative” of Villette.

      • KCI등재

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