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        원불교 2세기 교화방안 연구

        정향옥(鄭香玉) 원광대학교 원불교사상연구원 2019 원불교사상과 종교문화 Vol.82 No.-

        20세기 초 태동한 한국의 자생종교 원불교는 21세기에 들어 한국의 4대 종단 대열에 합류하였다. 2세기에 접어든 원불교는 국내를 넘어 세계종교로의 발돋움을 준비하고 있다. 본고는 4차 산업혁명의 시작점에서 2세기를 맞은 원불교의 교화방안을 논의하고자 한다. 방안을 논하기에 앞서 지난 1세기의 교화를 살펴보았다. 교조인 소태산으로부터 지난 100년간 역대 종법사별(소태산-정산-대산-좌산-경산)로 교화의 특성을 정리하였다. 먼저, 소태산은 일제강점기라는 시대적 배경을 안고 깨달음(대각)에 기반하여 ‘물질이 개벽되는 시대’에‘정신이 함께 개벽’해야 함을 선언하고 과거의 틀을 과감히 깨고 근대의 틀로 교단의 첫 문을 열며 창립 인연 교화에 주력하였다. 정산종사는 암울한 국가 상황 속에 교단을 유지 발전시키며 국내 대도시 주요 거점 교화를 넘어 해외교화도 본격적으로 시도하였다. 대산은 국가의 산업화에 따른 경제성장과 민주화라는 전환의 시기 속에 교단 양질의 성장을 이끌었다. 특히 ‘교화3대목표’를 실시하여 이는 현재까지도 교화방안의 토대가 되고 있다. 좌산과 경산 시기에는 지속하던 교화성장이 둔화의 단계에 들어섰다. 그런 와중에도 원불교는 40년간 공들였던 ‘군종장교 편입종교’ 인가를 얻었고, 방송교화가 본격화 되었으며 원불교 1세기를 마감하고 희망찬 2세기를 선포하는 ‘원불교100주년기념대회’를 성료하였다. 원불교 역사라 할 수 있는 지난 20세기와 현재, 21세기는 환경이 매우 다르다. 원불교의 지리적 배경인 한반도의 20세기는 세계사에서도 괄목할만한 변혁의 시기였다. 이를 잇는 21세기 또한 20세기에 못지않은 변동이 예상된다. 먼저, 냉전 시대의 마지막 국가라 할 수 있는 북한의 변화에 따른 한반도의 정치, 경제, 사회, 문화 등 전반적 변동이다. 그리고 4차 산업혁명 에 의한 세계경쟁 구도의 변화와 변수가 예상된다. 다음 전 지구적 문제인 기후변화와 환경오염 등이 있다. 이러한 변화 속에 원불교가 나아가야 할 교화방안을 모색해 보았다. 일단, ‘교화’에 대한 개념정의를 시작으로 교화구조의 변화 그리고 국내 및 세계교화는 어떻게 대응할지 논하였다. Won-Buddhism, a Korean religion originated by itself in the early 20th century, joined the nation"s four largest religious sects in the 21st century. W on-Buddhism in its second century is preparing to grow into a global religion beyond domestic boundary. This paper intends to discuss edification ways of W on-Buddhism facing its second century at the beginning of the Fourth Industrial revolution. Before ways, I searched edification of W on-Buddhism in its first century. Edification characteristics were organized by the head dharma masters of the past 100 years. Founding Master Sotaesan declared “With this Great Opening of matter, Let there be a Great Opening of spirit”, based on his Great Enlightenment. Japanese colonial era, he founded W on-Buddhism which had a modern framework, broken the past framework, and concentrated on gathering the founding members. Jeongsan remained in existence of W on-Buddhism in the dismal national situation and focused on the domestic edification of major cities. He also tried to the global edification in earnest. Daesan led a growth of edification in a period of economic growth and democratization. He made ‘three major goals of edification’, it is still the foundation of edification ways now. In the time of Jwasan and Gyeongsan, a growth of edification was slowing down. Even so during this time, W on-Buddhism was approved as ‘Chaplain officer into religion’, and started broadcasting edification. In addition, it was held a commemoration of the 100th anniversary of W on-Buddhism which proclaimed the end of the first century and the starting of the second century of hope. The environment of the 21st century is very different from the past 20th. The 20th century of the Korean Peninsula, the geographical background of Won-Buddhism, was a period of remarkable transformation in the world history. The 21st century is expecting no less change than the 20th. First, there will be the overall change in politics, economy, society and culture of the Korean Peninsula following the transition of North Korea, the last country in the Cold War era. Aslo, the 4th Industrial Revolution is expected to be a variable causing changes in the structure of the global competition. Next, there are climate change and environmental pollution and so on. I will explore ways of edification which W on-Buddhism needs to cultivate amid these changes. Following the definition of ‘edification’ in the beginning, transition of edification structure and how the domestic and global edification need to respond to recent changes will be discussed.

      • KCI등재후보

        Seriously Mentally Ill Korean Immigrants: The Essence of Their Lived Experience

        정향인 한국정신간호학회 2006 정신간호학회지 Vol.15 No.2

        Purpose: This study was conducted to answer the question of “what is it like for a Korean immigrant living with a serious mental illness?” Method: Interviews were conducted with eight seriously mentally ill Korean immigrants using broad, open-ended questions. Individual demographics and clinical information were also collected. Transcribed interview data were analyzed using a modified method of Giorgi's step of phenomenological analysis. Result: The findings revealed six major themes and relevant subthemes: 1) encountering a mental illness (being frightened, neglecting, and enduring); 2) adapting to a mental illness (realizing need for change, taking responsibilities for one's own self, accepting and compromising with reality, seeking and utilizing resources, adhering to treatments, maintaining hope, thinking positively, and immigrating to America); 3) facing obstacles (adverse treatment effects, stigma attached to a mental illness, lack of information, inability to use a community program, language barrier, and illegal immigration status); 4) failing to adapt (feeling powerless, feeling devalued, feeling deserted, experiencing limitations, and being socially isolated); surviving (having fewer symptoms, regaining self-confidence, meeting basic needs, and appreciating advantages of being in America); and 6) hoping for a normal life (feeling of loss and unrealized needs). Conclusion: This study contributed to the limited existing knowledge on seriously mentally ill immigrants' experience. It supported the need for comprehensive community programs and the need for more education about mental illness and treatment. This study also raised some methodological issues such as including invisible patients into the study. Future studies need to be conducted considering these methodological issues.

      • KCI등재후보

        외국인 이주여성 자녀들의 발달 지연에 관한 예비 조사 : Denver Developmental screening Test 결과를 중심으로

        정향인 전남대학교 간호과학연구소 2009 Nursing and Health Issues(NHI) Vol.14 No.1

        Purpose: This is a pilot study assessing developmental delay among children of foreign mothers aged between 2weeks and 60 months living in Gwangju City. Method: 24 samples were selected using a snowball sampling. Data were collected using Korean Denver Developmental Screening Test II and analyzed by descriptive statistics. Result: For the initial assessment, 2 among 24 children (8.3%) were found to be 'suspected' and one (4.2%) was 'untestable'. Two 'suspected' children were later confirmed to be 'normal' at the second evaluation, while the 'untestable' child continued to be 'untestable'. Conclusion: As this study is a pilot study, the sample is selected using a nonprobability sampling method, and the sample size was too small, the study findings cannot be generalized and the interpretation should be done with caution. However, the researcher tentatively conclude that the developmental problems among the children of foreign mothers may be a temporary issue that can be decreased as the children grow having sufficient social support. Possible solutions may be providing Korean language programs for the mothers and exposing the children to educational systems as early as possible.

      • KCI등재후보

        2:1 프리셉터쉽을 활용한 임상간호종합실습에 대한 간호학생들의 평가 내용분석

        정향인,최순희,최자윤,윤소영 전남대학교 간호과학연구소 2011 Nursing and Health Issues(NHI) Vol.16 No.1

        Purpose: This study was conducted to explore the aspects of and causes of satisfaction and dissatisfaction of senior nursing students who finished the comprehensive clinical practicum which applied the 2:1 preceptorship. Method: This is a descriptive research using data collected from 64 students who participated in class discussion and completed a semi-structured questionnaire and analyzed by the content analysis method. Results: Satisfaction aspects of the practice were practice contents and learning effects. Causes of the satisfaction were preceptorship, other nurses' attitudes, practice contents, course characteristics, and practice place. Dissatisfaction aspects of the practice were practice contents, practice record, duty hours, practice timing, and practice period. The causes were preceptorship, practice environment, and limitations related to student status. Conclusion: The 2:1 preceptorship with preceptors who understand the purposes of the practice and who are highly motivated in coaching the students is an effective model in promoting students' satisfaction and attaining goals for the practice.

      • KCI등재

        원불교 개벽사상 연구사 고찰

        정향옥(鄭香玉) 원광대학교 원불교사상연구원 2015 원불교사상과 종교문화 Vol.63 No.-

        원불교는 ‘물질이 개벽되니 정신을 개벽하자’는 표어를 내걸고 1백년의 역사를 걸어온 한국의 신종교이다. 한국에서 원불교가 창립된 시기는 한반도의 모든 역사 가운데 가장 어두운 때였다. 서양 문명이 침투되고 조정은 문란했으며 타국에 의해 주권을 잃은 시기였던 것이다. 이 시기 민중들은 살아나갈 다각적 방법을 모색하였고 이러한 열망은 종교적 신앙과 결합하여 대단위의 조직적 운동으로 확대되기도 하였다. 그 대표적인 사례가 바로 동학?천도교, 증산교 그리고 원불교(불법연구회)이다. 동학ㆍ천도교와 증산교, 원불교는 현실변혁의 사상적 토대를 ‘개벽(開闢)사상’에 두고 있다. 개벽사상은 선천의 물리적 개벽에 대한 인문(人文)개벽을 말하는 것으로 이들 신종교는 이로써 시대의 변혁을 도모하였다. 이들 신종교 중 가장 뒤에 설립된 원불교는 동학과 증산교의 개벽사상에 영향을 받았고 창조적으로 승화시켰다. 개벽사상이 학계연구의 중심 주제로 인식된 시기는 1980년대에 들어서면서부터이다. 이전에도 동학과 정역, 증산교, 원불교의 개벽사상에 대한 연구자들의 논의가 있었지만 단편적 고찰에 머물렀고 김홍철의 「원불교의 후천개벽사상」이라는 석사논문(1980)을 기점으로 전문적 연구성과가 발표되기 시작하였다. 하지만 2000년대 이후로 연구의 명맥을 이어가지 못하고 기존 연구를 답습하는 정도에 그치고 있다. 본고는 개벽사상을 원불교의 중심사상 중 하나로 보는 관점에서 격동기 시대를 뚫고 성장한 백년의 역사 가운데 어떠한 역할과 발전을 하였는지 지속적이고 심도있는 연구의 필요성에서 출발하였다. 그 연구의 첫 단계로 원불교 개벽사상의 연구사를 고찰하여 선행연구들을 정리하고 앞으로 연구되어야할 과제를 살폈다. 먼저 원불교 개벽사상 연구의 기반이 되는 동학?천도교와 증산교 개벽사상의 초기연구를 살펴볼 것이다. 다음으로 원불교 개벽사상의 논저류 및 원불교의 대표적인 기관지인 「원광(圓光)」에서의 개벽사상에 대해 어떻게 논의되었는지 정리하고자 한다. 이러한 연구는 원불교 개벽사상 연구의 기반을 제공하는데 도움이 될 것이다. Won-Buddhism is entering its 100th year since its founding and is considered one of the new religions in Korea with the founding motto: ‘With this Great Opening of matter, Let there be a Great Opening of spirit.’ Won-Buddhism emerged during a turbulent period in Korea’s history. During this era, western civilization started to penetrate the country and politicians were disorderly and the nation lost its sovereignty to a foreign country. In response to the difficult times, people yearned for change and started creating large-scale movements combined with religious belief. The representative examples were as follows: Donghak?Cheondogyo(東學ㆍ天道敎), Jeungsangyo(甑山敎) and Won-Buddhism(圓佛敎:佛法硏究會, The Society for the Study of the Buddhadharma). One of the key concepts in Korean modern new religions is the Gaebyeok(開闢) theory hereby new religious leaders aimed for the transformation of the era. The Gaebyeok(開闢) theory refers to the Humanities(人文) Gaebyeok for a congenital physical Gaebyeok. Won-Buddhism was influenced by the Gaebyeok theory of Donghak and Jeungsangyo and creatively sublimated this theory into its doctrine. The Gaebyeok theory is recognized as a central theme of academic research starting from the 1980s. Even before there was discussion among researchers about this theory. In 1980, Kim-Hong-Chul wrote a master’s thesis titled, “Won-Buddhism’s Theory of Hoochungaebyeok(後天開闢, The Great Opening of the Latter Heaven)” that is deemed the starting point of academic research on this topic. But after 2000, research on this theory started to wane. This paper argues that the Gaebyeok theory is one of the central ideas of Won-Buddhism and therefore requires continuous and in-depth research about its historical role and development which grew during turbulent times. The first step is to study the research history of Gaebyeok theory of Won-Buddhism by organizing previous research and examining research tasks in the future. First of all, this paper examines the earlier works of Gaebyeok theory in Donghak?Cheondogyo, Jeungsangyo because those theories were based on Won-Buddhism; Secondly, organizes Gaebyeok theory of Won-Buddhism in books, articles(including thesis) and a representative periodical of Won-Buddhism “WonKwang(圓光)”. This study is helpful to provide the foundation of research on Gaebyeok theory of Won-Buddhism.

      • KCI등재

        자폐스펙트럼장애를 가진 학령기 아동 어머니의 자녀양육경험

        정향인,김영아 한국모자보건학회 2017 한국모자보건학회지 Vol.21 No.2

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to describe the child rearing experience of mothers of school-age children with autism spectrum disorders in Korea. Methods: Seven mothers were interviewed from October 2015 to January 2016. Interviews were transcribed verbatim and analyzed using Giorgi’s phenomenological method. Results: The study results showed that the child rearing experience of mothers of school-age children with autism spectrum disorders consists of six major themes: “facing unexpected situations”, “trying to accept children with disabilities”, “having considerably adjusted to the difficulties associated with the children’s school life”, “experiencing frustrations”, “maintaining a child-centered life style”, and “being grateful for the present and looking forward to a better future”. Conclusion: The findings from this study show the need to provide more practically individualized and holistic services in the community for this population including their children such as lifetime education programs for the children and more financial aid for their therapies. In addition, the results reveal that mothers need physical, emotional, informational, financial, and social support to continue their life with children who have autism spectrum disorders.

      • KCI등재

        패전기 손바닥 소설과 전후 가와바타 문학

        정향재(Chung Hyang Jae,鄭香在) 한국외국어대학교 일본연구소 2016 日本硏究 Vol.0 No.68

        Tenohirano-shosetu works by Kawabata Yasunari in the war-lost age are nearly 12 which can categorized and examined into 4 groups: the stories that apparently revealed the states of the war-lost age, the ones that had the subject matters related to family or relatives, the ones in which death, non-ordinaries, or monstrous states showed, and the ones with the matter of dream, and the ones that sorrow of aging old were focused on. In this article, the works except the group with the matter of the war-lost states are examined. The group with the matter of family or relatives showed the properties of Kawabata in which the general subjects through the early to the last period of Kawabata literature were revealed. The group with the matter of death and non-ordinary contained the art as the theme of his later works, and the group of monstrous states had the admitting and embracing attitude. The group with the matter of dream were related much to his representative later novels, as they kept the flow from his early to later. The novels with the matter of ugliness of aging old were often in his later period and so remarkable that made a flow in the tenohirano-shosetu in the war-lost age. Particularly, as in the works of aging ugliness and dream, the tenohirano-shosetu in the war-lost age were strongly related to A sound of Mountain in terms of their matter subjects and the creating methods, and also the kind of precursor works of it. 敗戦期の川端康成の掌の小説は十二作品あるが、それはいくつかの群に分けて考察することができる。まずは、敗戦期の状況がそのまま現れた小説、そして、家庭 · 肉親との関連が現れた小説、死 · 非日常 · 怪奇的な状況が現れた小説、夢が素材になった小説、老醜の悲しみが中心になっている小説などで分けられる。 家庭 · 肉親との関連事項が素材になった作品は川端文学全体の基底を成すもので、伝記的ことと関連性が高いことがわかった。 死 · 非日常が素材になった作品は、川端の後期文学のテーマの一つの美術が取り扱われている。怪奇的な状況が現れている作品は、川端の前期の作品とは違って、受容的 · 統合的な姿勢を見せていることが分かった。夢が素材になっている作品は、川端文学の後期作品とのテーマの類似性が高いことが指摘できた。特に、「山の音」とは素材として取り入れる外、方法的な面まで関連性が高いことが考えられる。老醜の悲しみは、後期文学の主なテーマの一つで、それは 「山の音」の主人公の信吾を始めとする初老の登場人物から見られるそれと、ほとんど差がないことと考えられる。こういう所から、老醜の悲しみが読み取れる作品は、「山の音」の前提的な作品だといっていいだろう。 結論的に、川端の敗戦期〈掌の小説〉は川端文学の全般的な特徴を持っていながら、以前の作品と区別される後期文学の特徴もともに見られる場合が多かった。特に、この時期の掌の小説の多くは素材、創作の方法的な面で、「山の音」との関連性が高かったことがいえよう。

      • KCI등재

        항울제 및 항정신병 약물로 유발된 섬망상태 1례

        정향,김영철,이시형 大韓神經精神醫學會 1988 신경정신의학 Vol.27 No.2

        The authors reported a case of tricyclic and antipsychotic agent induced delirium. The patient was a 64 years old man who had been treated by drugs with anticholinergic properties (amitriptyline-thioridazine combination) and showed the characteristic symptoms of delirium such as confused mentality, disorientation, auditory and visual hallucination, the change of diurnal cycle, attention disturbance and hyperactivity. Discontinued the administration of amitriptyline and thioridazine and substituted haloperidol and lorazepam, delirious symptoms were improved within 5 day.

      • 익렬유동의 수치해석에서의 복합 정렬-비정렬 격자계의 적용 연구

        정향,정희택 慶尙大學校 經營行政大學院 2004 工學硏究院論文集 Vol.20 No.-

        Numerical simulation has been performed to examine the effects of the computational grids on the prediction of the flow characteristics inside the transonic turbine cascades. Three kinds of computational grids are applied to the high-turning transonic turbine rotor blades and are compared in the sense of stability and accuracy. In addition, the grid adaptation has been tried in order to improve the prediction of the blade performance.

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