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      • KCI등재

        실내오염물질 방출량의 현장측정을 위한 플럭스 챔버의 설계 및 성능 검증 연구

        정진희(Jeong Jinhee) 한국태양에너지학회 2022 한국태양에너지학회 논문집 Vol.42 No.6

        As concerns about indoor air quality increase, there has been a need to develop an accurate method of measuring surface emissions from actual living environments. In this study, a cost-effect and accurate flux chamber for measuring surface emissions was designed, and several tests, including airtightness, sample homogeneity, and recovery, were performed. The flux chamber was reinforced to maintain airtightness without leakage, and samples from the chamber were homogeneous (below 4% of the relative standard deviation) enough to represent the entire chamber. In the case of recovery, the concentration inside the chamber reached 100% of the injection concentration within 50 to 100 minutes. To increase the recovery of the experimental emissions relative to theoretical emissions, the rate at which the concentration changes over time should be used as early as possible when performing measurements. The sample inside the chamber, however, was not sufficiently mixed early during the measuring period; thus, research on how to overcome this methodological limitation is currently being conducted.

      • KCI등재

        류큐 관찬 노래집 『오모로소시(おもろさうし)』와 수록 오모로에 대한 기초적 고찰

        정진희 ( Jeong Jinhee ) 고려대학교 민족문화연구원 2016 民族文化硏究 Vol.73 No.-

        이 글은 류큐 왕조의 관찬 의례가요집 『오모로소시』와 수록 오모로에 대한 기초적 사실을 개관하기 위해 작성되었다. 먼저 『오모로소시』에 대해서는 18세기초 燒失에 따른 재편 양상을 정리하고, 현전하는 <상가본>과 <아니야본> 계열 이본의 차이를 살핀 다음, 全22권의 구성 체제와 각 권의 대략적 내용을 중심으로 『오모로소시』가 왕권 강화의 목적과 관련있는 텍스트임을 보였다. 다음으로 節名,`一`과 `又`, 詞書 등의 용어 정리와 함께 오모로의 기록 방식을 설명하고, 기록된 오모로를 읽는 방식을 보였다. 오모로는 다양한 형식과 여러 시적 표현 양식을 지닌 만큼, 신중한 갈래적 검토가 필요함을 강조하였다. 오모로의 구연 실제와 관련해서는 神女와 별개로 전문 가창자가 일찍부터 존재한 정황을 제시했다. 구연 상황의 역사적 변천 양상을 여러 역사 자료를 함께 고려하여 밝혀야만 오모로 향유 및 전승의 실상에 접근할 수 있다고 보았다. 마지막으로 의미 미상의 오모로를 번역해 온 선행 연구 성과의 목록과 그 특징을 제시함으로써, 한국 연구자들이 오모로에 접근하는 데 편의를 도모하고자 하였다. This paper is a basic study on the Omoro, ceremonial poem-song of the kingdom of Ryukyu, and the Omoro soshi, a collection of Omoroes which was documented in 1710. Firstly, the Omoro soshi that we have today is not the origianl text but the one documented in the 18th century by scholarly officials. After Shuri-palace(首里城) fire had burned out original texts in 1709, two versions of Omoro soshi had been reconstructed: the Syokehon(尙家本) for the royal family Syoke(尙家) and the Aniyahon(安仁屋本) for the omoro-official family Aniyake(安仁屋家). As a result, we can classify the extant Omoro soshi texts into two categories. The Omoro soshi consists of 22 volumes and each volume has one theme. The order of the volumes shows that the Omoro soshi had been reconstructed for the political power of the royal authority. Secondly, this paper explains the transcription method of Omoro as a poem-song, and notions of the terms such as the `husina(節名)`, the marks of `一` and `又` and the `kotobagaki(詞書)`. Accordingly, the forms of Omoro can be classified into different patterns. Thirdly, performers of Omoro are not only female priests but also male official singers. In our further research, we can study the ritual system of Ryukyu kingdom and the making process of the royal authority, which will reveal how the Omoro had been performed as a ritual song and how the performances had changed. In addition, this paper presents several Japanese translated versions of Omoro soshi on the assumption that translating is the total entity of the previous studies about Omoro and Omoro soshi. In the end, this paper will help Korean researchers to study furthermore Omoro and Omoro soshi as a part of East-Asian poetry.

      • KCI등재

        제주 무가의 타계 상상과 그 신화적 논리 -일반본풀이의 천상(天上)·서천꽃밭을 중심으로-

        정진희 ( Jeong Jinhee ) 한국시가학회 2020 韓國 詩歌硏究 Vol.51 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to gain a better understanding of how and why the other worlds have been imagined in Bonpuri, mythical shaman songs of Jeju island, based on detailed research into The heavens and The flower garden of the west, characteristic examples of the other worlds. The supernatural power features essentially in the other worlds. The shaman songs represent the power as sacred things such as flourishing seeds and life-giving flowers. The deities living in the other worlds are also characterized as divine beings possessing mystic abilities. However, the other worlds were not deemed ideal space. In the shaman songs, the other worlds were not yearned and wanted as an exemplary model. To imagine the other worlds was to work towards a painless world having no problems. By obtaining powers from the other worlds, human beings could be deities with the capacity solving the problems of the real world. Consequently, this article argues that the other world in Bonpuri is a mythical concept expanding the religious universe where the human beings are specifically related to the deities.

      • KCI등재

        <데메테르 찬가>에 구현된 ‘어머니 데메테르’의 특성과 그 신화사적 위상

        정진희 ( Jeong Jinhee ) 경희대학교 비교문화연구소 2018 비교문화연구 Vol.51 No.-

        이 글은 『호메로스풍 찬가』의 한 편인 <데메테르 찬가>를 대상으로, 그 신화적 의미와 신화사적 위상을 가늠하는 데 목적을 둔다. <데메테르 찬가>가 엘레우시스 비의의 기원담으로 기능했다는 점에 착안하여 데메테르의 어떤 모습이 의례의 주신(主神)으로서 강조되고 있는가를 살핀바, <데메테르 찬가>는 데메테르 여신을 모성의 존재로 형상화하는 한편 데메테르의 모성을 ‘보살핌’을 본질로 하면서 서로 다른 세계를 ‘매개’하는 역할을 수행하는 모성으로 구현하고 있음을 확인하였다. 이러한 모성은 <데메테르 찬가>를 향유하던 사회의 가부장제적 질서와 밀접하게 관련되어 있는 시대적 소산인 것으로 판단되며, 따라서 <데메테르 찬가>는 가부장제 사회의 여신 신화로서 그 신화사적 위상을 자리매김할 수 있다. 이런 면에서, 데메테르의 모성적 특질은 생산이나 재생에 있고 그것은 대모신(지모신)의 여성적 생산성이 후대적으로 변화한 것이라는 신화사적 통설은 재검토될 여지가 있다고 생각된다. This essay deals with The Homeric Hymn to Demeter, a aetiological myth about the Eleusis Mysteria. The narrative of the hymn shows how Demeter, the goddess of grain, became the deity of the Mysteria. In the hymn, Demeter is characterized as a mother: She is the mother of Persephone and the motherlike nurse of Demophone. As the mother of Persephone and Demophone, the roles of are nursing and mediating. She care her children and linked the earth and the world below, the heaven of gods and the earth of mortals. Demeter the deity of the Mysteria by a mother. The and the maternity of Demeter is connected with patriarchal politics. Demeter in the hymn is not so much the goddess who derived her character from The Great Mother as the goddess who had been characterized the influence of Greek-patriarchy.

      • KCI등재

        공동주택의 기밀성능 및 기존 설비에 따른 실내 라돈 농도 변화

        정진희(Jeong Jinhee),이윤규(Lee Yun Gyu) 한국태양에너지학회 2023 한국태양에너지학회 논문집 Vol.43 No.6

        Among various indoor air pollutants, radon is a ubiquitous and imperceptible substance that has long-term harmful effects on the human body; however, it can be effectively removed through indoor/outdoor air exchange. In this study, we collected data on the variations in indoor radon levels caused by airtightness performance, window opening, and bathroom exhaust fan operation. The levels of indoor radon fluctuated more irregularly in less airtight conditions, while the highest concentrations were observed in an apartment house with good airtightness performance (<1.5 ACH50). Opening the windows to allow for cross ventilation during the first hour of the experiment significantly increased the removal efficiency. The percentage of removal increases as the size of the window opening increases. Nevertheless, accidental variations in ventilation volumes brought on by weather-related factors, such as wind, temperature, and air pressure, makes this unmaintainable. The indoor radon levels of the entire apartment house did not significantly change when the bathroom exhaust fan was operating. Smaller areas, such as a single bedroom, can have their indoor radon concentrations reduced to less than 100 Bq/㎥. This implies that in situations where the ventilation system is inadequate, the bathroom exhaust fan can function as a substitute instrument.

      • KCI등재

        당본풀이로 당본풀이 읽기 -제주 <세화 본향당 본풀이>의 사례-

        정진희 ( Jeong Jinhee ) 한국고전문학회 2018 古典文學硏究 Vol.53 No.-

        이 글은 제주 세화 본향당의 세 신격에 대한 본풀이 각각을 제주 당본풀이의 전형적, 유형적 서사에 견주어 살핌으로써 <세화 본향당 본풀이>를 당본풀이 서사의 일반성과 특수성이라는 맥락에서 고찰한 것이다. 세화 본향당의 본풀이는 본향당의 근본이 천잣도에 있음을 확인하는 <천잣도 본풀이>를 토대로, 입도 여신 백주의 좌정 서사를 통해 초월성을 지닌 외부의 여성 신격이 본향당신과 위계적 관계로 내부화되는 양상과 논리를 드러내는 <백줏도 본풀이>, 외부에서 축출당해 입도한 금상의 좌정 및 돗제 설행 서사를 통해 외부의 장수신을 수용하여 내부화하는 양상과 논리를 드러내는 <금상님 본풀이>로 구성되어 있음을 보였다. 송당 본향당 본풀이와의 영향 관계에 천착해 온 선행 연구의 시야를 확장하여, <세화 본향당 본풀이>는 제주도 당본풀이의 일반적 서사 관습을 활용하고 변주하면서 신앙 대상의 확대에 따른 수용과 조정의 신화적 논리를 구성해 간 본풀이임을 주장했다. 제주 당본풀이의 일반적 서사 체계나 관습을 통해 개별 당본풀이를 읽을 때, 특정 당본풀이의 의미가 보다 잘 드러날 수 있음을 보였다는 데에서 이 글의 의의를 찾을 수 있다. The present study examines Sehwa Bonhyangdang Bonpuri (stories or songs of the origins of the guardian deities worshipped at the Sehwa village shrine) in the context of both the generality and particularity of the narratives of Jeju Island’s dang bonpuri (stories or songs of the origins of village guardian deities). It focuses on the bonpuri (stories or songs of the origins of deities) concerning the three deities worshipped at the Sehwa village shrine and examines these three bonpuri in comparison with both the typical and general patterns in the island’s dang bonpuri. The Sehwa Bonhyangdang Bonpuri consist of: Cheonjatto Bonpuri, which confirms that the origin of the Sehwa village shrine lies in Cheonjatto; Baekjutto Bonpuri, which, through a narrative of settlement by Baekju, a goddess who has entered the island, reveals the patterns and logic of the internalization of an external female deity imbued with transcendence in a hierarchical relationship with Cheonjatto already worshipped at the Sehwa village shrine; and Geumsangnim Bonpuri, which, through a narrative of settlement and performance of dotje (shamanic sacrificial rites where an entire pig is offered) by Geumsang, who has been expulsed from his original abode outside and entered the island, reveals the logic of the acceptance and internalization of an external jangsusin (military general deity). The present study sees the Sehwa Bonhyangdang Bonpuri have been reorganized according to changes in the belief in dang (village guardian deities) based on the general narrative grammar of Jeju Island’s dang bonpuri. Contrastive discussions on other dang bonpuri from the island, which have received attention as special narratives, based on the general narrative grammar of dang bonpuri likewise are expected to be valid.

      • KCI등재

        구성원소 이론을 통한 한국어 구개음화 현상 연구

        정진희 ( Jeong Jinhee ) 대한언어학회 2017 언어학 Vol.25 No.1

        This study aims to elaborate Korean palatalization by employing Element Theory. Palatalization refers to the process of sound change that results in spreading of element |I|. Vowel i/j(|I|) trigger the change in which an alveolar|I|changes into a palatal consonant |I|, which is a sort of assimilation. In modern Korean, [t∫i] which is the collocation between onset|I|and vowel|I|is possible, but [t∫ja], [t∫j?], or [t∫jo] are not. This is because of OCP which avoids the collision of onset|I|and glide |I|. In other words, strong narrowing of glide|I|is similar to properties of onset. In this sense, this study examines palatalization by employing element |I|in a precise and logical way.

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