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        정영환 ( Young Hwan Chung ) 고려대학교 법학연구원 2007 고려법학 Vol.0 No.49

        The rule of free and independent findings of fact is the principle that judges have the authority to freely make judicial findings of fact, including judgments about the truthfulness of assertions, based on all the documents and circumstances reflecting all the investigative evidence and arguments presented to the court. This principle, which is in conflict with the principle that courts can only consider evidence officially presented to the court, is based on the Constitutional principle of the independence of the judiciary and is the most important principle guiding civil courts` findings of fact. Because of this, it is very important to closely analyze the meaning of this principle. Toward this purpose of closer analysis, this paper has analyzed the scope of evidentiary sufficiency consisting of, among others, issues in i) limitations on evidentiary capacity and evidentiary procedure related to the results of evidentiary investigation. Taking this further, this paper closely analyzes the meaning of the indefinite concept of ii) the sense of overall arguments. In addition, in connection to the establishment of free findings of fact, we revisit the issue of its meaning, the principle of common evidence, meaning of Article 202 of the Civil Procedure Act which uniquely provides as a guideline that court judgments "must be based on social justice and equality and must follow rules of logic and experience." Taking the analysis further, this paper further analyzes the procedure and scope of the rule of free and independent findings of fact, its weakening in terms of the lessening of the level of proof necessary in civil litigation, the probability theory of findings of fact, and the dynamics of proof as well as other issues. Finally, this paper will analyze judicial violations in findings of fact and its appeal process, exceptions to the rule of free and independent findings of fact in terms of limitations on evidentiary basis or limitations on evidentiary process and evidentiary capacity, limitations on evaluation of evidentiary probity, limitations on evidentiary agreements, and others. This paper will specifically argue the there is a need to carefully consider, as the guideline for judicial judgments, the meaning of Article 202 of the Civil Procedure Act which provides that court judgments "must be based on social justice and equality and must follow rules of logic and experience."

      • KCI등재

        조선나전의 변천과 일본에 미친 영향

        정영환(Chung, Young Hwan),전해운( Jeon, Hae Un ) 한국조형디자인학회 2008 조형디자인연구 Vol.11 No.4

        Within the Korean peninsula, perhaps the most ancient ottchil artifact is ottchil sculptures from a stone coffin dating back to 4th century BCE, excavated in Namseong-li Village of Asan County, Chungcheongnam-do Province. Numerous tomb artifacts excavated in Changwon’s Daho-ri Village, Gobum County, are estimated to extend back to 1st century BCE. The excavation of the royal tomb of King Mu-nyeong of Baekje Dynasty produced ottchil headrest, footrest, and coffin, as part of the king and queen’s burial objects. Turtle shell and flower metallic designs covering black and red wood-based ottchil craft and gold-overlaid sculpture of a phoenix exemplifythe excellence of Baekje Dynasty’s ottchil craftsmanship. Numerous and eclectic fragments of ottchil craft excavated at Geumnyeong, Geumgwan, Cheonma, and other major burial sites of Silla era provide glimpses of bloom of ottchil craft during that era. From the site of Anapji royal auxiliary palace of Unified Silla were discovered over 30,000 of whole artifacts and fragments, many of which included ottchil artifacts. These fragments included remnants of what may have been mother-of-pearl inlay ("najeon") ottchil ware. Rather, the remnants exemplified ‘even-out’technique, in which ottchil coats were applied over a surface bearing silver ornamentation to level the surface for a smooth finish. With obvious differencesin the materials used in the ottchil craft, najeon ottchil craft was not found at the Anapji site. However, najeon ottchil craft attributed to the 8th century was discovered at a burial mound of Gaya Confederacy. At the same time, however, excellence and bloom of Goryeo najeon ottchil can be surmised by examining historical records such as Goryeo King Mun-jong’s presenting of najeon ottchil ware as gifts to the royal palace of China’s Liao Dynasty in the 11th century and travelogues of Xujing, emissary during Song Dynasty, extolling the art craft, and by examining ample holdings of Goryeo najeon ottchil ware in museums in the United States, Japan, and other countries. The 11th century gave birth to a new form of ottchil art, using idiosyncratic technique and materials, that we know as Goryeo najeon ottchil ware. The 14th century gave rise to the Joseon Dynasty and a new field of arts and crafts that distinctly contrasted with those of the Goryeo era. Differences of najeon ottchil ware between the two eras were obvious however, techniques and designs of the Goryeo era underwent succession, adaptation, and evolution into a new genre of najeon ottchil, befitting the social culture of Joseon Dynasty. For thousands of years, ottchil art culture has been evolving in various countries under distinct cultural idiosyncrasies, and in Korea, it evolved into a unique art culture renowned as najeon ottchil ware. In China, their lacquerware evolved into ‘engraving’while in Japan, it became ‘floral design’ lacquerware. Undoubtedly, Korean najeon ottchil craft is unique and contrasts strongly with crafts from other countries. In this research, evolution of techniquesand designs of Joseon najeon ottchil ware was studied by analyzing artifacts, and, at the same, this research investigatedhow Joseon najeon ottchil culture, which was more ahead its time than those of Japan, nfluenced the seminal stages of Japanese lacquerware culture. In this research, succession and advancement of techniquesand designs, in the context of the historical tides of both countries, were explored. Also, in this research, the original form of najeon ottchil transferred to Japan and its subsequent adaptation within the Japanese culture was delineated. Finally, this research served as an important opportunity to reexamine the influence of Joseon najeon ottchil craft upon the historical development of Japanese lacquerware culture.

      • KCI등재

        미국민사소송법상의 판결의 효력(1) -좁은 의미의 Res Judicata를 중심으로-

        정영환 ( Young Hwan Chung ) 안암법학회 2010 안암 법학 Vol.0 No.33

        In the U.S. Civil Procedure, as for effect of the judgment, there is a concept of Res Judicata. The Res Judicata consists of Res Judicata in its narrow sense and collateral estoppel. The former could be referred to as claim preclusion, and the latter as issue preclusion. Among these concepts of Res Judicata, this article analyzes Res judicata in its narrow sense, namely, claim preclusion. For that purpose, I first review the concept and the legal character of Res Judicata in its narrow sense (chapter Ⅱ). Then I examine three requirements of it including i) former judgment should be valid and final judgment on the merits (chapter Ⅲ), ii) parties to former judgment and the later judgment have to be identical (chapter Ⅳ), ⅲ) claims of both judgments must be identical (chapter Ⅴ). Continuously, I keep reviewing general contents of Res Judicata in its narrow sense by examining its effect (chapter Ⅵ) and exception in application of the concept (chapter Ⅶ). By analyzing contents of Res Judicata in its narrows sense, I intend to figure out similarities and differences between Korea and U.S. in Civil Procedure.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        미국 연방법원의 재판권

        정영환(CHUNG YOUNG-HWAN) 한국법학원 2016 저스티스 Vol.- No.157

        본고는 ‘미국 연방법원의 재판권 - 재판제도/재판권/연방문제재판권을 중심으로 -’라는 제목으로 미국의 재판제도 일반과 미국 연방법원의 재판권 일반 및 연방법원의 물적 재판권 중 연방문제재판권을 중심으로 살펴보았다. 미국 연방법원의 재판권을 이해하기 위하여 먼저 미국의 재판제도 일반을 보았다. 연방 재판제도의 목적과 당사자주의(the adversary system)을 본 후에 연방과 주(州)의 재판제도와 판사의 임명 등에 관하여 살펴보았다. 다음으로 미국 연방법원의 재판권 일반에 관하여 보았다. 연방법원의 재판권은 크게 물적 재판권(Subject Matter Jurisdiction)과 인적 재판권(Personal Jurisdiction)으로 나뉜다. 물적 재판권은 다시 ‘연방문제재판권(Federal Question Jurisdiction)’, ‘주(州)가 다른 주민 사이의 소송에 있어서 재판권(Diversity Jurisdiction)’과 ‘관련재판권(Supplemental Jurisdiction)’ 등으로 나눌 수 있다. 인적 재판권에 있어서는 개인의 주소지(domicile), 회사의 설립지 또는 사업근거지, 특별한 입법에 의한 경우(Long-Arm Statutes), 최소한의 접촉이론(Minimum Contacts) 등 다양한 재판권의 원인이 되는 문제들이 논의된다. 연방법원의 재판권 일반에서는 연방법원의 재판권에 관한 종류 및 개념에 대하여 개괄적으로 설명하였다. 그 이후 연방법원의 물적재판권 중 하나인 연방문제재판권을 구체적으로 검토하였다. 연방문제재판권은 연방헌법 제3조 제2항, 28 U.S.C. 제1331조에 규정되어 있다. 여기에서 해석상 문제되는 것은 ‘연방법 하에서 발생하는(arising under federal law)...’ 것의 의미, 그것의 헌법적 한계, 판례에 기초하여 정립된 ‘소장 자체에 잘 주장되어야 한다는 원칙(The Well-Pleaded Complaint Rule)’과 그 이후의 구체적 적용에 관하여 연방대법원의 판례를 중심으로 검토하였다. 마지막으로 미국 연방법원의 재판권에 관한 논의가 우리나라 재판권제도에 대하여 어떤 의미를 갖는지 살펴보았다. Under the title of ‘Jurisdiction of the U.S. Federal Courts’, this article introduces overall court proceedings in the U.S.; jurisdiction of the U.S. Federal Courts; and Subject Matter Jurisdiction in the U.S. Federal Court, specifically about Federal Question Jurisdiction. To understand jurisdiction of the U.S. Federal Courts, one needs to know about overall court proceedings in the U.S. As an effort to explain about the court system general, this article introduces purposes of the U.S. federal civil procedure and its adversary system. Then, it further explains about court proceedings of the state courts and federal courts, and about how judges are appointed in each court system. After providing such explanation of the U.S. court system, this article deals with jurisdiction of the U.S. Federal Courts, dividing it into two categories: Subject Matter Jurisdiction and Personal Jurisdiction. With respect to Subject Matter Jurisdiction, this article describes how Federal Question Jurisdiction, Diversity Jurisdiction, and Supplemental Jurisdiction play out. For Personal Jurisdiction, this article examines various issues related to basis of personal jurisdiction, such as, domicile, corporation’s place of establishment or place of principal office, Long-Arm Statutes, and Minimum Contacts. By touching these issues, this article aims at providing general understanding of types and concepts of jurisdiction of federal courts. After that, this article examines more specifically about Federal Question Jurisdiction, which is one type of the Subject Matter Jurisdiction, and regulated by U.S. Constitution Article 3 Section 2 and 28 U.S.C. Section 1331. Regarding interpretation of such rules, two issues have been raised: meaning and Constitutionality of the language, “arising under federal law,” and development and application of “the Well-Pleaded Complaint Rule.” This article reviews these issues through analysis of U.S. Supreme Court cases. Lastly, this article analyzed what implications discussion on jurisdiction of U.S. Federal Courts has for Korean jurisdiction system.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        우리 민사소송법(民事訴訟法)의 연혁(沿革)에 관하여

        정영환 ( Young Hwan Chung ) 고려대학교 법학연구원 2009 고려법학 Vol.0 No.53

        The main purpose of this article is to recognize precisely the past and current status of Korean civil procedure by reviewing the history of it. It is because by doing so the future direction of Korean civil procedure can be estimated precisely. This article divides the history of Korean civil procedure into two parts, before the modern era and after the modern era. The explanation of the former is performed simply abstracting whole period into one part due to the lack of research of the history of legislation. The explanation of the latter is performed dividing it into five periods, i) the period from the Gabo Reform of 1894 to Japan-Korea Annexation (1894-1910), ii) the period from the Japan-Korea Annexation to the Korea`s restoration of independence (1910-1945), iii) the period from the Korea`s restoration of independence to the enactment of the former Korean Civil Procedure Act (1945-1960), iv) the period of the former Korean Civil Procedure Act (1960-2002), and v) the period of the new Korean Civil Procedure Act (2002-present). This article reviews the process and contents of the amendment of the Korean civil procedure, especially focusing on the period after the enactment of the first Korean Civil Procedure Act of 1960. In the period of the former Korean Civil Procedure Act the base of Korea`s own civil procedure had been prepared, and in the period of the new Korean Civil Procedure Act was the developing era when the frame of Korea`s own civil procedure had been equipped. Specifically, the Article 1 of the new Korean Civil Procedure declaring the ideal of the civil procedure and the principle of good faith and arranging the basic frame of the Korean civil procedure, and the efforts to selectively adopt foreign civil procedure such as the U.S. civil procedure, the German civil procedure, and the Japanese civil procedure suitable to Korean circumstance have significant meaning.

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