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        패션컬렉션에 나타난 한, 중, 일의 에스닉 이미지 표현특징 연구

        정승희 ( Seung Hee Jeong ),최은미 ( Eun Mi Choi ) 대한미용학회 2013 대한미용학회지 Vol.9 No.2

        The interest in ethnic image is kind of a cultural code which is reconfigured in totally different image through the process of integrating and compromising with other cultures in different pattern for continuous development. Ethnic image has been developed to the interest in foreign cultures by the study on fashion and beauty design. This study based on such fact is intended to analyze the characteristic of Korean, Chinese and Japanese ethnic image fashion appeared in2000`s fashion collection. Consequently, the result is outlines as follows. In “Korean Style”, narrow eyebrow, pinky lip and rouge, natural skin makeup and a round chignon by parting were expressed, and in fashion, skirt of Hanbok or sparing the Jeogori line were expressed with obangsek, in a way of compromising with the contemporary image. In“Japanese Style”, white skin was represented in a matt finish and Gabuki makeup was expressed using pinky lip and eye line in blue and black or Samurai hair style was modified or expressed in hagok or hyunggok of classical style. In fashion, silhouette of Kimono was exaggerated or splendor of traditional colors and obi were modified to stress the humorous elements. In “Chinese Style”, patches were attached using various colors, instead of black eyebrow or eye shadow, and using makeup technique of Peking opera. The hair was gallantly expressed by adding decoration and in fashion, it was ornately expressed using tight silhouette of qipao or Mandarin color.

      • 초등학생을 대상으로 클래스팅을 활용한 디지털 미디어 리터러시 교육에 관한 연구

        정승희(Jeong, Seung-Hee),용주현(Yong, Ju-Hyun) 한양대학교 교육공학연구소 2013 학습과학연구 Vol.7 No.3

        미디어의 발달은 미디어를 단순히 메세지를 담고 전달하는 그릇으로서 바라보던 기존의 개념을 넘어서, 인간을 둘러싸고 있는 주요한 환경으로 바라보게 하였다(이정춘, 2004). 이는 미디어 자체의 속성을 학습함으로써 환경에 대해 적극적이면서 올바른 커뮤니케이션을 수행하는 미디어 리터러시 교육이 필요함을 시사한다. 현재 각종 유해 정보의 무분별한 유포, 악의적 댓글에 의한 명예훼손, 사생활 침해 등의 디지털 미디어 상의 여러 사회 문제는 이러한 미디어 리터러시 교육이 제대로 이루어지지 않았기 때문에 발생하고 있다. 그 피해와 심각성이 점점 낮은 연령층으로 확대되고 있어 초등학생을 대상으로 하는 디지털 미디어 리터러시 교육이 시급하다. 이를 위해 본 연구는 초등학생을 대상으로 교육용 소셜 미디어인 클래스팅에 활용하여 디지털 미디어 리터러시 교육 프로그램을 구상하였다. 프로그램은 르니홉스가 제시한 디지털 미디어 리터러시의 구성요소 5가지 영역(접근, 분석 및 평가, 창조, 성찰, 행동)을 중심으로 하여 각 영역에 따른 필수 활동을 클래스팅 기능에 대응시켜 교사와 학습자의 역할을 모두 제시하였다. 이 연구는 지금까지 체계적으로 이루어지지 않았던 초등학생을 대상으로 디지털 미디어 리터러시 교육을 시도하고자 하는데 의의가 있다. The development of media makes us think media as the important environment, surrounding us, not just as a medium, containing and conveying messages.(Lee Jung-choon, 2004). It means that we should have a media literacy education, doing active communication with the environment. Various social problems, such as indiscreet circulation of harmful contents, defamation by malicious comment and invasion of privacy, occur because media literacy education has not been done well. More and more younger students have been exposed to these problems, so the digital media literacy education should be done as soon as possible for elementary students. For this, this paper formulates the digital media literacy education program by utilizing instructional social media, Classting, targeting elementary students. The program suggests roles of teachers and students together, by corresponding each required activities to the function of Classting. These required activities are formed, being based on five sections(approach, analysis, assessment, creation, introspection, behavior). The paper has a signification in carrying out a digital media literacy education for elementary students, which has not been systematically done until now.

      • KCI등재

        현대 패션과 헤어디자인에 표현된 맥시멀리즘에 관한 연구 -2000년대 패션쇼를 중심으로-

        정승희 ( Seung Hee Jeong ) 한국미용학회 2011 한국미용학회지 Vol.17 No.5

        The discussion on Maximalism, which is the source of creative inspiration in design, had begun in the literature of 1980s. In the formative art, Maximalism can be seen in architecture and design. Maximalism gave impacts on fashion and hair design as a culture style of the time. To modern people who want creative and unique design, Maximalism can be a motif, with which modern people can experience more novel design. This study will explore the bold attempts, various materials, design inspirations, free expressive characteristics and formative aspects of Maximalism as expressed in the fashion and hair design of fashion shows based on the theoretical examination as following. First, the concept and creation background of Maximalism will be reviewed. Second, a classified framework from the perspective of expression type will be established by reviewing the formative characteristics of Maximalism as expressed in fashion and hair design. Third, the structural similarity and interdependency of Maximalism expressed in modern fashion and hair design will be compared and analyzed based on the established framework. The significance of this study is in the maximization of fashion and hair design values as Total Fashion Beauty and formative arts with endless possibility in the artistic expression field.Maximalism has its formative role with fashion and hair as one of important formative elements making them escape from the existing fixed idea and awareness.

      • KCI등재

        신윤복의 풍속화를 응용한 패션과 헤어 일러스트레이션 연구

        정승희(Seung hee Jeong),최은미(Eun mee Choi) 한국인체미용예술학회 2016 한국인체미용예술학회지 Vol.17 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to examine and reinterpret the characteristics of color and hair style & clothes of women expressed in the genre painting of Shin Yoon-bok to apply them in modern design to produce fashion & Hair illustration artwork. The study results are as follow. First, as for the hair style, the traditional style of updo hair style was applied to transform it into modern image for expression. Second, as for the clothes, hanbok shape was compromised with dress for expression or modification of waist coat and pants, modification of coat string & decoration were used to express interesting design that went beyond stereotype. Third, Korean traditional five colors were used to express the natural feel of hanbok and the color of modern fashion trend through the unique color and smooth texture expression. Accordingly, it is expected through this study that it will be used as a more persuasive tool in various areas through increased awareness of the artistic and commercial value of fashion & Hair illustration artwork upon the reflection of tradition and modern fashion trend.

      • KCI등재

        한·미 사드(THAAD) 배치 협상과 국내정치

        정승희(Jeong, Seung Hee),김형민(Kim, Hyung Min) 동국대학교 사회과학연구원 2017 사회과학연구 Vol.24 No.3

        본 연구는 대한민국과 미국 간 안보분야 국제협상의 한 사례인 한반도 사드 배치협상 과정을 퍼트남(Putnam)의 양면게임이론(two-level game theory)의 시각으로 분석하였다. 국내정치와 국제정치가 상호작용하면서 국가 간 교섭과정과 결과에 영향을 미친다는 퍼트남의 주장에 기초하여, 본 연구는 사드 배치를 둘러싼 한·미 간 협상수준(Level I)과 협상과정, 결과에 대한 국내적 비준수준(Level II)의 상호연계성을 검토하였다. 본 연구의 분석결과, 사드배치 협상과정과 합의 이후 진행과정에서 국내요인인 국가 내부집단의 이해와 연합의 정도, 국내 정치제도와 국제요인인 국가 간 힘의 배분 상태 모두 관련 국가들의 윈셋(win-set) 크기와 협상 결과를 결정하는 데 영향을 미쳤다. 미국의 계속된 한반도 사드배치 요구는 비대칭적 힘 관계에 놓여있는 한국의 윈셋 크기를 확대하도록 만들었으며, 사드의 실효성, 인체 유해성, 중국과의 관계 악화 등의 문제로 국내 이해관계자의 입장이 합의되지 않은 이유로 윈셋 크키가 더욱 확대되는 결과를 가져왔다. 비교적 크게 형성된 사드배치와 관련된 한국의 윈셋 크기는 협상을 온건적이지만 미국의 요구에 어느 정도 부합하도록 진행하였으며, 마침내 2016년 7월 8일 한반도 내 사드 배치를 결정되었다. 한반도 사드배치 협상은 한·미 간 제1면 협상으로 합의되었으나, 한국의 제2면 게임인 국가 내부협상이 합의에 이르지 못하여 국내적 논란이 지속하고 있다는 점에서 종결된 협상이라고 보기 힘들 것이다. 이러한 측면에서, 한국 정부는 추가적인 논의를 통하여 다양한 국내 행위자들과의 합의를 도출하기 위하여 노력하여야 할 것이다. This research examines the recent negotiation of THAAD (Terminal High Altitude Area Defense) placement between South Korea and the U.S. Using Putnam’s two-level game theory, it tackles the first-level international negotiation process between the two countries and the second-level domestic ratification process of THAAD placement on the Korean peninsula. This research posits that both international factor (especially power imbalance between the two) and domestic factors (especially in South Korea) heavily influenced the THAAD negotiation process and that, as a result, the final outcome of the negotiation is primarily in accordance with the security needs and interests of the U.S. rather than those of South Korea. Considering the serious objections raised by neighboring China on the THAAD placement and the lack of consensus among Korean domestic stakeholders, this research argues that the THAAD negotiation needs to be thoroughly reexamined, primarily focusing on international relations with the U.S. and China and on domestic politics with diverse voices on the issue. Finally, this research argues for the necessity of applying Putnam’s two-level game approach to other security issues involving Korea and other states in an international context.

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