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        조선후기 오천정씨(烏川鄭氏) 가문의 전통 발견 -정습명(鄭襲明) 묘단(墓壇) 설치를 중심으로-

        정수환(Jung, Su-Hwan) 포은학회 2015 포은학연구 Vol.15 No.-

        조선후기 문중활동은 이른바 향촌사회사의 측면에서 위선활동의 일환으로 분석되고 있다. 이 글에서는 기존의 연구 성과를 바탕으로 일찍이 에릭홉스봄이 제기한 전통의 발견이라는 문제의식을 조선시대에 시범적으로 적용해 보고자 한다. 그는 정치적, 사회적 주도권(Hegemony)의 영향으로 인해 변화된 역사적 현상에 주목한 바 있다. 시범 분석을 위한 사례로 오천정씨문중의 시조 묘단 설치를 둘러싼 움직임을 추적했다. 정습명(鄭襲明)을 시조로 하는 오천정씨는 17세기에는 오천서원(烏川書院)을 중심으로 한 향사, 18세기에는 시조 묘단의 설치를 통해 가문의 전통을 확립했다. 전통의 발견은 성리학적 질서 확립과 연결된 정치적 영향의 결과로 ‘충(忠)’의 실제를 강조하거나 사회적으로 관향지(貫鄕地)를 영일(迎日)에서 ‘오천(烏川)’으로 제한하는 차별화를 통해 성취되었다. 오천정씨 가문이‘충’과‘오천’이라는 정치적이고 사회적인 전통을 발견할 수 있었던 것은 정습명에서 정몽주(鄭夢周)로 이어지는 가계의 연결성이 배경으로 작용했기 때문이었다. One of the research topics related to the local community movement during the late Choson period that can be further explored is the clans’activities in their respective country districts in Korea. These activities have been analysed as methods through which exercises were developed to alleviate the social hierarchy that had developed among the different clans. However, when it comes to hegemony and tradition, this research frame may also be applicable to Hobsbawm’s structure. His key concepts related to tradition and invention cope with how to figure out hegemony and power relations and contain both political and social aspects. For this reason, the case of Korea has been examined to employ the invention of tradition in the case of the Ohchǒn-Jung clan . The founder of the Ohchǒn-Jung clan was Jung Seup-Myung (鄭襲明); his clan worked to carry out the clan’s unique priority compared with that of the other Jung clans which were founded by others. They established the Ohchǒn Sǒwon (烏川書院) with the founder’s spirit tablet and periodically held memorial services during the 17th century. Furthermore, they also built the founder’s ancestral shrine, as the burial sight was not clearly identified. This event took place at the next centenary. The Ohchǒn-Jung clan invented their tradition with a heavy emphasis on loyalty; Ohchǒn (烏川) was the place of their origin. Loyalty was one of the core concepts of the neo-Confucianism that became the national institutional policy, and Ohchǒn was a social differentiation campaign that distinguished this clan from the other Jung clans. These traditional concepts are also associated with Jung Mong-Ju (鄭夢周), as he was regarded as the author of many of the tenets of neo-Confucianism; he was also the descendant of Jung Seup-Myung, who lived in Ohchǒn. In conclusion, the Ohchǒn-Jung clan invented their tradition and implemented their system of political and social hegemony as a reflection of these events and concepts.

      • 진양하씨 초간보(1608)를 통해 본 17세기 족보편찬의 유형 검토

        정수환 ( Jung Su-hwan ) 한국계보연구회 2012 한국계보연구 Vol.3 No.-

        진주를 토성으로 하는 진양하씨의 족보가 처음 간행된 것은 1608년(선조 41)이었다. 이에 앞서 개인적으로 자신의 직계 선조만 정리한 일종의 家乘은 존재했던 것으로 추정되나 이들을 종합하여 하나의 족보로 편집하고 이를 목판으로 간행한 것은 이때가 처음 있는 일이었다. 초간보인 『진양하씨세보』가 간행되었던 17세기는 여러 성씨들의 초간보가 간행되기 시작하던 시기였다. 진양하씨 초간보 간행을 위해 주도적 역할을 한 사람은 暮軒 河渾(1548~ 1620)이었다. 그는 1606년 족보를 편집하고, 1608년 내용에 대한 교정을 통해 간행 할 수 있다. 족보의 간기에 의하면 ‘1608년 가을 교정이 이루어졌음을 확인할 수 있으며, 또한 교정에는 하경중과 성계갑이 참여 했음을 알 수 있다. 하혼이 족보를 편찬하고자 한 의도는 기본적으로 선조의 업적을 드러내려는데 있었다. 그러나 그 결과물이 미친 현재적 해석의 의미는 그의 의도를 뛰어넘는 것이었다. 첫째, 족보를 편찬하면서 남자 들을 중심으로 한 관계성만을 정리한 것이 아니라 어머니, 할머니를 비롯하여 딸, 사위 등 혼인을 통해 형성된 여성계열의 정보도 수록 했다. 이러한 내용을 수록한 족보를 ‘內外譜’라고 하며, 이러한 것은 남성과 여성이 대등한 사회적 지위와 가족적 입지를 지녔던 이 시기의 관념을 반영한 것이었다. 둘째, 족보를 편찬하는 과정에서 참여한 여러 인사들이 16세기에 산림으로 활동한 南冥 曹植(1501~ 1572)의 문인들로 구성되었다. 이로 인해 족보의 내용에 조식과 관련한 학통,혈연적 연결성이 강조될 수밖에 없었다. 이러한 배경에서 ‘진양하씨세보’에는 16세기 말에서 17세기 초엽 영남우도 지역 지배층의 혈연적, 학문연 연결성이 고스란히 반영되어 있다. 족보의 편찬과정에서도 이러한 지연, 혈연, 학연이 강하게 작용 하고 있음이 확인되었다. 성씨의 발원지인 진주(= 진양)를 지키고 있는 진양하라는 지연적 기반을 전제로 하고 있었다. 그리고 15세기 이 성씨에서 배출한 대표적 관료이자 학자인 河演(1376~ 1453)을 정 점으로 그의 후손들에 대한 기록을 전개하면서 혈연적 연결성에 바탕한 친족간의 결집을 의도하고 있었다. 『진양하씨세보』는 하혼이 편찬, 편집을 주도하여 간행되었다. 그는 지연, 혈연, 학연적 네트워크를 바탕으로 광범위한 자료를 수집 했다. 그의 결과물에는 단순한 계보인식을 바탕으로 한 조상 현양의 목적 차원이 아닌 17세기 초의 사회를 바라보는 관점이 투영되어 있다고 볼 수 있다. The Jinyang Ha Clan’s genealogy was originally published in 1608 (the 41st year of King Seonjo’s reign). The clan is said to have originated in Jinju, Gyeongsang-do. Prior to this publication, individual family lineage records were made, but the Jinyang Ha Clan’s genealogy was the first to be compiled and printed using woodblocks, under the title of The Detailed Genealogy of the Jinyang Ha Clan. Notably, in the 17th century, various clans’ initial genealogies began to be published. The publication of the Jinyang Ha Clan’s initial genealogy was led by Ha Hon (1548-1620). He compiled a genealogy in 1606, and proofread and published it using woodblocks in 1608, the first work of its kind. According to the genealogy publication record, proofreading was conducted in the autumn of 1608, with the help of Ha Gyeong-jung and Seong Gye-gap. Ha Hon promoted his forefathers’ achievements through the publication of the genealogy. The output of the genealogy, however, is considered to have meant more than his purported purpose. First, in compiling the genealogy, he recorded not only male lineages, but also female lineages including mother, grandmothers, daughters and son-in-laws. This type of genealogy is called the paternal and maternal genealogy, which reflected the egalitarianism between males and females within families of those times. Second, editors for the compilation of the genealogy included various literati from the 16th century under the school of the famous regional scholar Jo Sik(曹植, 1501 ― 1572). This led the genealogy to contain much of the Jo Sik-related lineage and school. As such, the Detailed Genealogy of the Jinyang Ha Clan reflected much of the lineages and schools of the ruling class from the end of the 16th century to the early 17th century, offering ample materials to be interpreted in terms of modem times. It was confirmed that such lineage and school influences were greatly reflected in the compiling of the genealogy. The genealogy was based on a clan which originated in Jinju. And, the genealogy described Ha yeon(河演, 1376 ~1453), a representative 15-century bureaucrat and scholar from this clan, and his offspring, thus attempting to further solidify kinship ties. In addition, the genealogy implied a connection with the disciples of Namyeong(南冥)Jo Sik(曹植). Ha Hon led the compilation, editing and printing of The Jinyang Clan Ha Detailed Genealogy, collecting extensive data through regional, lineage and school networks. His output was much more than a simple genealogy, reflecting Korean society in the 17th century.

      • KCI등재

        18세기 권상일의 시장접촉과 화폐경제생활

        정수환(Jung, Su-Hwan) 한국사학회 2011 史學硏究 Vol.- No.104

        18세기 시장의 발달과 한 지식인의 시장에 대한 관찰과 접근, 그리고 동전의 유통으로 인한 개인 화폐경제생활의 변화를 권상일의『청대일기』를 바탕으로 연구했다. 권상일은 농업중심의 자립적 가계경영을 강조 했다. 그는 이익(李瀷)등과의 교류 과정에서 상업 발달에 따른 사회적 사치 분위기에 비판적인 입장이었다. 권상일은 경상도 상주의 근암리에 살면서 경제적인 활동을 전개했다. 근암리는 행정구역으로는 상주에 속하면서도 거리상으로 문경, 예천, 함창, 용궁과 인접해 있었다. 권상일은 인근의 여러 장시 중 근암리 인근의 산양장과 주로 접촉했다. 상업에 부정적인 입장을 지닌 권상일이었으나 현실에서는 주변 시장의 동향에 대한 관심과 관찰을 게을리 하지 않았다. 그는 곡물, 어물 등이 시장에 등장하는 시기와 상인의 동향, 그리고 계절에 따른 곡물가격의 변동 등을 관찰했다. 권상일의 일기에는 현물로 주고받은 선물의 기록이 있다. 그는 節扇과 簡紙등을 주로 선물 받았으나 70세 이상부터는 곡물, 어물 등의 음식물에 대한 선물 비중이 증대했다. 원거리에 대한 선물과 부조는 동전을 이용했다. 17세기 이전 곡물과 면포를 이용 한 매매활동과 달리 18세기 전반의 상황을 반영한 『청대일기』에는 경제생활의 중심이 동전으로 바뀌는 기록이 있다. 권상일은 약, 생선, 토지, 말 등을 매매하였으며, 이 경우 결재수단으로 동전을 이용했다.?

      • KCI등재

        왜란과 호란기 매매와 분재, 그리고 家計운영

        정수환(Jung, Su Hwan) 역사실학회 2018 역사와실학 Vol.66 No.-

        이 글은 평산신씨 신잡 종가에 전하고 있는 고문서를 이용하여 임진왜란과 병자호란 시기 개인과 가문의 전란 대응 실태를 살펴보는데 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 현재 이 가문에 전하고 있는 509점의 고문서 중 경제적 상황을 반영하고 있는 매매명문과 분재기 74점을 분석했다. 평산신씨 신잡 계열은 조선 16세기까지 한양에서 벼슬을 지속한 고위 관료가문이었다. 그러나 임진왜란으로 신립을 비롯하여 신잡의 동생들이 세상을 떠나면서 평산신씨 가문은 위기에 직면했다. 왜란 후에는 광해군에 의해 정치적 탄압을 받았으며, 비록 인조반정으로 위상이 복구 되었으나 임란 이전의 상황과는 비교할 수 없는 수준이었다. 곧 이은 병자호란으로 인해 신잡 종가 계열은 왜란 이전의 정치적 입지를 회복하지 못했다. 평산신씨 신잡 종가는 임진왜란 이전 조선의 핵심관료가문으로, 임란 이전에 작성된 분재기에는 전국에 소유 노비가 산재하고 있었다. 그러나 왜란으로 노비는 물론 토지와 같은 중요 재산이 흩어지고 말았다. 전란 중에도 매매와 분재를 실시하여 경제활동을 일상적으로 유지했음에도 임란 직후 산실된 가산을 파악하기 위한 노력은 용이하지 않았다. 급기야 병자호란 발발을 계기로 재산을 복구할 수 있는 문서들을 잃어버리게 되면서 그 가능성은 더욱 낮아지게 되었다. 평산신씨 신잡 종가는 조선전기에 고위관료를 많이 배출한 대표적 양반가였다. 그럼에도 불구하고 임진왜란과 병자호란이라는 전란은 이 가문의 정치적 위상은 물론 토지와 노비 같은 중요한 경제적 기반을 무너뜨리는 결정적 요인이었다. The purpose of this study is to examine the actual conditions of the land and the management of its nobi (slaves or serfs) during the Imjin War and the Manchu Invasion through the examination of historic documents conveyed to the Pyeongsan Shin Clan. To this end, in this study we analysed 74 sales and property documents pertain to the family’s economic situation, with the rest of the 509 historic documents belonging to this family. The Shin Jab family of the Pyeongsan Shin Clan was a high-ranking bureaucratic family that continuously maintained public office in Hanyang until the Joseon Dynasty in the 16th Century. During the Imjin War (1592~1598), the family’s seven siblings, including Shin Jab, suffered through a great difficulty. His younger brother, Admiral Shin Lip, died on the battlefield, and the rest of his younger brothers and mother died at that time. After the war, the remaining family was politically oppressed by King Gwanghaegun, and although it recovered its status with the Injobanjeong (the Restoration of King Injo), it was not comparable to the family’s situation before the war. Soon after the war, the Manchu Invasion prevented the family from regaining its pre-war political position. Before the Imjin war, Shin Jab was the core bureaucratic family and a leader in wealth of the Joseon Dynasty. A Bunjaeki (document of property division) made before the war shows that the family owned and managed nobi throughout the country. However, as a result of the Imjin War, the family’s important assets, including land and nobi, were scattered. Nonetheless, the family kept up its economic activities on a daily basis by carrying out sales and divisions of property, even in the midst of war. Immediately after the war, the descendants of Shin Jab tried to recover their assets to their previous scale. However, they could not recover their bureaucratic status and could not restore the pre-war level of their wealth due to the political pressure from King Gwanghaegun. In addition, the possibility of reclaiming their assets fell further in the wake of the Manchu Invasion, when they lost documents that could have helped them restore their property. The Shin Jab Family of the Pyeongsan Shin Clan was representative of the yangban (bureaucratic ruling class) and wealthy elite that produced many high-ranking officials in the Joseon Dynasty. Nevertheless, the Imjin War and the Manchu Invasion were the decisive factors that destroyed the family’s important economic bases of the time, such as its land and nobi, as well as its political status. This example shows that both the war and the invasion had a great influence on the economic structure and political dynamics of Joseon society.

      • KCI등재

        조선시대 해주정씨의 王室婚과 家計經營

        정수환(Jung, Su-hwan) 한국역사민속학회 2015 역사민속학 Vol.0 No.47

        왕조국가 조선에 대한 이해에 있어 왕실이나 국가와 같은 상부구조(Superstructure)를 중심에 두고 그 관계성을 추적하는 것은 사회 토대(Base)의 변화 동향에 대한 연구와 동시에 이루어 질 필요가 있다. 이러한 시각에서 이 논문은 왕실과의 혼인이 특정가문에 미친 정치적, 경제적 영향에 대한 파악을 목적으로 鄭易(?~1425)을 정점으로 한 해주정씨를 사례분석 했다. 정역은 이방원과의 동방급제를 인연으로 조선 개국 후 태종의 아들 효령대군을 사위로 삼았으며, 이를 계기로 그를 정점으로 한 해주정씨는 조선 전기 왕실과의 혼인이 잇따르게 되면서 정치적 입지를 다지는 것은 물론 왕실이나 국가로부터 경제적 후원을 확보할 수 있었다. 조선 후기 해주정씨 종가는 魯山君과 魯山君夫人에 대한 奉祀를 계승한 사실과 더불어 端宗복위와 定順王后 思陵 조성으로 왕실인연이 재조명되었다. 이를 계기로 해주정씨 종가는 당쟁의 소용돌이에서 빗겨나 사환을 지속함은 물론 조선 전기 이래 왕실연원의 가산을 보존하고 경영할 수 있었다. 요컨대 조선시대 왕실혼은 왕실로부터 경제적 후원은 물론 정치적 배려가 집중되는 계제가 되었으며 이러한 요소들의 관리 또한 가계경영의 요체가 되었다. There were no royal marriages between monarchs during the Choson period (1392~1897), and marriage alliances were often made between members of the royal family and the Yangban class, one of the two official orders of that time. Based on this phenomenon, this article focuses on the Haeju Jeong clan to examine how the royal family provided political and economic benefits to allied clans. Members of the head Haeju Jeong family married members of the royal family, including princes and princesses, in the 15th century and enjoyed high-ranking official positions. This trend continued through to the end of the 16th century. As a result of its bond with the royal family, the Haeju Jeong family acquired special economic support through land, slaves, housing and jewelry from the royal family and, consequently, from the nation since there was no clear separation between royal and national finances. Even though the Haeju Jeong clan was not able to continue such marriage alliances in the 17th and 18th centuries, the family still received attention from the royal family. This occurred because the clan had continued to hold memorial services for a deceased brother-in-law who had been "unkinged" but was a member of their clan and of the royal family, and he was finally restored. The head Haeju Jeong family had also preserved the property that the royal family had presented to it to represent their alliance. After making this restoration to the clan, the royal family appointed the eldest member of the head family as a public officer, and the clan made use of this support to maintain its economic status. In conclusion, marrying a member of the royal family guaranteed political and economic assistance for the Haeju Jeong clan in the Choson period, and this clan also continued to make an effort to preserve its representation through memorial services and property it had acquired from the royal family.

      • KCI등재
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      • KCI등재

        17세기 전반 조극선(趙克善)의 매매(賣買)기록과 용전(用錢)경험-조극선의 『인재일록』과 『야곡일록』 분석-

        정수환 ( Jung Su-hwan ) 조선시대사학회 2017 朝鮮時代史學報 Vol.80 No.0

        The aim of this essay is to explore personal financial practices in the middle of the Choson dynasty, as not much is known about the economics of this era. The main text that is discussed is the diary of Cho GukSeon (1595~1658), a distinguished Confucian scholar and officer, which was written between 1609 and 1635. The diary covers his daily life and contains details about his economic experiences. Cho GukSeon chose his words carefully when recording his activities in his diary. In particular, when it came to personal economics, he distinguished between gift exchanges and financial transactions. For instance, he used different verbs for exchanging gifts with different groups of people; the words could be adapted to apply to superiors, equals, or inferiors. Also, Cho GukSeon differentiated buying and selling from trading. Details of economic activity found in the diary, whether personal or market-related, explain how economic life had changed in comparison to that of the sixteenth century (especially before the Japanese invasion of Korea in 1592); personal financial dealings and exchanges were common even prior to the sixteenth century in Choson. The Choson government’s monetary policy affected Cho GukSeon’s economic activities. He received his officer’s salary in the form of coins made from copper or tin and purchased food in shops in accordance with governmental monetary policy. The coins did not reach the position of common currency, however, so Cho GukSeon eventually had to sell his clothes and crops to obtain his daily necessities. This indicates that governmental policy merely impacted personal economic activity, which led to policy failure until the end of the seventeenth century. Cho GukSeon experienced varying economic circumstances such as the diversification of currency types and changes in the customs of gift giving, and he recorded these phenomena in his diary with carefully chosen words.

      • KCI등재

        조선후기 서얼의 마을 개발과 결속 -경주 여주이씨 옥산동 동계를 중심으로-

        정수환 ( Jung Su-hwan ) 조선시대사학회 2022 朝鮮時代史學報 Vol.100 No.0

        This study analyses the process by which the Yeoju Lee clan developed and established ownership of their village, Oksan, over a period of 300 years. It takes Oksan as a case study for village development and cooperation in the late period of the Joseon Dynasty from the 16<sup>th</sup> to the 18<sup>th</sup> century. Oksan’s rivalry with the neighbouring village, Yanjwa, also offers an example of competition between villages in the area of Gyeongju, Gyeongsang Province during this period. Oksan village is inhabited by the descendants of the concubine Lee Eon-jeok. In the late Joseon Period, there were restrictions on community participation and social activities, as well as competition and conflict between the descendants of Lee Eon-jeok and the inhabitants of Yangjwa Village. Against this background, the Yeoju Lee clan in Oksan made gradual efforts towards building village solidarity to enhance community participation and respond to conflict. The inhabitants of Oksan had inherited land, servants and houses from Lee Eon-jeok and had decided to establish the village in the 16<sup>th</sup> century, intending it to be separate from and a rival in wealth to the village of Yangjwa. In the 17<sup>th</sup> century, the Jeonghye Union kye and the Oksan village kye were established to expand the village. In the first half of the 18<sup>th</sup> century, in order to cope with a growing external crisis, the Yeoju Lee clan and some of its connections revived the village kye and helped to achieve the stabilisation of the village by providing assistance to its members both upper and lower class for funerals. After the mid-18<sup>th</sup> century, as a fruit of the strengthened solidarity and cooperation within the Oksan village, the Yeoju Lee clan established the Jangsan Confucian Academy, which cemented the central place of this clan in the village.

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