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        닷넷을 이용한 안정적 서비스를 위한 웹 기반 학습평가시스템 개발

        정수현(Su-Hyun Jeong),염창선(Chang-Sun Yum) 한국산업경영시스템학회 2007 한국산업경영시스템학회지 Vol.30 No.4

          This study aims to design and implement a learning evaluation system using .NET which is developed by Microsoft. .NET technology supports higher processing speed than ASP technology. The learning evaluation system is based on the web, consists of administrator module, questioner module and student module. The functions of the system, i.e., providing test questions, performing test, and evaluating result of test are achieving on the web in real time. Even when many users use this system, the system is stable and has a speed response time.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        국내 해양보급기지(Offshore Supply Base) 구축방안에 관한 우선순위 분석

        정수현(Su-hyun Jeong),김용호(Yong-ho Kim),이지원(Ji-won Lee),신창훈(Chang-hoon Shin) 한국항만경제학회 2016 韓國港灣經濟學會誌 Vol.32 No.4

        삼면이 바다로 둘러싸인 한국의 경우 해양산업의 육성은 필연적인 당면 과제이다. 그러나 해양산업의 경우 육상과 비교해 가혹한 물리적 조건하에서 이뤄지기 때문에 시간과 비용 측면에서 경쟁력을 확보하기 위한 다양한 노력들이 요구된다. 이러한 노력 중 하나로 해양보급기지(Offshore Supply Base, OSB)의 운영을 들 수 있다. 이러한 이유로 인해 한국에서 OSB 운영 및 구축에 관한 중요성이 주목받기 시작하였다. 그럼에도 불구하고 관련 국내 연구는 거의 없는 상태로 이를 언급한 문헌으로는 국내 연구기관에서 발표한 보고서가 전부이다. 이들 보고서는 직접적인 OSB에 대한 연구라기보다는 OSB와 관련된 산업인 해양플랜트산업의 육성방안 중 하나로 OSB 구축 및 운영에 대한 필요성만을 언급하였다. 반면 이 연구는 OSB을 중심으로 한국 실정에 맞는 OSB 구축에 대한 다양한 논의를 수행한다는 점에서 차별성을 지니고 있으며 이를 바탕으로 정책적 제언을 수행하였다. 이를 위해 대표적인 해외 OSB구축 지역인 휴스턴과 싱가포르의 문헌조사를 통해 국내 OSB 구축 여건을 분석하였다. 그리고 OSB의 주요 기능 중 국내 OSB 구축시 우선적으로 요구되는 기능과 관련 문제점을 도출하였다. The development of ocean industries is an existing and important problem for South Korea, which is mostly surrounded by sea and has a long coastline along three seas. It is necessary for researchers to make efforts to enhance its cost and time competitiveness, because many ocean-based activities have been carried out in harsh physical conditions when compared with land-based ones. One of these efforts to improve efficiency is to operate an Offshore Supply Base (OSB), which is a basic infrastructure required to develop ocean industries effectively. For this reason, the construction and operation of OSBs have become an issue in Korea. The relevant research is limited. Nevertheless, there are a few reports published by Korean research institution. They focus on promoting ocean industries and only mention the necessity of OSB as a promotion tool for the industries. This study on the other hand, addresses various issues on the construction of OSBs in Korea and suggests implications for them. To examine the conditions on the construction of OSBs in Korea, we conduct case studies of Houston and Singapore, the representative regions where a massive OSB has been constructed and operated. In addition, we use Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to evaluate the relative priorities of the services provided by OSBs if constructed in Korea.

      • KCI등재
      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재

        한국과 일본의 외래음식 수용과정 연구

        정수현(Jeong, Su-Hyun) 동북아시아문화학회 2015 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.45

        This study is focused on Jajangmyeon and Dongas in that the research on the acceptance process of foreign food can be an attempt to analyze and comprehend Korean and Japanese culture. Jajangmyeon and Dongas, the staple dishes in Korea and Japan, are studied with historical and cultural respect in order to find out what cultural meanings they have produced in two countries. Jajangmyeon from China can be a Korean national cuisine on the ground that Korean have enjoyed noodles as feast food and fermented soybean paste. In 1960-1970"s, the government once encouraged people to eat more flour based food and that also increased the consumption of Jajangmyeon. Dongas, a kind of pork cutlet, is the product of civilization that Japan government, having forbidden eating meat for 1200 years, promoted deliberately so as to receive western civilization. It resulted from the consistent effort of Japan government, the emperor of Japan, and the educated for developing Japan-tasted meat diet and clearing the resistance of eating meat. ‘Blending;, shown in the acceptance process of Jajangmyeon, is the key word to represent Korean dietary life and culture. Koreans have efficiently blended their traditional elements with alien culture. Jajangmyeon is valuable in that it can show the variety and convergence of Korean culture. ‘Transformation’ of foreign culture is the acceptance process of Dongas. Japanese have persistently transformed a western culture into Japanese type instead of mixing them. Dongas is the evidence that Japanese have received the western culture while they haven"t forgotten their tradition. In conclusion, Jajangmyeon and Dongas can be considered as the representative dish to stand for Korean ‘blending’ and Japanese ‘transformation’ even though they came from different countries.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        韓國(한국)의 文化(문화) : 한국인의 衣食住(의식주)에 내재된 "열림"의식

        정수현 ( Su Hyun Jeong ) 한국사상문화학회 2015 韓國思想과 文化 Vol.78 No.-

        한국문화를 표현하는 중심어로서 여백, 여유와 융통성 그리고 다의성을 지닌 ‘열림’이 한국인의 의식주(衣食住)문화에 잠재되어 있다. 평면인 한복은 사람이 입었을 때 비로소 입체가 된다. 입체 재단으로 만드는 서양의 옷은 형태가 고정되어 있지만 한복 치마는 입는 사람의 체형에 따라 다른 옷으로 거듭난다. 이러한 평면 재단 속에 인간에 대한 배려, 경제성 등이 담겨 있다. 단춧구멍은 에누리 없이 꼭 맞는 크기로 정해져 있다. 반면 옷고름은 옷이 크면 바짝 매고, 옷이 작으면 좀 넉넉하게 묶어 조절을 한다. 이렇게 옷고름은 열린 듯 닫혀 있고 닫힌 듯 열려 있는 모습에서 충분히 그 몫을 다한다. 옷고름은 우리나라 사람들의 전통적인 생활양식에서 나타나는 ‘여분’ 혹은 ‘여유’와 통한다. 서양의 가방과 비교해 보면 보자기의 융통성은 극적이다. 내용물이 있을 때나 없을 때나 자기만의 공간을 차지하고 있는 가방과 달리, 보자 기는 폈다가 쌌다가 할 수 있는 다의성(多義性)을 가진다. 즉 물건이 들어 있을 때는 공간을 차지하지만 물건을 꺼냈을 때는 평면으로 돌아가는 ‘있음’과 ‘없음’ 사이를 오고 간다. 서양 문화권의 사람들은 레서피만 있으면 누구나 같은 음식 맛을 낸 다고 생각한다. 그러나 한국의 음식은 아무리 같은 재료를 가지고 요리를 한다고 하더라도 요리하는 사람의 손맛이 음식 맛을 결정한다. 마루는 고정된 하나의 목적을 위한 공간이라기보다는 매개적 기능을 하는 공간이라고 할 수 있다. 외부와 내부를 연결하고, 또한 인간과 신을 이어 주는 또 다른 측면의 매개 공간이 되기도 한다. Openness`` in Korean clothing, food, and house is the key word of Korean culture and means space, margin, and versatility. The Hanbok by freehand cutting can be a three dimensional clothing when it is dressed. Though the dress of western style by draping cutting is fixed, Chima can be flexible in accordance with one``s body type. It can give us comfort and economical profit. The button is fixed on the western clothing. However, Goreum of Hanbok can be adaptable according to the size of clothing. It seems not only to be open but also to be close. It is linked with the space or margin of Korean traditional lifestyle. It focuses on adaptability more than fit, which really values the space or margin. Compared with the western trunk, Bojagi is definitely versatile. The trunk occupies its place regardless of its contents but Bojagi can be versatile. When it contains something, it occupies its place but it can be flat as something is gone. In Western culture, they think that anyone can make the same food and the same taste with the recipe but Koreans believe that it depends on Sonmat in spite of the same stuff and recipe. Maru is not the space only for the fixed purpose but it can be the space for the purpose of intermediation. It is a medium which can relate inside with outside and human with God.

      • KCI등재

        문화, 문학 : 한국인과 일본인의 죽음의식 비교연구

        정수현 ( Su Hyun Jeong ) 경희대학교 비교문화연구소 2013 비교문화연구 Vol.30 No.-

        The purpose of this paper look at the basis of the cultural differences of Korea and Japan by comparing the view about the death. Firstly, in terms of language to express the death, Korea can be summarized ``doragada (go back) Japan can be summarized sayonara(goodbye). Koreans` view about the death is that life and death are not separated and death is the start of another life not the end of existence through ``doragada`` Japanese accept death as the order of the universe and the order of nature with resignation. At this time resignation means that Japanese accept the sad feeling to sublimate aesthetically while mourning the death Secondly The view about the death of Sunbee in the Joseon era and Japanese Samurai who were the traditional ideal figures is compared. The Sunbee dies from a justification and the Samurai die from the honor on the other hand. Unconditionally, the sunbee was not loyal to an individual but they thought significantly of the fidelity about the joint value. Unlike this, Japanese Samurai laid stress on the loyalty toward their lord and sacrifice. They selected the death conclusively when this fidelity was suspected. Thirdly the view about the death of Korea and Japan is summarized to the aesthetics of the survival and the aesthetics of the death. Korean saw the death negatively and regard exceedingly the extension of life, they preceded to survive in all kinds of difficulties. On the contrary, Japanese see it positively. They beautified the death and sublimated with the aesthetics. they pursue the nature of the life through the death. Finally, the basic difference of the korean and Japanese culture originate from the view about the death that is, the difference of the values about the life and death

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