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        시판 누룩으로 제조한 막걸리의 품질특성과 biogenic amine 생성

        정석태(Seok-Tae Jeong),곽희(Hee-Jung Kwak),김순미(Soon-Mi Kim) 한국식품과학회 2013 한국식품과학회지 Vol.45 No.6

        본 연구는 국내 약ㆍ탁주 제조업체에서 사용하는 대표적인 개량누룩 1종과 재래누룩 4종을 선발하여 막걸리를 담고, 담금 과정 중의 누룩에 따른 술덧의 이화학적, 미생물학적 변화와 BA 생성 특성 및 이들의 상관관계를 조사하고자 하였다. 발효 초기 술덧의 pH는 4.40-5.00이었으나 4일째 감소한 후 이후 약간 증가하는 경향을 나타내었다. 발효 7일째의 총 산 함량은 시험구 간의 차이가 크게 나타나 누룩 C가 가장 많았으며, 개량누룩을 사용한 누룩 A가 가장 낮았다. 술덧의 당도는 누룩 D가 가장 낮았으며, 누룩 A는 발효 초기부터 7일까지 가장 높은 당도를 유지하였다. 발효 7일째 술덧의 색도를 측정한 결과 밝기는 누룩A가 가장 높고, 누룩 E가 가장 낮았으나 적색과 황색은 이와 반대되는 결과를 보여주었다. 술덧의 알코올 농도는 누룩 A가 가장 많았으며, 누룩 B, 누룩 C, 누룩 E, 누룩 D의 순이었으나, 휘발산은 알코올 농도가 가장 많았던 누룩 A의 함량이 가장 낮았다. 술덧의 효모 수와 총 세균 수는 발효 1일에 비해 7일에 감소하였다. 발효 7일째 효모 수는 가장 높은 알코올 농도를 나타낸 누룩 A가 가장 많았고, 총 세균 수는 누룩 E가 가장 많았다. 술덧에서 검출된 BA는 총 3종으로 putrescine은 5종의 술덧 모두에서 발효 초기부터 검출되었으며, tyramine은 누룩 C, 누룩 D, 누룩 E의 발효 7일째에서만 검출되었고, cadaverine은 누룩 E에서만 발효 1일째부터 검출되었다. 이들 술덧의 미생물 균주의 변화를 PCR-DGGE 기법으로 살펴본 결과 발효 1일과 7일째 BA 생성량이 가장 많았던 누룩 E의 밴드가 가장 다양해지는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 위의 이러한 특성 간의 상관관계를 분석한 결과 총 세균수는 putrescine 및 총 BA 함량과 정의 상관관계를 나타내었고, BA와 색도(L, a, b값) 역시 유의적인 상관관계가 있음을 알 수 있었다. 본 연구는 막걸리의 품질 지표로 활용될 수 있는 BA의 생성이 누룩의 종류에 따라 다르다는 것과 함께 막걸리의 품질 관리는 누룩의 제조 단계에서부터 시작되어야 함을 시사하고 있다. Makgeolli mashes that were brewed using five different commercial nuruks (fermentation starters) were investigated for changes in physicochemistry, microbial diversity, and biogenic amine (BA) production. Mash A brewed with the nuruk (Gaeryang-nuruk) had the highest level of alcohol concentration and the greatest number of yeast cells, whereas mash E had the greatest number of bacterial cells. Only three biogenic amines were detected in the makgeolli mashes: tyramine, putrescine, and cadaverine. Using a PCR-DGGE technique, we observed that mash E had the highest BA production, and had the greatest number of bands on the denaturing gradient gels. We also observed that the numbers of bacterial cells correlated significantly with the putrescine and the total BA content, and that the BA content correlated significantly with the color values (L, a, b). This study shows that the quality of a makgeolli can depend on the type of nuruk. Therefore, we suggest that the quality management of makgeolli should start with the stage of nuruk manufacture.

      • KCI등재

        오미자와 배를 이용한 혼합 발효주 제조 방법에 대한 연구

        정석태(Seok-Tae Jeong),공문희(Mun-Hee Kong),여수환(Soo-Whan Yeo),최지호(Ji-Ho Choi),최한석(Han-Seok Choi),한귀(Gwi-Jung Han) 동아시아식생활학회 2010 동아시아식생활학회지 Vol.20 No.6

        Omija contains high organic acid content (5~7%) that must be reduced in order to produce high quality wine for consumption. In this study, we used pear, which has low total acid but plenty of sugar, to relieve the sourness of Omija material. Our group mixed Omija and pear at a ratio of 1:9 to 1:15 in order to attain a 0.5~0.7% total acid level, similar to commercial wine. As Omija was mixed with pear, the red color of Omija changed to a lighter red color. Alcohol fermentation solution of Bokbunja and Gaeryangmeoru were used to make up for the light red color of Omijaㆍpear wine. The red color of Bokbunja was confirmed to be similar to the original red color of Omija. It was proven that addition of 3~5% Bokbunja to Omijaㆍpear mixture wine produced replicated the red color image of Omija. Our results show that addition of 2~5% xylitol to Omijaㆍpear mixture wine was good by sensory test.

      • KCI등재

        점필재학단의 분화와 탁영 김일손의 인물평가 ― 「조의제문」 사초수록과 그에 대한 탁영 김일손 평가의 실증적 검토를 중심으로 ―

        정석태 ( Jung¸ Seok-tae ) 택민국학연구원 2020 국학연구론총 Vol.0 No.26

        김일손은 사관으로서 스승 김종직의 「조의제문」을 사초에 실을 정도로 적극적인 활동을 벌여 무오사화를 초래하였지만, 그 무오사화가 도리어 조선이 후일 도학의 시대를 열어가는 큰 원동력이 되었다. 그러나 그 도학의 시대에 그가 사관으로서 소임을 깊이 자각하고, 또 스승 김종직에 대한 지극한 존모의 마음을 가지고 사초에 실었을 「조의제문」이 이제는 역으로 그를 포함한 스승 김종직을 文人으로 평가하는 결정적인 증빙자료가 되고 말았다. 도학의 시대를 출발시킨 이황이 「조의제문」과 관련한 출처의리의 흠결을 우회적으로 지적해서 그와 그의 스승 김종직을 문인으로 단정하고 난 뒤, 그러한 평가는 이황의 후학들인 남인세력의 퇴계학파에서만이 아니라 서인세력, 후일 노론세력의 송시열 계열에서도 변함없었다. 송시열이 그에 대해 文章과 節行이 한 시대의 으뜸이라고 평가를 내린 것은 영남 강우지역에 자신들의 세력기반을 부식하기 위한 정치적인 목적에서 이루어진 일시적인 것이었다. 특히 송시열은 그에 대한 이러한 평가와 추숭에 이어 조식의 신도비를 찬술한 다음, 김종직의 시호복구를 추진하였는데, 그 과정에 그때까지 남인으로 전향하지 않은 잔존 북인세력이 다시 노론으로 전향을 하게 되자, 영남 강우지역 어디에도 북인세력은 존재하지 않게 되었다. 영남 강우지역에서 북인세력이 완전히 사라진 것은 남명학파의 소멸에만 그치지 않았다. 남명학파의 원류이자 표준이 되었던 그와 그의 스승 김종직의 학맥도 함께 소멸되면서, 이제는 더 이상 그와 그의 스승 김종직에 대한 정당한 평가는 나올 수 없게 되었다. 따라서 송시열의 평가와 무관하게 그는 여전히 문인으로 평가되었고, 그의 스승 김종직에 대해서도 노론세력에 의해 ‘文忠’으로의 시호복구가 이루어진 뒤 허울만 도학과 문장과 은일과 절행의 원류이자 표준으로 높여진 채 여전히 그 실질, 다시 말하면 그에 합당한 예우인 문묘종사는 이루어질 수 없었다. Kim Il Son as a royal history recording officer included his mentor, Kim Jong Jik’s ‘Joeuijemoon’, in the draft of the history. This brought about Muosawha, an event that became a significant driving force to open the era of ethics later in the Joseon dynasty. However, ‘Joeuijemoon,’ which had been included in the draft of the history by Kim Il Son acknowledging his role as an officer sincerely with deep respect to his mentor, became conclusive evidence to evaluate Kim Il Son and his mentor, Kim Jong Jik as scholars. Hwang Lee, who initiated the era of ethics, pointed out the deficiency of Choolcheoeuiri as related to Joeuijemoon indirectly, predicating him and his mentor, Kim Jong Jik as scholars, which was evaluated in the same way continuously, not only in Toegye’s school of Namin but also later in Seoin and Song Shi Yeul’s school that was Noron. Song Shi Yeol evaluation him as the best of the times on his writing and behaviors, was a temporary move to keep political integrity and eliminate the power base in the Yeoungnam River Basin area. In particular, publishing Shik Cho’s tombstone writing with this evaluation and admiration, Song Shi Yeol triedto recover Kim Jong Jik’s posthumous epithet. The remaining Northern people that had not turned to Namin until that time turned to Noron, which caused no Northern people remaining in the Yeoungnam River Basin area. The complete disappearance of the Northern people in Yeoungnam River Basin area was not just the extinction of Namyung school. With extinction of Kim Jong Jik and his school which had been the origin and standard of the Namyung school, it was no longer possible to find the right evaluation of him and his mentor, Kim Jong Jik anymore. Therefore, he was evaluated as a scholar, regardless of Song Shi Yeol’s evaluation, and Kim Jong Jik’s posthumous epithet was recovered as Moonchoong by Noron, to be only respected for his external matters including ethics, writing, and seclusion as the origin and standard of behaviors to keep integrity, but not respected for the real one. In other words, Moonmyojongsa which was worthy of respect was not realized.

      • KCI등재

        퇴계 이황의 주역 공부 퇴계 이황의 주자학 이해의 심화과정에 대한 한 고찰

        정석태(Jung Seok-tae) 동양한문학회(구 부산한문학회) 2018 동양한문학연구 Vol.51 No.-

        Toegye Yi Hwang was a classical scholar of the Joseon Dynasty, who studied the Four Books and Three Classics like any other scholar during that period. He began studying the Four Books and Three Classics at the age of 12, starting with “The Analects,” and faced many difficulties while studying “Classic of Changes” at the age of 20. The scholar took a long time to overcome such difficulties. In his old age, he suffered from many illnesses because he exerted too much effort in studying the meaning of “Classic of Changes.” He also repeatedly emphasized to younger scholars the challenges in studying the book. Yi must have had a hard time studying it because he did not grasp the particular nature of the book, which was both a divination text and a cosmological text. The book was originally a divination text, but it later transformed into a cosmological text. Hui’an Zhu Xi must have separately and additionally written the “Introduction to the Study of the Changes” even after writing the “Original Meaning of the Zhou Changes,” which was a commentary on “Classic of Changes,” because he must have realized that those studying “Classic of Changes” would face difficulties just like Yi did. Only after fully studying the “Introduction to the Study of the Changes”and the “Complete Works” of Zhu did Yi properly grasp why Zhu wrote both books. As such, Yi’s understanding of “Classic of Changes” could be said to have deepened after he had fully grasped the meaning in Zhu’s studies, that is, neo-Confucianism. 退溪 李滉은 조선시대 선비들의 일반적인 학습과정에 따라 사서삼경을 공부하였다. 12세 때 논어로부터 시작된 그의 사서삼경 공부는 20세 때 주역을 학습하는 과정에 큰 어려움을 겪게 되었다. 그리고 퇴계 이황이 그때 봉착했던 난관을 극복 하기까지는 상당히 오랜 시간이 걸렸다. 노년에, 자신은 주역을 읽으면서 그 의미를 강구하느라 너무 지나치게 애쓴 나머지 평생 고질병에 걸리게 되었다고 하기도 하고, 또 주역을 공부하는 후학들에게 그 공부의 어려움에 대해 누누이 강조해서 말을 하곤 하였다. 퇴계 이황이 주역을 학습하는 과정에 이렇게 어려움을 겪게된 것은, 본래 占書이던 것이 후대에 義理書로 바뀌어간, 점서이면서 의리서라는 이중적 층위를 가진 주역의 특수한 성격을 제대로 파악하지 못한데 그 원인이 있다고 해야 할 것이다. 晦菴 朱熹가 자신의 주역에 대한 주석서인 주역본의를 짓고도 또 따로 역학계몽을 지어둔 것도, 퇴계 이황의 경우처럼 주역을 공부하는 사람들이 그 학습과정에 봉착하게 될 난관을 예견했기 때문일 것이다. 퇴계 이황은 역학계몽, 나아가 주자대전을 본격적으로 학습하고 나서야 회암 주희의 이와 같은 취지를 제대로 파악하게 되었던 것이다. 요컨대 퇴계 이황의 주역 공


        참외의 생리적 대사 및 생육에 미치는 침수의 영향

        이정수(Jung-Soo Lee),백기엽(Kee-Yoeup Paek),신영안(Young-An Shin),박수형(Su-Hyung Park),정석태(Seok-Tae Jeong),황정환(Jeong-Hwan Hwang) 한국원예학회 2004 원예과학기술지 Vol.22 No.1

        There is a high demand for oriental melons during summer (May to July). At this time of year, the soil is waterlogged due to monsoon in Korea. Plant responses to soil waterlogging was investigated in this experiment. The soil was waterlogged for 1, 3 and 5 days during the early vegetative, and late fruit stages. After waterlogging, O₂ concentration in soil decreased rapidly and CO₂ concentration increased rapidly. Root viability and leaf net photosynthesis decreased and leaf resistance decreased as waterlogging duration extended. With waterlogging, leaves turned yellow more rapidly in mature leaves than young leaves. Leaf ethylene production increased with extending waterlogging duration, but then decreased rapidly after waterlogging. The ethylene production in fruits, especially in mature fruits decreased as waterlogging duration increased. The reduction of sugar concentration in fruit was inversely related to waterlogging duration. Extension of waterlogging duration at any plant's developmental stage decreased the number and weight of marketable fruit and their soluble solids content. Roots of waterlogged plants were thinner and more branched than those of control plants.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        와인 제조를 위한 포도 품종별 품질 특성

        배은(Eun-Jung Bae),김찬우(Chan-Woo Kim),임보라(Bo-Ra Lim),강지은(Gi-Yun Gang),허윤영(Youn-Young Her),박영식(Young-Sik Park),정석태(Seok-Tae Jeong) 동아시아식생활학회 2020 동아시아식생활학회지 Vol.30 No.1

        This study compared the physicochemical characteristics of different grape varieties for wine making, and contributed to the selection of suitable varieties to impart the desirable characteristics of wine demanded by consumers. It is well known that to produce wine containing above 11% (v/v) alcohol, the amount of soluble solids in grape juice is required to be at least 20 °Brix. Of the different varieties used in this study, Black Sun, Chhungpung × Buffalo, Gaeryangmerou, MBA and Merou × Buffalo were all above 20 °Brix and found to be suitable for making wine without external sugar addition. Considering the total acidity, Chhungpung × Buffalo and Doonuri varieties were below 0.4% (w/v) and required blending with Gaeryangmerou or Wangmerou, which have high total acidity. Total polyphenol, total anthocyanin, and tannin contents were highest in Gaeryangmerou, at 6,615.23 mg/L, 3,122.09 mg/L and 2,742.89 mg/L, respectively. Hence, Gaeryangmerou is good for producing wines with high polyphenol content and blending with low polyphenol grapes. Organic acids are reportedly involved in stabilization, color and pH in wine production. In the current study, four organic acids were detected, in the order tartaric acid, malic acid, citric acid and acetic acid. Tartaric acid comes from grape material, and converts to tartaric precipitation during wine aging. Therefore, wines fermented with Chhungpung × Buffalo, MA55 or Wangmerou varieties, which contain high levels of tartaric acid, are able to remove tartaric precipitation by cooling during the aging process.

      • KCI등재

        Carbonic Maceration처리에 의한 Campbell Early 발효액의 감산 효과: 감산 관련 미생물의 분리 및 특성

        장은하 ( Eun Ha Chang ),정석태 ( Seok Tae Jeong ),성민 ( Sung Min Jeong ),임병선 ( Byung Sun Lim ),노정호 ( Jung Ho Noh ),박교선 ( Kyo Sun Park ),박서준 ( Seo Jun Park ),최종욱 ( Jong Uck Choi ) 한국식품저장유통학회(구 한국농산물저장유통학회) 2011 한국식품저장유통학회지 Vol.18 No.6

        The grape cultivar Campbell Early has high levels of malic acid as well as tartaric acid. The high concentration of total acid in the Campbell Earlywine is a critical aspect of the wine`s sensory characteristics. To prevent the deterioration of the wine`s quality, which is caused by the strong sour taste derived from the raw material in wine making, the deacidification factor was investigated via carbonic maceration under different temperature conditions, especially in the presence or absence of malolactic bacteria. Based on the results of the presence test of the malolactic bacteria during carbonic-maceration treatment, Lactobacillus brevis, Lactobacillus plantarum, and Streptococcus thermophilus were characterized morphologically and were identified via biochemical tests and 16S- rRNA-gene-sequencing analysis. The isolated strains were found not to consume malic acid and to produce lactic acid. Moreover, these strains were consumed as soluble solids. The isolated strains are popularly known as lactic-acid bacteria and should have produced lactic acid from glucose. The Oenococcus oeni of the malolactic bacteria was not isolated. These results showed thatthe isolated strains are not deacidified during carbonic-maceration treatment.

      • KCI등재

        Aspergillus 속 곰팡이에 오염된 포도로 제조된 포도주 및 시판 포도주의 Ochratoxin A 함량

        성민(Sung-Min Jung),장은하(Eun-Ha Chang),박서준(Seo-Jun Park),노정호(Jeong-Ho Roh),허윤영(Youn-Young Hur),류명상(Myeong-Sang Ryu),정석태(Seok-Tae Jeong) 동아시아식생활학회 2011 동아시아식생활학회지 Vol.21 No.2

        The Aspergillus sp. is well known as a fungus that causes black mold disease and secretes ochratoxin A (OTA). Our study found that infection by this fungus via inoculation onto grapes produced more severe symptom in wounded berries than in fresh berries. Furthermore, OTA contents were higher on the grape skins than in the fleshy portions of the grapes. OTA accumulated during the first 3 days after inoculation, but then gradually decreased. The OTA contents in wine made from 5 kg of grapes which included 400 g of infected grapes ranged from 0.17 to 0.37 ㎍/㎖. An investigation of 25 marketed commercial wines showed the OTA contents were <1.2 ㎍/㎖ which is lower than the limit of 2 ㎍/㎖ established by the Korea Food & Drug Administration.

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