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        고대 지중해 세계 저승 관념의 등장과 변천

        정기문(鄭技紋) 한국역사연구회 2021 역사와 현실 Vol.- No.121

        Since Neanderthal buried their ancestors, Human Beings made and developed the concept of the other world. According to the concept of after life of Neanderthal, the dead lived continually in the tomb after the same mode of this world. About 3000 B.C. Mesopotamians made the concept of the other world. According to the epic of Gilgamesh the dead didn’t live in his tomb but went to the place where only the dead lived. The other world was a vague and dark place. It is Zoroastrianism that made the differentiation of the other world for the first time. According to the doctrine of Zoroastrianism man should be judged about his doings of this world. If he lived bad life he should go to the hell. Plato developed similar thought. He thought the dead be responsible for his doing in this world, and the worst be sentenced to go to the hell. But at these stage the differentiation of the other world was not complete. Zoroastrianism taught the hell was a temporary purification place. It is Judaism that made the differentiation of the other world complete. About second century B.C. Judaism developed the concept of eternal hell and thought all bad men should go to the hell. The early Christianity made the concept of hell popularized.

      • KCI등재

        청화 염불(선)의 실천 생활화 고찰

        정기옥(鄭箕玉(無如)) 원광대학교 원불교사상연구원 2019 원불교사상과 종교문화 Vol.80 No.-

        본 논문은 염불의 이론이 아니며, 청화 생전에 그가 주장했던 염불의 실천과 생활화를 고찰하기 위함이다. 즉 어떻게 하면 염불을 좀 더 가까이 하여, 수행자는 오묘한 자기 마음을 깨달아 여실지혜(如實智慧)를 얻고, 일반 중생들은 마음속의 괴로움과 집착을 내려놓고 신심을 일으킬 수 있는지를 알아 볼 것이다. 먼저 청화 법문 속에 표현된 청화 염불 관(론)의 주요한 부분을 분야별로 발췌하여 살펴보았으며, 다음으로는 청화가 주장했던 염불과 염불 선을 어떤 방법으로 실천 생활화 할 수 있는지 알아보았다. 그것은 사찰의 수행자, 재가불자 포함 일반 중생들 이렇게 나뉘어 그 방법을 연구하였다. 근세의 선지식 중에서, 무주당 청화는 생전에 염불과 염불선 수행에 대하여 그 중요함을 끊임없이 주장하였다. 그러나 선불교 중심의 한국 불교풍토 에서는, 염불은 중생들의 타력 신앙으로 하근기(下根機) 사람들과 외도들이 하는 수행으로 폄하 되었으며, 간화선의 참선만이 유일한 최고의 상근기(上根機) 수행법이었다. 청화 열반 후, 염불의 중요성이 다시 인식됨과 더불어, 청화의 원통사상과 염불(선)에 대한 연구가 끊임없이 진행되고 있다. 그것은 대학의 학위논문 및 학회지 주제로 그리고 청화사상연구회 주간 매년 발표하고 있는 학술세미나 등이다. 그렇기 때문에 청화 염불(선)에 대한 이론은 이미 상당부분 정립 되었다고 판단 할 수 있다. 중요한 것은 어떻게 실천하느냐의 문제이다. 우리가 염불 수행하는 과정에서 여러 가지 의문이 생길 수 있다. 첫째, 염불수행은 언제 하는 것이 좋은가? 둘째, 염불 수행은 어떤 방법으로 할 것인가? 稱名念佛이 좋은가 觀相念佛이 좋은가? 셋째, 정토의 他方淨土 親見彌陀 인가, 육조단경의 唯心淨土 自性彌陀의 견해인가? 넷째, 염불을 공안과 같이 念佛禪까지 끌어 올려 참구 할 것인가? 등이다. 이런 의문 사항도 청화의 염불 론을 자세히 읽다보면, 본인의 근기에 맞는 합당한 수행법을 찾을 수 있을 것이다. 우리가 삼보를 염하는 마음은 불도를 이룰 때까지 놓지 않아야 한다. 그렇기 때문에 염불, 염법, 염승은 불교의 시작이고 끝이다. 삼보 중에서도 염불은 불교의 근본이다. 염불로써 신심을 얻고 신심에서 안심을 얻어 어떠한 어려움에서도 흔들리지 않는 신심결정(信心決定)에 이르렀을 때 참다운 수행을 할 수 있다. 또한 염불은 수행 중에 제 장애가 발생하지 않고, 참회를 하면서 할 수 있으며, 동시에 공덕을 지을 수 있는 등 많은 장점이 있다. 오늘의 한국 불교가 새롭게 발전하기 위해서는 시대와 근기에 상응하는 대중적인 수행 매체가 절실히 요구되고 있다. 그 대안으로 염불이 불교의 근본임을 믿는다. This thesis is not a theory of "Buddha chanting", but it is intended to study the practice of the "Buddha chanting", which was insisted by the Master Cheonghwa when he was alive, and making it as a part of life. In other words, this thesis is going to find the way how the ‘practitioners of Buddha’s teaching and precepts’ can realize their mysterious mind and obtain the ‘wisdom of true-suchness’ through taking the Buddha chanting closer and how the general common people can put down their bitterness and attachment in their mind and become pious. At first, after taking a look at the excerpts by field on the major parts of the Master Cheonghwa’s view (theory) about Buddha chanting expressed in his dharma speech, I am going to study how to practice and make the Buddha chanting and the chanting meditation, insisted by the Master Chenghwa, into a way of life in three sectors such as by ‘practitioners of Buddha’s teaching and precepts’, lay Buddhists and general common people, and temples. Out of the enlightened ones in modern times, the Master Mujudang Cheonghwa insisted on the importance of Buddha chanting and practice of chanting meditation without pause when he was alive. However, Buddha chanting has been deemed as the other-power of common people and denounced as a practice that is performed by the persons, who are lesserminded, and non-Buddhists in the Korean Buddhism culture which has been centered with Zen Buddhism, and the word contemplation meditation has been the best practice method of the high-minded. After the Master Cheonghwa passed away, the Buddha chanting has been newly recognized important, and studies on the Buddha chanting (chanting meditation) of the Master Cheonghwa are continuously underway. It has turned into the subjects of university dissertation, academic journal, the academic seminar held every year by the Chunghwa Thought Research Society, and so forth. Therefore, it is judged that a significant part of the theory on Buddha chanting (chanting meditation) of the Master Cheonghwa has been already established. The important problem is how to make it a practical way of life. There may occur various kinds of doubt in the process of practicing the Buddha chanting. ‘When is it appropriate for us to practice the Buddha chanting?’ comes first. And secondly, ‘In what way should we practice the Buddha chanting?’ Chanting the name of Buddha is good or contemplating the marks of Buddha is good? Thirdly, is it ‘having the honor to personally meet Amitabha Buddha’ in ‘the pure land limited to a certain location such as the Pure Land in the West where Amitabha Buddha is preaching to deliver sentient beings’ or the view of ‘the Pure-land of Amitabha Buddha in selfnature and mind’ preached in the Sutra of Huineng, i.e., the Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch? Fourthly, do we have to pull the "Buddha chanting" up to the "chanting meditation", and practice it with concentrating our mind? Even for these questions, if reading the Master Cheonghwa’s theory of Buddha chanting, You may find a proper way of practice suitable to your own ability. We must not let go of our wish for the three treasures of Buddhism until we attain enlightenment. On this account, chanting Buddha, chanting dharma and chanting Buddhist community is the beginning and the end of Buddhism. Buddha chanting among the three jewels of Buddhism is the foundation of Buddhism. When obtaining the faith through Buddha chanting, achieving a peaceful mind from the faith, and attaining the immovable faith, you can perform a true practice. In addition, Buddha chanting has many merits such as no hindrance in the middle of practice, practice in repentance, and simultaneous conducting of good deed. A popular medium of practice corresponding to the time and capability is urgently required so that today’s Korean Buddhism can be newly developed. As an alternative, I believe that the Buddha chanting is the basis of Buddhism.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        불교 방생의 올바른 이해

        정기옥(鄭箕玉) 원광대학교 원불교사상연구원 2020 원불교사상과 종교문화 Vol.86 No.-

        본 논문은, 불교에서 행하고 있는 방생의식이 일반인들에게 잘못 인식되고 왜곡된 부분이 많아서 그 참 뜻을 올바로 이해 하고자 함이다. 방생의 참 의미는, 살아있는 생명체들이 어려움 없이 살아갈 수 있도록 생존환경(터전)을 만들어 주는 것이다. 이것이 생태환경이고 불교의 생명존중사상이다. 방생은 단지 물고기나 동물에 한정된 것이 아니며, 인간 생활에도 똑 같이 적용된다. 즉 살생을 금하는 것은 소극적인 선행이며, 방생 그 자체는 적극적인 선행을 실천하는 작선이다. 세상의 모든 존재들은 인연과 업에 따라서 육도 윤회한다. 모든 생물체는 불성이 있으며 모두 다 스스로 존귀하다. 본래 불교에서 행하는 방생의 의미는 자기만을 이롭게 하는 행위가 아니며, 중생구제라는 수행의 방편이다. 바로 자리이타 정신이다. 붓다의 가르침에 따라 행하며 실천하는 것이 방생이다. 고통 받는 중생에게서 고통의 여건을 제거하고 복된 삶을 살도록 돕는 것이 방생의 참 뜻이다. 그것은 인간만의 생존조건을 개선하고자 함이 아니며, 지구상의 모든 생명체들에게 괴로움 없이 더불어 살 생존조건을 제공하는 것이다. 다른 생명체가 없으면 나도 존재 할 수 없다. 내가 존재하기 위해서 다른 생명체도 존재해야 한다. 이것이 불교의 연기이고 자비이며 생명존중사상의 근간이다. 따라서 실천 활동인 방생의 의미는 인간 생존을 위한 존재의 당위이고 필연이다. The purpose of this paper is to rightly understand the true meaning of the rite of "releasing living creatures" that is practiced in since there are many parts misunderstood and distorted much to the general public. The true meaning of "releasing living creatures" is to create and provide a living environment (i.e., site of living) so that living things can live without difficulty. This is the very ecological environment and the life-respect philosophy of Buddhism. "Releasing living creatures" is to practice good deeds releasing the life that has been caught, saving the life in danger of death, and improving the conditions for the living creatures, which are hard to live, to live without pain. This is not limited just to a fish or an animal, but the same applies to human life. It is because that "releasing living creatures" has been known to the public as if releasing caught fish is all of it, distorted and diminished as the main cause of environmental pollution, and only a lot of negative aspects have been highlighted. Originally, the meaning of "releasing living creatures" performed in Buddhism is not an act of benefiting oneself alone, but a skillful means of undergoing practice called the deliverance of sentient beings. This is the very spirit that perfecting of others is perfecting of oneself. It is "releasing living creatures" to act and practice depending upon Buddha"s teaching. It is the true meaning of "releasing living creatures" to remove the conditions of pain from all suffering living beings so that they can live a blessed life. "Releasing living creatures" is not intended to improve the survival conditions only for human beings alone, but to provide the survival conditions that all living things on Earth live together without suffering. In other words, it is to create environmental conditions so that all living beings in human society and in nature can live a healthy ecological life as they are. Without other living being, I cannot exist. In order for me to exist, other life must exist. This is "arising from causation" and "releasing living creatures" in Buddhism. And, it is the root of the thought of mercy and that of respect for life. Therefore, the meaning of "releasing living creatures", which is a practical activity, is imperative and inevitable for human survival.

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