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      • KCI등재

        Perirenal Lymphangiomatosis

        전태경,공도훈,박현준,김석,박원영,김수동,하홍구 대한남성과학회 2014 The World Journal of Men's Health Vol.32 No.2

        Lymphangioma is a rare, benign mesenchymal neoplasm, which is characterized by numerous intercommunicating cystic spaces containing lymphatic fluid. It is considered a congenital disease resulting from the obstruction of regional lymph drainage during the developmental period. Lymphangioma may be focal/unilateral or diffuse/bilateral, and in the latter case, it is referred to as lymphangiomatosis. Here, we report a case of a 38-year-old man with perirenal lymphangiomatosis. The patient’s chief complaint was left flank pain, and left pleural effusion was found on radiological examination. After radical nephrectomy, the pathological examinations revealed that the kidney was enclosed by a multicystic mass with intrarenal cystic dilatations. We report the case and discuss the management of perirenal lymphangiomatosis with a literature review.

      • KCI등재

        Is Self-Report of Erectile Dysfunction Associated with Severity, Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors, and Depression?

        전태경,박현준,박남철 대한비뇨의학회 2009 Investigative and Clinical Urology Vol.50 No.9

        Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate whether cardiovascular disease risk factors and depression are associated with the frequency of self-report in patients with erectile dysfunction (ED). Materials and Methods: Randomly selected men more then 40 years of age who visited the department of urology between January 2005 and July 2008 were evaluated by clinical examination and questionnaires. Trained doctors assessed the participants by using structured questionnaires that included medical history as well as report of ED. All participants were evaluated for cardiovascular disease risk factors. The group with unreported ED was defined as men with an International Index of Erectile Function-5 (IIEF-5) score of ≤21 who did not self-report ED. The group with self-reported ED was defined as men as above who self-reported ED. Symptoms of depression were assessed by the Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression Scale (CES-D). Results: The mean age of a total of 459 enrolled patients was 53.4±7.8 years. The overall frequency of ED was 39.8%. Of the total study group, 25.9% were categorized in the unreported ED group and 13.9% in the self-reported ED group. The men with self-reported ED had significantly severe forms of ED and a higher frequency of cardiovascular disease risk factors than did the men with unreported ED. Moreover, the self-reported ED group had a significantly higher frequency of symptoms of depression. Conclusions: Our results suggest that men with self-reported ED had a higher frequency of cardiovascular disease risk factors and symptoms associated with depression than did men with unreported ED. Furthermore, men with self-reported ED had more severe ED than did men with unreported ED. Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate whether cardiovascular disease risk factors and depression are associated with the frequency of self-report in patients with erectile dysfunction (ED). Materials and Methods: Randomly selected men more then 40 years of age who visited the department of urology between January 2005 and July 2008 were evaluated by clinical examination and questionnaires. Trained doctors assessed the participants by using structured questionnaires that included medical history as well as report of ED. All participants were evaluated for cardiovascular disease risk factors. The group with unreported ED was defined as men with an International Index of Erectile Function-5 (IIEF-5) score of ≤21 who did not self-report ED. The group with self-reported ED was defined as men as above who self-reported ED. Symptoms of depression were assessed by the Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression Scale (CES-D). Results: The mean age of a total of 459 enrolled patients was 53.4±7.8 years. The overall frequency of ED was 39.8%. Of the total study group, 25.9% were categorized in the unreported ED group and 13.9% in the self-reported ED group. The men with self-reported ED had significantly severe forms of ED and a higher frequency of cardiovascular disease risk factors than did the men with unreported ED. Moreover, the self-reported ED group had a significantly higher frequency of symptoms of depression. Conclusions: Our results suggest that men with self-reported ED had a higher frequency of cardiovascular disease risk factors and symptoms associated with depression than did men with unreported ED. Furthermore, men with self-reported ED had more severe ED than did men with unreported ED.

      • KCI등재

        코로나 이후 온라인에 물든 설교의 방향성 연구 : 개혁주의생명신학설교의 필요성과 신학교육의 융합을 중심으로

        전태경 개혁주의생명신학회 2022 생명과 말씀 Vol.34 No.3

        This thesis proposes alternative preaching and worship by suggesting the direction of preaching and worship of Korean churches and chapels of Christian universities that have been dyed online after COVID-19. For this purpose historical research on the beginnings and speculative changes of Reformed theology is extended not only to the 16th century but also to the 17th century. In other words this thesis expands and analyzes the continuity of history in order to establish the Reformed Life Theology. As a result it will prove that the Korean churches and Christian universities need a Reformed Life Theology preaching above all else and a change in the theological education process after COVID-19. In other words the preacher is about how to change the audience living in the post-corona era through the Reformed Life Theology preaching. How can we transform our audience into the gospel in modern times? How can we preach in such a way that they can hear it? How to make them more interested in the chapel. In response this thesis recognizes that various efforts are being made such as online use. However, in times like these, we need a radical alternative and although it may feel a little frustrating, this thesis suggests that deeper preaching, face-to-face preaching and momentous worship with empathy are more necessary. To this end this thesis will compare and analyze the Four Pages of the Sermon and the curriculum of Korean seminary and present a convergence curriculum of the Bible and preaching. In particular this thesis will propose the specific method and form of the Reformed Life Theology preaching and tries to present the distinctiveness of Christian universities in an in-depth manner. Furthermore this thesis will propose various methods of worship and preaching that can be practically used in the Post-Corona ministry field and the direction of the curriculum for Reformed Life Theology - through practical examples - will be suggested. It is hoped that this thesis will be of little help to Korean churches and Christian universities living in the Post-Corona era. 본 논문은 코로나 이후 온라인에 물든 한국교회의 설교와 예배, 기독교대학의 채플의 방향성을 제시하며 대안적인 설교와 예배의 방식을 제안한다. 이를 위해 개혁주의 신학의 태동과 사변화에 대한 역사적 연구를 16세기뿐 아니라 17세기로 확장한다. 즉 개혁주의생명신학의 확립을 위해 역사의 연속성을 중심으로확장 분석하는 것이다. 그 결과 코로나 이후 한국교회와 기독교대학은 무엇보다 개혁주의생명신학설교가 필요하며 신학교육 과정의 변화가 필요함을 증명할 것이다. 이는 포스트코로나 시대를사는 청중을 개혁주의생명신학설교로 어떻게 변화시킬 것인가하는 것이다. 어떻게 하면 현대에 청중을 복음으로 변화시킬 수 있는가? 어떻게 하면 이들에게 들리는 설교를 할 수 있는가? 어떻게 해야 이들이 채플에 관심을 더욱 가질까하는 것이다. 이에 대해 온라인 활용 등 다양한 노력을 기울이고 있음을 인식한다. 그러나 이럴 때일수록 근본적 대안이 필요하며 조금 답답하게 느껴질 수 있지만 더 깊은 설교, 직면하는 설교, 공감이 있는 진중한예배가 더욱 필요함을 제안한다. 이를 위해 네 페이지 설교형식과 한국 신학교의 커리큘럼을 비교 분석할 것이며 성경과 설교의융합 커리큘럼을 실제적으로 제시할 것이다. 특별히 본 논문은진중한 예배를 이끌어 낼 개혁주의생명신학설교의 구체적인 작성법과 형식, 기독교대학의 차별성을 주도면밀하게 제시하고자한다. 더 나아가 코로나 이후 사역 현장에서 실제로 활용할 수있는 다양한 예배의 방식과 설교의 방법을 제안할 것이며 개혁주의생명신학을 위한 커리큘럼의 방향성을 -실제적인 사례들을 통해- 제안할 것이다. 본 논문을 통해 포스트코로나 시대를 사는한국교회와 기독교대학의 작은 도움이 되길 바란다.

      • KCI등재

        현대 설교를 위한 성경신학적 설교 형식 계발 연구 : 율법-복음-율법 원리에 근거한 통합적인 설교 형식을 중심으로

        전태경 한국복음주의실천신학회 2018 복음과 실천신학 Vol.49 No.-

        필자는 본 논문을 통하여 현대의 한국교회 강단에서 바른 성경신학 적 설교가 계속하여 발전할 수 있도록 돕는 실제적인 설교 형식을 제시 하고자 한다. 이미 설교자의 곁에는 다양한 설교 작성법과 설교 형식이 존재한다. 또한 우리가 살고 있는 현 시대는 우리가 예상하는 것보다 더욱 복잡하며 서로 얽혀 빠르게 변화하는 것도 우리는 안다. 즉, 성도 들이 살고 있는 현 시대의 흐름은 우리의 생각보다 더 많은 것을 담아 내며, 더욱 복잡한 형태로 청중들의 삶을 뒤 덮고 있다. 따라서 현대의 문화와 그 문화에서 하루하루 살아가는 성도들의 삶을 변화시키는 설 교를 만든다는 것은 결코 쉽지 않은 일이다. 만약 우리의 설교자가 여전히 천편일률적인 설교 형식의 안목으로 매 주일 강단에서 복잡한 현대를 살아가는 성도들에게 설교하고 있다 면, 그것은 마치 계란을 지속적으로 바위에 던져서 큰 바위를 깨뜨려 보겠다는 시대착오적인 설교자의 신념 또는 맹목적인 설교자 자신의 합리적 대응 정도로 떨어질 것이 분명하다. 이것은 마치 설교자들이 설 교자 자신의 상황에 따라 자신에게 맞는 설교 형식 한 가지를 정해 놓고, 설교 원고를 작성하고 전달하는 것과 같다. 다양한 성경 본문의 형 식(문학적 장르)과는 어울리지 않게 일관된 한 가지의 설교 형식 또는 자신이 선호하는 설교 형식만을 고집하며 모든 설교를 작성하고 전달 하는 것이다. 이러한 설교자의 자세는 현대 교회와 현대 성도들을 위한 효과적인 설교를 행하지 못하는 큰 요인이 될 것이다. 따라서 필자는 현 시대의 바른 성경신학적 설교를 위한 통합적인 안 목을 가지고 우리의 설교를 가장 잘 담아낼 수 있는 성경신학적 설교 형식을 본 논문을 통하여 제시하며 분석해 보고자 한다. 또한 그 설교 형식의 발전된 형태인 율법-복음-율법의 원리에 근거한 실제적인 설 교 형식을 제시하고자 한다. In this article, the writer(I) wants to suggest a practical sermon form which can contribute to the continuing development of sound Biblicaltheological sermon in the pulpit of modern Korean churches. There already exist various sermon-making methods and sermon forms by the preachers’ sides. Also we know that the present age is much complicated than we expect, and it is in the process of rapid change and interconnection. That is, the trend of this age includes in it much more than we think, and it overspreads the lives of the believers in a complex pattern. Hence, it is not so easy to make up a sermon which can change the modern culture and the lives of the believers who dwell in that culture day by day. If the preachers still cling to some stereotyped point of view regarding the sermon forms, and deliver such a sermon every Lord’s day to the congregation who strive to survive in a complicated modern age, his belief would be like an anachronistic one such as beating his head against a brick wall, or a wrong-headed response made blindly. This situation is like the preachers fix a type of sermon form according to his own situation, and then keep using that form for making and delivering his sermon. That is, he does not consider various forms (literary genres) of the biblical texts; he just sticks to some favorite kind of sermon form and makes up all sermons relying upon it. These preachers’attitudes will be a major factor in not being able to effectively preach for the modern church and modern congregation. Hence, in this article, the writer wants to suggest and analyse a Biblical-theological sermon form which can be best suited for our preaching with an integrative perspective for the sound Biblicaltheological sermon at the present time. Also, the writer wants to suggest a practical sermon form based upon the principle of the Law-Gospel-Law, which is a developed version of that sermon form.

      • KCI등재후보

        개혁주의생명신학의 안목으로 바라 본 실제적인 설교 작성법 계발 - 한국교회를 위한 탁구대 설교 작성법 -

        전태경 ( Jun Tae Kyung ) 개혁주의생명신학회 2018 생명과 말씀 Vol.21 No.-

        본 논문의 목적은‘오직 성경’(Sola Scriptura) 중심인 개혁주의생명신학적 설교를 향한 실제적인 설교 작성법을 제시하는데 있다. 이를 통해 한국교회 강단에 적합한 표준적인 설교 작성법이 세워지기를 바라는 마음이다. 따라서 본 논문은 설교자들이 개혁주의생명신학적 설교로 진일보할 수 있도록 한국교회를 위한 탁구대 설교 작성법을 구체적으로 제시할 것이다. 이를 논증하기 위해, 필자는 우선, 서구적 관점의 설교 작성법과 한국형 설교 작성법의 두 가지 측면을 비교 분석하며 논문을 전개할 것이다. 첫째로는, 서구적 관점의 설교 작성법인 그레이다누스의 10단계 설교 작성법, 로빈슨의 강해설교 작성법, 또한 리차드의 7단계 설교 작성법, 알렌의 설교 패턴과 퀵의 설교 전방위 설교 과정, 맥딜의 강해설교를 위한 12가지 필수 과정, 윌슨의‘네 페이지 설교’의 설교 작성법 등을 제시 및 분석할 것이다. 이와 같은 대표적인 설교 작성법들은 이미 한국교회 뿐 아니라 전 세계 설교의 표준이 될 정도로 검증된 훌륭한 설교 작성법들이다. 필자의 한국교회를 위한 탁구대 설교 작성법도 이들의 설교학적 연구를 따랐으며 깊은 영향을 받았음을 밝힌다. 그럼에도 불구하고 이들 모두의 공통점은 서구적 관점과 서구권 설교 문화의 영역으로부터 시작된 설교학적 연구에서 비롯되었음을 부인할 수 없다. 다시 말해서, 많은 한국교회 설교자들이 이와 같은 서구적 관점의 설교 작성법들을 연구한 후, 자신의 설교 현장에 직접 적용하며 접목시키는데 어려움을 느끼거나 한계가 있다는 것이다. 마치 멋진 이론과 실제가 다른 것처럼 말이다. 이로 인해 여전히 한국교회 설교자들은 어떤 정해진 표준적인 설교 작성법을 따르기보다는 상황에 따라 여기저기에서 설교 작성의 좋은 장점만을 끌어다가 사용하는 경우가 많다. 이런 이유들로 인해, 설교의 순발력과 기술은 늘지 모르지만, 지속적인 설교의 발전과 설교의 깊이와 영향력은 점점 바닥을 드러내며 고갈된다. 그 결과, 교회 강단에서 설교자의 주장과 의견이 많아지게 되며, 오직 성장만을 위한 인기 위주의 소비중심적-인간중심적인 설교 또는 도덕주의적 설교로 떨어지는 결과를 가져오게 된다. 따라서 필자는 이러한 한국교회의 특수성과 차이를 감안하여 실천 가능한 개혁주의생명신학적 설교 작성법(탁구대 설교 작성법)을 제안하고자 한다. 이 또한 서구적 관점의 설교 작성법을 수용하고 조금 더 발전시킨 설교 작성법이다. 그럼에도 필자는 이 설교 작성법을 통해 한국교회 강단에 생명의 복음이 회복되기를 소망한다. 마치 탁구 선수가 모든 힘을 다해 스매싱하여 작은 탁구공이 힘차게 왼쪽, 오른쪽으로 생명력 있게 날아오르듯, 차가워 져버린 개혁주의 신학이, 영적인 생명력을 회복하고, 설교자와 청중의 삶에서 생명력 있는 삶을 실천할 수 있는‘개혁주의생명신학적 설교’로 자라나기를 소망한다. The aim of this article lies in suggesting a practical method of sermon towards a Reformed Life-theological sermon which is centered on the ‘Sola Scriptura. ’I wish that this article would contribute to the establishment of an adequate and standard homiletic method in the pulpits of Korean churches. In this article, I will suggest a concrete way of drafting a Ping-pong Table Sermon Method for Korean churches. In doing this, my purpose lies in helping the preachers to enhance their sermons into a Reformed Life-theological ones. In order to establish the method, firstly I will compare and analyse the ways of sermon-making in the Western perspective and Korean one. First of all, I will explain and analyse various Western approaches of sermon-making, such as Greidanus’s ten-step approach and Robinson’s expository sermon making, Richard’s seven-step approach, Allen’s sermon pattern and Quick’s 360 degree sermon process, McDeal’s twelve essential processes for expository preaching, and Wilson’s ‘four page sermon method.’ Such representative sermon-making methods have already been proven to be a world-standard for preaching and also in Korean churches. I also followed and have been deeply influenced by their homiletic insights in constructing the Ping-pong Table sermon-making method. Nevertheless, it cannot be denied that all of their approaches originated from the Western point of view and from the Western culture of homiletics. In other words, many Korean preachers experience difficulties or limitations when they try to apply such Western approaches into their own fields after studying these methods. It is like there is a gap between a fine theory and the real situations. Due to this problem, a lot of Korean preachers still tend to choose some good points here and there depending upon their situations, rather than following some standard ways of making sermons. For these reasons, while they might be able to increase homiletic techniques and agility, they fail to enhance the quality of their sermons. The depth and influence of their sermons gradually become exhausted. As a result, the preachers’ own arguments and opinions gradually occupy more time at the pulpit, and their sermons become degraded into a consumer-focused and human-centered ones, which aim only at church growth and popularity, or a moralistic ones. Therefore, considering these peculiarities and differences of Korean churches, I want to suggest a practicable method of Reformed Life-theological sermon-making (Ping-pong Table sermon method). This method is also one which adopts and develops the western perspective of sermon-making, but I hope that the Korean pulpits could restore the Gospel of Life by virtue of this method. When a ping-pong player smashes a small ball with all his might, it vigorously storms upward right and left. In a similar way, while the Reformed theology is growing cold and inanimate in the present situation, I hope that it might restore spiritual energy by virtue of this method; I wish that the preachers could deliver ‘the Reformed Life-theological sermons’ which might encourage a living faith in the lives of the preachers themselves and their audiences.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        60세 이상 여성요실금 환자에서의 TOT 술식의 성적

        신동길,전태경,이정주 대한배뇨장애요실금학회 2008 International Neurourology Journal Vol.12 No.2

        Puropose: This study was aimed at evaluating the clinical efficacy, satisfaction and complication of patients with transobturator tape (TOT) operation for the elderly women suffering with stress urinary incontinence (SUI). Material and methods: 58 women with stress urinary incontinence who underwent TOT procedure between March 2004 and June 2006 were included in this study. To assess whether outcome was influenced by the patient's age, the patients were divided into two age groups: women aged 60 years and older (n=22) and women aged less than 60 years (n=36). Preoperatively, the patients were evaluated with history taking, a physical examination, a one-hour pad test, uroflowmetry and urodynamic study. The procedure was carried out using a previously established method under local anesthesia. The post-operative symptoms and patient satisfaction were assessed by questionnaire. Results: There was no significant difference between the 2 groups in terms of the success rate: cure (71.4% vs. 78.2%, p=0.746), improved (19.1% vs. 9.3%, p=0.415), and same as preoperation (9.5% vs. 12.5%, p=1.000) for above 60 years old women and less than 60 years old women, respectively. In addition, the patient satisfaction rate was not different significantly between 2 groups. De novo urge symptoms were observed in 2 women aged 60 years and older. The intraoperative complications were not found. Conclusions: TOT procedure in elderly women with SUI offers high success rate and satisfaction for operation. TOT should play a significant role in treating them, due to its safety and availability. However, we do not know how long the improvement of voiding symptoms will last, and so additional longer term follow-up should be done. (J Korean Continence Soc 2008;12:139-44)

      • KCI등재

        The Attitudes of Infertile Male Patients Toward the Use of Artificial Insemination by Donor: A Korean Regional Survey

        황대성,전태경,박현준,박남철 대한비뇨의학회 2014 Investigative and Clinical Urology Vol.55 No.2

        Purpose: Infertile couples interested in nonspouse artificial insemination by donor(AID) not only require a thorough understanding of the medical procedure but also mustscrutinize the effects it will have on family relationships, including those on the infantto be born. We conducted a series of surveys in couples with male infertility to collectinformation necessary for AID counseling. Materials and Methods: A total of 384 cases with noncurable male infertility were enrolledin this inquiry survey. The questionnaire consisted of 18 items that assessed demographiccharacteristics, background information concerning the choice to use AID,subjective experiences, long-term effects, and an overall evaluation. Results: A total of 126 surveys were returned (32.8%). AID was first suggested by thehusband in about half of the cases. The major reason for considering the procedure wasto form a complete family. Two-thirds of the couples were anxious about the procedure,most often about possible congenital or acquired deformities in the infant. After thebirth of the child, most couples were positive about their decision to have used AID. About half of the couples felt that the child was their own and expected not to tell thechild about AID. Overall, about 50% of the couples were satisfied with the procedure. Conclusions: Those who underwent AID experienced various psychological effects, includinganxiety about the child to be born. To overcome these problems, sufficient medicalinformation and consultation about the process of selecting the donor and about AIDprocedures should be provided before the procedure is used.

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