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      • KCI등재후보

        증례 / CD5 음성 B 세포형 만성 림프구성 백혈병 1예

        김오길(Oh Kil Kim),전진숙(Jin Suk Cheon),김학준(Hag Jun Kim),이건호(Gun Ho Lee),안용준(Yong Jun An),하준호(Joon Ho Ha),오경석(Kyung Seok Oh),이상룡(Sang Ryong Lee),김형(Hyung Kim),전인선(In Sun Jun) 대한내과학회 1999 대한내과학회지 Vol.56 No.2

        A 67-year-old male visited Pusan Veterans Hospital due to general weakness and weight loss for 6 months. Physical examination showed non-tender 4 finger breaths sized splenomegaly and both inguinal and cervical lymphadenopathy. The white blood cell count was 25,300/uL with 91% morphologically mature lymphocytes. Bone marrow aspirate revealed hypercellularity with 74.5% lymphocytes morphologically similar to peripheral lymphocytes. The immunophenotpying study of lymphocytes displayed the phenotype of CD19(+), CD20(+), HLA-DR(+), sIg(+) but CD5(-). We concluded that this patients's diagnosis is CD 5 negative B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia.

      • KCI등재후보

        고엽제 환자 2세들의 질병현황과 고엽제와의 연관성에 관한 고찰

        김학준(Hag Jun Kim),전진숙(Jin Suk Cheon),김오길(Oh Kil Kim),이건호(Gun Ho Lee),안용준(Yong Jun An),하준호(Jun Ho Ha),변상준(Sang Jun Byeon),이상룡(Sang Ryong Lee),김순관(Sun Kwan Kim),오경석(Kyung Seok Oh) 대한내과학회 2000 대한내과학회지 Vol.58 No.2

        Background : This is the studies about If the soldiers expose in the paraquat, how much have it influenced on themselves who participated in the Vietnam War and their second generation? and this is also researched about the factors that How differents do the symptoms according to their health conditions and a class of diseases?. First of all, We divided them into 3 groups as exposure duration and exposure degree of the paraquat and We gave marks against each steps, too. (< point 10: low group, point 11-19: middle group, > point 20: high group). We've focused in Does the high score really involves with their descendants who suffers from paraquat? as direct damages men during from June 1965 to February 1971 (72 persons) and their descendants (266 persons) who are in the Pusan veterans hospital and outpatients. Methods : It is completed by direct interview, telephone interview, army records, army history, and medical records with them. We've tried to minify sample bias as analyzing their information. We could contact only a few people among living in Pusan or Kyongnam province. Generally, someone including persons who couldn't get a damaging proofs from paraquat hardly joined us and the others strongly rejected the interview for this research. Results : Among the 72 participating soldiers in the Vietnam war, average age of patient is 53 years old (the youngest: 46 years old, the oldest: 64 years old), average of exposure score is 16 point (minimum: 1.9 point, maximum: 31.9 point), average of pregnant frequency is 5.2 persons, and average degree of smoking is 14.382 single cigarette (minimum: 4 single cigarette, maximum: 60 single cigarette). The second generation is suffering from abortion, skin disorder, still birth, congenital anomalies, weakness, visual disturbance, peripheral neuropathy in frequency. Conclusion : There's no relation between exposure score of paraquat and diseases of the descendants. (Korean J Med 58:221-226, 2000)

      • 뇌경색이 동반된 POEMS 증훈군 1예

        안용준,전진숙,김학준,김오길,주영돈,손창학,김형,전인선 인제대학교 1998 仁濟醫學 Vol.19 No.2

        저자 등은 51세된 남자가 12개월 동안 진행되는 허약감과 하지의 작열감을 주소로 내원하여, 감각 및 운동 신경 장애, 비종대, 피부변화 등의 소견과 함께 고프로락틴혈증, 갑상선 기능 저하, IgG lamda monoclonal gammopathy, 제2 요추부 골 경화성 병소, 저칼슘혈증 등의 소견을 보였으며, 이 질환의 진행 도중에 뇌경색이 동반된 1예를 경험하였기에 보고하는 바이다. A POEMS syndrome is a rare multisystemic syndrome characterized by polyneuropathy, organomegaly, endocrinopathy, monoclonal gammopathy and skin lesion. It is associated with osteosclerotic myeloma and plasma cell dyscrasia. We experienced a case of POEMS syndrome associated with cerebral infarction in a 51-years-old male who complained bilateral paraplegia and numbness of both feet. He presented polyneuropathy, splenomegaly, hypothyroidism, hypogonanism, monoclonal gammopathy of IgG lambda type, hyperpigmentation, hypertrichosis and peripheral edema.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        신장세포에서 세포외 기질 저해로 인한 Apoptosis

        이상호,김용근,박미영,전진숙,정진섭 대한신장학회 1999 Kidney Research and Clinical Practice Vol.18 No.1

        Cell-matrix interactions have major effects upon phenotypic features such as gene regulation, cytoskeletal structure, differentiation, and aspects of cell growth control. Upon detachment from the matrix epithelial cells enter into programmed cell death and this cell detachment-induced apoptosis has been referred to as $quot;anoikis$quot;. This study was undertaken to determine whether apoptosis is induced by inhibition of contact with extracellular matrix in mouse inner medullary collecting duct cells (mIMCD-3), what are signaling mechanisms of the process and whether EGF protects detachment-induced apoptosis. Upon detachment from the extracellular matrix, MDCK and mIMCD-3, which were derived from inner medulla of SV40 transgenic mouse, entered into programmed cell death as a time-dependent manner. Apoptotic cell death induced by cell detachment increased in serum-free medium, which was partly protected by the addition of epidermal growth factor (EGF). Ly294002 and wortmannin, inhibitors of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase), negated the EGF effect, whereas PD98059, a MEK inhibitor, did not. The addition of SB203580, an inhibitor of p38 kinase, did not protect apoptosis in suspended mIMCD-3 cells. These results indicate that apoptosis is induced by inhibition of contact with extracellular matrix in mouse inner medullary collecting duct cells and that PI 3-kinase, not MAPK, is a key mediator of the EGF-induced survival of renal epithelial cells in the absence of attachment.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        급성출혈성 위염과 동반된 분선충증 1 예

        이상룡,오경석,이건호,설상영,변상준,윤혜경,고원규,김오길,전진숙,김학준,안용준,하준호,김순관,전인선,김 형 대한소화기내시경학회 1999 Clinical Endoscopy Vol.19 No.1

        A 69-year-old male was admitted to the neurosurgery department for traumatic intracra-nial hemorrhage in both frontal lobes. After 2 months, he complained of epigastric dis-comfort, nausea, vomiting, and loose stools. The gastric endoscopic examination found acute hemorrhagic gastritis and there were rhabditoid nematode larvae in the gastric fluid and biopsy sections. The filariform larvae of Strongyloides sp. were discovered from a fecal culture. The patient was treated with albendazole (200 mg, po bid, for 4 weeks). The epigastric discomfort disappeared and endoscopic findings improved after treatment.

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