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      • KCI등재후보

        중학생들의 방과 후 스포츠활동이 집단 따돌림에 미치는 영향

        전정우(Jeon Jung-Woo),이창용(Lee Chang-Young) 한국체육과학회 2006 한국체육과학회지 Vol.15 No.3

        This study aims to analyze the sports activities after school and phenomenon of specific student(s) being collectively shunted aside, and analyze the effect of sports activities on the phenomenon of being shunted aside by group, with a view to preventing specific students from being left out in the cold and emphasizing the importance of sports activities. The object of this study is 4 classes with different school grade composed of male students and female students at K middle school located at Gyeonggi-do, Questionnaire were distributed to a total of 12 classes, among which 504 returned them. Except the data from 32 persons who were not considered to have faithfully responded and the data which had some details left out, data collected from a total of 472 persons were used for this study. First, 195 middle school students(41.3%) responded that they have encountered a situation where they were shunted aside collectively or currently see around 1 person being shunted aside by group of students in a class. 179 middle school students(37.9%) answered that they also thought about their possibility of being shunted aside by group. In addition, 164 middle school students(34.7%) responded that they thought that the person who was shunted aside had the problem. Meanwhile, 211 middle school students(44.7%) said that they did not intervene when they saw a person was being shunted aside by group. Second, the analysis on the harmful effect that sports activities after school have on the collective shunting of specific student(s) indicated that the type of sports activities after school had a statistically significant difference in relation to the collective shunting at the level of p<.05. Third, the analysis on the degree of harmful effect that sports activities after school have on the collective shunting of specific student(s) indicated that there was a statistically significant difference at the level of p<.05 in relation to the degree of harmful effect on the collective shunting of specific student(s).

      • KCI등재후보

        프로농구구단 연고지의 마케팅 활동에 따른 지역 커뮤니케이션 효과

        전정우(Jeon Jung-Woo) 한국체육과학회 2009 한국체육과학회지 Vol.18 No.1

        This study suggests a useful method to activate pro-basketball games through ensuring of regular fans and giving a regional basketball corporation preemptive right. This study's main purpose is searching regional basketball teams' the marketing effects through the local communication activities. It is targeting home audiences during 2006-2007 Hyundai Mobis Professional Basketball League. We made a sampling framework with three teams' home audiences, and randomly sampled 100 peoples from every each team audiences. The question sheets consisted with 7 questions as background variables, 14 questions as independent variables, and 10 questions as dependent variables. First, there was a considerable difference between fans' belongings and their place of residence about corporations' marketing preference, but there was no difference related to fans' other demographical variables. Second, according to fans' belongings and their residence, there was as considerable difference about the local communication. Third, a corporations's marketing strategy has an influence of the local communication. Its package and PR have a crucial influence of a lot of variables.

      • KCI등재후보

        태권도 사범연수생들의 직업가치관에 관한 연구

        전정우(Jeon Jung-Woo),박경해(Park Kyung-Hye) 한국체육과학회 2005 한국체육과학회지 Vol.14 No.1

        The writer of this study is to verify the reality on the perception of masters in concrete terms through the study on the perception of masters who are engaged in Taekwondo. In other words, this study aims at providing the fundamental data for building up the conditions to establish efficient management system of the Taekwondo schools, upgrade the value on occupation for the Taekwondo masters to satisfy their own jobs and achieve their objectives in carrying out their works. Therefore, in this study, the practical needs are set to clarify the perception on occupation of Taekwondo masters. As the result of the study, first, there is a difference in the perception toward the occupational value from the respective gender of the trainees of Taekwondo master. Men have higher value in attempting new ideas by leading other people while women think that the master would make more progress by teaching Taekwondo. Second, through the difference of the perception on occupational value following the level of the trainees of the Taekwondo master that the 4th and 5th level of masters work stably and place high assessment on independent responsibility of the job, and 4th degree have a value as the Taekwondo instructor in helping others while working toward the progress and diversity. Third, as shown in the difference of perception on occupational value following the ages and instruction experience of the trainees of the Taekwondo masters, higher value is placed on independent works with responsibility but without control of any superior once the age and teaching history are compiled. And forth, as shown in the result through the difference of perception on occupational value following the income level of the trainees of Taekwondo master, it was clear that having the changes in the Taekwondo instruction method would have a relationship with the compensation of masters that the higher value is placed on the diversity.

      • KCI등재
      • 노후 건축물 진단 플랫폼 구축을 위한 진단평가 요소

        전정우 ( Jeon Jung-woo ),홍성욱 ( Hong Seong-uk ) 한국구조물진단유지관리공학회 2020 한국구조물진단유지관리공학회 학술발표대회 논문집 Vol.24 No.1

        노후 건축물의 붕괴사고가 빈번하게 발생하고 있어, 사용자들은 구조물 안전에 대한 관심이 높아지고 체계적인 안전진단 및 유지관리가 요구되고 있다. 선행 연구의 경우 해당 노후 건축물을 중심으로 내적 요소를 고려하였으나, 외적 요소의 영향이 고려되지 않은 문제점이 존재한다. 내적 요소는 노후화에 따른 균열, 콘크리트 압축강도, 탄산화, 철근배근 상태 등 건축물의 부재 및 구조형식에 따른 붕괴 요소로 볼 수 있다. 외적요소는 주변 공사와 철거, 지반 상황 및 자연 재해로 인해 건물이 붕괴의 원인이 된다. 이에, 노후건축물 진단 플랫폼 구축을 위하여 외적 요소와 내적 요소를 고려한 건축물 진단평가 요소 적정성을 평가하고자 한다.

      • 유소년 스포츠 활동의 참여 동기와 참여 만족에 대한 연구

        정두환(Du-Hwann Jung) · 전정우(Jung-Woo Jeon) 경희대학교 스포츠과학연구원 2008 태권도과학 Vol.1 No.1

        Purpose of this study has compared and analyzed the differences between the two groups in motive and satisfaction of participation as competition of Taekwondo halls and sports centers are getting more intensive, and examined motive and satisfaction of participation of children engaging in sports activities. The conclusion from result of this analysis is as follows: First, in terms of difference in motive of participation according to demographical characteristics, it turned out there was a significant difference between each group in technical development, enjoyment, socialization factors, while there was only significant difference between groups in technical development factor according to gender and only significant difference in healthy energy factor depending on grades. Second, In terms of difference in satisfaction in participation according to demographical characteristics, it turned out there was a significant difference between groups in educational psychological, social satisfaction depending on participated institutions, significant difference in environmental, educational satisfaction according to gender, and significant difference in educational, psychological, and social, relaxation satisfaction according to terms of participation.

      • KCI등재

        Parsons의 구조기능주의 관점에서 본 태권도의 사회적 기능에 관한 연구

        전정우(Jeon-Jeong-Woo),정두환(Jung, Do-Hwan),송정명(Song, Jeong-Myeong) 한국체육과학회 2013 한국체육과학회지 Vol.22 No.5

        While studying how Taekwondo acts as sociocultural phenomenon in proper functional point of view, this study intends to heighten the awareness of the relationship between Taekwondo and society to people of Taekwondo and those who study Taekwondo. The study also intends to increase social interests on Taekwondo’s social function and through educational catalyst such as Studies of Taekwondo particularly with research data like Taekwondo Sociology and Taekwondo Education to ultimately make contribution in growth of Taekwondo Sociology. For this, discussion was held through structural functionalism perspective and is as follows; First, teaching Taekwondo is to realistically produce ideal human character by accepting its nature and change a man to use Taekwondo as a method or material therefore philosophy or utmost goal of teaching Taekwondo is proper development of a man moreover, perfection of a man. Second, social attitudes expected from physical education are cooperation, proper attitude toward losing, independent attitude, respect of rights, rule compliance, independency and systematic. These are tendency of behavior and they can only develop through behavior and by reflecting these attitudes Taekwondo can lead to develop very similar sociality. Third, openness is very desired virtue in modern society which can be characterized as multi-cultural society it is the fact and value that modern society should be aiming at. Precondition of mental attitude is open mind in other words spirit of open mind. Openness is a desired virtue in 21st century for Taekwondo or as purification function for society of mankind. Fourth, Taekwondo becomes one of the method to promote social integration through national aspiration and pursuit and act as a method to raise national consciousness and pride. However, as strong as its force these integration function can act as sedative to convert national interest from real problems and has a possibility to be used as a existing social order tool. Fifth, Taekwondo does not acknowledge regional, national, ethinical, global differences. Thus leaders of Taekwondo is relocated to countries around the world and become missionary of Taekwondo and cultivate in sense of community because Taekwondo bears meaning of international culture that transcend linguistical, political, social walls.

      • KCI등재

        신체적활동 참여 기독교인의 교회만족도, 조직헌신도, 충성도, 구전의도와의 인과관계

        전정우(Jeon, Jeong-Woo),김정모(Kim, Jung-Mo) 한국체육과학회 2012 한국체육과학회지 Vol.21 No.3

        Korean churches have introduced and utilized physical activity programs in taking pastoral duties so that various programs, in which christians and non-christians participate, have been carried out. The physical activity programs help to increase the organizational force of church followers and improve the church image through the natural promotion to non-christians, and have been used as a tool of missionary work. But, the way to follow the programs unconditionally without professional knowledge or concrete methodology is considered negative in a society, and leads to the decrease in church followers’ satisfaction with church. Therefore, this study was intended to define the structural relations with church satisfaction and loyalty, organizational devotion, and word-of-mouth intention according to the physical activity participation of christians, and consequently propose a method to help each Korean church properly apply the physical activity programs utilizing sports to pastoral duties and utilize them as an effective tool of missionary work. Accordingly, to investigate the relation of cause and effect on church satisfaction, loyalty, organizational devotion, and word-of-mouth intention through christians’ participation into physical activities, this researcher selected as the population group mid-and large-sized churches with more than 1000 to less than 2000 registered followers and physical activity program facilities located in the Metropolitan area in 2011, and extracted samples by using systematic cluster sampling. Through the preliminary survey, factor analysis was performed, and survey questions were modified and supplemented. A total of 600 people participated in the questionnaire survey, but 8 people who didn’t respond to the survey was excluded so that 592 copies were distributed. Also, 16 copies, which had some questions omitted or insincerely responded so that it was hard to conduct statistical analysis, were excluded. As a result, valid 576 copies of the questionnaire were finally used for empirical analysis. As for the analytical materials, SPSS Windows V17.0 program and AMOS 16.0 program was used for analysis. This study used the following statistic schemes for data processing. First, to verify the validity and reliability of questionnaire copies collected in this study through the preliminary survey. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and reliability test were performed. Secondly, to analyze the relation of cause and effect on church satisfaction, organizational devotion, loyalty, and word-of-mouth intention through christians’ participation into physical activities, AMOS 16.0 was used to apply the measurement errors of main theoretical variables to a model so that Structural Equation Model (SEM) analysis, which helps to investigate the direct and indirect effects of variables, was performed. And, to prove that each one of theoretical hypotheses set in this study was discriminated empirically, Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CAF) was conducted. Sixthly, to analyze christians’ perception of participation into physical activities, Frequency Analysis through Multiple Response Group analysis was conducted. After analyzing the materials on the basis of the study methods described earlier, this researcher drew the following conclusion. The result of the analysis on the relation of cause and effect on church satisfaction, organizational devotion, loyalty, word-of-mouth intention through christians’ participation into physical activities presented that, regarding the relation between the satisfaction with external factors of church and word-of-mouth intention, the factors of organizational devotion and loyalty were found to have statistically significant indirect effects, and, regarding the relation between the satisfaction with internal factors of church and word-of-mouth intention, the factors of organization devotion and loyalty were found to have no statistically significant indirect effects.

      • KCI등재후보

        태권도 지도자의 서번트 리더십이 의사소통 및 지도효율성에 미치는 영향

        전정우(Jeon Jeong-Woo),윤정욱(Yoon Jung Wook),박선학(Park Sun-Hak) 한국체육과학회 2009 한국체육과학회지 Vol.18 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to define the effect of Taekwondo Master's servant leadership on communication and instruction efficiency empirically, improve Taekwondo Master's instruction capability and quality of Taekwondo education and provide basic data for the right development of Taekwondo. For the study, the trainees attending Taekwondo halls, which are located in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do area in 2008, are selected. total 420 questionnaires were distributed by using convenience sampling method. After making study targets response through self-administrated method, total 403 questionnaires were used for analysis excluding 17 questionnaires, which have double or insincere entries. For data analysis, Windows for SPSS V. 15.0 Statistical Package was used. In order to analyze difference in demographic variable, communication and instruction efficiency according to study goal, descriptive analysis, independent sample t-test and one-way ANOVA were used. Following results were achieved through correlation analysis and standard multiple regression analysis. First, for the recognition of servant leadership, there was a partial difference in demographic variable. For gender, female has a higher recognition than male in the factor of devotion. Although there was a difference in the factor of vision depending on training period, it was not possible to check specific difference in post-hoc verification result. Because there was a significant difference in the factor of growth support depending on grade, it was appeared that middle school student has a higher recognition than 3rd and 4th grader of element school. It was appeared that geup holder has a higher recognition than pum holder in the factor of servant leadership excluding devotion. Second, there was a partial difference in communication and instruction efficiency depending on demographic characteristic. For the difference depending on school year, 6th grader had a higher recognition than 3rd and 4th grader in problematic communication and for the difference depending on class, geup holder had a higher recognition than pum holder in instruction efficiency but there was no significant difference depending on training period. Third, although servant leadership had a correlation with instruction efficiency, its correlation with communication was not checked. Specifically, all sub factors of servant leadership such as vision, growth support, community formation and devotion had correlations with recognized skill improvement and instruction satisfaction. However, their correlations with open communication and problematic communication were not found. In addition, although open communication had a correlation with problematic communication, there was not correlation with instruction efficiency. Fourth, although servant leadership did not give a significant effect on communication, it did on instruction efficiency. Specifically, although all sub factors of servant leadership such as vision, growth support, community formation and devotion had correlations with recognized skill improvement, just the sub factors such as growth support, community formation and devotion had correlations with recognized instruction satisfaction.

      • 태권도학과 재학생의 진로의식 및 방향모색

        정두환(Jung Du-Hwan),정관묵(Jeong Kwan-Mook),최정규(Choi, Jeong-Gyu),이수진(Lee, Su-Jin),전정우(Jeon, Jung-Woo) 경희대학교 스포츠과학연구원 2010 태권도과학 Vol.3 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 태권도학과 대학생들의 진로의식에 대한 시각과 방향에 대하여 인구통계학적 특성에 따라 분석하여 진로에 대한 방향 모색을 위한 기초자료를 제시하는데 있다. 모집단은 한국대학생태권도연합회 소속 5개대학의 태권도학과 재학생 550명을 대상으로 자기기입식 설문지 배포 후 회수하지 못한 설문지와 불성실한 설문지를 제외한 534부의 설문지를 SPSS 17.0을 사용하여 분석하였다. 설문지 문항은 인구통계학적 요인 6문항과, 진로의식과 관련된 문항 7개를 사용하였다. 첫째, 대상자의 인구통계학적 특성은 남자가 67.6%로 나타났고, 여자 32.4%로 나타났다. 학년은 1학년이 41.0%, 2학년 27.3%, 3학년 20.2%, 4학년 11.4%로 나타났다. 태권도수련경력은 5년 이상이 87.8%로 가장 많았으며, 현단은 4단이 73.8%로 가장 많았다. 태권도를 수련한 시기로는 초등학교 때가 60.5%로 나타났다. 둘째, 태권도 분야 진로에 대한 의식으로 진로 선택 시 고려요인으로 1학년, 2학년, 3학년, 4학년의 경우 모두 적성이 가장 높게 나타났다. 1학년, 2학년의 경우 외국어가 64명으로 가장 높게 나타났다, 하지만 3학년, 4학년의 경우 불확실한 미래가 가장 높게 나타났다. 셋째, 재학생의 진로결정에 대한 직업선택의 희망 도는 전공과 관련된 직업을 희망하는 비율이 높게 나타났다. 희망하는 요인으로 태권도를 좋아해서가 가장 높게 나타났다. 반면 희망하지 않은 요인으로는 다른 비전이 가장 높게 나타났다. The purpose of this study is to analyze the standpoint of career consciousness by suggesting basic information about the career path for students majoring in Taekwondo according to the standpoint of career consciousness. We distributed questionnaires to the students who are majoring in Taekwondo at five universities associated with the University Taekwondo Students Association. Then we analyzed 534 questionnaires by using SPSS 17.0 except the half-hearted answers and the papers which couldn't be collected. The questionnaire is composed of 6 items for the causes of demography and 7 items for the career consciousness. The general character is drawn through above-mentioned are below: first, the result of demographic character showed 67.6% of men, 32.4% of women. Also, the grade distribution was: freshmen 41.0%, sophomore 27.3%, junior 20.2% and senior 11.4%. The greatest response of Taekwondo training year was 'over 5 years', 87.8% and the most grade of possessed Dan is 'fourth Dan', 73.8%. Moreover, the largest response of the period of training Taekwondo was 'elementary school', 60.5%. Second, the consideration point for Taekwondo part showed that 'aptitude' was the highest answer among all years. As well as 'foreign language' was the greatest answer between freshman and sophomore. The highest answer was, however, 'uncertain future' between juniors and seniors. Third, a many students wish to get the job related with major. The highest answer of the cause of wishing was 'liking'. On the other hand, the factors students were avoiding a career regarding Taekwondo were their change of interest, no vision, saturation of the gyms, non-matching aptitude, etc.

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