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      • KCI등재

        araA를 이용한 AMPK 활성 억제가 인슐린, 근수축, 저산소증, AICAR 유발 골격근내 포도당 이동률에 미치는 영향

        전병환 ( Byeong Hwan Jeon ),정수련 ( Su Ryun Jung ) 한국운동생리학회(구-한국운동과학회) 2010 운동과학 Vol.19 No.4

        본 연구의 목적은 근수축과 저산소증 유발 시 araA를 이용한 AMPK 활성 차단이 골격근의 당수송에 미치는 영향을 규명하는 것이다. 수컷 Wister계 흰쥐 65마리를 대상으로 1주일간의 환경 적응과 12시간 금식 후, epitrochlearis muscle을 적출하여 골격근내 포도당 이동률을 측정하였다. araA 처치후 각각 인슐린 (2mU/ml, 60min), AICAR (2mM, 60min), 근수축(tetanic, 100Hz-10s, 10min), 저산소 (95% N2, 5% CO2, 80min) 자극을 사용하여 근육내로 포도당을 이동시켰고, 포도당 이동률은 세포내외의 14C-mannitol과 3H-3-o-methylglucose의 radioactivity를 측정하여 산출하였다. 본 연구결과 araA 처치는 AICAR, 근수축, 저산소자극에 의한 골격근의 당수송을 약 65% 감소시켰다. 그러나 인슐린 자극에 의한 근육 당수송은 변화가 없었다. 요약하면 araA에 의한 AMPK 억제는 인슐린 자극에 의한 당수송에는 영향을 미치지 않고 근수축과 저산소증에 의한 당수송은 억제하였다. 이러한 결과는 근수축과 저산소증 자극에 의한 근육 당수송에는 AMPK 활성화가 중요한 역할을 한다는 가설을 지지하는 것이다. 또한 이는 인슐린 자극에 의한 골격근내 포도당 이동의 영향을 받지 않고 근수축과 저산소증 자극에 의한 골격근의 포도당 이동만을 차단할 수 있음을 암시하는 것으로 생각된다. We used araA to evaluate the hypothesis that AMPK activation is involved in the stimulation of muscle glucose transport by contractions and hypoxia. After 1 week of adaptation period to the laboratory environment, 65 male Wistar rats were fasted for 12 hr. Rats were anesthetized and the epitrochlearis muscles were removed to measure glucose transport rate in muscle. To evaluate the rate of contraction (tetanic, 100Hz-10s, 10min), hypoxia (95% N2, 5% CO2, 80min), AICAR (2mM, 60min), insulin (2mU/ml, 60min) stimulated glucose transport activity after araA treat, we use 5 processing steps (Recovery, preincubation, stimulation, rinse, incubation). After rinse, muscles were incubated with two tracer (14C-mannitol, 3H-3-o-methylglucose) for 10 min, and radioactivity was measured with scintillation counter. Preincubation of muscles with 2 mM araA inhibited the stimulation of glucose transport induced by AICAR, contractions, or hypoxia by ~65%. Insulin-stimulated muscle glucose transport was not inhibited by araA. These findings provide support for the hypothesis that activation of AMPK is involved in the stimulation of muscle glucose transport by contractions and hypoxia. They clearly show that it is possible to inhibit the stimulation of glucose transport by contractions and hypoxia without affecting insulin-stimulated glucose transport in skeletal muscle.

      • KCI등재

        골감소증 중년여성의 골밀도와 신체조성 및 근력, 혈중 대사기질 및 성장요인의 비교연구

        전병환(Jeon, Byeong Hwan) 한국체육과학회 2017 한국체육과학회지 Vol.26 No.1

        To elucidate the relation among the osteopenia and sarcopenia, it has been analyzed the body composition, muscular strength and blood growth factors as their controlling expressive functions in osteopenic middle-aged women. The osteopenic group (n=12) and normal group (n=11) had measurements of bone mineral density, body composition, isokinetic muscular strength, substrates and growth related factors in blood. The results showed that lower limb muscle mass were significantly higher in the normal group than in the osteopenic group, and body fat mass was significantly higher in the osteopenic group than in the normal group. Isokinetic muscular strength was shown lower peak torque/body weight and total work at 60 degree/sec of knee extension, and lower peak torque/body weight and total work at 180 degree/sec of knee extension, as well. IGF-1 was significantly lower in the osteopenic group than in the normal group. In addition, there was a statistical correlation between T-score and dependent variables in lower limb muscle mass, a negative correlation in total fat mass and in muscular strength. In conclusion, osteopenia and sarcopenia seems to be closely related to fat mass, muscle mass and muscular strength in middle-aged women.

      • KCI등재

        Effects of Low Intensity Blood Flow Restriction Training on Muscle Volume, Strength and Power in Healthy Middle-Aged Females

        전병환(Byeong-hwan Jeon) 대한운동학회 2022 아시아 운동학 학술지 Vol.24 No.4

        OBJECTIVES The purpose of this study is to investigate the efficacy of weight training with controlled blood flow occlusion compared to conventional resistance training, in the ageing population. METHODS Twenty-three healthy female subjects (aged 40-55) were randomly assigned to one of three groups; low intensity blood flow restriction training (LI-BFRT) (n = 9), conventional resistance training (RT) (n = 7) and control (CON) (n = 7). The RT group trained between 65-70% one repetition maximum (1RM) and the LI-BFRT group trained at 30% 1RM while wearing pressure cuffs inflated to 100-120% of brachial systolic blood pressure (bSBP). Relative appendicular skeletal muscle mass (ASM/weight), isokinetic strength and power were tested pre and post 8 weeks of training. RESULTS Upper limb ASM/weight increased significantly in the LI-BFRT and RT groups (both p < 0.001). Only LI-BFRT showed significant difference compared with the CON group (p < 0.01). Lower limb ASM/weight improved in both the LI-BFRT (p < 0.01) and CON (p < 0.01) groups without group differences. Lower limb flexion strength increased in the LI-BFRT and RT groups (both p < 0.01), with differences between groups (p < 0.01, LI-BFRT > RT > CON). Only RT increased extension muscle strength (p < 0.05). Lower limb flexion and extension power improved following LI-BFRT (p < 0.05 and p < 0.01, respectively), significantly greater than RT in both flexion (p < 0.001) and extension (p < 0.01). CONCLUSIONS LI-BFRT may be as, if not more effective than RT for increasing muscle volume, strength and power in middle-aged women.

      • KCI등재

        트위스트 운동 시 성별에 따른 심박수와 에너지 소모량의 비교

        전병환(Byeong-Hwan JEON) 한국수산해양교육학회 2015 水産海洋敎育硏究 Vol.27 No.1

        The present study, to examine the effect of the exercise for weight control, compares the difference of the heart rate and energy expenditure by sex during Twist exercise. Twenty eight adults (male 14, female 14) were carried out Twist exercise for 7 minutes and 14 minutes. During performing the exercise program, to perform HR and related variables were measured for 7 minutes and 14 minutes. Through a twist exercise treatment and the following results were obtained. 1. Females had slightly higher, without statistical significance, number of heart beat, minimum heart rate, maximum heart rate, and average heart rate than male had for both 7 minutes and 14 minutes of Twist exercise. 2. In the case of energy consumption, significant differences did not appear until 7 minutes to perform Twist exercise. On the other hand, the energy consumption for 14 minutes of performance was significantly higher in male than in female (p<.05). However, energy expenditure for the period per minute per unit weight (kcal/min/kg) showed no difference. 3. If more than 30 minutes duration were preformed the Twist exercise, males were expected to consume significantly higher than females (p<.05). To consume calories for the 10,000 step walk of, it would be required about 76 minutes for Twist exercise time without distinction of sex. Through the above findings, twist exercise is a form of aerobic exercise for obesity prevention and weight control, as well as it might be beneficial to practice and maintain the health and physical fitness with offering a variety of exercise opportunities in the public.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        AMPK와 자식작용의 미토콘드리아 생합성 조절 기전

        전병환(Byeong-Hwan Jeon) 한국콘텐츠학회 2009 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.9 No.4

        비정상적인 미토콘드리아에 의해 산화 스트레스가 증가하면 세포내 신호전달 및 유전자 발현에 손상을 일으켜 인슐린 저항성이나 당뇨병 등의 여러 질환들을 유발한다. 그런데 자식작용은 산화 스트레스로 기능이 저하된 미토콘드리아를 제거하여 인슐린 저항성 등을 억제해준다. 한편 운동도 미토콘드리아 생합성을 강화시켜 조직의 기능저하나 퇴행을 회복시켜준다. 따라서 운동과 자식작용이 서로 연관되어 미토콘드리아 생합성을 유도하는 신호체계로 작용할 가능성이 있고, 이 연구를 통해 운동 혹은 AICAR (aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide-1-ß-D-ribofuranoside)처치로 활성화된 AMPK(5‘-AMP- activated protein kinase) 신호전달체계가 미토콘드리아 생합성을 증가시키는 경로에 자식작용이 관여하는지의 여부를 확인하고자 하였다. 연구결과에 따르면, 6시간의 급성운동으로 쥐의 골격근에서 PGC-1(peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1)과 mtTFA (mitochondrial transcription factor A)의 mRNA 발현이 유의하게 증가하였다. 하지만 자식작용 표지제인 LC3(microtubule-associated protein1 light chain 3)의 mRNA 발현은 증가경향을 나타냈지만 유의하지 않았다. 한편 C2C12 근세포에서도 AICAR 처치에 의해 PGC-1, mtTFA mRNA 발현이 모두 증가하였지만, 이러한 증가는 LC3 SiRNA에 의해서 억제되지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과들을 통해 자식작용은 AMPK에 의해 조절되는 신호전달 전달체계와는 다른 경로로 미토콘드리아 생합성에 영향을 미칠 것으로 사료된다. Increased oxidative stress by abnormal mitochondrial function can damage cell signal transduction and gene expression, and induce insulin resistance or diabetes. Autophagy, however, improve insulin resistance by clearance of malfunctioning mitochondria. Exercise also recovers the muscle dysfunction and degeneration by activating mitochondrial biogenesis. As it seems that exercise and autophagy might act as an orchestrated network to induce mitochondrial biogenesis, we investigated whether autophagy is involved in AMPK signal pathway stimulated by exercise or AICAR to increase mitochondrial biogenesis. And it showed that PGC-1 and mtTFA, but not autophagy marker LC3 mRNA expression were significantly increased by 6 hr of acute exercise. On the other hand, PGC-1 and mtTFA mRNA expression were upregulated by AICAR treatment to C2C12 myotube. However these genes were not inhibited by LC3 siRNA transfection. These results provide the evidence that autopahgy affects on mitochondrial biogenesis through different signal pathway from AMPK signal transduction.

      • KCI등재

        쥐의 골격근에서 리튬, 인슐린 및 근수축 복합처치가 당수송 활성도에 미치는 영향

        전병환(Byeong-Hwan Jeon) 한국콘텐츠학회 2009 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.9 No.4

        리튬은 기저수준의 당수송 활성도에 있어 단지 최소한의 효과만 있고, 반면 인슐린에 대한 민감성을 매우 증가시켜 인슐린에 의해 증가된 당수송 활성도를 증가시키는 것으로 알려져 있다. 또한 리튬은 인슐린의 반응성을 증가시키는 효과도 보이고 있다. 한편, 당수송 과정을 증가시키는 리튬의 효과는 인슐린 자극당수송에만 국한되는 것이 아니라, 최대하 수준의 근수축에 의한 당수송의 민감성을 증가시키는 것으로 알려져 있다. 하지만 사전실험을 통해 리튬이 최대수준의 근수축에서도 당수송의 활성도가 증가하는 당수송의 반응성의 가능성이 제기되었다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 최대수준의 당유입을 자극하는 근수축에 대해 리튬이 미치는 영향을 조사하여, 리튬이 근수축에 의한 당수송의 반응성도 강화시키는지의 여부를 확인하고자 하였다. 본 연구의 목적에 따라 쥐의 활차근을 분리하여, 당수송을 최대수준으로 활성화시키는 근수축 자극 그리고/ 혹은 인슐린 자극과 병행하여 리튬을 처치하였다. 그 결과 리튬은 근수축 그리고/혹은 인슐린-자극 당유입을 강화시켜 당수송의 반응성을 향상시키지만, 리튬의 단독 처치는 당수송에 대한 향상에 효과가 매우 적은 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 리튬은 근수축 그리고 혹은 인슐린과의 복합처치를 통해 당수송의 반응성을 증가시킴으로써 인슐린 저항성이나 당뇨 치료에 중요한 역할을 할 수 있는 가능성을 갖는 것으로 사료된다. Lithium has only a minimal effect on basal glucose transport activity, instead that lithium markedly increased the sensitivity of glucose transport to insulin by increasing in insulin induced glucose transport activity. And Lithium increases in insulin responsiveness as well. Previous studies has reported this enhancement of lithium to stimulate the glucose transport process is not only limited to insulin, it also induce the increases in the sensitivity of glucose transport by submaximal contractile activity. The preliminary study, however, leads that Lithium possibly improves the responsiveness of glucose transport with maximal muscle contraction. In this study, we investigated the effect of Lithium on contraction for the maximal glucose transport. For the purpose of this study, Epitrochlearis muscles of SD rat were isolated and treated Lithium with electric contraction and/or insulin to activate the maximal glucose transport. The results support that Lithium improves the responsiveness of glucose transport through potentiates contraction and /or insulin induced-glucose uptake in muscle. Consequently Lithium treated with muscle contraction and insulin has the important potential to improve the insulin resistance and diabetes.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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