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      • 마그리트의 회화적 게임과 화이트헤드의 가능성

        전병기 ( Byung Ki Jeon ) 한국화이트헤드학회 2009 화이트헤드 연구 Vol.18 No.-

        This study is the analysis of Magritte picture game(language-image, reality-image) by Whitehead`s concepts of event and object. Whitehead defined the nature as the whole which we observe in perception through the sense. There are two mode, presentational immediacy and causal efficacy, in perception. We feel a wall of contemporary spaces by the mode of presentational immediacy. This wall come from our projection of our immediate sensations, the sense-objects are on this wall. The image is formed on this 2-dimensional space, and this space roll the canvas of artists. This surface is the condition for our perception. On the side of perception, this surface completely separate the external world from us. This contemporary space on which contemporary events happen independently made of their spatial relationship. And this is the world of images. This surface is the canvas of Magritte`s `La condition humaine I`. Magritte`s picture games are summarized in three points. The first is the game of actuality-image which correspond to Whitehead`s symbol and its meaning. The second is spatial game, which is based on contemporary space composed of independent events. And this game based on the possible relation of objects to event in contemporary space. This possibility give the foundation of experiment to alternative world. This possibility is possible relation of objects which are none causal relation. The third game is based on the possible reoccurrence of objects in the mode of causal efficacy. This is also founded on the possible relation of objects to events. Magritte`s picture shows the world which occur through the possible relation of objects to events, this events is the Magritte`s pictures.

      • 화이트헤드의 연장 개념과 그 예

        전병기 ( Byung Ki Jeon ) 한국화이트헤드학회 2012 화이트헤드 연구 Vol.24 No.-

        전통적인 시간과 공간은 유기체를 유기체로서 설명하지 못한다. 이유로서 화이트헤드가 도입한 개념이 연장 개념이다. 이 연장 개념에 대해 구체적인예, 스트로마톨라이트, 이중슬릿 실험, 사진을 통해서 설명한다. The classical systems of space and time cannot describe the organism as in itself. For this reason, Whitehead introduce the concept of extension. In this study, the concept of extension is explained in terms of the concrete examples, stromatolite, double-slit experiment, and photograph.

      • KCI등재

        트랜시스 싱글 존 모델을 이용한 멀티 존 에너지 해석 방법

        전병기(Jeon, Byung?Ki),김의종(Kim, Eui-Jong) 한국건축친환경설비학회 2016 한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집 Vol.10 No.5

        The purpose of this work is to propose a simple single-zone model for analyzing multi-zone cases. Multi-zone models can be defined directly describing the building plan while important simulation data and careful parameterization are required. In contrast, the single-zone model is set in a very simplified manner, so many engineering projects prefer such a model. However, differences between the two models are not yet well investigated, particularly in a quantitative way, and thus the paper tests the differences and proposes possible methodologies to enhance the single-zone model to be closer to the multi-zone model. Thus, the balcony is modeled in detail to account for the solar double transmitted irradiance via windows at both sides of the balcony. Since the solar transmitted irradiance directly influences building loads, a special attention is required. In addition, the internal walls are taken into account in the single-zone model to keep the similar thermal capacity of multi-zone cases. Results show that the proposed single-zone model predicts very similar annual loads with the reference multi-zone model (about 5% error) while the initial single-zone model without the methodologies is far from the reference model (more than 20% error).

      • KCI우수등재

        수평면 전일사를 이용한 창 투과 일사량 계산 방법

        전병기(Byung-Ki Jeon),이승은(Seung-Eun Lee),김의종(Eui-Jong Kim) 대한설비공학회 2017 설비공학 논문집 Vol.29 No.4

        The growing global interest in energy saving is particularly evident in the building sector. The transmitted solar irradiance is an important input in the prediction of the building-energy load, but it is a value that is difficult to measure. In this paper, a calculation method, for which the total horizontal irradiance that can be easily measured is employed, for the measurement of the transmitted solar irradiance through windows is proposed. The method includes a direct and diffuse split model and a variable-transmittance model. The results of the proposed calculation model are compared with the TRNSYS-simulation results at each stage for the purpose of validation. The final results show that the CVRMSE over the year between the proposed model and the reference is less than 30 %, whereby the ASHRAE guideline was achieved.

      • 화이트헤드의 리듬과 김흥수의 하모니즘

        전병기 ( Byung Ki Jeon ) 한국화이트헤드학회 2009 화이트헤드 연구 Vol.19 No.-

        본 논문은 김흥수의 하모니즘 미술을 회화사적으로 그리고 화이트헤드의 사건과 대상 개념으로 분석하고 하모니즘에 대한 의미 부여를 그 목적으로 하고 있다. 먼저 영국의 화가 베이컨의 그림과 20세기 시공간 개념을 비교했을 때, 이 비교는 베이컨의 그림이 시공간의 예술적 완성이라는 사실을 보여주었다. 그리고 뉴만의 "숭고하고 위대한 인간"이라는 작품과 과학적 사실인 원자와 비교했다. 이 비교가 보여주는 것은 이접적인 현실적 공간의 연접적 공재였으며, 이 연접적 공재에서 양자론의 미술적 완성이라는 사실을 볼 수 있었다. 이 두 그림에서 우리는 20세기의 과학적 내용에 대한 미적 실험의 완성을 볼 수 있었다. 두 작품의 관계가 갖는 의미는 20세기의 시공간 개념과 양자론의 관계와 같다. 화이트헤드 입장에서 볼 때 이 두 그림은 대상이 없는 사건의 파악만을 그린 것이다. 따라서 추상미술을 이해하기 힘든 것이 아니라 이해에 필요한 인지 가능한 대상이 없었던 것이다. 여기에 대상을 그려 넣은 것이 김흥수의 하모니즘 작품들이다. We analysis Kim`s "Mangbuga" by Whitehead`s concept of event and object. Aand this analysis gives the historical, scientific, and philosophical meaning of the Kim`s Harmonism. The comparison of the picture of Francis Bacon(1909-1992), England artist, and 20 century spatio-temporal concept shows that Bacon completed the experiment of artistic creation of space-time. And we compare Barnett Newman(1905-1971)`s `Day One, Onement, Creation, and Vir Herocius Sublimus(1950-1)` and atom which is matter of fact of science. This comparison shows that the togetherness of disjunctive two actual spaces passes into the togetherness of conjunctive two actual spaces. This togetherness of conjunctive two actual spaces showed the artistic completion of quantum theory. The relation of two pictures of Newman and Bacon is opposed to that of spatio-temporal and atomic concepts. The relation of Newman and bacon is analysed by the Whitehead`s concept, event and object. In the view of Whitehead, there are no objects in the pictures of Newman and Bacon. Thus the non-object art is notdifficult to understand, but there is no cognition object to understand. Who put into the object at the picture is H. S. Kim and the works are named Harmonism.

      • KCI등재

        ECO2 운영프로파일 보정을 통한 에너지 사용량 비교에 관한 연구

        전병기(Jeon, Byung-Ki),박창영(Park, Chang-Young),장향인(Jang, Hyang-In),최성우(Choi, Sung-Woo),강민구(Kang, Min-Gu),김의종(Kim, Eui-Jong) 한국건축친환경설비학회 2018 한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집 Vol.12 No.3

        The building energy efficiency rating system has been in operation in Korea, and the ECO2 is used for such a purpose. The ECO2 is based on a monthly calculation method using predefined room operating conditions. Such conditions were set in a statistical manner over existing cases, but individual deviations between measured and calculated results may be attributed to those predefined data. In this work, the measured data of energy consumption are compared to the initial ECO2 results, and the room operation conditions newly observed during field surveys are took into account in the ECO2. We analyze the effects of different operation profiles on ECO2 results. Results show that corrections in operating conditions can reduce the error by 4 to 8% depending on test buildings.

      • KCI등재후보

        건물의 단기부하 예측을 위한 기상예측 모델 개발

        전병기(Jeon Byung-Ki),이경호(Lee Kyung-Ho),김의종(Kim Eui-Jong) 한국태양에너지학회 2018 한국태양에너지학회 논문집 Vol.38 No.1

        In this work, we propose weather prediction models to estimate hourly outdoor temperatures and solar irradiance in the next day using forecasting information. Hourly weather data predicted by the proposed models are useful for setting system operating strategies for the next day. The outside temperature prediction model considers 3-hourly temperatures forecasted by Korea Meteorological Administration. Hourly data are obtained by a simple interpolation scheme. The solar irradiance prediction is achieved by constructing a dataset with the observed cloudiness and correspondent solar irradiance during the last two weeks and then by matching the forecasted cloud factor for the next day with the solar irradiance values in the dataset. To verify the usefulness of the weather prediction models in predicting a short-term building load, the predicted data are inputted to a TRNSYS building model, and results are compared with a reference case. Results show that the test case can meet the acceptance error level defined by the ASHRAE guideline showing 8.8% in CVRMSE in spite of some inaccurate predictions for hourly weather data.

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