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        물질흐름기반 섬유 순환경제 비교 분석 연구

        장용철 ( Yong-chul Jang ),박리나 ( Rina Park ),조해인 ( Haein Cho ),강현아 ( Hyeona Kang ),정지현 ( Ji-hyun Jeong ),송하균 ( Hakyun Song ),이청희 ( Chonghee Lee ),이호원 ( Howon Lee ) 한국폐기물자원순환학회 2024 한국폐기물자원순환학회지 Vol.41 No.3

        This study conducted a comparative analysis of policy efforts related to the textile circular economy in the EU, France, the Netherlands, and Korea. The circularity of textiles in these countries was evaluated by material flow analysis. It was discovered that France and the Netherlands have recently implemented robust circular strategies for textiles, including eco-design, extended producer responsibility (EPR), eco-labeling, and the use of recycled content in new products. In contrast, Korea has enacted very few policy measures on the textile circular economy. In 2020, both the consumption and waste generation rates of textiles per capita in Korea were higher than those in the other countries, partly due to the prevalence of fast fashion and significant growth in online shopping. This study also found that the recycling rates of textile waste in Korea are substantially lower than those in the other countries, partly because of limited circular business activities and policy support. Consequently, much of the collected textile waste in Korea is disposed of through incineration and landfilling. Reuse and recycling of textile waste, which are the primary methods for increasing resource efficiency, could result in significant savings in the use of primary raw materials used in textile manufacturing and production. Minimizing and preventing textile waste will pose challenges because of the common practices of fast fashion among consumers in the future. Therefore, it is crucial to develop stronger measures and strategies for advancing the textile circular economy in Korea. A more detailed methodology and assessment of textile circularity, using official and reliable data, is essential to address uncertainties in the material flows of textiles throughout their lifecycle.

      • KCI등재후보

        북한 사회보장정책의 특징에 관한 연구

        장용철(Yong-chul Jang) 북한학회 2012 북한학보 Vol.37 No.1

        복지국가론은 당면한 우리 사회의 화두일 뿐 아니라, 향후 통일한국의 새로운 국가유형의 탐색과제로서도 제일 우선시되는 의제라고 할 수 있다. 통일한국의 국가 목표가 ‘한국형 복지국가’를 지향한다고 할 때, 그것은 현행 남북한 사회보장정책의 새로운 통합적 토대위에서 설정되지 않으면 안된다. 그러나 자본주의형과 사회 주의형의 사회보장정책은 그 기본 출발에서부터 근본적 차이성이 전체되어 있었다. 개인주의와 집단주의, 선별주의와 보편주의 등 복지에 관한 근본 이념 및 인식에서부터 차이성이 있었던 것이다. 북한의 사장보장정책은 정권수립 초기 ‘평등한 분배와 공정한 분배’라는 마르크스주의 복지이념에 입각한 ‘국가에 의한 보장’ 체계로 출범했으나 자주노선과 주체사상이 등장하면서 국가성격의 변용에 따라 ‘지도자(수령)에 의한 보장’으로 그 복지의 성격이 변형되었다. 또한 주체사상이 통치이념으로 작동되면서 북한의 사회정책을 포함한 모든 정책들은 다른 사회주의 국가들과는 달리 ‘사회정치적생명체론’, ‘이민위천’, ‘인덕정치’와 같은 이른바 ‘북한적 현상’인 독자적인 이념적 지형을 갖게 되었다. 사회보장정책의 ‘북한적 현상’으로 볼 수 있는 북한 사회보장정책의 작동원리 및 운영체계의 변화는 향후 통일한국의 새로운 복지국가 체계 구축에 있어, 사회복지가 추구하는 이념의 보편성 등의 가치에도 불구하고, 그 수용과 통합에 상당한 걸림돌로 작용할 것으로 보인다. Welfare state theory is a crucial topic to be considered in the case of a unification of the Koreas. When the national objectives of unified Korea aims at a ‘Korean welfare state’, it should be established based on current social security policies of North and South Korea. There are fundamental differences in the social security policies of socialism and capitalism, such as individualism versus collectivism and selectivism versus universalism, which must be addressed. In the initial stages of socialist rule, North Korea conformed to the Marxist welfare values that represent equal and fair distribution. However, the socialist regime adopted Juche ideology and the Jaju line and, eventually the performance property of welfare system transformed from “social security system by state” to “social security system by leader(Suryeong)”. Also, since the application of Juche ideology as a governing principle, North Korea has created their own ideological map called ‘North Korean phenomenon’ such as the “theory of social and political life”, “iminuicheon or valuing citizens like the he avens” and “benevolence politics.” These North Korean ruling discourses have the first and farmost influence on all policies including social policies. Although social welfare pursues the universality of ideas, the transformation of performance property and the operating system of North Korean social security policies or North Korean phenomenon in social security policies would restrict acceptance and integration in the development of a new model of a social welfare state of unified Korea in the future.

      • KCI등재

        트레드밀운동이 고지방식이 섭취로 유발된 비만 흰쥐의 체중, 복부지방량, HOMA-IR 및 혈청 생화학 성분에 미치는 영향

        장용철 ( Yong Chul Jang ),조준용 ( Joon Yong Cho ) 한국체육대학교 체육과학연구소 2014 스포츠사이언스 Vol.31 No.2

        This study was performed to investigate the effectiveness of treadmill exercise on body weigh, abdominal fat, HOMA-IR and blood component in high fat diet induced obese rats· Twelve male Sprague-Dawley(SD) rats(22 weeks old) were used as subjects· All rats divided into 3 groups as ND(normal diet, n=4), HD(high fat diet, n=4), HD+E(high fat diet+exercise, n=4)· High fat diet fed for 16 weeks· The exercise group performed treadmill exercise for 30imn/day, 5days/week for 8weeks· The results were as follows: First, the body weight, abdominal fat and HOMA-IR were significantly decreased in HD+E groups compare with HD groups(p<·05)· Second, blood component such as TC, TG, LDL-C were significantly decreased in HD+E groups compare with HD groups(p<·05)· These results suggest that exercise training might have positive effects of body composition, HOMA-IR and blood component in high fat diet induced obese rats·

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        연구논문 : 석탄 바닥재 메움재 재활용을 위한 Field Test Cells로부터 오염물질 배출 특성 및 잠재적 영향 평가

        장용철 ( Yong Chul Jang ),이성우 ( Sung Woo Lee ),강희석 ( Hee Seok Kang ),이승훈 ( Seung Hun Lee ) 한국환경영향평가학회 2013 환경영향평가 Vol.22 No.2

        The recycling of coal bottom ash generated from coal power plants in Korea has been limited due to heterogenous characteristics of the materials. The most common management option for the ash is disposal in landfills (i.e. ash pond) near ocean. The presence of large coarse and fine materials in the ash has prompted the desire to beneficially use it in an application such as fill materials. Prior to reuse application as fill materials, the potential risks to the environment must be assessed with regard to the impacts. In this study, a total of nine test cells with bottom ash samples collected from pretreated bottom ash piles and coal ash pond in a coal-fired power plant were constructed and operated under the field conditions to evaluate the leachability over a period of 210 days. Leachate samples from the test cells were analyzed for a number of chemical parameters (e.g., pH, salinity, electrical conductance, anions, and metals). The concentrations of chemicals detected in the leachate were compared to appropriate standards (drinking water standard) with dilution attenuation factor, if possible, to assess potential leaching risks to the surrounding area. Based on the leachate analysis, most of the samples showed slightly high pH values for the coal ash contained test cells, and contained several ions such as sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, chloride, sulfate, and nitrate in relatively large quantities. Three elements (aluminum, boron, and barium) were commonly detected above their respective detection limits in a number of leachate samples, especially in the early leaching period of time. The results of the test cell study indicate that the pollutants in the leachate from the coal ash test cells were not of a major concern in terms of leaching risk to surface water and groundwater under field conditions as fill materials. However, care must be taken in extending these results to actual applications because the results presented in this study are based on the limited field test settings and time frame. Structural characteristics and analysis for coal bottom ash may be warranted to apply the materials to actual field conditions.

      • KCI등재

        PCBs 근절 로드맵 이행 평가 분석: AHP 및 GAP 방법 활용

        장용철 ( Yong Chul Jang ),신용승 ( Yong Seoung Shin ),김민철 ( Min Cheol Kim ),정진희 ( Jin Hee Jung ),이승욱 ( Seung Wook Lee ) 한국환경정책학회 2012 環境政策 Vol.20 No.3

        In 2006, the Korean Ministry of Environment developed a 10-year National PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) pollution phase-out road map. The road map was designed to provide phase-out activities and research to achieve PCBs-free environment in Korea by 2015 as well as to implement the national obligations under the Stockholm Convention. In order to effectively and systematically implement the road map, the following specific research categories were included: PCBs emission inventory, PCBs monitoring and risk management, legal and regulatory framework for PCBs, environmentally-sound treatment technology of PCBs, and exchange and communication of PCBs in formation with communities. In this study, the roadmap in each category was examined by the AHP (analytical hierarchy process) and gap methods to evaluate the activities listed in the roadmap. A total of 27 scientific experts in PCBs waste treatment and management field were surveyed and interviewed for the analysis. Expert Choice 2000 software program was also used for the AHP analysis. Based on the results of our analysis, the environmentally-sound treatment was selected as the most important category, followed by the legal and regulatory framework, the monitoring and risk management, and the emission inventory. The AHP method and gap analysis would enable PCBs waste management decision-making process to identify the relative importance, priorities, and achievement among the phase-out activities against the roadmap. More generally, the work in this paper is an example of illustrating how the AHP and gap analysis can be used as a decision-making support and scientific tools in the PCBs pollution phase-out management policy.

      • KCI등재

        충청,전라지역 산업단지 주변지역에서의 벤젠 인체 위해성 평가

        장용철 ( Yong Chul Jang ),이성우 ( Sung Woo Lee ),신용승 ( Yong Seung Shin ),김희갑 ( Hee Kap Kim ),이종현 ( Jong Hyun Lee ) 한국환경영향평가학회 2011 환경영향평가 Vol.20 No.4

        This research studied human health risk assessment of benzene from industrial complexes of Chungcheong Province (Seosan industrial complex) and Jeonla Province (Iksan industrial complex and Yeosoo industrial complex). The residents near the industrial complexes areas can be often exposed to volatile organic compounds (e.g., benzene, toluene, xylenes) through a number of exposure pathways, including inhalation of the organic pollutant via various environmental matrices (air, water and soil), contaminated water, and soil intake. Benzene is well known to be a common carcinogenic and toxic compound that is produced from industrial and oil refinery complexes. In this study, a number of samples from water, air, and soil were taken from the residential settings and public school zones located near the industrial complex sites. Based on the carcinogenic risk assessment, the risk estimates were slightly above 1.0×10(-6) at all three industrial sites. According to deterministic risk assessment, inhalation was the most important route. The distribution of benzene in the environment would be dependent on vapor pressure, and the physical property influencing the extent of the potential risks. Noncarcinogenic risk assessment of benzene shows that the values of Hazard Index(HI) were much lower than 1.0 at all industrial complexes. Therefore, benzene was not a cause of concern in terms of non-carcinogenic risk posed to the residents near the sites. When compared to probabilistic risk assessment, the CTE(central tendency exposure) cancer risk values of deterministic risk assessment were close to the mean values predicted by the probabilistic risk assessment. The RME(reasonable maximum exposure) values fell within the range of 95% to 99.9% estimated by the probabilistic risk assessment. Since the values of carcinogenic risk assessment were higher than 1.0×10(-6), further detailed monitoring and refined risk assessment for benzene may be warranted to estimate more reliable and potential inhalation risks to receptors near the industrial complexes.

      • 국내 자동차 냉매의 전과정 단계별 물질흐름분석 연구

        장예지 ( Yeji Jang ),장윤 ( Yun Chang ),장용철 ( Yong-chul Jang ) 한국폐기물자원순환학회(구 한국폐기물학회) 2019 한국폐기물자원순환학회 심포지움 Vol.2019 No.2

        냉매는 산업용 공기조화기, 자동차 에어컨, 룸에어컨, 냉장고 등 냉각 작용을 위해 사용되는 물질이다. 일반적으로 현재 사용중인 냉매는 오존층파괴물질(Ozone Depleting Substance)이거나 강력한 온실가스 유발물질이다. 이에 따라 관련 국제 협약이 활발히 이루어졌으며, CFCs, HCFCs 및 HFCs에 대한 규제가 시행되고 있다. 대체냉매로서 환경친화적인 냉매가 개발되고 있으나, 아직까지 새로운 냉매에 대한 안전성과 고비용 문제는 해결되지 않고 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 자동차 에어컨에 사용되는 냉매에 대해 전과정 단계별 물질흐름분석을 수행하고, 자동차 에어컨의 냉매 사용량, 처리현황 및 회수 실태 등을 정량적으로 파악하고자 하였다. 본 연구에서는 냉매 사용 제품 중 자동차 관련 국가 통계, 관련 보고서. 학회 논문 등을 통해 기초 자료 및 실태조사를 파악하였으며, 이를 바탕으로 2017년 기준 물질흐름분석을 수행하였다. 그 결과, 2017년에 약 1,120톤의 냉매가 자동차를 통해 시장으로 유입되었다. 사용단계로 유입된 냉매 중 연간 약 445톤의 냉매가 대기로 누출되었으며, 재보충된 냉매는 약 3톤으로 추정되었다. 2017년 기준 폐차로 등록된 722,147대의 차량에 약 226톤의 냉매가 포함된 것으로 조사되었다. 또한 자동차 해체재활용업자에게 전달된 폐냉매는 폐차 대기차량 약 11톤, 중고 수출 차량 약 14톤, 적정 회수하여 폐가스류처리업자에게 인계된 양은 약 108톤으로 파악되었다. 나머지 93톤은 차량을 해체하는 과정에서 대기로 누출된 것으로 판단된다. 결과적으로 2017년 기준 자동차 내 유입된 냉매 중 적정 회수 및 처리된 냉매는 약 47.8%(108톤)에 불과하고 사용단계와 회수단계에서 전체의 48.0%(538톤)의 냉매가 대기로 누출되었다. 본 연구의 결과는 향후 자동차 폐냉매 적정 관리와 체계적인 회수 처리 시스템 개선을 위한 기초자료로 활용될 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        폐자동차 파쇄잔재물(Automobile shredded residues)의 PBDEs 물질흐름분석

        장예지 ( Yeji Jang ),장용철 ( Yong-chul Jang ),김현희 ( Hyunhee Kim ),박휘언 ( Hwi-eon Park ),권유리 ( Yuree Kwon ),최종현 ( Jong-hyun Choi ),김기헌 ( Ki-heon Kim ),김우일 ( Woo-il Kim ),황동건 ( Dong-gun Hwang ),김종국 ( Jong-guk 한국폐기물자원순환학회 2019 한국폐기물자원순환학회지 Vol.36 No.2

        Brominated flame retardants (BFRs) including PBDEs, TBBPA, and HBCD have been used in automobiles. As BFRs contain some persistent organic pollutants listed by the Stockholm Convention due to their toxicity for the environment and the human body, they have been identified as substances of great concern due to the possibility and potential of human exposure and environmental release during automobile use, treatment, and disposal. This study examined and summarized the PBDE levels and management of automobile-shredded residue (ASR) after disassembly and the shredding processes of end-of-life vehicles (ELVs). The results show that the concentrations of PBDEs detected from the ASR samples range from 313 mg/kg to 5,527 mg/kg, with an average of 1,037 mg/kg. Among the 13 isomers of PBDEs, high levels of deca-BDE were found in the samples. The results of the substance flow analysis of PBDEs show that 122 tons of PBDEs were generated after the disassembly and shredding process in 2016. The final destinations of PBDEs in ASR were energy recovery (68%) and incineration (32%). Further research is needed to determine the final fate and behavior of PBDEs during these processes. Specific management guidelines associated with ASR containing high levels of PBDEs should also be established in order to prevent the widespread dispersion of POPs in the environment as well as human exposure in improper disposal conditions.

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