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      • KCI등재

        마키아벨리적 모멘트로서 시민적 공화주의

        임채원(Lim, Chae-Won) 참여연대 참여사회연구소 2017 시민과세계 Vol.- No.30

        시민적 공화주의는 개인주의적 자유주의나 소유적 개인주의에 대비되는 개념으로 공공성을 기반으로 개인이 사적으로 누려야 할 권리의 확보보다 시민으로서 갖추어야할 덕성의 고양을 강조하는 정치적 아이디어이다. 2016년 10월 29일부터 2017년 3월 11일까지 134일 동안 진행된 촛불혁명의 시민대집회는 세계사적인 마키아벨리적 모멘트이다. 권력자의 국정농단과 이에 따른 부패로 인사, 예산의 사유화가 공화적 에토스가 폭발하는 계기가 되었다. 이 논문은 87년 민주화 이후 30년 동안 시민적 공화주의의 개념들이 어떻게 진화해 왔는지 실증분석하고 있다. 이 논문은 2008년 촛불집회가 시민적 공화주의의 발화점이었고 2017년 시민대집회로 한 단계 더 시민적 공화주의가 시민들의 자각 속에서 진화하고 있는 것을 실증분석하고 있다. 이 글은 시민적 공화주의의 주요 개념으로 민주공화국, 대한민국, 광화문, 공공성, 사익, 주권 그리고 헌법 등을 분석하고 있다. Civic republicanism, which may be polar opposite to individualistic liberalism and/or possessive liberalism, refers to an array of political thoughts emphasizing the importance of fostering civic virtues as one of the utmost priorities in reinforcing “publicness” in the public sphere that even take precedence over securing individual rights. A series of protests having occurred throughout South Korea from the fourth quarter of 2016 to the first quarter of 2017 (lasted for 134 days), publicized by the media as “Candlelight Revolution,” have provided the impulse of the Machiavellian moment, which is a remarkable phenomenon not only in the context of Korean history but even world history. Unqualified people’s monopoly of government affairs as well as stealing and abusing taxpayers’ money eventually led to a corruption scandal of an unprecedented scale which in turn provoked the people of South Korea to manifest their sentiment of disappointment and later sublimate such a sentiment to the republican ethos. This paper is an empirical analysis of the 30-year evolution of key concepts bearing greatest relevance to civic republicanism (i.e. democratic republic, Republic of Korea, Gwangwhamun, publicness, sovereignty, and constitutional law) since the consolidation of democracy in 1987. The analysis empirically demonstrates that 2008 marks the year of birth of civic republicanism, and civic republicanism has been evolving in a conscious and sophisticated manner in South Korea since the so-called “Candlelight Revolution.”

      • KCI등재

        뇌 자기공명영상에서 시신경교차의 조영증강을 보인 에탐부톨로 인한 독성시신경병증

        임채원(Chae Won Lim),김원제(Won Jae Kim) 대한안과학회 2022 대한안과학회지 Vol.63 No.11

        목적: 양이측반맹을 보인 에탐부톨로 인한 독성시신경병증 환자에서 시신경교차의 조영증강을 확인하였기에 이를 보고하고자 한다. 증례요약: 53세 여자가 2달 전부터 서서히 진행된 양안 시력저하로 왔다. 폐결핵으로 10개월 동안 에탐부톨 800 mg 복용 중, 시력저하로 내원 1개월 전 약물을 중단하였다. Rifampicin 600 mg, clarithromycin 1,000 mg은 11개월간 매일 복용 중이었다. 교정시력은우안 0.2, 좌안 0.1이었다. 양안 색각저하를 보였다. 시야검사에서 양이측반맹을 보였으며, 좌안 시야결손이 더 심하였다. 뇌 자기공명영상에서 좌측이 더 심한 시신경교차의 조영증강을 확인하였고, 시야장애의 형태와 동일하게 좌측이 더 심하였다. 1달 뒤 경과 관찰에서 시력저하는 더 심해졌다. 3일간 고농도 스테로이드 정맥 주사 치료(methylprednisolone 1,000 mg)를 시행하였다. 경과 관찰 1년후의 교정시력 우안 0.4, 좌안 0.1이었으며, 시야장애는 호전을 보였다. 결론: 에탐부톨로 인한 독성시신경병증에서 양이측반맹이 나타날 수 있으며, 뇌 MRI를 통해 시야장애와 일치하는 시신경교차의 조영증강을 확인할 수 있다. Purpose: We report a bitemporal visual field defect accompanied by optic chiasmal enhancement in a patient with ethambutol (EMB)-induced toxic optic neuropathy. Case summary: A 53-year-old woman presented with bilateral visual disturbance that had gradually worsened over the prior 2 months. She had been prescribed 800 mg EMB daily to treat pulmonary tuberculosis for the past 10 months but had stopped EMB 1 month prior because of visual disturbance. She had been prescribed 600 mg rifampicin and 1,000 mg clarithromycin daily for 11 months. Her visual acuity was 0.2 in the right eye and 0.1 in the left. Color vision was reduced. Automated perimetry demonstrated a bitemporal visual field defect, which was more severe in the left eye. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the optic chiasm revealed contrast enhancement in the body of the chiasm. The optic nerve of the left eye evidenced a higher signal intensity than did that of the right, consistent with the visual field test results. One month after her initial visit, the visual symptoms deteriorated further. We delivered high-dose, intravenous steroid pulse therapy (methylprednisolone 1,000 mg daily for 3 days). At the 1-year follow-up, the visual acuity was 0.4 in the right eye and 0.1 in the left. Conclusions: Bitemporal hemianopia may develop in patients with EMB-induced toxic optic neuropathy. Enhancement of the optic chiasm, consistent with the visual field defect, could be observed in MRI.

      • 임상검체에서 분리한 장구균의 항생제 감수성 및 유전적 다양성

        임채원 ( Chae Won Lim ),김형락 ( Hyung Lag Kim ),김양호 ( Yang Ho Kim ) 대한임상검사과학회 2004 대한임상검사과학회지(KJCLS) Vol.36 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the distribution of Enterococci isolated from clinical specimens, and identify the aspect of antibiotic susceptibility and analyze the genetic difference by executing Rep-PCR over the strains resistant to aminoglycoside-typed antibiotics. From an assortment of the clinical specimens, 100 strains were isolated. The collection consisted of 49 strains of E. faecalis, 34 strains of E. faecium, 9 strains of E. avium, 4 strains of E. gallinarum, 3 strains of E. casseliflavus, and 1 strain of E. hirae. Ninety five were isolated from inpatients, and five strains were isolated from outpatient. Most of the E. faecalis and E. faecium were originated from urine, pus, and sputum. Most Enterococci showed 80% resistance to the cephalosprin-typed antibiotics. E. faecium showed the high resistance to all the antibiotic substances. One tenths of Enterococci showed the resistance to vancomycin. And also, most Enterococci showed the high resistance to amikacin and gentamicin as aminoglycoside-typed antibiotics. Genetic diversity of the resistant strains to aminoglycoside estimated using Rep-PCR was not significanty different.

      • KCI등재

        심장표지물질 간이검사의 급성심장사 법의학적 사후진단 유용성에 관한 연구

        임채원 ( Chae-won Lim ),김진각 ( Jin-gak Kim ) 대한임상검사과학회 2017 대한임상검사과학회지(KJCLS) Vol.49 No.2

        급성심장사는 돌연 예기치 못한 심장질환에 의해 갑자기 사망하는 것으로, 법의부검 실시 전 초기 변사현장에서 외피 검시과정 중 육안적으로 법의학적 사인 추정을 위한 명확한 소견 관찰이 어려운 점으로 인해 법의부검에서 심근 조직의 현미경적변화 관찰을 통한 진단이 제안되고 있다. 그러나 검사시간, 비용, 편의성 등 변사사건 현장 외표 검시를 통한 사인추정 실무현장에 적용하는데 문제점을 드러내고 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 임상 병원 진단검사의학에서 급성심근경색 환자의 진단 검사에 이용하는 심장표지물질 간이 검사 키트를 이용하여 사후 혈액에서 심장표지물질 myoglobin, CK-MB, cTn I를 측정하는 간이 검사가 내인성급사인 급성심장사를 사후 진단하는데 유용하게 이용될 수 있는지를 알아보고자 하였다. 외피 검시 및 간이검사 결과 비외상성 급성심장사로 추정되는 실험군 30예를 법의 부검 결과와 비교한 결과 23예(76.7%)에서 양성, 대조군 10예중 뇌혈관질환 추정 4예 모두 음성, 알코올 및 약물 중독 1예, 산소결핍 질식사 1예에서 양성을 보였다. 심장표지물질 간이 검사의 민감도와 특이도는 각각 76.7%, 80.0%의 유의한 결과를 보여 변사사건 현장에서 변시체의 과거병력, 현장상황 및 사후시간 등을 종합적으로 고려하여 사후 급성심장사의 의심, 추정 진단에 보조적 방법의 하나로 유용하게 이용될 수 있을 것으로 사료된다. 향후 심장표지물질(myoglobin, CK-MB, cTn I)의 개별물질 특성에 의한 혈액 내 최초 발현 및 소멸시간, 시간 경과에 따른 농도 차이 등에 대한 선행연구 결과를 기초로 사망원인 규명 등 사건 해결에 필요한 사후경과시간 추정을 위한 사후 시간대 별 심장표지물질 농도에 대한 추가적인 연구가 계속 되어야 할 것이다. A sudden cardiac death (SCD) is defined as an unnatural sudden death caused by heart disease. To determine the cause of death, observation of the microscopic change in cardiac muscle tissue is suggested, rather than visual postmortem examination. However, this suggestion is time consuming to be applied in the field, is cost-ineffective, and is inconvenient. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to understand whether temporary inspection used to examine the cardiac marker (Myoglobin, CK-MB, cTn I) in postmortem blood via rapid cardiac triple test kit (which is used by clinics to diagnose patients with acute myocardial infarction) can effectively be utilized for the paragnosis of sudden, unnatural cardiac death. The results of postmortem examination and temporary investigation found that 23 groups (76.7%), among the 30 experimental groups, were assumed to be non-traumatic sudden cardiac deaths, which indicated a positive response (according to comparison with forensic autopsy); 4 groups, among the 10 control groups, were assumed to be cerebrovascular disease, which indicated a negative response; 1 group was assumed to be alcoholic and drug poisoning, indicating a positive response; and 1 group was assumed to be oxygen deficiency due to suffocation, indicating a positive response. Hence, it was found that the level of sensitivity and specificity of cardiac marker`s temporary inspection showed significant result, 76.7% and 80% respectively. Given this, temporary inspection can be effectively used for the paragnosis of sudden cardiac death when the medical history, situation of the site, and postmortem interval are considered together. With the result of precedent research on time of first revelation and extinction in blood, and difference in concentration over time progress according to the characteristic of cardiac marker`s (myoglobin, CK-MB, cTn I) individual material, further research on concentration of cardiac marker per each post time needs to be conducted in order to estimate time science death (which is required to identify the cause of death and investigation).

      • KCI등재

        20~30대 여성의 코로나-19 위험지각이 예방효능감과 뷰티헬스케어행동에 미치는 영향

        임채원 ( Chae-won Lim ),김주연 ( Ju-youn Kim ) 한국미용학회 2021 한국미용학회지 Vol.27 No.6

        This study examines the effects of COVID-19 risk perception in women in their 20s and 30s on preventive efficiency and beauty health care behaviors. For this study, a survey was conducted on women in their 20s and 30s in Seoul and Gyeonggi region. It was distributed online from March 28 to April 28, 2021. A total of 610 questionnaires were distributed, of which 602 questionnaires were used for final analysis, excluding 8 unfaithful responses. The collected data was analyzed by using the SPSS WIN 21.0 Program, and the results of the analysis are as follows. First, the level of COVID-19 risk perception, preventive efficiency, and beauty health care behavior among women in their 20s and 30s were found to be high in the order of preventive efficiency, COVID-19 risk perception and beauty health care behavior. Second, it was found that beauty health care behavior has a high correlation of positive(+) in the order of economic, physical, and social perception in relation to COVID-19 risk perception. Third, an analysis of the effects of COVID-19 risk perception on preventive efficiency showed that the higher the social and physical perception of COVID-19 risk perception, the lower the economic perception, the higher the preventive efficiency. Fourth, an analysis of the effect of COVID-19 risk perception on beauty healthcare behavior showed that the higher the economic perception of COVID-19 risk perception, the higher the beauty health care behavior. Therefore, this study raises awareness of COVID-19, promoting preventive action. at the same time, it aims to contribute to the development of the beauty health industry by providing basic data for establishing effective beauty healthcare behavior strategies for the beauty healthcare industry that changes in the environment of the COVID-19 era.

      • Gum guaiac 혼합물을 이용한 혈흔검출 예비시험의 평가와 혈흔의 유전자 분석에 미치는 효과

        임채원 ( Chae-won Lim ),김양호 ( Yang-ho Kim ),김진각 ( Jin-gak Kim ) 대한임상검사과학회 2010 대한임상검사과학회지(KJCLS) Vol.42 No.1

        The most common sources of biological trace material which are found in crime scene are the human bloodstains. Reliable identification in the forensic casework is important as it provides crucial insights into crime scene reconstruction and can thus contribute towards solving crimes. Blood- stains are routinely tested in forensic practise using various methods including the leucomalachite green (LMG) test, Kastle-Meyer phenolphthalein test, tetramethylbenzidine test, orthotolidine test, or the luminol chemoluminescence test with the latter cleaning attempts. All these presumptive thus indicative but not identifying tests take advantage of the peroxidase-like activity of the heme unit of the hemoglobin molecule in human blood. Therefore, false-positive results can be caused by the presence of strong oxidants, such as chlorine-containing detergents or by true peroxidases (e.g., from plants). In this study, composition for Gum guaiac was evaluated for the forensic identification of bloodstain and compared with the LMG. The sensitivity and specificity of the composition for Gum guaiac were examined more stable in bloodstain. The positive of Composition for Gum guaiac shown even with the 100,000-fold diluted bloodstain, which was no difference in comparison with LMG test. It was shown that composition for Gum guaiac was very stable to resist boiling for 20 minutes and the effect of bacteria did not affect the genetic analysis as well. The above result of the crime scene investigation, composition for Gum guaiac is easily expected to help identifying bloodstain in the evidences.

      • 전립선특이항원검사 Kit에 의한 정액의 신속 검출법

        임채원 ( Chae-won Lim ),이종훈 ( Jong-hoon Lee ),김형락 ( Hyung-lak Kim ) 대한임상검사과학회 2009 대한임상검사과학회지(KJCLS) Vol.41 No.2

        It would be one of the most important tests that determination of semen in crime scene as a matter of significant evidences. Recently, it has been developed for the identification of semen in forensic specimens which was used simply, easily and reproductively. In this study, Prostate-Specific-Antigen (PSA) Rapid Test kit was evaluated for the forensic identification of semen and compared with one step semen inspection forensic rapid test kit. The sensitivity and specificity of the rapid PSA kit were examined in addition to the stability of PSA. The positive band of rapid PSA kit shown even with 1,000,000-fold diluted semen, which was at least 100 timed higher than qualitative one step semen inspection forensic rapid test kit. PSA was detected in urine from normal male adult, however, it was not detected in urine from young boys and female body fluids. It was shown that PSA was very stable to resist boiling for 20 minutes and the effect of bacteria. In crime scene investigation, rapid PSA kit is expected to help to identify semen easily in the evidences.

      • KCI등재

        “수기치인”의 동아시아 문명의 봄

        임채원(Chae Won Lim) 경희대학교 인류사회재건연구원 2023 OUGHTOPIA Vol.37 No.3

        1980년대 동서 냉전이 끝난 뒤에 국가 간 분쟁은 줄어들 것으로 예상되었지만, 기독교 문명과 이슬람 문명의 충돌 그리고 미국과 중국 문명의 패권갈등은 지구적 평화가 아직 요원함을 보여주고 있다. 2001년 9.11테러는 국가간 대결이 아니라 문명 충돌이 새롭게 주목받는 계기가 되었다. 미국과 중국의 갈등은 문명 충돌을 그 배경으로 하고 있다. 이 글은 문명 충돌과 갈등의 인류문명사에서 패권갈등이 아니라 소프트 파워를 중심으로 한 협력과 평화의 길을 모색한다. 1842년 아편 전쟁에 이은 난징 조약 이후 동아시아는 문명 쇠퇴기에 문명의 겨울에 접어 들었다. 그 이후 180여년이 지난 지금 동아시아는 다시 문명의 봄을 맞고 있다. 최근의 한국 문화컨텐츠는 패권경쟁과 분열의 세계사에 문명 간 협력의 평화의 메시지를 전하고 있다. 이 글은 동아시아 문명의 봄이 동아시아 철학인 ‘수기치인(修己治人)’에 뿌리를 두고 있음을 밝히고 있다. After the end of the East-West Cold War in the 1980s, conflicts between countries were expected to decrease, but the clash between Christian and Islamic civilizations and the hegemony conflict between the US and Chinese civilizations show that global peace is still far away. The 9/11 terrorist attack in 2001 became an opportunity to draw new attention to the clash of civilizations, not the confrontation between nations. The conflict between the United States and China is based on the clash of civilizations. This article seeks a way of cooperation and peace centered on soft power, not hegemonic conflict, in the history of human civilization of conflict and conflict. After the Treaty of Nanjing following the Opium War in 1842, East Asia entered the winter of civilization during the period of civilization decline. Now, more than 180 years have passed since then, East Asia is experiencing the spring of civilization again. Recent Korean cultural contents are conveying the message of peace through cooperation between civilizations in the world history of hegemonic competition and division. This article reveals that the spring of East Asian civilization is rooted in ‘East Asian philosophy, Self-Discipline and Governing the World(修己治人)’.

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