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        유식의 번뇌심소를 활용한 심리도식치료 연구

        이화순 동방문화대학원대학교 불교문예연구소 2021 불교문예연구 Vol.- No.18

        이 연구는 유식불교와 심리도식치료의 이론을 비교・검토하여 유식의 근본번뇌와 수번뇌의 심소들을 공부하는 것이 심리도식치료를 받는 내담자의 마음챙김 능력을 증장시킬 수 있다는 것을 밝히고자 한다. 심리도식치료는 어린 시절의 양육과정과 성장기의 경험에서의 문제들로 도식이 만들어져 상황이 달라졌음에도 불구하고 현재 역기능적으로 작용한다는 관점을 가졌고, 유식은 오온으로 이루어진 존재를 나라는 실체로 착각하여 심리적 문제를 일으킨다고 보았다. 두 학문체계의 관점은 마음 안에 이미 확립된 도식(schema) 또는 아집이 문제를 일으킨다고 보는 점에서 유사하다고 볼 수 있다. 심리도식치료는 인간에게 일어나는 문제들을 18가지의 심리적 도식 즉 패턴들이 인생의 덫으로 작용한다고 보았고, 유식에서 말하는 핵심은 유식무경인데 5위100법으로 마음 안에서 법을 일으킨다고 보았다. 심리도식은 경험에서 습득되어 동일시된 것들이 내재화되어 도식이 생겼으며, 그 도식들에 대응하기 위한 대처방식으로 굴복, 회피, 과잉보상 등의 형태로 반응한다고 보았다. 유식은 오로지 본인이 오염시킨 식으로 세상을 보는 것이므로, 모든 일으킨 식은 자신의 책임으로 보는 견해이며, 전식득지(轉識得智)를 이룸으로써 치료되는 것이다. 심리도식치료는 도식의 기원을 이해해서 역기능으로 작용하고 있는 도식에서 벗어나 삶의 균형을 맞추도록 하는 데 있고, 유식은 경계 즉 환경이나 상황이 문제가 아니라 오로지 바깥경계가 있다고 착각한 식, 가유(假有)가 문제라고 보는 견해를 알아서 번뇌에서 벗어나도록 하는 데에 있다. 이런 두 가지 관점을 어떻게 임상적으로 심리치료에 활용할 것인지 알아보고자 했다. 이 논문에서는 심리도식치료의 기본적인 치료과정에 유식의 (마음을 오염시키는) 번뇌심소에 대한 공부를 추가함으로써 마음의 작용에 대한 내담자의 통찰을 발달시켜 치료의 효과를 증대시킬 수 있다는 것을 보여주려고 한다. 즉, 심리도식치료와 유식의 번뇌심소에 대한 공부는 심리치료에서 상호보완적인 관계라는 것을 탐구한다. This study compares Jeff Young’s schema therapy with Yogacara Buddhism to reveal that studying the basic defilements and secondary defilements can increase the mindfulness ability of the client while receiving psychological therapy. Schema therapy(ST) has a view that most personality disorders stem from unmet emotional needs during childhood. The perspectives of the Yogacara system and Schema therapy can be seen to be similar in that both see that a schema or self obstinacy already established in the mind causes psychological problems. Schema Therapy viewed the 18 types of schemas as a life trap for human psychological problems. Yogcara also considers that ordinary people are confined in the conceptual projection and the world of one hundred mental factors(dharmas). According to ST, Schemas are learned and internalized through experience, and the individual responds in the form of submission, avoidance, and overcompensation as a coping method to defend the schemas. Yogacara Buddhism insists that meditation practice is central and the the practice of mindfulness of body, feelings, thoughts and dharmas in oneself and others, out of which a revolutionary and radically transformative understanding of the non-duality of self and other arises. Schema therapy helps clients to understand that their dysfunctional schemas were caused and they should free from the schemas’ influences. Similarly, Yogacara helps practitioners to see and reflect things just as they are, impartially, without exclusion, prejudice, anticipation, attachment, or distortion. This study was to investigate how the theory of the two systems can be used clinically for psychotherapy and what is realistically possible. This study demonstrates that by adding the study of the mental defilements which Yogacara explains to the basic treatment process of schema therapy, it is possible to develop the client's insight into the workings of the mind and increase the effectiveness of treatment.

      • 현대 건축의 유목적 표현특성에 관한 연구

        이화순,김기철,이영수 대한건축학회 2003 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 - 계획계/구조계 Vol.23 No.1(계획계)

        The purpose of this study was to analyze the characteristics of 'Nomadism' throuth the understanding and the interpretation of the contemporary nomadic life. The citizens in modern times lead a nomadic life on the move rather than settle down in a place, and this pattern of life is going with increasing speed keeping in step with the development of the internet. From this point of view, this theoretical investigation on the relationship of the architectural analyses and their applications through nomadic thought as a new paradigm is to establish the basis of architecture in the capacity of the main value system in our new generation and to explore the new notion of architectural space.

      • 벽지와 침실과의 관계

        이화순 연세대학교 생활과학대학 1972 婦學 Vol.5 No.-

        벽지를 사용함으로써 공간의 변화를 찾고 실내부에서 부부침실을택해 벽지와 실내장식의 관련성을 검토해 보는데 이 논문의 목적으로 하였다. 벽지는 동양에서 시작하여 15C경 유럽에서 사용하였다. 벽지를 사용함으로써 공간의 변화를 찾고 실내부에서 부부침실을택해 벽지와 실내장식의 관련성을 검토해 보는데 이 논문의 목적으로 하였다. 벽지는 동양에서 시작하여 15C경 유럽에서 사용하였다. 중국의 도안(주로 새와 꽃, 인간과 동물, 위의 둘을 합한것.)이 많이 사용되었다. 중국에서는 B.C 2,000년경에 주로 비단에 손으로 그러서 만들었고 무덤의 장식용으로 쓰여졌다.

      • KCI등재

        노인의 화장에 대한 태도 조사연구

        이화순 한국미용학회 1997 한국미용학회지 Vol.3 No.1

        This paper attempts; 1) To investigate the opinions related with the makeup of the Aged women. 2) To look into the ways of the procurement and the purchase of cosmetics. 3) To inquire the degree of the preference for cosmetics. 4) To ascertain what kind of costimecs is used everyday. 5) To understand how to care for skin, hair, hand, and foot. Date were collected from Augest 25 to Semptember 10, 1997 through the personal-interview with the Aged of over 60 years old in the areas residing in Seoul, Kyungki-do, Choongchungnam-do, Chulrabuk-do of Korea by using the questionnaires. The stdy tool for measuring was a 2-5 point Liken Scale questionnaire of 28 queries and entry-typed questionnaire of 6 queries. The queries are analyzed by the SPSS/PG^+, using percentiles, t-test, X²-test, ANOVA and the pearson Correlation Coefficient. The results of this study are as follows. -There are positive answers with 61.2 % for the makeup itself. -The main ways of procurement and purchase are from their sons and daughters. ( 56.5 % ) -The place of purchase is cosmetic discount store. ( 43.5 % ) -The preference degree of the cosmetics is 51.8%(domestic products), 35.5%(both domestic and foreign ones)respectively. -The rank of the being-used cosmetics is Nourshing cream(87.1%), Skin Iotion(84.7%), Lotion( 61.2 % ). -The type of the skin condition; a) dry type:56.5% b) neutral type:38.8% -It was found that there was positive correlation a) between the monthly pocket money and the life satisfaction.(P=.0365) b) between the life satisfaction and the satisfaction through the makeup.(P=.01) In conclusion, this study shows that there is a high correlation among the life satisfaction, the health conditions, the satisfaction through the makeup and the thought for makeup.

      • KCI등재

        중학생이 지각한 부모의 양육태도에 따른 학업성적 차이 연구

        이화순 한국아동교육학회 2003 아동교육 Vol.12 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to know whether or not Junior high school students can achieve their learning potential according to their parents' upbringing mentality. The center of the study was D junior high school located in the city of Daegu, 305 students, from first to third grade, were used for the study. Upbringing Attitude was used as the instrument of study, is developed by Sungsim Oh and Chungsung Lee. Upbringing attitude was further modified by Kyungyoung Kim(2001). Materials were analyzed with SPSS 10.0 statistics pachage. The conclusion of the study is like this. First conclusion: Junior High School students perceive that their fathers' upbringing manner was a little different according to their father's learning achievements about high or middle, or low grade. Second conclusion: Junior High School students perceived that their mothers' upbringing attitude was different according to their learning achievement of high or middle, or low grade's order. Third conclusion: The upbringing manner of fathers and mothers shows different according to their childern's gender. Some of lower varieties are affected from affection and control, however, these aren't affected hostility and freedom. Forth conclusion: The students' perception of a father and/or a mother's upbringing manner reveals that father's academic career and upbringing manner was very different between father who graduated just a senior high school and a father who graduated a university through parents' age, academic career, social and financial level. Fifth conclusion: There is no difference between the upbringing manner and age of fathers and mothers as conclusions.

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