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      • ‘보행친화도시 만들기’ 가로설계·관리 매뉴얼의 기본방향

        이창(Chang Yi),유경상(Gyeong Sang Yoo),김영란(Young-Ran Kim),민현석(Hyun-Suk Min),박찬운(Chan-Woon Park),정상미(Sang Mi Jeong),정윤주 서울연구원 2014 서울연구원 정책과제연구보고서 Vol.- No.-

        As manifested in various urban policies, the Seoul Metropolitan Government(SMG) has made great efforts to improve the pedestrian environment. The City of Seoul has managed “Car-Free Day” events several times, and has designated pedestrian-only streets in many areas. However, it is not always convenient to walk in Seoul. On the streets, citizens still experience narrow sidewalks, streets cluttered with street furniture, and slanted sidewalk angles which are not safe for the mobility disadvantaged. The SMG still has work remaining to enhance the quality of the walking environment. In pursuing this goal, public officials in the SMG have realized an urgent need to seek guidance from a street design manual. Herein, the existing manuals were reviewed to see if they could be of use in the redesign of Seoul streets. It was found that the manuals were simply not up to the job, presenting many problems. First, in most cases, the national government created the manuals. Thus, they did not reflect the unique characteristics of Seoul’s built environment. Second, the manuals provided only general direction for street design, without specific details to deal with the diverse types of streets found in Seoul. Third, they set the focus on a few elements of street design, while considering various factors in an integrated manner is a key element for desirable street design. For these reasons, the SMG plans to create a Seoul Street Design Manual. As preliminary research for such a manual, this study drew on lessons from other cities in the world. The manuals for various cities abroad all have a common theme: they aim to convert current “Incomplete Streets” that were designed for automobiles to “Complete Streets” that put pedestrians and bicycles on equal footing with cars. Nevertheless, their coverage of design elements, the level of details included in the guidelines, and the contents of the manuals still differ from each other. Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, Seoul experienced rapid growth with the construction of major urban highways such as the Olympic Freeway. It may be evident that Seoul has not treated pedestrians and bicycles with due respect compared to automobiles. Therefore, we suggested that the Seoul Street Design Manual should focus on the design of Complete Streets, for which the design principles are proposed herein. Moreover, for a city like Seoul with various street types, it is important to provide customized design strategies for each street pattern. Readers can also find them in this report. Since physical developments, including buildings and transport infrastructure, have almost been completed, it is crucial to implement the design manual step by step. Although a design scheme such as road diet is a desirable outcome for pedestrians, it would bring about chaos for auto users if executed instantly. Learning from cities abroad(such as the Parklet program in San Francisco), we proposed a method to carry out the design proposal through gradual and acceptable changes. Finally, the creation of a fine street design is a task that should involve a wide variety of fields including transportation, urban design, and environmental engineering. This report also suggested organizing a Task Force(TF) to collect useful ideas from many disciplines. That way, citizens walking on the streets in Seoul could benefit for years to come.

      • KCI등재

        상동나무 지상부의 항혈전 활성

        표수진(Su-Jin Pyo),이윤진(Yun-Jin Lee),박성익(Seong-Ik Park),이창일(Chang-Il Lee),박종이(Jong-Yi Park),손호용(Ho-Yong Sohn) 한국생명과학회 2020 생명과학회지 Vol.30 No.5

        현대사회는 고지방의 서구화된 식사, 과도한 스트레스 등으로 비정상적인 혈액응고 및 과다한 혈소판 응집이 증가되고 있으며, 이로 인한 다양한 혈전성 질환 위험성도 증가되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 제주 특용식물인 상동나무(Sageretia thea) 지상부의 항혈전 활성을 평가하기 위해 잎(ST-L), 줄기(ST-B), 열매(ST-F) 에탄올 추출물을 조제하고 이의 항혈전 활성, 인간 적혈구 용혈활성 및 flavonoids·phenolic acids 조성을 검토하였다. ST-B 추출물은 식용으로 이용되고 있는 ST-F 추출물보다 6.7배의 총 폴리페놀 함량을 보였으며, ST-L 추출물은 ST-F 추출물보다 2.7배 높은 총 플라보노이드 함량을 보였다. 혈액응고 저해활성 평가 결과, ST-F 추출물은 aPTT에서만 혈액응고시간 연장이 미약하게 나타났으나, ST-L 및 ST-B 추출물은 기존 항혈전제인 aspirin 및 베리류 및 한방 약재 추출물 보다 트롬빈, 프로트롬빈, 응고인자들에 대해 강력한 저해활성을 나타내었다. 혈소판 응집저해 역시 ST-L 및 ST-B 추출물은 aspirin보다 우수한 응집저해 활성을 나타내었으며, 인간 적혈구에 대한 용혈활성은 1 mg/ml 농도까지 전혀 나타나지 않았다. ST-L 및 ST-B 추출물의 phenolic acid 및 flavonoids 분석결과, rutin, isoquercitrin 및 astragalin이 주요 활성물질로 확인되었다. 본 연구결과는 상동나무 잎과 줄기의 강력한 항혈전 활성의 최초 보고이며, 상동나무를 이용한 항혈전제 개발이 가능함을 제시하고 있다. 향후 상동나무에서 처음으로 확인된 isoquercitrin의 항혈전 기전에 대한 연구가 필요하다. Recently, thrombotic diseases have become rapidly more prevalent due to Westernized lifestyles and high-fat diets. In this study, the anti-thrombosis activities of the aerial parts of Sageretia thea were evaluated using ethanol extracts of the leaf (ST-L), branch (ST-B), and fruit (ST-F), and their anti-coagulation, platelet aggregation inhibition, and hemolytic toxicity were assessed. In comparison to the ST-F extract, the ST-B exhibited 6.7 times more polyphenol content, and the ST-L had 2.7 times more total flavonoid content. The ST-L and ST-B extracts showed stronger inhibitions of thrombin, prothrombin, and blood coagulation factors than aspirin, berry extracts, or commercial oriental herbs. Furthermore, ST-L and ST-B showed superior platelet aggregation-inhibitory activities than aspirin. The ST-F extract demonstrated only minor anti-thrombosis effects, and none of the extracts showed hemolysis against red blood cells up to 1 mg/ml. Phenolic acid and flavonoid analysis of the ST-L and ST-B extracts showed abundant rutin, isoquercitrin, and astragalin as the major active compounds. Further research on the anti-thrombotic activity of isoquercitrin, a rare flavonoid from quercetin, is necessary. This is the first report of isoquercitrin in Sageretia thea, and our results suggest that ST-L and ST-B extracts could therefore developed as anti-thrombosis agents.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        한국 지방자치단체의 평화구축 도시외교 방향 설정을 위한 사전 연구 : 네덜란드 도시외교 사례가 주는 시사점

        이창(Yi, Chang),이동훈(Lee, Dong-Hoon) 한국지역개발학회 2021 韓國地域開發學會誌 Vol.33 No.4

        최근 국제정세는 국가간의 외교로만 풀 수 없는 상황으로 치닫고 있다. 전세계는 기후변화, 난민, 인권문제 등 다양한 이슈에 직면해 있지만, 각국이 국내 정치상황을 중심으로 자국의 이익에 우선순위를 두고 있어 합의도출이 어렵고 분쟁도 잦아지고 있다. 이런 추세에 맞추어, 중앙정부 이외의 외교에 참여할 수 있는 환경이 조성되었다. 인터넷 혁명으로 인해, 비국가 주체들이 경제적, 문화적, 정치적 차원의 세계화에 참여하게 되었고, 중앙정부가 아닌 행위자들이 외교에 개입하기 시작했다. 그 중 국제적 이해관계가 적고, 행정시스템, 예산, 인력을 보유한 지방자치단체가 외교의 주체로 적합하다는 견해가 주목을 받고 있다. 도시외교는 기후변화 등 도시가 영향을 크게 받는 이슈를 중심으로 전개되고 있지만, 평화구축(peace-building)을 추구하는 활동도 도시외교의 역할로 보는 관점이 주목을 끌고 있다. 도시외교가 평화구축 활동을 수행할 수 있다는 논리는 우리나라 지방자치단체에 시사하는 바가 크다. 남북관계를 평화적으로 풀어내야 하는 당면과제를 수행함에 있어, 평화를 구축하는 도시외교의 역할을 기대해 볼 수 있기 때문이다. 지금까지 평화구축을 위한 한국 지방자치단체의 역할은 국내 학계에서 전혀 다루어지지 않았다. 이 논문은 우리나라 도시외교가 남북관계에 기여할 수 있을지 조심스럽게 타진해보는 사전연구로서, 평화구축을 위한 네덜란드 도시외교의 사례를 살펴보고 국내 지방자치단체의 향후 對 북한 도시외교에 주는 시사점을 도출하였다. 네덜란드 도시외교는 평화구축과 재건을 위해 수행되어 실질적인 결과를 도출했다. 구체적으로 네덜란드 도시외교 사례는 한국의 지방자치단체에 효과적인 對 북한 도시외교를 위해 세 가지 유형의 효과적인 도시외교 모델을 제시한다. 1) 정치적 여건 변화에도 지속가능한 도시외교, 2) 시민단체와 협력하는 도시외교, 3) 주택문제에 초점을 맞추는 도시외교. 이 연구를 바탕으로 국내 지방자치단체의 도시외교가 남북관계 평화구축의 역할을 할 수 있도록 근거와 실질적인 전략을 제시하는 연구들이 수행되어야 할 것이다. The world is facing various international problems such as climate change, refugee crisis, and regional conflicts. However, it is difficult to reach reasonable consensus among nation-states, because every national government prioritizes its own national interests over international affairs. Recently, city diplomacy is in the limelight for its potential to resolve international issues, since local governments are less entangled with political interests. Above all, the role of city diplomacy for peace-building through providing essential services such as housing, water and waste management has been strongly advocated. The idea that cities can contribute to peace-building could be unfamiliar in the academic world. Nonetheless, the authors of this paper believe that it has meaningful implications for local governments in the Republic of Korea, because of its confrontational status with the North Korea. This paper is a preliminary study to set policy directions of Korean city diplomacy policies for peace-building. This study reviews the Dutch cases of peace-building city diplomacy efforts and draws policy implications for Korean city diplomacy.

      • KCI우수등재
      • 보행환경 개선을 위한 지하철 역사 진,출입 시설 개편방향 연구

        이창 ( Chang Yi ),이동훈 ( Dong Hoon Lee ),여혜진 ( Hae Jin Yeo ),이주아 ( Joo Ah Lee ) 서울시정개발연구원 2009 연구보고서 Vol.2009 No.57

        Seoul`s subway is an important urban mass transportation system as it carries more than 4 million people for a day. It occupies 30% of transport modal share of Seoul citizens. To support this important mission, the outside entrance system of the subway was designed to maximize accessibility from the outside to the station buildings. However, the number and the layout of entrances were planned based on a uniform plan that the national government prepared for the entrance system of urban railways. Therefore, the entrances of the subway system of Seoul were planned without considering the unique characteristics of each station area. Applying the uniform national plan to all the subway stations raises problems as follow. First, some entrances can be inefficient in connecting the places where there are heavy volumes of potential subway users to the stations. Second, it is also possible that more than one entrances may be unnecessarily placed where accessibility is already sufficient. As a result, the entrances could encroach on limited space of sidewalk. Therefore, this study examines the current subway entrance system to identify its problems and attempts to propose a scheme for reorganizing entrances befitted with attributes of each station area and eventually improve pedestrian environment. . This study focuses on the No.2 subway line that passes the major centers of the city, and since a long time has passed after the completion of the subway system, buildings in the station areas adjacent to the subway entracnes are getting redevelopment pressure. Thus, when these areas are redeveloped, the proposals made in this study could be most useful. By conducting a field study and data analysis, this study identifies the following as the problems of the current entrance system of the subway in Seoul. First, the entrances encroach on pedestrian space that is already limited, and the stations on elevated highway create unpleasant pedestrian space; Second, some entrances could be inefficiently used and create monotonous cityscape; Third, a structure that connects the stations on elevated highway and the sidewalk has negative influence on walking environment such as creating dark space; Fourth, it is often the case that public establishments and residential districts located close to a station are not fully accessible from the subway through entrances. To provide solutions to the problems above, this study investigates all the entrances of the No.2 line and grouped them into certain types, intending to propose the reorganization scheme for each pattern. This study established three standards for the classification, which are the form of the station and the location of the entrances, and the width of adjacent roadways. These are important characteristics of the entrance itself and the areas surrounding the entrance that affect the reorganization schemes. Then, the authors, based on the analysis of the uses of buildings surrounding each entrance, proposed entrance reorganization plans for each type. This study finds that the entrances of underground stations located on 4 way intersections, that are formed by roadways more than 6 lanes, are adjacent to sizable commercial facilities and large office buildings. Also, high density residential districts are present near the entrance of this kind. For this type, we suggest installing the subway entrances inside the contiguous building. This proposal is most possible for this type since the buildings in such areas have relatively large floor space. As the road width becomes narrower, overall density decreased. For the type of the entrances that are located on the intersection formed by narrower roadways, we propose that two entrances could be combined into one so that removed entrance could free up large space for pedestrians. For the entrances located on mid-blocks, the study suggests that the entrances could be installed inside the adjacent building when large commercial or office buildings are nearby. When overall area is developed with low density, the city government is recommended to purchase a lot near the current entrance to install one vertical to the sidewalk so that sidewalk could be preserved for pedestrians. For the elevated stations, the authors propose installing a bridge connecting the stations and adjacent buildings, but this would be only possible when there are commercial or office facilities nearby with enough floor space. The study summarizes the pros and cons of each solution. Lastly, the study applied the proposed improvements on the Kyodae subway station entrances as a case study. It demonstrates how the proposed entrance reorganization schemes can be applied. In conclusion, we suggest the direction of the future study that can contribute to policymaking. First, to translate the proposal installing the entrance inside buildings into a reality, an incentive should be given to building or land owners. The future study should investigate which kinds of incentives exist and be effective in various situations. There are needs for research to examine potential problems that might arise during a negotiation process between the public and private sectors, assignment of cost for installing entrances, how and who to maintain entrances. Also, research studies should examine proper number of subway entrances for each station. It is important to draw up an accurate, but flexible standard for determining the number of entrances for the subway stations. This study is limited in that it only examines the entrances of the No.2 line subway stations. In the future, a research study investigating the whole line of the Seoul subway will be able to draw more persuasive policy recommendations.

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