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        극소 비율의 비교에 대한 표본수 결정

        이지안,송혜향,Lee, Ji-An,Song, Hae-Hiang 한국통계학회 2007 응용통계연구 Vol.20 No.1

        이 논문에서는 두 독립인 이항 확률의 비교에서 이항 확률 중 하나 또는 모두가 0.05보다 작을 경우의 두 확률의 비교에 대한 표본수 계산의 문제를 다루었다. Whitte-more(1981)는 여러 공변량에 근거한 로지스틱 회귀를 이용하여 극소 확률의 경우에 대한 수정 표본수 공식을 제안하였다. 이를 독립된 비율의 비교에 적용하여 이로부터 계산한 표본수는 일반적으로 많이 사용하는 근사 정규 방법, 특히 극소 비율의 비교에 대한 방법이 아닌 근사 정규 방법의 표본수 보다도 훨씬 큰 표본수를 제시하고 있다. 그러므로, 응용분야의 통계인들은 극소 반응 확률에 근거한 임상 시험을 계획할 경우 계획의 단계에서 의도하는 검정력을 확보하기 위해 교과서에 제시된 표본수 공식이나 부표에 의존한다면 위험할 수 있음을 이 논문의 결과가 말해 주고 있다. The problem of calculating the sample sizes for comparing two independent binomial proportions is studied, when one of two probabilities or both are smaller than 0.05. The use of Whittemore(1981)'s corrected sample size formula for small response probability, which is derived based oB multiple logistic regression, demonstrates much larger sample sizes compared to those by the asymptotic normal method, which is derived for the comparison of response probabilities belonging to the normal range. Therefore, applied statisticians need to be careful in sample size determination with small response probability to ensure intended power during a planning stage of clinical trials. The results of this study describe that the use of the sample size formula in the textbooks might sometimes be risky.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        학사경고자 대상 학습지원 프로그램 운영 개선방안 연구 : T 대학교 사례 중심으로

        이지안(Ji-An LEE) 한국수산해양교육학회 2022 水産海洋敎育硏究 Vol.34 No.5

        The purpose of this study is to discuss ways to improve the customized learning support program implementation for students on academic probation at T University by analyzing the current status of academic probation and learning support. To achieve the purpose of this study, first, T University and other universities were comparatively analyzed by the distribution of grades of major and liberal arts during the 2019-2020 academic year. Second, in order to find out the variables affecting academic probation, 1,243 students on academic probation at T University were analyzed by grade, gender, GPA, and admission type. In addition, 10 students with a high participation rate were selected and conducted FGI for the current status and cause analysis of problems of Jump Jumping, a learning support program for students on academic probation at T University. As a result, first, T University had a high ratio of those who received students under D+ grade in liberal arts, so it is required to analyze systemically about teaching and learning supports linked to Co-Curriculum so that the students can be more careful for their grade. Second, it is necessary to examine the educational program for lower grades and the minority students in consideration of the general characteristics of T Universitys academic probation. Third, in the operation of the Jump Jumping, it is required to secure a smooth communication channel among each department and to operate the program at a long-term level. Fourth, relationship-oriented support between professors and students should be considered rather than common rewards for the promotion of the students’ academic competency. The results of this study can be used as basic data for setting the goal and operating a customized learning support program for those with academic probation.

      • KCI등재

        자폐성장애를 가진 대상자들의 감각특성관련 연구 동향: 1994-2019년 국내연구를 중심으로

        이지안(Lee, Ji An) 단국대학교 특수교육연구소 2020 특수교육논총 Vol.36 No.1

        연구목적: 자폐성장애를 가진 이들을 대상으로 감각특성과 관련된 국내 연구의 일반적 동향과 중재연구의 동향을 분석하는 것이다. 연구방법: 1994년부터 2019년까지의 국내 학술지를 중심으로 선정과 제외기준을 통해 수집한 결과 34편이었다. 선정된 34편의 논문은 일반적 연구동향으로 연구년도, 연구유형, 연구대상에 따라 분석하였으며 그 중 중재연구인 24편은 중재대상, 연구도구, 중재환경, 중재성과에 따라 분석을 하였다. 연구결과: 첫째, 중재대상은 1명 또는 3명인 경우가 가장 많았으며, 대상자의 성별비율은 남자가 높았다. 둘째, 중재대상의 기초선파악을 위한 검사실행여부 분석결과 검사를 실행하지 않은 경우의 비율도 높게 나타났으며 시행검사도구 중 SSP(단축감각프로파일) 사용이 가장 많았다. 셋째, 중재환경과 관련해서는 대상자들에게 친숙한 환경, 감각통합치료실이 많았고, 중재자로는 작업치료사, 중재회기는 16~20회기가 가자 많았다. 실험설계로는 준실험설계의 빈도가 높았다. 넷째, 중재성과에서 종속변인별 다중응답결과 문제행동과 상동행동을 성과로 다룬 연구가 가장 많았으며 중재전략별로는 감각통합치료가 가장 많은 부분을 차지하였다. 감각별 중재영역에서는 촉각, 전정감각, 고유수용 감각 순으로 높은 비율을 차지하였으며 후각, 시각, 청각, 미각등과 같은 감각의 중재비율은 낮게 나타났다. 결론: 이 연구 결과에 따라 연구의 시사점 및 향후 과제에 대해 논의 하였다. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze the general trends and trends of domestic research related to sensory characteristics of those with autism spectrum disorders. Method: Thirty-five articles were collected from 1994 to 2019 through selection and exclusion criteria. The selected 35 articles were analyzed according to the research year, type of research and subject of research, and 24 of them, which is an intervention study, were analyzed according to the subject of intervention, research tools, intervention environment, and intervention performance. Result: The analysis of the intervention studies showed that, firstly, the interventor was most likely to be one or three, with the gender ratio of the subject being high for men. Second, analysis of inspection execution for basic line break of arbitration targets also showed a high percentage of cases where inspection was not conducted, and the use of short sensory profile (SSP) was the most frequently used among enforcement inspection tools. Third, there were many environment and sensory integration treatment centers that were familiar to the subjects regarding the intervention environment, and 16 to 20 sessions of the intervention session were attended by researchers. Semi-experimental designs were more frequent as experimental designs. Fourth, multi-response results by dependent variable showed the highest number of studies that dealt with problem behavior and phase-by-phase behavior in the intervention performance, and sensory integration treatment accounted for the largest portion by intervention strategy. In the intervention area by sense, the ratio was high in the order of tactile, vestibular, and proprioceptive sensations, while the ratio of intervention of sensations such as olfactory, visual, auditory, and palate was low. Conclusion: Based on the results of the study, the implications and future tasks of the study were discussed.

      • 유치원과 초등학교 저학년 교육과정의 동작관련 활동 연계성에 관한 연구

        이지안 ( Ji An Lee ),이순례 ( Soon Rye Lee ) 한국유아체육학회 2010 한국유아체육학회지 Vol.11 No.1

        본 연구는 2007년 개정 교육과정에 따른 교사용「유치원 지도서」와「초등학교 지도서」의 동작교육 내용분석을 통해 유치원과 초등학교 저학년 동작교육의 연계를 위한 방향설정에 도움을 줄 기초자료를 마련하고자 하는 목적으로 이루어졌다. 본 연구는 기본적으로 문헌조사를 바탕으로 하였으며, 조사대상은 교육과학기술부에서 2009년에 발행 한「유치원 지도서」와「초등학교 지도서」에 수록 된 동작활동 중 ‘동작의 제시어’를 포함한 내용, ‘유치원해설’, ‘초등학교해설’, 이순례(1996)와 이영(2008)의 문헌이다. 수집된 자료에 대해 빈도와 백분율이 산출되었다. 주요결과로는, 첫째, ‘동작교육’과 ‘건강·표현생활’, ‘즐거운 생활’영역에서 유치원과 초등학교 동작교육 목표의 연계가 있었다. 둘째, 유치원과 초등학교 저학년 동작교육의 계속성 측면의 연계는 미흡한 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 유치원과 초등학교 저학년 동작교육의 계열성 측면의 연계 또한 미흡한 것으로 나타났다. 넷째, 포괄적 측면의 연계를 위해서 신체 발달측면의 ‘동작과’와 통합교과를 통한 ‘예술적 동작과’의 분과로 각각 추구하는 발달을 도모하도록 해야 하며 이 모두를 조직하여 초등학교 교육과정과의 연계를 도모할『동작교육과정』의 마련에 대한 포괄적 연계방안이 요구된다. 결론적으로 유치원과 초등학교와의 연계는 교육내용과 관계된 모든 것을 포괄적으로 조직하는 교육과정을 통해 가능하다. The purpose of this study was to provide implications about movement-related education by investigating the connections between national curriculum for kindergarten and primary grades in elementary school. Results of this study are as follow. First, the purposes of movement education for kindergarten and primary school were commonly pursuing improving various and creative methods for expression, appreciation and aesthetic appreciation with sound body. Thus, the purposes seem to being connected with each other. Second, there was no continuity of movement education between kindergarten and primary grade. Third, there was no sequence in terms of difficulties of activities. Accordingly, curriculum developers for kindergarten and primary grade need to improve continuity of and sequence of difficulties in movement education through comprehensive perspectives.

      • KCI등재

        비수도권대학 학업 우수학생의 학습역량에 대한 교육요구도 분석 : A 대학교 중심으로

        이지안(Ji-An LEE) 한국수산해양교육학회 2023 水産海洋敎育硏究 Vol.35 No.6

        In non-metropolitan universities, the focus is primarily on managing academically low-achieving students to prevent dropouts, with insufficient attention given to supporting learning activities for academically high-achieving students. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze the learning competencies considered important by academically high-achieving students, investigate the discrepancies in their performance levels, and provide insights for the development of a learning support program. For this purpose, research tools were developed, and t-tests were conducted to analyze the differences in importance and performance across eight items related to four learning competencies. The priority of educational needs was assessed using the Borich’s Needs Assessment and The Locus for Focus Model. The research findings revealed significant differences in the importance and performance of all eight items related to learning competencies, with one item identified as the top priority in the educational needs analysis, and four items as secondary priorities. In summary, high-achieving students showed a preference for individual learning but also recognized the significance of cooperative learning. Furthermore, they actively utilized note-taking as an effective cognitive strategy to restructure learning content and summarize key concepts. Therefore, this note-taking strategy proves valuable for academic achievement and can be recommended to low-achieving students. Additionally, high-achieving students expressed the need for mentorship to support the successful execution of their learning plans and receive feedback on their learning activities. They also sought learning activities that would enhance their ability to present logical arguments. These learning activities will contribute to improving the academic achievement of academically high-achieving students.

      • KCI등재

        간호대학생의 커리어앵커와 경력개발을 위한 교육요구 분석

        이지안(Ji-An Lee),박수홍(Su-Hong Park) 한국산학기술학회 2018 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.19 No.4

        본 연구는 간호대학생의 직무 유형을 통해서 경력개발을 위한 교육요구는 무엇인지 알아보기 위한 목적으로 실행하였다. 연구목적의 달성을 위하여 먼저 부산·경남 지역에 있는 K 대학과 P 대학의 간호대학생 146명을 대상으로 커리어앵커 질문지를 이용하여 직무 유형을 분석하였다. 그리고 직무 유형 중에서 상위 유형의 경향성을 보이는 간호대학생 28명을 선별하여 4개의 팀으로 나누어 맵을 작성하였고, 작성된 맵의 내용을 기반으로 초점집단인터뷰를 했다. 이는 간호대학생의 실제적 목소리를 통해 경력개발을 위한 교육요구에 대해서 알아보기 위해서이다. 그 결과 첫째, 간호대학생의 커리어앵커 유형은 라이프스타일과 안전·보장이 가장 높게 나타났고, 가장 낮은 커리어앵커 유형은 순수한 도전과 관리적 역량이었다. 둘째, 경력개발을 위한 교육요구는 크게 4개의 영역, 전공역량, 실무역량, 인성역량, 자원관리역량으로 범주화하였다. 전공역량은 간호 전문지식 및 기술, 실무역량은 병동 업무처리, 의사소통, 위기대처능력, 인성역량은 협력, 책임인식, 자원관리역량은 시간관리 능력, 스트레스 관리능력이다. 본 연구의 결과는 향후 간호대학생의 경력개발을 위한 교육적 기초자료로 활용할 수 있다는 점에서 의의가 있다. 아울러 간호실무 개선을 위한 교육과정개발에 적용할 수 있을 것으로 기대한다. The purpose of this study is to investigate the educational needs for career development according to the job type of nursing college students. In order to achieve the purpose of the study, 146 nursing college students from K and P universities in the Busan and Kyungnam areas were analyzed using a career anchor questionnaire. In addition, 28 nursing college students who showed a higher level of tendency among job types were selected and divided into 4 teams, and a focus group interview was conducted based on the contents of the created map. Its purpose is to investigate the educational needs of nursing college students to enhance their career development. First, the career anchor types of the nursing college students showed the highest score in the areas of lifestyle, security and stability, while the lowest types of career anchor were pure challenge and general managerial competence. Second, the educational needs for career development were categorized into four areas, namely major competence, practical competence, personality competence, and resource management competence. The major competences are nursing expertise and skills. The practical competences consisted of ward task management, communication, crisis coping ability and personality competence and these were divided into cooperation and responsibility recognition. The resource management competence consists of time management ability and stress management ability. The results of this study are meaningful in that they can be used as the basic educational data for the career development of nursing college students in the future. In addition, it is expected that they can be applied to the development of a curriculum for the improvement of nursing practice.

      • 중소기업 맞춤형 창고 관리 솔루션

        이지안(Ji An Lee),박상현(Sang Hyun Park),류형욱(Hyung Uk Ryu),이승기(Seung Gi Lee),정설영(Seol Yeong Jeong),우진현(Jin Hyun Woo) 한국정보기술학회 2022 Proceedings of KIIT Conference Vol.2022 No.12

        비대면 시대가 도래함에 따라 온라인에서 필요한 물품을 주문하는 e-커머스 시장이 확대되고 있다. 그러나 오픈마켓을 운영하는 기업의 재고관리 시스템은 여전히 구시대적인 방식에 머물러 있어 산업 전체의 효율성에 악영향을 미치고 있다. 본 연구에서는 오픈마켓 데이터 연계 및 직관적인 UI 기반의 기업형 창고 관리 솔루션을 개발하고, 이를 통해 기존 재고 관리 솔루션의 한계를 극복하고자 했다. 세부적으로는 실제 창고환경과 유사한 데이터를 시스템 내에 연동하고, 오픈마켓 데이터를 이용한 효과적인 배치 작업을 설계함으로써 발주부터 배송이 완료되기까지 재고의 상태를 실시간으로 추적 가능한 실용적 창고관리 시스템 모델을 설계하고자 했다. With the advent of the non-face-to-face era, the e-commerce market for ordering necessary items online is expanding. However, the warehouse management system of companies selling goods in the open market remains outdated, adversely affecting the efficiency of the entire industry. In this study, we developed a warehouse management system that supports linkage of open market order information and an intuitive UI for users. And through this, we tried to overcome the limitations of the existing warehouse management system. In detail, by implementing a data structure similar to the actual warehouse environment in the system and designing effective deployment method using open market data, we tried to design a practical warehouse management system model that can track the status of inventory in real time from order to delivery completion.

      • KCI등재

        부처손 잎 추출물의 항산화, 항염 및 피부재생 효능

        김유진,이지안,Kim, Yu-Jin,Lee, Ji-An 중소기업융합학회 2021 융합정보논문지 Vol.11 No.4

        부처손 잎은 전통한방에서 탈항, 혈뇨, 부정출혈, 월경불순, 자궁출혈 및 만성간염을 치료 목적으로 사용되어 왔다. 본 연구에서는 부처손을 이용하여 얻은 열수추출물(STW)과 80%에탄올추출물(STE)의 항산화, 항염 및 세포 재생활성을 평가하였다. 그 결과 열수추출물과 에탄올추출물의 폴리페놀 화합물 함량은 각각 38.108±0.766 mg/g, 17.927±1.064 mg/g이었다. DPPH와 ABTS radical 소거능 IC50은 열수추출물이 에탄올추출물에 비해 2배 이상 낮았다. MTT 결과, RAW264.7 세포 생존율은 두 추출물 모두 1 mg/mL에서 6% 감소한 반면, HaCaT 세포의 생존율은 50 ㎍/mL에서 18%로 증가하였다. 열수추출물과 에탄올추출물은 LPS로 자극한 RAW264.7 세포의 NO, TNF-�� 그리고 COX-2, PGE2 등의 염증 매개물질의 생성을 억제하였다. 또한 TNF-a에 의한 각질형성 세포의 손상을 저해시켰다. 이상의 결과로 부처손 열수추출물과 에탄올추출물은 피부건강과 미용 식품을 위한 기능성 원료로 가능성이 높다고 사료된다. The leaves of Selaginella tamariscina were used for the treatment of many diseases in traditional medicine. In the study, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and wound healing activities of the hot-water extract(STW) and 80%ethanol extract(STE) obtained from S. tamariscina were evaluated. As a result, the polyphenol content of STW and STE were 38.108±0.766 mg/g and 17.927±1.064 mg/g, respectively. The DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging activities with the IC50 values of the STW were over 2 times lower than that of the STE. In the MTT assay, RAW264.7 cell viability of two extracts was decreased by about 6% at 1 mg/mL, whereas for HaCaT cell viability increased by 18% at 50 ㎍/mL. In addition, STW and STE suppressed the production of nitric oxide(NO), Tumor-necrosis(TNF)-��. COX-2 and PGE2 in lipopolysaccharide(LPS) induced RAW264.7 cells. Furthermore, the STE showed wound healing effect through the promotion of skin cell migration in TNF-�� stimulated human keratinocytes. These results indicated that the STW and STE have the potential to be used as a new cosmetic active ingredients in skin care.

      • KCI등재

        발효 삼칠추출물의 항산화 증진 및 항염 효과

        양운하 ( Yun-xia Yang ),이지안 ( Ji-an Lee ) 한국미용학회 2020 한국미용학회지 Vol.26 No.1

        The aim of this study was to compare the antioxidative and anti-inflammatory activities of non-fermented or Bacillus subtilis-fermented notoginseng root and flowers. The extracts were NGR (notoginseng root), FNGR (fermented notoginseng root), NGF (notoginseng flower), and FNGF (fermented notoginseng flower). Free radical scavenging activities measured by DPPH and ABTS increased dose­dependently in fermented notoginseng extracts. The total polyphenol contents of FNGR and FNGF were 13.62±0.04 mgGAE/g and 15.58±0.01 mgGAE/g, respectively. The MTT assay was used to determine the toxicities of samples on RAW264.7 cells. Cell viability was significantly increased in FNGF compared to the NFG. Treatment with FNGR or FNGF inhibited LPS-induced NO production, TNF-α secretion, and TNF-α mRNA expression, indicating the anti-inflammatory activities. Our results suggest that the FNGR and FNGF enhanced the activities of antioxidant and anti-inflammation, and which can be further developed as cosmetic ingredients.

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