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        현호색(玄胡索)과 초초현호색(醋炒玄胡索)의 여드름균에 대한 항균효과 비교

        이종록,박숙자,김영우,조일제,변성희,김상찬,Lee, Jong-Rok,Park, Sook-Jahr,Kim, Young-Woo,Cho, Il-Je,Byun, Sung-Hui,Kim, Sang-Chan 대한한방안이비인후피부과학회 2011 한방안이비인후피부과학회지 Vol.24 No.3

        Objectives : Corydalis tuber has been used for promoting blood circulation and for relieving pain in Oriental medicine. In the present study, we focused on the antimicrobial activity of Corydalis tuber and compared its antimicrobial activity with the processed Corydalis tuber. Methods : Processing of Corydalis tuber was accomplished by immersing in 5% of acetic acid for 12 h and then by roasting at $250^{\circ}C$ for indicated time periods(0-30 min). Minimum inhibitory concentration(MIC) and the zone of growth inhibition were determined against Propionibacterium acnes(P. acnes). Results : The methanolic extracts of Corydalis tuber showed potent antimicrobial effect(MIC 62.5 ${\mu}g/ml$). Its alkaloidal component, dehydrocorydaline, also exhibited antibacterial activity(MIC 25.0 ${\mu}g/ml$). After processing of Corydalis tuber, its inhibitory effect on the growth of P. acnes was significantly enhanced compared with that of unprocessed Corydalis tuber. Furthermore, elevated content of dehydrocorydaline was found in the processed than the unprocessed Corydalis tuber. However, the different roasting minutes effected on antimicrobial activity. The best roasting time of Corydalis tuber was 10 min, while roasting for the time above 15 min resulted in diminishing antimicrobial activity. Thus, it was concluded that the standardized processing condition of Corydalis tuber should be established to obtain enhanced antimicrobial(P. acnes) activity. Conclusion : For antimicrobial effect against P. acnes, the best processing condition of Corydalis tuber is immersing in 5% of acetic acid for 12 h and by roasting at $250^{\circ}C$ for 10 min.

      • KCI등재후보

        감초 지표성분 분석법 확립 및 liquiritigenin의 함량 증대를 위한 감초의 수치에 관한 연구

        이종록,조미정,박상미,김상찬,박숙자,Lee, Jong-Rok,Jo, Mi-Jeong,Park, Sang-Mi,Kim, Sang-Chan,Park, Sook-Jahr 대한한의학방제학회 2010 大韓韓醫學方劑學會誌 Vol.18 No.1

        Objective : Licorice has been used for treating digestive disorder and also recommended as a detoxification agent. Liquiritigenin, a component of licorice, has been reported to have various biological activities. In this study, we aimed to establish the analytical method for liquiritigenin content in licorice and the processing method for the enhancement of liquiritigenin content in licorice. Methods : Processing was accomplished by roasting licorice at $250^{\circ}C$ for indicated time periods (5-20 min). Analysis of liquiritigrnin from roasted licorice was conducted using UPLC(Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography). Results : We established UPLC method for the analysis of liquiritigenin using water : acetonitrile gradient as mobile phase. Furthermore, we standardized the processing condition of licorice to enhance liquiritigenin content using UPLC method. Processing of licorice was accomplished by roasting at $250^{\circ}C$ for indicated time periods (5-20 min) and by pretreating with 50% of acetic acid or 30% ethanol for 24 h. By roasting licorice, the liquiritigenin contents in the licorice were increased. The best roasting time of licorice was 6 min, while roasting for the time above 8 min resulted in diminishing liquiritigenin contents. Moreover, pretreatment with 50% of acetic acid or 30% ethanol picked up liquiritigenin contents in roasted licorice. Conclusion : The adequate processing condition of licorice for the enhancement of liquiritigenin contents was obtained by pretreating licorice with 50% of acetic acid or 30% ethanol for 24 h and then by roasting at $250^{\circ}C$ for 6 min.

      • 18세기 경주김씨(慶州金氏) 학주공파(鶴洲公派)의 대두와 기호학계에서의 위상

        이종록 ( Lee Jong-rok ) 한국계보연구회 2021 한국계보연구 Vol.11 No.-

        이 글은 서산 大橋[한다리]에서 세거했던 경주김씨 학주공파의 부상과 이를 가능하게 했던 動因을 遡及하여 분석한 것이다. 이들은 경주김씨 내에서 대안군파, 태사공파, 좌랑공파, 장단공파를 이어 학주공파로 분파되었다. 이들을 기록한 족보는 태사공파의 후손을 기록한 1685년(숙종 11)의 乙丑譜와 1784년(정조 8)의 甲辰譜가 있다. 족보 편수의 본래적 목적인 世系의 정비에 을축보가 김자수-김세필로 이어지는 사림 표방을 강조하고자 한 것이라면, 갑진보는 왕실의 일원임을 드러내고자 한 것이었다. 경주김씨 태사공파의 족보 간행을 둘러싼 수보 목적의 변화는 가문 내 중심축의 변화가 선행한 것이었고 동시에 정순왕후의 왕비 간택을 계기로 촉발된 학주공파의 대두가 존재했다. 하지만 단순히 왕후의 등장이 곧 그러한 변화를 가능케한 것은 아니었다. 당시 정순왕후의 至親들은 정치적으로 南黨-僻派을 조직하고 학문적으로는 湖論의 주요한 역할을 담당하였다. 남당이 자립할 수 있었던 까닭은 정순왕후의 후원 외에도 호론의 학문적 조력이 있었기에 가능한 것이었고, 여기에서 金漢祿의 역할이 두드러진다. 김한록은 호락논쟁이 격화되는 시기에 호론의 종장 韓元震에게 수학하였다. 김한록은 한원진에게 호론의 학문적 정체성을 물려받았고, 점차 호론의 중심적 역할을 담당하는 위치로 나아갔다. 하지만 호론은 주요 학자들의 사후 학통의 전수를 지속하지 못하였고, 김한록이 사후 八字凶言으로 충역 시비에 휘말리면서 벽파에 속하던 경주김씨들이 연좌되었다. 이는 벽파와 호론이 역사적 흐름에서 단절된 사건이기도 하였다. 수면 아래로 가라앉았던 호론이 역사 속에 재등장한 것은 일제의 침략이 가시화되는 근대전환기에 이르러서였다. 1895~1896년 홍주에서는 홍주의병이라는 반개화·반침략 반일투쟁이 일어났는데, 이때 의병의 이념적 기반이 호론에 근거한 것이었다. 이때 의병을 주도한 金福漢, 金商悳, 李偰 등은 모두 호론을 계승했다는 의식을 담지하고 있었는데 학통에 있어서 호론의 적전으로 김한록을 지목하였다. 이는 내포지역을 중심으로 형성되었던 김한록의 호론 내의 위상이 비로소 추인된 것이라 할 수 있다. This article analyzes the emergence of of Kim Hong-wook of Gyeongju Kim Clan, who lived in Daegyo, Seosan, and the key motivation that made it possible. They were divided into Hakjugong-pa following the Daeangun-pa, Taesagong-pa, Jwaranggong-pa, and Jangdangongpa within Gyeongju Kim Clan. Eulchukbo in 1685 (the 11th year of King Sukjong's reign), which recorded the descendants of Taesagong-pa, and Gapjinbo in 1784 (the 8th year of King Jeongjo's reign) are the genealogical records of Gyeongju Kim Clan. If Eulchukbo had an intention to emphasize the advocacy of Sarim leading to Kim Ja-su and Kim Se-pil in terms of the original purpose of organizing genealogy, the purpose of organizing Gapjinbo was to reveal that it was a part of the royal family. The change in the purpose of organization surrounding the publication of genealogical records by Gyeongju Kim Clan’s Taesagong-pa was due to the change in the central force in the family, and simultaneously, the rise of Hakjugong-pa, triggered by selection of a spouse for the Royal family-the royal family’s selection Queen Jeongsun-had a great influence. However, simply the appearance of the Queen did not make such a change possible. At that time, Queen Jeongsun's close relatives politically organized Namdang-Byeokpa and academically, played a major role in Horon. The reason why the Namdang was able to stand on its own feet was because of the academic assistance of Horon in addition to the support of Queen Jeongsun, where Kim Han-rok's role stands out. Kim Han-rok studied with Han Won-jin, the instructor of Horon, at a time when the Horak debate was intensifying. Kim Han-rok inherited the academic identity of Horon from Han Won-jin, and gradually moved to a position that plays a central role in Horon. However, Horon failed to continue the transfer of scholarship after the death of major scholars, and Gyeongju Kim Clan, who belonged to Byeokpa, was taken over as Kim Han-rok was embroiled in a dispute over the loyalty with the "Eight letters of curse[Palja Hyung-eon 八字凶言]" after his death. This was also an event in which Byeokpa and Horon were cut off from historical stream. Horon, which had subsided below the surface, reappeared in history when the Japanese invasion became visible. From 1895 to 1896, an anti-Japanese struggle broke out in Hongju under the banner of anti-enlightment and anti-invasion called the Hongju Righteous Army. Kim Bok-han, Kim Sang-deok, and Lee Seol, who led the righteous army, all had a sense of inheriting Horon, and they pointed out Kim Han-rok as the heir of Horon in terms of academic background. This can be said that Kim Han-rok's status within the horon was formed around the Naepo area, and that status was finally confirmed.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        北沃沮의 기원과 실체에 관한 高句麗의 두만강 유역 進出

        이종록(Lee, Jong-Rok) 한국고대사학회 2018 韓國古代史硏究 Vol.0 No.91

        본고에서는 사료상에서 등장하는 문화집단으로서의 沃沮 및 北沃沮라는 용어가 형성되는 과정을 추적하면서, 이 지역에 거주하고 있던 토착 집단의 실체 및 高句麗의 이 지역 진출과 관련성을 검토하였다. 보다 구체적으로는 ‘옥저’라는 용어는 본래 함흥 일대에 한정된 집단 및 지역을 지칭하는 용어에 지나지 않았지만, 이후 동해안 일대의 문화전파 등의 과정으로 인해 하나의 종족명으로 정착된 것으로 보았다. 그리고 그 명칭의 형성은 고구려의 진출 과정에서 나타난 결과로 파악하였다. 『三國志』 東夷傳의 서술 체계에서는 옥저가 하나의 종족집단으로 비정될 수 있는 반면, 사료 내부에서 濊라는 문화권에 속한 함흥 일대의 소규모 집단의 이름으로 볼 수 있는 이중적인 요소가 있다. 기원후 1세기 무렵에 함흥 지역에서는 군현 조직이 철폐되는 한편, 얼마 지나지 않아 함흥과 두만강 유역은 모두 고구려의 영역으로 편입되었다. 그런데 이 시기는 연해주 일대의 團結-크로우노프카 문화는 소멸하는 반면, 한반도 동북부 지방에는 동질의 문화권이 확산되어가는 시점이다. 때문에 이 무렵 동해안 일대에서는 공통된 문화를 공유하던 집단들이 거주하고 있었으며, 이들이 단일의 종족명으로 지칭될 수 있는 기반이 되었다고 추정하였다. 그리고 이 용어는 太祖王代에 고구려가 함흥에서부터 두만강 유역에 이르는 지역의 지배권을 정비하면서, 역으로 이 과정의 기초가 된 옥저(함흥) 지역의 종족명을 북옥저에도 확대 · 적용시킨 결과로 보았다. This paper analyzed the process of the emergence the terms ‘Okchŏ(沃沮)’ and especially ‘North Okchŏ (Pugokchŏ 北沃沮)’ as an ethnic group, and how these terms are related to the cultural groups in this area. More specifically, although the term ‘Okchŏ’ was originally limited to the term for the inhabitants in the Hamhŭng area, it was established as a name for an ethnic group after culture diffusion on the coastal area of East Sea. Also, the formation of the term was directly linked to Koguryŏ’s militaristic expansion to this area . According to the description of “Biography of East Barbarians(東夷)” in Sanguozhi(三國志), Okchŏ could be regarded as an ethnic group. Yet, the book also inconsistently illustrates the term as a name of the small group or area belonging to the cultural group named ‘Ye(濊)’. Around the first century AD, Chinese commanderies in Hamhŭng area were abolished, and Koguryŏ conquered these areas. Archaeological research indicate that, during this period, the Tuanjie-Krounovka culture, usually known as the culture of North Okchŏ, was extinguished and the culture in the northeast coastal area of Korean peninsula shows similarities to Krounovka culture. Thus, the inhabitants in the areas from Hamhŭng to Tuman River shared a similar culture by the first century, which was the reason to call the inhabitants as a generic term for an ethnic group. Additionally, the term emerged in the process of establishing Koguryŏ’s authority over these areas during the reign of King T’aejo, as people of Koguryŏ expanded its meaning and applied the term for the inhabitants in Hamhŭng to the people in Tuman River.

      • KCI등재

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