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      • KCI등재

        제주 4·3사건을 기억하는 기억하는 두 가지 방식

        이정석(Lee Joung-suk) 한국어문학회 2008 語文學 Vol.0 No.102

        This thesis discussed the ways of making 'the April-three Incident in Jeju' into epic dramas in Uncle Suni by Ki-young Hyun and The Death of A Crow by Suk-bum Kim, and analyzed the relationship between the socialistic and historical situation of the writers with the epics. On the basis of the analysis, the thesis tried to define the significance and limitations of dealing 'the April-three Incident in Jeju' in literature. The April-three Incident in Jeju' has long been considered as one of the taboos writers dared not try to deal with in their works. In this sense Uncle Suni by Ki-young Hyun has its meaning in overcoming the taboo and becoming the detonator of making the incident the subject of arts and literature. Uncle Suni revolted the mainstream of defining 'The April-three Incident in Jeju' as a riot, but defined it as a disaster and an accident and tried to express regrets to the victims. But the discourses that define the April-three Incident as a disaster or an accident tend to overlook the aspects of protest and resistance of the incident. The Death of A Crow by Suk-bum Kim was in a way the first novel that dealt with the incident. Suk-bum Kim was a Korean living in Japan and he could make use of the socialistic and political advantage of a Korean-Japanese and could emphasize the aspect of protest in his novel. The novel has great meaning in dealing with a group of revolutionary intellectuals in the field of arts. Still we are waiting for more works that deal with the incident in different views. The views in Uncle Suni and The Death of A Crow were rather narrow, but they opened the door of greater works covering the April-three Incident in the aspects of people's protest.

      • KCI등재

        재일조선인 문학이 바라 본 해방정국

        이정석(Lee Joung-suk) 우리문학회 2008 우리文學硏究 Vol.0 No.24

        해방정국의 향방은 재일조선인의 운명을 좌우하는 중대한 분기점이 되고 만다. 그렇게 보면, 민족과 국가의 경계에 위치한 재일조선인 작가들이 일찍부터 해방정국에 문학적 관심의 촉수를 들이대는 것도 너무나 당연하다. 해방정국을 다룬 재일조선인 문학작품 중에서 가장 눈길을 끄는 작품으로는 이인직의 『탁류』와 김달수의 『태백산맥』을 들 수 있다. 두 작품은 해방 직후의 일 년간을 집중적으로 다루면서 해방정국의 혼란과 단일한 국민국가 수립의 실패가 지닌 민족사적 의미를 진지하게 탐문하고 있다. 따라서 여기서는 국가와 민족의 경계선상에 위치해 있으면서 그 누구보다도 통일된 민족국가에의 귀속을 열망하는 재일조선인의 열망이 잘 담겨 있는 이들 작품을 중심으로 재일조선인이 해방정국을 어떻게 서사화하는가를 살펴보고자 했다. 재일조선인 문학의 대부분은 재일본조선인총연합회 산하조직 재일본 조선문학예술가동맹(이하 문예동) 소속 작가에 의해 창작된 것들이다. 하지만 재일조선인 문학에는 문예동에 속하지 않고 독자적인 행보를 보인 작가들의 작품들이 존재하다. 이인직은 문예동 소속으로 작품활동을 한 작가다. 반면 김달수는 그로부터 일탈해 독자적인 활동을 펼친 작가다. 그러므로 이인직의 『탁류』와 김달수의 『태백산맥』의 비교 고찰은 문예동 소속 작가와 그로부터 한 발 빗겨나 있는 작가들 사이에 존재하는 친연성과 거리를 구체적으로 확인할 수 있는 좋은 기회가 될 것이다. The course of the political situation after liberation was a significant turning point deciding the destiny of Koreans who were living in Japan. In this respect, no wonder Korean writers who were standing between the race and nation living in Japan showed keen literary interest in the situation after liberation. Among literary works on the political situation after liberation of Koreans residents in Japan, Takryu of Injik Lee and Taebaeksanmaek of Dalsu Kim are the two of the most outstanding ones. These two works were focused on the one year right after liberation seriously investigating the significance of the failure of establishing a unified country of one nation in terms of ethnic history in the chaotic political situation after liberation. Therefore, With these tow works that reflect the desire of Koreans in Japan for the unified nation more than any other people standing between the race and nation, this study investigates on how Koreans living in Japan at the time related the political situation after liberation. Most of literatures of Koreans who were living in Japan were created by writers belonging to the Association of Korean Literary Artists in Japan under The Union of Koreans in Japan. However, some denied the main stream of the Association of Korean Literary Artists in Japan and showed the independent position in their writings. Injik Lee is a writer who acted in association with the Association of Korean Literary Artists in Japan while Dalsu Kim independently acted, deviated from it. The comparative investigation on Takryu of Injik Lee and Taebaeksanmaek of Dalsu Kim, therefore, is a good opportunity to specifically clarify the connection and difference between writers who belonged to the Association of Korean Literary Artists in Japan and those were deviated from it.

      • KCI등재

        일반 논문 : 선우휘의 세계관과 윤리

        이정석 ( Joung Suk Lee ) 현대문학이론학회 2010 現代文學理論硏究 Vol.0 No.42

        선우휘는 전후문학을 대표하는 작가 중의 하나다. 그럼에도 불구하고, 여기서는 식민지 체험을 중심으로 전후문학 작가 선우휘의 문학을 논해 보고자 했다. 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 선우휘는 정치의 영역을 철저히 부정하고 일체의 정치를 윤리로 환원함으로써 소설 전체를 관통하는 윤리적 인간학을 반공 이데올로기를 합리화하는 근원적 지반으로 정초시킨다. 이때, 그가 정초한 윤리는 역사적 현실을 초월한 소박한 인륜의 차원에 뿌리를 두고 있는 동시에, 일본 식민지시대 학창문화라는 특정한 역사적 맥락과 결부되어 탄생한 것이라 할 수 있다. 이를테면, 매슈 아널드(Matthew Arnold)의 교양(culture)개념과 불과분의 관계를 가진다. 그는 현실세계의 구조적 문제점을 배제한 채 개인의 도덕적 변화와 정신의 완성이 현실적 모순과 부조리를 지양하는 근원적 힘이라고 주장한다. 이렇게 도덕적 미덕과 선한 삶만을 지나치게 강조하는 태도는 필연적으로 공공영역과 개인의 권리를 부정하는 결론에 이를 수밖에 없다. Sun Woo-hui is one of the representative post-war writers. Nevertheless, in the study, post-war writer Sun`s literature will be discussed focusing on the colonial experience. It is because it is judged that to understand Sun Woo Hui`s post-war literature which ranges from the Japanese colonial age to the Korean War, figuring out through the connection with the colonial experience would be more productive than discussing only about the experience of separation of Korea. Sun Woo-hui thoroughly refused the area of politics and reduced all politics to morality, and began moral humanity studies, which penetrates the whole novel, as the basis for rationalizing anti-communism ideology. Here, the morality he began is rooted in the dimension of modest humanity which transcends reality, and simultaneously, it can be said that it gave birth by combination with certain historical context called the school culture in the Japanese colonial age. That is, it has indivisible relation with Matthew Arnold`s concept of culture.

      • <무진기행(霧津紀行)>에 나타난 근대성(近代性)에 대한 음양론(陰陽論)적 고찰

        이정석 ( Lee Joung-suk ) 숭실대학교 인문과학연구소 2001 인문학연구 Vol.31 No.-

        We have considered the aspects of the modernity showed in the Mu Jin Gi Heng so fan Then we can summarize the process of the discussion as follows; Provided that Yang contains the extension-oriented inclination depending on the principles of male, we can say that Yin holds the introversive and passive characteristics. Therefore considering the mutual contradiction between Yin and Yang we assumed Yin to be the modernity and Yang to be the pre-modernity and applied that to the concrete text analysis. ‘Seoul’ and 'Mu Jin’霧津), that is to say, the city and the province divide the Mu Jin Gi Heng into two spatial parts. Supposed that ‘Seoul’ has the characteristics of the space of Yang, ‘Mu Jin’ has the characteristics of the space of Yin. So we tried to obtain the characteristics of the Korean modernization through confrontation between ‘Seoul’ and 'Mu Jin', namely Yang and Yin. In conclusion We ascertained that The Korean modernization has been destroyed a rural community, tradition in relation of antagonism(相剋). That is to say, it is not modernization of conjugal harmony(相生的 近代化) but modernization of antipathy to each other(相生的 近代化) in the Mu Jin Gi Heng

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        '소극적 허무주의'에 담긴 이데올로기적 함의

        이정석(Joung Suk Lee) 한국현대소설학회 2002 현대소설연구 Vol.- No.16

        Son Chang-seop(손창섭) is evaluated one of the writers who represent the literature of 1950`s at the Korean modern novel history. Nevertheless, Korean war which penetrates the whole of 1950`s historically in his works is not revealed as direct narrative, but generally presented as indirect narrative through a medium of the characters and time space. Therefore, in order to recognize him as the writer who represent the fifties, we should premise his work as the thorough desperate expression which war brings. That`s why the discussion about his world of literature is centered on most particular character`s group. But in spite of the accumulation of much research outcome, a study about the formal and aesthetic side of the text itself is somewhat insufficient. Moreover, beyond the level of formal consideration, the text-form inside historical coherence and the work examining the ideological effect which it produces is not almost accomlished. This study which text itself and the ideological effect which it produces with an object of Son Chang-seop`s <Hyeolseo(血書)>. First of all, this study have centered the formal aesthetics of text on irony. The preceding researches about the formal consideration focusing on irony have published, but of the irony more precisely, this study tried to deeper the depth of the discussion. And this study tried to consider even the ideological significance which it contains beyond the level of formal consideration because the irony of Son Chang-seop novel produces the passive nihilism. These efforts are made in order to illuminate an aspect of the nihilism discourse which was the type of a representative of the nineteen-fifties postwar novel an spoken ill of. A nihilism discourse with a humanism discourse is the type of a representative discourse which dominate 1950`s novel literature. But since a nihilism discourse don`t have the conquest will of reality and the prospect of future, a nihilism discourse was not evaluated properly and was abused. At last, the final intention of this study doesn`t lie in clarifying the aesthetics of Son Chang-seop novel, but by looking into the aesthetic and ideological effect more deeply which a nihilism discourse gives out, lies in making clear the affirmative meaning with it. Consequently, We think these works help to reconsider the existing and negative valuation about postwar novel and secure the concrete basis which we can see the whole of postwar literature from a more affirmative vision with.

      • KCI등재

        반복의 기법, 반복의 미학 -이인화의 소설을 중심으로

        이정석 ( Joung Suk Lee ) 우리어문학회 2011 우리어문연구 Vol.40 No.-

        What is creative repetition and what is trite repetition? Where is the limitation to literature, and what sort of repetition is not permissible? Although there is no easy way to judge this clearly, it is necessary to put forth efforts for a reasonable discussion and persuasive conclusion by means of publicly recognized concepts of criticism. Thus, this study aims to discuss some of the theoretical concepts to reason of repetition. Such theoretical concepts to reason of repetition include Parody, Pastiche, Intertextuality, and Simulation. To specifically explore the four theoretical concepts above, it is thought to be more appropriate to proceed with the theoretical discussion in connection with analysis of actual works, rather than to discuss the theories in an abstract manner. Therefore, this study involves the works of Inhwa Lee as the main subject of the discussion. His works have been controversial in terms of suitability of repetition. It seems that this is because his works adopt repetition as the key strategy of text formation, which also means that his works are proper in exploring theories regarding repetition..

      • KCI등재

        재일조선인 한글문학 속의 민족과 국가

        이정석(Joung Suk Lee) 한국현대소설학회 2007 현대소설연구 Vol.- No.34

        The special condition whereby the people of the colony reside in the colonizing country makes the disparity of the nation and the people a crucial factor that cannot be dealt with lightly when addressing the Korean-Japanese people. In particular, the tragic failure to realize a one modern nation-state for the Korean people aggravates the situation. The juncture where this tragic issue emerges sharply is the question of the Chosun nationality. If Chosun is the symbol of the contradiction found in the subtle national jurisdiction over the Korean-Japanese people of Chosun and the modern Korean history, ``Japanese-Korean literature`` is the asset of the Korean people that they created in a foreign land by overcoming all types of obstacles. Therefore, Japanese-Korean literature is, by itself, a precious resource that examines the social and cultural traces of the Koreans, and contributes to mending the polarity of the North and South Korean cultures, enriching the literature on the reunification of Korea. Meanwhile, Japanese-Korean literature shows in detail how modern national consciousness was developed and how the sense of jurisdiction towards the modern nation is developed. MunYaeDong, a sub group of the JoChongRyun, insists on purely Korean literary creations, to resist the Japanese language, the language of the colonizing nation. If MunYaeDong authors are geared towards the nation, they are different from the authors who mull over the issue of the Japanese-Korean based on the state whereby the national framework, that is the Japan, is recognized. Instead, the Korean people centered movement of the Korean-Japanese people of Chosun is strongly backed by the logic of self-preservation against the discrimination and assimilation policy of Japan to preserve the identity of the Korean people. Therefore, this movement is an extension of the Korean people centeredness that resisted the colonial rule. If so, the fact that the Korean people centeredness of the Korean-Japanese people of Chosun who do not hesitate to engage in social and political struggle while being fixated on the homogeneity of blood relations, language and culture is geared towards a nation of the Koreans in the modern era is not a foreign concept by all means. However, the problem is a unified nation of the Koreans, strongly desired by the Korean-Japanese people does not exist, and that this non-existent nation is replaced by North Korea. The Korean-Japanese people`s combative centeredness on the Korean people that is geared towards unified and self-autonomous nation of the Koreans while calling on each individual into a unified, collective entity, the Korean people, despite its intention, acts to continue the North Korean regime as it meets North Korea`s socialism based patriotism. Meanwhile, as the number of the Koreans in Japan who are naturalizing to become Japanese as the society of the Korean-Japanese people seeks a way to settle in Japan permanently, literature in Korean of the Korean-Japanese people of Chosun is deteriorating. To solve this issue, it is necessary for the literature in Korean of the Korean-Japanese people of Chosun move away gradually from the all too rigid framework of the Korean people and the nation. Instead, there is a need to mull over specific Korean people issues, while searching for a literary direction that can embrace the experience of Diaspora as a minority group and universal human issues. This is a requirement for the Japanese-Korean literature to consolidate its position as a ``literature of the minority.``

      • KCI등재

        자본의 제국, 기업사회 속 소설의 윤리

        이정석(Lee Joung-suk) 한국비평문학회 2009 批評文學 Vol.- No.31

        This manuscript is to define the society of Korea, which is besieged by the raging wind of nee-liberalism, as enterprise society and seek for consciousness of ethics in it that the prologue of novel has to keep. The summary of the result is as follows. Fist off all, it means that the author of this age should be a refuge of the system who introspects with critical eyes the almighty market principle and logic of capital from the point of fundamental point, make mimesis of the agony of existence and think about the external part of the capital. It means that the literature should become more of the avant-garde. To speak more specifically, the literature of Korea should seek for the harmonious relation between individual and community. Of cause, to find out and keep the existential interior of individual, which is buried in the forgetfulness of existence is the important subject of serious literature as well, since one of the weakest is just independent and matured internality of autonomous individual until now. At this time, how the lack of social justice, i.e. distortion of distribution and lack of welfare is devastating interior of the individual and what kind of overload is imposed on the private community called family should be introspected in order to make the internality of the literature of 1990s to be succeeded and improved developmentally. After all, the literature of liberalism supposing autonomous individuals to be the leading part of history should advance to the positive liberalism that participates independently in operation and decision-making of community where itself belongs beyond the passive liberalism that protects the independence and right of individuals from the unwanted interference from external power. In addition, the literature of this age should consider more and more how to build up the community respecting the diversity and difference by washing out evils lying in the interior while keeping human life of the community members by confronting the empire of capital, which is expanding its territory indiscriminately.

      • KCI등재

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