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      • KCI등재

        CASBEE 시스템을 적용한 택지개발사업의 지속가능성 평가모델 개발

        이재혁(Lee, Jae-Hyuk),변혜선(Pyon, Hey-Seon),제해성(Je, Hae-Seong) 한국도시설계학회 2009 도시설계 : 한국도시설계학회지 Vol.10 No.4

        본 연구에서는 시대의 흐름에 부합하면서 실무에서 활용가능한 택지개발사업의 평가모델을 제안하고, 이를 위한 구체적인 계획지표와 계획기준을 체계화하였다. 이를 위해, 기존 연구의 한계를 보완하고, 실제적인 택지개발의 계획 및 평가수단으로서 적용이 가능한 계획단계별 계획지표 및 계획기준을 제시하였다. 연구방법은 문헌 연구를 통해 택지개발계획의 평가지표 및 항목들을 취합하고, 이에 대해 전문가 자문회의와 실무자 웍샵을 통해 평가지표와 평가기준의 타당성을 검증하였다. 수립된 지표 기준은 평가 프로그램화 하여, 국내 택지개발지구 20개 사례에 대하여 두차례 시뮬레이션을 통해 기준을 보완하고 프로그램의 타당성을 검토하였다. 연구결과, 본 평가모델은 기본구상단계와 공간계획단계, 실시계획단계의 단계별 평가를 제안하였다. 또한 친환경 부문의 지형과 녹지, 수계, 환경오염 부문의 지표를 체계화 하였으며, 친인간 부문의 교통과 도로계획, 도시기후, 경관의 지표를 체계화하였다. 시뮬레이션 결과 국내 택지개발지구의 경우 기본구상단계와 공간계획단계는 높은 수준의 평가를 받았으나 실시계획단계에서 적용의 한계를 극복하지 못하고 낮은 수준의 평가를 받았다. This study aims to develop the evaluation model for sustainable urban neighborhood development to become available on the practice field, systemizing specific planning evaluation indicators and criteria. The procedures used in the research consisted of four phases. The first, urban planning evaluation indicators and items are collected from previous studies. Second, those indicators are verified through the expert advisory conference and the workshop of the practice. Third, the established index and criteria are programized by exel program. Fourth, simulation process is performed to verify the validity of evaluation program twice for 20 cases of urban neighborhood development of Korea National Housing Corporation. Results of the study are as follows: 1) This evaluation tool model proposed the step-by-step evaluation for schematic, masterplanning and design development, and systemized index as "Environmental friendly"; topography, green space, waterstream and environmental pollution, and ‘Human convenience’; traffic and street, urban microclimate and urban landscape. 2) As the result of simulation, schematic and masterplanning phases are evaluated high level, but the design development phase is evaluated low level, not overcoming the limit of practical application.

      • KCI등재

        노후 영구임대아파트 건축계획 및 운영관리에 대한 거주자 만족도 연구

        이미랑(Lee Mi-Rang),이희정(Lee Hee-Chung),이재혁(Lee Jae-Hyuk),제해성(Je Hae-Seong) 대한건축학회 2009 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.25 No.5

        After the public housing policy was broken off, the housing policy for the low-income brackets does not seem to exist any longer. Therefore, the existed public houses are the key of the stable dwelling for the low-income brackets. According to the regulations of urban and residential environment improvement of Seoul, the public housing that was completed in 1989 should be used eighteen years more by 2025, and the public housing that was completed afterwards should be used twenty four years more by 2031 in order to be redeveloped. For the reasons mentioned above, this study aims to evaluate the residential satisfaction through questionnaire survey, and to obtain the direction for the improvement of the residential satisfaction. Among the public housing located in Seoul, seventeen housing complexes that are managed by SH corporation were investigated. The questionnaires were asked the residents who live in the decrepit five cases which were selected on the basic of the completion year. The results of this study are as follows; 'Size of each room', 'size of house', and 'a number of room for a family member' were dissatisfied elements in interior environment. 'A location and a number of bicycle depository', 'parking lot', and 'decrepit level of building' were found that the residents were not satisfied with in exterior environment. Also, 'management expenses', 'the service of management staff and security man', and 'safety management' were the element that the residents were not satisfied with. From fact analysis, the satisfaction factors of the public housing are 'size of residential unit', 'basic supply facilities', 'natural lighting and view', 'safety and security', 'location and exterior', 'parking and traffic', 'community facilities', 'residential cost', 'maintenance'and 'sanitary'.

      • KCI등재후보

        도서지역 보건지소 공중보건의사의 응급의료 경험 및 대처능력 고찰

        서제현(Je Hyun Seo),이수진(Su Jin Lee),하정훈(Jeong Hoon Ha),김정호(Jung Ho Kim),이재혁(Jae Hyuk Lee),나백주(Baeg Ju Na),강윤화(Yoon Hwa Kang) 한국농촌의학 지역보건학회 2011 농촌의학·지역보건 Vol.36 No.1

        본 연구는 도서지역에 있는 47개 보건지소에 근무하는 의과 공중보건의사 79명을 대상으로 응급의료 수행 현황 및 지식수준 등을 파악하고자 하였다. 전체 79명의 대상자 중 35명이 설문에 응답하여 44.30%의 응답률을 보였다. 지난 6개월간 도서지역 보건지소에 근무하는 공중보건의사 중 58.68%가 응급의료 질환을 경험하였고, 평균 1.92건의 응급처치를 수행한 것으로 나타났다. 하지만, 실제 응급처치 능력에 대해서는 일부 생명과 직접 연관된 응급처치 능력에 자신이 없음을 호소하였다. 보건지소 근무 의사 중 20.25% 만이 전문의 자격을 갖춘 의사였는데, 응급의료 관련 질환을 처치하는 데 있어 전문의가 일반의와 비교하면 지식수준이 유의하게 높은 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 또한, 지식수준이 높다 하더라도 장비 및 의료지원 등 부족으로 실제 처치 능력으로 이어 지지 못하는 것을 알 수 있었다. 일부 섬의 경우 1명의 공중보건의사만 배치된 일도 있었으나 일반의 1인, 전문의 1인을 배치하는 것이 타당하다는 의견이 많았고, 공중보건의사 배치 이후 부족한 지식 및 기술을 습득하기 위한 교육 및 지원체계가 필요하다는 의견이 다수 있었다. 도서지역은 지리적으로 고립되어 있고, 이용할 수 있는 보건의료기관에 대한 선택권이 적다는 점에서 보건지소의 역할이 무엇보다 중요하다. 특히 응급질환 발생시 보건지소를 이용하는 주민이 많다는 측면에서도 보건지소 응급의료 기능을 강화하는 방안을 마련하는 것이 필요하겠다. 응급의료기능을 효율적으로 수행하고 질 높은 서비스 제공을 위하여 적절한 인력, 의료장비를 갖추도록 하고, 응급의료에 대한 매뉴얼 개발 및 현장교육 체계를 정비하여 최신의 지식과 기술을 보급하는 방안을 강구하여야 한다. Objectives: To investigate the experience and competence of physicians providing emergency medical services at public health sub-centers on remote Korean islands. Methods: This study enrolled 79 doctors who work at public health sub-centers on remote Korean islands. Data were collected in December 2009 via self-administered e-mail questionnaires. The response rate was 44.3%. Results: Emergent situations occurred at most (58.68%) of the public health sub-centers that were surveyed in December 2009. An average of 1.92 cases required treatment by public health physicians. Only 20.25% of the physicians were specialists in emergency medicine, while the remainder were general practitioners (GPs) without clinical experience as emergency doctors. We also found that the physicians we surveyed had insufficient knowledge of emergency medical care. At some health centers only one doctor was available, and there was no medical team in holiday, although most of the physicians indicated that the ideal number of doctors per center was two or three. In cases of emergency, patients were often sent to the mainland by ship without receiving first-aid treatment. The public health sub-centers lacked the necessary medical equipment to save lives in emergencies and lacked escort systems for emergency patients. Conclusions: The Korean government should address the importance of providing emergency care in remote areas. Health administrators should provide suitable manpower, medical equipment, guidelines for emergency medicine, and education for public health physicians on remote islands.

      • KCI등재

        건축실무자 조사를 통한 초고층 공동주택 주거환경평가지표에 관한 연구

        정성운(Cheong Seong-Woon),이재혁(Lee Jae-Hyuk),제해성(Je Hae-Seong) 대한건축학회 2007 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.23 No.11

        This study aims to find out the weight of the sustainable residential quality index of Super high-rise apartment, Since 1990, the supply of super high-rise apartment has been growing constantly. Residents' needs for better residential environment is on the increase. Therefore, the sustainable residential quality index is necessary for being adjusted to the change of high-rise living. To evaluate overall residential environment, the residential quality index needs to include psychological effect, social function, economic factor and others as well as design elements. The residential quality index is consist of five factors : 'facility infrastructure', 'visual and formal factors', 'spatial use', 'social relationship', 'maintenance and management'. Each factor, contains criteria and architectural elements, is supplemented for sustainability through preceding studies and other evaluation tools such as Green Building Certification Criteria, CASBEE. Experts-oriented survey is analyzed by the way of AHP. It is summarized as follows. The most important factor is 'spatial use' and by order of high weight, 'facility infrastructure', 'maintenance and management', 'social relationship, 'visual and formal factors' are in order. In result of architectural elements, weights of 'view', 'spatial function', 'sustainable efficiency', 'amenity', and 'economic' are high in each factor.

      • KCI등재

        실무자 조사를 통한 초고층 공동주택의 리모델링 방향에 관한 연구

        구범모(Koo Bum-Mo),이재혁(Lee Jae-Hyuk),제해성(Je Hae-Seong) 대한건축학회 2007 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.23 No.12

        A super high-rise apartment housing, the one of representative housing types in Korea, has a special character that prevent urban place from sprawling by vertical expansion. This study aims to suggest the design direction of remodeling for sustainable super high-rise apartment housing through analyzing the priority of various remodeling factors. It is necessary for establishing the direction of future sustainable remodeling to organize hierarchical structure of remodeling guideline in super high-rise apartment housing and survey for the various practicing professionals. Therefore, the remodeling factors are rebuilt through previous studies and bibliographies for AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process) method. The hierarchical structure of this study is composed of 5 factors-A)convenience, B)internal/external appearance, C)increase of effective area, D)sustainability, E)economical value- and 26 criteria that are adjusted to each factor through analyzing previous studies that include Green Building I Certification, CASBEE and LEED. The criteria are consisted of 109 architectural elements. As a results, the priority of the design direction of remodeling for sustainable super high-rise apartment housing is in order of: A)convenience, D)sustainability, E)economical value, C)increase of effective area, B)internal/external appearance.

      • KCI등재

        초고층 주상복합 공용시설의 활용현황에 관한 연구

        신동혁(Shin Dong-Hyuk),이재혁(Lee Jae-Hyuk),제해성(Je Hae-Seong) 대한건축학회 2008 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.24 No.5

        Mixed Use Apartments have been recognized as a new type of urban housing in Korea since government's promotional policy in the middle of 1900's. However, the research on the use of the community facility in the super high-rise mixed-use apartment has not been sufficiently performed to understand the present status of them. Therefore, this study aims to find out residential satisfaction and preference based on use of community facilities to suggest the design guide lines for each community facility in the super high-rise mixed-use apartments. Research methods are as follows; 1. Categorizing the type of the super high-rise mixed-use apartment by placing the community facility. 2. Analysing the variety and size of the community facilities through architectural drawings of nineteen cases 3. Surveying the average using hour a week, satisfaction and preference of the community facilities for each site by type. The results of this study are as follows; 1. Through the analysis of drawings, sports facility and quality lobby were found to be arranged in most cases, than any other facilities. 2. Sports facilities were found to have the highest frequency level of average using hours a week and the highest satisfaction level on the size and quality among the community facilities in the super high-rise mixed-use apartments. 3. The lobby was regarded as a very important design factor, and it may be able to integrate and vitalize the community. 4. With integrating the results on the analysis of residents' consciousness, the size and diversity of the community facility are needed to extend.

      • KCI등재후보

        벤슨의 긴장이완법이 정상 성인의 심박변이도에 미치는 영향

        이진규 ( Jin Gyu Lee ),이재혁 ( Jae Hyuk Lee ),이제균 ( Je Kyun Lee ),김지혁 ( Ji Hyouck Kim ) 대한한방신경정신과학회 2006 동의신경정신과학회지 Vol.17 No.3

        Objectives: The purpose of this research is to investigate the effects of Benson`s Relaxation Technique on autonomic nervous system for normal subjects with Heart Rate Variability(HRV) and find out relationship with anti-stress effects. Methods: First, Benson`s Relaxation Technique was applied on 5 normal subjects for three weeks. Then HRV was examined for 15 minutes Benson`s Relaxation Technique application. Next, Benson`s Relaxation Technique each 8 times was applied on 5 normal subjects for 1 weeks. Then HRV was examined each 5 minutes before and after Benson`s Relaxation Technique application. Results: 1. SDNN, SDSD increased continuously in HRV for three weeks Benson`s Relaxation Technique application. 2. Mean HRV, SDNN, SDSD were significant different in HRV between before and after Benson`s Relaxation Technique application at fourth week. Conclusion: The results suggest that Benson`s Relaxation Technique application have shown anti-stress effects and the more Benson`s Relaxation Technique is repeated, the more effective.

      • KCI등재

        신도시 아파트 주동출입부 계획요소 변화와 주민 선호에 관한 연구

        양기인(Yang Ki-In),제해성(Je Hae-Seong),이재혁(Lee Jae-Hyuk) 대한건축학회 2012 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.28 No.9

        The main entrance of apartment building performs not only function of connection between indoor and outdoor but also interaction with neighbors as a semi-public space. This study aims to find out the residential preference for the main entrance design factors of apartment buildings and analyze design characteristics through time series study and new towns in Korea. the research methods are as follow. First, the main entrance design factors was derived from other studies for analyzing status of the main entrance of new towns such as Bundang and Dontan. Second, comparative analysis was performed between Bundang and Dongtan New Towns on those factors. Third, residential preference survey was performed for configuring the design direction on the apartment building main entrance. In conclusion, the mixed-type among main entrance design types that makes piloti space and distinguished facade design should be considered as one of the primary planning types of apartment building entrance. Second, residents prefer community space in the main entrance such as a piloti, Lobby and some places for relaxation. Third, security, which has been not installing by the reason of operation cost reduction should be reconsidered.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        인체피부 섬유모세포 배양에서 ELISA법을 이용한 히알루론산의 정략적 측정

        김성진 ( Seong Jin Kim ),이수아 ( Su Ah Lee ),이재혁 ( Je Hyuk Lee ),윤숙정 ( Sook Jung Yun ),이지범 ( Jee Bum Lee ),이승철 ( Seung Chul Lee ),원영호 ( Young Ho Won ) 대한피부과학회 2006 대한피부과학회지 Vol.44 No.8

        Background: Assay of glycosaminoglycans or proteoglycans from skin is complicated due to individual methods where the measurements are highly specialized. The results from these different methods are not able to be compared and there is a large variance. Objective: It seems reasonable that a major glycosaminoglycan in the skin, hyaluronic acid, might be ideal as a representative instead of the whole components of glycosaminoglycan. To develop a simple and reliable assay method, the in vitro cell culture system was selected to reduce time and variety of data. The usefulness of the ELISA method, using hyaluronic acid binding protein (HA-ELISA), was evaluated. Methods: The amount of hyaluronic acid synthesis was measured under a standardized protocol for cultured human skin fibroblasts from the elderly and neonates, as well as the NIH 3T3 mouse fibroblast cell line. To see whether this screening method (HA-ELISA) could be time-saving and reliable under in vitro conditions, some well-known stimulants for glycosaminoglycan synthesis such as retinol, retinyl palmitate, polyethoxyretinide retinamide and hydroxyproline were treated. Results: The production of hyaluronic acid was influenced by both culture condition and source of fibroblasts. The level of quantity showed different patterns due to factors such as culture period, serum in the medium and cell proliferation rate. We found that stable levels of hyaluronic acid assay from culture supernatant were obtained by delaying the sampling time after 24 hours of treatment with stimulants. Conclusion: For a reliable quantitative assay, either NIH 3T3 mouse fibroblasts or neonate fibroblasts were suitable. The culture condition and time of harvest should be determined first to estimate the stable kinetics of hyaluronic acid synthesis. This in vitro test protocol can be used as an additional evaluation system towards a potential agent for dermal connective tissue, while further efforts are still mandatory to correlate the confounding factors of in vitro and in vivo.(Korean J Dermatol 2006;44(8):950~958)

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