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      • KCI등재

        캄보디아 훈센의 외교 전략과 전망

        이윤범 ( Beom Lee Yun ) 한국외국어대학교 동남아연구소 2012 東南亞硏究 Vol.21 No.3

        Cambodia in geomorphology is located between two powers, Thailand and Vietnam. Cambodia historically had been invaded by these two powers numerous times and lost a great deal of territory. It was under French colonial rule for tens of years and its border line was fixed by the French. Even after it was liberated from French colonial rule, it went through political chaos and a brutal massacre committed by Khmer Rouge, that killed more or less two million Cambodians. Khmer Rouge had slaughtered civilians under the pretext of fulfilling the socialist revolution. Vietnam forces had finally driven out Khmer Rouge out of Cambodia and ruled over Cambodia for ten years. But Vietnam had to pull out of Cambodia due to domestic problems and international pressure, forming a pro-Vietnam government in Cambodia, which was called later Hun Sen regime. The government consisted of some Khmer Rouge officers who fled to Vietnam owing to the threat of Pol Pot, the Prime Minister of Khmer Rouge, to kill them and Cambodians residing in Vietnam. After Hun Sen, one of the longest prime ministers in the world, has experienced ups and downs with his political power, he is currently enjoying the political stabilization. In this historical context Cambodians` antagonism toward the Thai and the Vietnamese is obvious and hostility toward the Vietnamese is even more intensified. But Hun Sen regime, which has limitation of its origin formed by Vietnam, has been maintaining a collectively strategic partnership with Vietnam. But relations with Thailand have been strained due to a lot of political conflicts caused by the border disputes. Hun Sen`s government capitalized bilateral tensions as tactic of bolstering their political clout and reducing the antagonism of Cambodians toward Vietnam. Chinese ambitions in Southeast Asia may probably force a reassessment of Cambodia`s triangular relationship with Vietnam and Thailand. The Peoples Republic of China has transformed itself from the Hun Sen`s bitter foe to its close ally, becoming the largest donor and investor to Cambodia. China continued to incerase its influence on Cambodia through what the Cambodian sees as unconditional aid and non-interference in Cambodian internal affairs. Cambodian government has placed top priority on relations with Vietnam, Thailand, and China, including multilateral relafions with Western countries. As long as Hun Sen`s regime is maintained, relations with Vietnam will last, But China might be a variable.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        베트남 독립과 통일을 이룬 호찌밍 리더십

        이윤범 ( Yun Beom Lee ) 한국외국어대학교 동남아연구소 2015 東南亞硏究 Vol.25 No.2

        This article is to analyse the nature of Ho Chi Minh``s leadership and to research his role achieving Vietnamese independence and unification as a leader. Ho chi Minh is the founder of Vietnam, who is called father of Vietnam. He was born in 1890 during the period of the colonial domination from France. Around 20 years old age he had decided to see how people were living in France and other countries, then come back and help his countrymen. During the journey he witnessed the poor people and in particular, black people in America oppressed by the rich. Then he was determined to sacrifice himself to achieve Vietnamese Independence from French domination. The nature of his leadership is as follows: 1. He established a goal for independence of his country until it was achieved. As means of goal attainment he adopted Marx-Leninism and formed Communist Party of Vietnam. 2. He tried to enhance the sense of Vietnamese values, stressing the unity, the unity and the great unity through the propaganda of the party organization. 3. He sacrificed himself for freedom of his people and country and left his testament, wishing their happiness and freedom.

      • KCI등재

        호찌민 인본주의 중심의 베트남 민족해방 투쟁과정 고찰

        이윤범(Lee, Yun Beom) 인문사회과학기술융합학회 2018 예술인문사회융합멀티미디어논문지 Vol.8 No.8

        본 논문은 베트남 민족해방 투쟁 과정에서 호찌민의 인본주의 사상이 어떤 역할을 했는지를 고찰하는 것이다. 그에게 인본주의가 형성된 배경은 중국의 영향을 받은 유교교육과 베트남 전통의 애국주의였다. 유교교육을 받으면서 자란 그는 유교의 통치이념에서 백성이 주권자라는 인본주의 사상을 배웠다. 그리고 베트남은 지정학적 위치 때문에 역사적으로 외세의 침입에 시달려야 했고, 국방을 위해 애국주의 전통이 아주 강했다. 그래서 국토를 방어하기 위해서는 인간 중심으로 이루어진 가족, 마을, 그리고 국가의 공동체가 발달할 수밖에 없었다. 20대 초반에 호찌민은 민족해방의 길을 모색하기 위해 프랑스로 건너갔고, 프랑스 사회당에 입당하였다. 그리고 러시아에서 레닌이 대중(노동자)을 동원하여 러시아 혁명을 성공적으로 이끄는 것을 목격하였다. 당시 베트남에서는 노동자가 거의 없고 농민이 대부분이었기 때문에 그는 국민전체를 대중이라고 생각했다. 그래서 국민을 중심으로 독립투쟁을 수행할 것을 결심하였다. 국민을 통합 단결시키는 것이 무엇보다 중요하다는 것을 간파한 그는 국민을 중심으로 단결을 통해 민족해방운동에 성공하였다. This paper is to analyze the role of Ho Chi Minh’s humanism in the process of Vietnam’s national liberation struggle. His humanism was built up by the background of Confucian teaching and Vietnam’s traditional patriotism. He was born in the Confucian family and learned that a nation was a sovereign itself as governance idea. And patriotism had been traditionally strong feature in Vietnam due to the natural geographic position, which led to a number of foreign invasions. So the decisive factor in defence was the formation of a structure comprising the family, village, and the country, consisting of humans. In his early twenties he left his country for France to search for the way of the Vietnam’s independence and joined the Socialist Party of France. Then he witnessed the success of Russian Revolution with mobilizing the mass(proletarians) by leading of Lenin. At that time he thought of all of Vietnamese as revolution force due to the lack of laborers(proletarians) in Vietnam. He eventually achieved independence of his country by enhancing the unity of people.

      • KCI등재

        호치민 사상과 도이 머이

        이윤범 ( Yun Beom Lee ) 한국외국어대학교 동남아연구소 2014 東南亞硏究 Vol.23 No.3

        This paper is to review that the motivation of Doi Moi implemented by Communist Party of Vietnam is Ho Chi Minh Thought. Analysing the background and specific character of Ho Chi Minh Thought, I carefully look into the linkage of Ho Chi Minh Thought taken place in the process of Doi Moi. Generally speaking, the economic growth of a country seems to be affected by the leadership which conducts the state affairs. The same applies to Vietnam, where the sustainable economic growth after the economic reform and the open door policy in 1986 is lasted. According to economic experts there are a few conditions they are very optimistic in economic growth of Vietnam. First of all Vietnam has the big potential consumption market, the growing manufacturing industry, and the increasing foreign trade. Ho Chi Minh Thought, Communist Party ideology of Vietnam and the value of constitutional law, has contributed to this economic growth of Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh Thought is the concentration of oriental culture, Ho chi Minh`s philosophy and nationalism, and the way of thinking of liberalism affected by France Revolution, reflecting the realities of Vietnam in the process of implementation of Vietnam revolution from capitalism to socialism based on Marx-Leninism. The focus to be emphasized in Ho Chi Minh Thought was pragmatism and nationalism. The fact that Communist Party of Vietnam leads its economic growth with the above mentioned ideologies is that it fully understands they took up the broad realm in the development of the state. Nationalism is what is an ideology which makes a race, a nation, and national identity the basic unit of the social formation. So whenever national interests emerge, nationalism appears as an ideology of a national community. And pragmatism is what is an ideology which makes social usefulness the standard of value in the human life and behaviour. In reality Vietnam has adhered closely to the flexible policy in terms of national interests. Traditionally The Communist Party of Vietnam has ruled over the people of Vietnam on the base of Ho Chi Minh Thought which can be a very considerable variable in not only economic policy, but other areas. Therefore Ho Chi Minh Thought has been the motivation of Doi Moi being under way.

      • KCI등재

        호치민 민족주의와 베트남의 외교전략 -남중국해 군도의 영유권 분쟁을 중심으로-

        이윤범 ( Yun Beom Lee ) 한국외국어대학교 동남아연구소 2013 東南亞硏究 Vol.22 No.2

        This article is to see what Vietnam``s response towards territorial dispute in the South China Sea is. A foreign policy of Individual countries is generally affected by various factors. Vietnam as a socialist country maintains one-party dictatorship in which the whole power is concentrated on the Communist Party of Vietnam. Thus CPV`` volition can become a very important variable, which can have a decisive influence upon the direction of foreign policy. Above all CPV is in the position of the only leading-organ for the people in Vietnam. President Ho Chi Minh was the founder of the Communist Party and the State of Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh himself took the portfolio of foreign affairs of Democratic Republic of Vietnam during 1945-1946 when the country``s revolution was in its first days of success, dealing with both internal and external enemies. The country was in an extremely dangerous and chaotic situation. Vietnamese diplomacy of the Ho chi Minh era was the most significant turning point in Vietnam``s diplomatic history. Vietnam``s foreign policy was based on Ho Chi Minh``s nationalism. He was born in French colonial era and searched for the path for national liberation. He also struggled for the national independence and reunification of his country. In this process he of his own accord became a nationalist. To find out the way of the national independence he combined communism with nationalism due to the need of the outside assistance. He emphasized that for the national interests to be achieved one should gain the support from the major power. So far the CPV regards Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh Thought as its ideological foundation and compass for action, which means that Vietnamese diplomatic policy is still carried out according to Ho Chi Minh``s nationalism. According to the basis of Ho Chi Minh Thought Vietnam is looking for the outside assistance to cope with China for the territory dispute in the South China Sea. Lately America expressed a strong intention of intervention in the dispute for its national interests. Eventually, there is a good chance of confrontation between America and China in the conflict of the South China Sea.

      • KCI등재

        환경유래 젖소유방염 저감을 위한 우분뇨 탈수 시스템의 탈수 및 유방염 원인체 제균 효과 규명

        김동혁,임정주,이진주,김대근,장홍희,이승주,이윤범,장동일,이후장,민원기,김상훈,오권영,김석,Kim, Dong Hyeok,Lim, Jung Ju,Lee, Jin Ju,Kim, Dae Geun,Chang, Hong Hee,Lee, Seung Joo,Lee, Yun Beom,Chang, Dong Il,Lee, Hu Jang,Min, Won-Gi,Kim, Sang 대한수의학회 2009 大韓獸醫學會誌 Vol.49 No.3

        Bovine mastitis is an important disease causing serious economic loss in dairy production and food poison in public health. Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus are the major causative agents of bovine mastitis. These bacteria were found in milk and environmental condition such as feces, water, soil and so on. Bovine mastitis causative micro-organisms can survive in 1-2 weeks in feces and bed complexes. Low level of percentage of water content (PWC) of feces and bed complexes can reduce the spreading of bovine mastitis incidence from environmental contamination. In this study, we developed the fecal dehydrating system and determined the elimination rates of bovine mastitis causative agent from feces and bed complexes. To develop the fecal dehydrating system, the screw pressurized dehydrating system was used and the maximum rate of dehydrating was reached to 52% PWC using 90% PWC (wet base) of fecal and bed complexes. The elimination rates of the dehydrating system for E. coli and S. aureus were reached at 41.19 $\pm$ 7.84% to 62.55 $\pm$ 8.71% in various percentages of PWC of feces and bed complexes (80, 85 and 90%). These results suggested that the application of fecal dehydrating system would reduce the exposure of dairy cattle to bovine mastitis causing agents contaminated feces and bed complexes, and can be used for environmental bovine mastitis control avoiding misuse or abuse of chemical disinfectants and antibiotics in dairy farm.

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