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        지역의 기후변화 정책평가에 관한 연구:

        이유현(Lee You hyun) 한국지방정부학회 2018 지방정부연구 Vol.22 No.1

        기후변화 정책을 비롯한 환경정책은 환경문제의 내재적인 심각성과 비가역성을 고려할 때 주기적인 정책평가가 필요한 분야이다. 본 연구의 정책평가대상인 지역의 기후변화계획은 계획 자체가 정책 산출물로써 사후적 평가의 대상이기도 하나, 계획을 토대로 정책을 집행한다는 도구적 관점에서 보았을 때에는 사전적 평가의 대상이라는 이중적 성격을 가진다. 지역의 기후변화정책을 평가하기 위해 기존 선행연구 검토를 통해 도출한 정책평가 기준을 토대로 정성적 평가를 시행하고, 해당 지역의 기후변화 정책전문가 집단을 대상으로 한 의견 수렴 및 AHP분석을 통해 개선방향을 도출해내었다. 지역의 기후변화 정책에 대한 정성적 평가는 법적수용성, 사회적 수용성 등 14개의 세부지표로 나누어서 평가하였다. 법적 수용성과 유관계획과의 정합성 항목에 대해서는 평가결과가 우수하였고, 성찰성의 하위지표인 정책수요 반영에 있어서는 다소 미흡한 것으로 평가되었다. 그러나 사회적 수용성, 의사결정과정, 거버넌스 구조, 공평한 의사표현의 기회, 정보균형, 이행전략과 정책수단, 합목적성, 국가계획과의 정합성, 국제레짐과의 정합성, 이전계획에 대한 고려, 소외집단 배려의 11가지 세부지표에 대해서는 미흡한 수준으로 평가되었다. AHP 분석결과 지역의 기후변화정책에서 가장 시급한 과제는 절차적 타당성의 확보이며 내용적 타당성의 확보는 차순위로 평가되었으며, 절차적 타당성의 세부지표 중 우선순위가 가장 높은 지표는 거버넌스였다. 기후변화 정책을 지역차원에서 발전시키기 위해서는 각별한 정책적 노력이 요구되며, 지역사회의 기후변화 정책 역량을 강화할 수 있도록 기후변화 거버넌스 수립을 통해 세부정책들을 정비해나갈 필요가 있다. The climate change plan can be the outcome of policy process itself, but it also has the double nature of policy tool which eventually leads the ultimate policy outcome. In order to evaluate overall local climate change policy, this study conducts qualitative evaluation based on the policy evaluation criteria derived from the previous literature review, and it conducts AHP analysis by the expert group. The qualitative evaluation of local climate change policy was divided into 14 indicators such as legal acceptability and social acceptability. The evaluation results were excellent for the two items of legal acceptability and consistency with related plans, and it was evaluated to be unsatisfactory in reflecting policy demand, which is a sub - index of reflection criteria. However, it is important to note that social acceptance, decision making process, governance structure, equity, information, implementation strategy and policy instruments, goal attainment, policy coherence, alignment with international regime were not sufficient. Those 11 indicators were evaluated to be inadequate. As a result of AHP analysis, the most urgent task in the local climate change policy was ensuring procedural legitimacy. Securing of content validity was ranked second, and the governance was the highest priority among the sub-indicators of procedural legitimacy. In order to develop climate change policies at the local level, specific policy efforts are required and it is necessary to establish detailed policies through governance structure to strengthen the local capacity to fight against climate change issue.

      • KCI등재
      • 은퇴 예정자들의 물리적, 심리적 스트레스 완화를 위한 주거 치유 가이드라인에 관한 연구 - 홍콩 ArchSD ‘Elderly-friendly Design Guidelines’를 중심으로 -

        이유현(Lee, You-Hyun),김석경(Kim, Seok-Gyeong) 한국주거학회 2023 한국주거학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.35 No.1

        Prospective retirees at the turning point from middle-aged to old-aged suffer from anxiety about job loss and reduced activity due to physical changes. Therefore, this study attempts to present housing therapy design elements that can reduce physical and psychological stress experienced by retirement. The main method of this study is literature review. First, stress was categorized and classified by analyzing previous studies and literature data on the stress experienced by prospective retirees. Second, based on supportive design theory proposed by Ulrich(2001), the consideration in residential area of Hong Kong’s ‘Elderly-friendly Design Guidelines’ was analyzed, and housing therapy design elements for stress relief were extracted. Third, the previously proposed interior guidelines for the elderly and extracted elements are compared and analyzed to verify the validity of each element.

      • KCI등재

        배출권거래제 도입의 정책형성과정 연구 -옹호연합모형(ACF)과 사회연결망분석(SNA)를 중심으로-

        이유현 ( You hyun Lee ),권기헌 ( Gi heon Kwon ) 한국정책학회 2013 韓國政策學會報 Vol.22 No.3

        본 연구는 배출권거래제 도입의 정책형성과정을 Sabatier의 옹호연합모형(ACF)과 신문기사를 이용한 사회연결망분석(SNA)을 통해 분석한 연구이다. 배출권거래제 정책의 도입은 환경과 시장가치의 충돌이라는 근원적 불변의 속성을 가진 갈등의 문제와 약 15년이라는 긴 정책형성기간을 고려할 때 Sabatier의 옹호연합모형(ACF)에 적실성을 갖고 있다. 본 연구는 Lasswell의 정책형성과정을 정책정보기, 정책건의기, 정책갈등기, 정책처방기의 4시기로 발전시켜 각각의 시기에서 나타나는 ACF상의 역동적 외향요인, 상대적 안정변수, 정책하위체제의 구조(중심성과 밀도, 연합의 구성), 정책산출물의 시기별 분석을 통해 최종적인 배출권거래제 정책이 형성되는 과정을 심도 있게 분석하였다. 특히 정책하위제체 분석에 있어서의 사회연결망분석(SNA)의 적용은 기존 ACF연구의 한계를 보완하여 실증적인 연구를 진행할 수 있게 하였다. This study analyzes the policy making process of the Korean Emission Trading Scheme using Sabatier's Advocacy Coalition Framework(ACF) and Social Network Analysis(SNA). During the policy making process of Korean ETS, the environmental value and the market value of the underlying invariant properties of the two coalitions ;pro-environment coalition and pro-market coalition, have provoked severe conflicts for more than 15 years. Considering the long duration of the conflicts and the clash of the two coalitions, Sabatier's Advocacy Coalition Framework(ACF) has methodological relavance to this highly controversial issue. This study developed Lasswell's policy making process theories into four categories; policy information period, policy suggestion period, policy conflict period, and policy action period. Concerning the ACF, dynamic factors, relatively stable variables, the structure of policy sub-system(degree centrality, closeness centrality, density, and the composition of coalitions) are used for analyzing the policy making process and with the analysis of policy outcomes from each four periods, final policy formation was comprehensively analyzed. Also additionally using the Social Network Analysis(SNA), this study tempted to overcome the existing limits of past ACF studies by using both qualitative and quantitative methodologies within.

      • 도심 속 유휴공간의 고령친화적 리노베이션에 관한 사례 연구

        이유현(Lee, You-Hyun),김석경(Kim, Suk-Kyung) 한국실내디자인학회 2023 한국실내디자인학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.25 No.3

        South Korea is on the brink of becoming a super-aged country. This study explores the potential of repurposing idle spaces as facilities for the elderly. Currently, renovation projects in Korea primarily target residences or cultural initiatives. In this study, we conducted a case analysis involving five international cases, including an abandoned factory, shopping mall, hospital, school, and post office. These spaces were transformed into facilities for the elderly, and their functionality and design characteristics were thoroughly analyzed. The case study uncovered the possibility of converting these idle spaces into public facilities for the elderly. However, during the renovation process, it is crucial to actively incorporate age-friendly design elements in the interior. This study contributes to addressing the current aging issue by exploring age-friendly renovations of vacant spaces. Future research should delve into a more detailed analysis of the domestic situation, based on cases, and assess the potential for the effective application of age-friendly renovations for idle spaces.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        한국인에서 류마티스관절염의 치료적 관해

        이유현 ( You Hyun Lee ),이지수 ( Ji Soo Lee ),강은숙 ( Eun Sook Kang ) 대한류마티스학회 2008 대한류마티스학회지 Vol.15 No.3

        Objective: To define the state of remission based on American College of Rheumatology (ACR) preliminary criteria in Korean patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Methods: A hundred three patients of RA, followed up over 1 year, were selected at Ewha medical center from May 2000 to May 2006. Remission was defined by ACR preliminary criteria. Data were obtained from the initial and the last visit. Data on initial tender joint count (TJC) and swollen joint count (SJC), treatment, disease duration, remission duration were collected. Initial ESR, CRP, rheumatoid factor (RF), TJC and SJC were also performed at the last clinical visit or at the time of remission. Results: Patients in remission were 35%. The maintenance duration of remission was 4.8±9.0 (mean±SD) months. Remission group had shorter disease duration (20.2±34.7 vs. 58.2±83.2 months, p=0.010), were at earlier stage of the disease (<2 years of symptom onset) (80.6 vs. 52.2%, p=0.006) compared to non-remission group. Percentage of patients showing decrease in RF titer was significantly higher in the remission group compared to the non-remission group (p=0.049). However, seronegative conversion of RF was not related to remission status (15.6 vs. 14.8%). In the non-remission group, pain was the most persistently non-satisfying clinical variable of the ACR preliminary criteria. Conclusion: Patients at early stage of disease achieved clinical remission in higher rate. Changes of RF titer was affected by clinical remission status.

      • 주거 안전 취약 계층의 주택 개선 필요 사항 및 수리 지원 사업의 수요에 관한 연구

        이유현(Lee, You-Hyun),김석경(Kim, Suk-Kyung),박진슬(Park, Jin-Seul),장유진(Jang, Yu-Jin),임하라(Yim, Ha-rah),최재(Choi, Jae-Hyeon),정지민(Jeong, Ji-Min),정종대(Jung, Jong-Dae),이은주(Lee, Eun-Joo) 한국주거학회 2023 한국주거학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.35 No.2

        To improve the poor living conditions of semi-basement dwellings, Seoul has been offering various house repairing support programs. The purpose of this study is to explore the direction of repairing support projects for vulnerable housing groups. In-depth interviews were conducted with 186 semi-basement residents from July 24, 2023, to October 3, 2023. The study was carried out through a content analysis. Major findings were: 1) The number of respondents who have experienced flooding is 38.17%, of which the majority of respondents have experienced flooding until recently. 2) The problems caused by outdated semi-basement living units were ranked in the order of plumbing, interior finishing, and water leakage, with 18% of residents responding that ‘humidity’ was the most discomforting issue. The majority of respondents had no experience in applying for or utilizing the support programs or had negative perceptions for the programs, and they indicated that official programs for protecting tenants are strongly needed.

      • KCI등재

        기후변화 시대 수요기반 수소에너지 융합교육과정 개발연구 : 충청 지역대학 수소에너지 마이크로디그리 사례에 대한 CIPP 모형의 적용

        이유현(Lee, You-hyun),이용택(Lee, Yongtaek) 에너지기후변화교육학회 2021 에너지기후변화교육 Vol.11 No.1

        수소에너지 마이크로디그리 교육과정은 시대적 조류인 4차 산업혁명과 기후변화 문제에 적극적으로 대학이 선제적으로 대응하고, 시대가 요청하는 인재를 양성한다는 점에서 매우 시의적절한 교육과정이다. 그러나 교육과정의 필요성과는 별개로, 가장 중요한 것은 교육과정의 실제 교육목표나 수단, 내용, 성과 등이 실제 학생들이 원하는 방향으로 설계되어야 한다는 점이다. 본 연구에서는 학생수요 기반 교육과정을 개발하기 위해 Stuffelbeam이 개발한 의사결정 평가모형인 CIPP모형을 활용하여 학생들을 대상으로 단계별 평가 설문을 진행하였다. 설문조사 결과를 바탕으로 수소에너지 마이크로디그리 교육과정에 대한 설계안을 교육목표, 교육내용, 교육수단, 교육성과, 중점사항의 5가지로 구분하여 제시하였다. 본 연구는 수소에너지 마이크로디그리 교육과정을 개발하는 단계에서부터 학생들의 수요를 적극적으로 반영하고, 정보에 기반한 교육과정 개발의 중요성을 환기하였다는 점에 의의가 있다. The hydrogen energy micro-degree is a timely curriculum in that universities proactively respond to the 4th industrial revolution and climate change issues. However, the curriculum must be designed align with the student’s need. We conducted a step-by-step evaluation using the CIPP model developed by Stuffelbeam. Based on the results of the survey, the proposal for the hydrogen energy microdegree curriculum was presented in five categories: educational objectives, educational content, educational instrument educational outcomes, and important issues. This study has novelty in reflecting the demands of students and evokes the importance of developing information-based curriculum.

      • KCI등재

        다층 FCAW가 적용된 SS400 맞대기 용접이음부의 기계적 특성 파악을 위한 열탄소성 변형 수치해석

        이유신 ( You-shin Lee ),황세윤 ( Se-yun Hwang ),선치웅 ( Chi-woong Seon ),이장 ( Jang-hyun Lee ) 조선대학교 공학기술연구원 2017 공학기술논문지 Vol.10 No.1

        This paper presents a numerical procedure to investigate the mechanical strength of SS400 structure joined by multi-pass FCAW. Therefore, an efficient three-dimensional welding simulation model was suggested to predict a mechanical properties of welded structure and investigate its welding deformation, when the multi-layer FCAW method was applied to the butt jointed SS400 panel. This model also is presented in order to get the profile of residual deformation and stress. To define heat source model of FCAW, the welded SS400 specimen with 2-pass FCAW was observed and the heat affected zone was measured. Throughout the consideration of results by the suggested computational simulation, the efficient welding simulation and mechanical characteristics of the specimen are discussed.

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